ERM References for Practitioners

The ERM field is expanding rapidly and there are new resources for risk management practitioners and others that are becoming available all the time. The references in this list are of publications since 2005 or more seminal books that the authors of this text felt might be important to ERM practitioners. They do not represent a complete list of references for ERM but will provide the ERM practitioner with ideas on some of the more recent developments in ERM. Risk associations in many countries now have sections and material devoted to ERM that should be regularly consulted. The insurance and risk management trade press continues to publish articles on ERM developments. Brokers, insurers, consultants, and other service providers continue to develop and post white papers for customers, members, clients, and interested practitioners. Online book vendors can often be searched for new texts on ERM on a regular basis. Many regulators, standards organizations, and ratings organizations have developed criteria, legislation, and other standards associated with ERM that apply to specific industries or more broadly and should be regularly consulted as they apply to the scope of any organization's geographical or operational footprint.

  1. Albouy, F.X. (2002) Le temps des catastrophes. Paris: Descartes & Compagnie.
  2. Apgar, D. (2006) Risk Intelligent: Learning to manage what we don't know. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press.
  3. Auerswald, P.E., Branscomb, L.M., La Porte, T.M., and Michel-Kerjan, E. O. (Eds) (2006) Seeds of Disaster, Roots of Response – How private action can reduce public vulnerability. New York: Cambridge Press.
  4. Barrett, D.A., Lentz, D.G., and Torpey, D.T. (2004) The Business Interruption Book. Erlanger KY-USA: The National Underwriter Company.
  5. Benard, A. and Fontan, A-L. (1994) La gestion des risques dans l'entreprise. Paris: Eyrolles.
  6. Berndt, A. and Anurag, G. (2009) Moral hazard and adverse selection in the originate-to-distribute model of bank credit. Journal of Monetary Economics, 56, pp. 725–743.
  7. Bernstein, P.L. (1996) Against the Gods. The remarkable story of risk. New York: John Wiley & Sons.
  8. Bland, D.E. (2000) Treasury risk. London: Witherby & Co.
  9. Boisselier, J. (1979) Prévention des risques industriels. Paris: édition Organisation de l'entreprise.
  10. Boultwood, B. (2012) Risk in boardroom; GARPS RISK NEWS and resource newsletter, December 2012.
  11. Bradshaw, W.A. (1998) Learning about risk. Choices, connections and competencies. Toronto: The Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants.
  12. Briggs, R. Companies: Tackling the risk of kidnapping. Guild of Security Controllers Newsletter. Spring edition.
  13. Brodeur, J.P. (2006) Air transport and risk management. Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice, 48(3).
  14. Business Insurance White Papers (new ones appear regularly). There is a charge for these white papers whether a member or not:
  15. Cendrowski, H. and Mair William, G. (2009) Enterprise Risk Management & COSO. New York: John Wiley & Sons.
  16. Chapman, C. and Ward, S. (2003) Project Risk Management. 2nd edn. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons.
  17. Chapman, R.J. (2011) Simple tools and techniques for Enterprise Risk Management. 2nd edn. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons.
  18. Charbonnier, J. (1983) La pratique du risk management. L'Argus de l'assurance.
  19. Charbonnier, J. (1985) Le risk management européen, L'Argus de l'assurance.
  20. Chevalier, A. and Hirsh, G. (1982) Le risk management. Paris: Entreprise Moderne.
  21. Condamin, L., Louisot, J-P. and Naïm, P. (2006) Risk Quantification. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons.
  22. Donaldson, T. and Dunfee, T.W. (1999) Ties that bind (a social contracts approach to business ethics). Boston: Harvard Business School Press.
  23. Douglas, K.Y., de Kempenner, M. and Vandenborre, S. Systemic approach in real time. Athena, n°54
  24. Drucker, P.F. (1995) Managing in a time of great change. New York: Truman Talley Books/Dutton.
  25. Duckert, G.H. (2011) Practical Enterprise Risk Management: A business process approach. New York: John Wiley & Sons.
  26. Dupuy, J-P. (2002) Pour un catastrophisme éclairé. Quand l'impossible est certain. Paris: éditions du Seuil, 2002, Coll. La couleur des Idées.
  27. Elliott, M. (2000) ARM 56. Risk Financing, Malvern, PA: Insurance Institute of America.
  28. Elliott, M. (2000) Risk Financing. 1st edn. Malvern, PA,: Insurance Institute of America.
  29. Elms, D. (1998) Owning the future. Integrated risk management in practice. Christchurch, New Zealand: Center for Advanced Engineering – University of Canterbury Christchurch.
  30. Evans, D. (2012) Risk Intelligence. New York: Simon & Schuster.
  31. Fournier, A., Guitton, C., Kervern, G-Y. and Monroy, M. (1997) Le risque psychologique majeur. Paris: Éditions ESKA (1997).
  32. Fraser, J. and Simkins, B. (2011) Enterprise Risk Management: Today's Leading Research and Best Practices for Tomorrow's Executives. (Kolb Series) New York: John Wiley & Sons.
  33. Gaultier-Gaillard, S. and Louisot, J-P. (2004) Diagnostic des risques. Paris: AFNOR.
  34. Glynn, D. (2005) BI Cover issues – Business Interruption. Reading, UK: Cunningham Lindsey.
  35. Gray, J. (2002) Mars and Venus in the workplace. New York: Harper Business.
  36. Guide des assurances du maire, Paris, France: Association des Maires de France.
  37. Guilhou, X. and Lagadec, P. (2002) La fin du risque zéro. Paris: Eyrolles Éditeur, Coll. Tendances.
  38. Guinier, D. (1995) Catastrophe et management (informatique). Paris: Masson.
  39. Hampton, J.H. (2009) Fundamentals of Enterprise Risk Management. New York: AMACOM.
  40. Harrington, S.E. and Niehaus, G.R. (1999) Risk management and insurance. 8th edn. New York: Irwin & McGraw-Hill.
  41. Head, G. (1995) Essential of risk control. 3rd edn. Malvern, PA: Insurance Institute of America.
  42. Head, G. and Horn II, S. (1997) Essentials of risk management. 3rd edn. Malvern, PA: Insurance Institute of America.
  43. d'Herbemont, O. and Bruno, C. (1996) La stratégie du projet latéral, Paris: Dunod.
  44. Hoffman, D.G. (2002) Managing Operational Risk: 20 firm-wide best practice strategies. New York: John Wiley & Sons.
  45. Hong, H. and Marcin, K. (2009) The price of sin: The effect of social norms on markets. Journal of Financial Economics, 93, pp. 15–36.
  46. Jorissen, R.E. and Stallen, P.J.M. (eds) (1998) Quantified societal risk and policy making. Australia: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
  47. Jutte, B. (2013) 10 Golden rules of project risk management. Project smart.
  48. Kaplan, R. and Amette, M. (2012) Managing risk: A new framework. The Magazine, June 2012.
  49. Katz, D. and McIntosh, L. (Wachtell Lipton, Rosen & Katz) (2009) Boards play a leading role in risk management oversight. New York Journal, Thursday 8th October 2009 at 9:02 am.
  50. Kauf, E. (1986) Évolution de la gestion des risques. Paris: Réalisations éditoriales pédagogiques.
  51. Kauf, E. (1982) Guide du risk management. Paris: Diffusion CCL.
  52. Kauf, E. (1978) La maîtrise des risques. Paris: Éditions Sécuritas.
  53. Kervern, G-Y. (1995) Éléments fondamentaux des cindynique. Économica.
  54. Kervern, G-Y. (1993) La Culture réseau (éthique et écologie de l'entreprise). Paris: Éditions ESKA.
  55. Kervern, G-Y. (1994) Latest advances in cindynics. Économica.
  56. Kervern, G-Y. and Boulenger, P. (2007) Cindyniques – Concepts et Mode d'emploi. Économica.
  57. Kervern, G-Y. and Rubise, P. (1991) L'archipel du danger. Introduction aux cindyniques. Économica.
  58. Klewes, J. and Wreschniok, R. (Eds.) (2009) Reputation Capital. Germany: Springer PLEON.
  59. Kloman, F. (2008) The Fantods of Risk – Essays on Risk Management, Lyme, CT: Seawrack Press.
  60. Kumor, A. (2009) Who gambles in the stock market. The Journal of Finance, August 2009, 6:4, pp. 1889–1933.
  61. La gestion de crise, Cahiers de la sécurité intérieure, La documentation française, 1991, n° 6.
  62. La gestion de crise, La Revue Risques, 1992, n° 9, pp. 85–90.
  63. La PME face aux risques, Travaux et recherches de l'IAE de Toulouse, 1985, n° 33.
  64. Laeuen, L. and Levine, R. (2009) Bank governance, regulations and risk taking. Journal of Financial Economics, 93, pp. 259–275.
  65. Lagadec, P. (1988) États d'urgence. Défaillances technologiques et déstabilisation sociale. Paris: Le seuil, coll. « science ouverte ».
  66. Lagadec, P. (1981) La civilisation du risque. Catastrophes technologiques et responsabilisé sociale. Paris: Le Seuil, coll. « science ouverte ».
  67. Lagadec, P. (1991) La gestion des crises. Outils de réflexion à l'usage des décideurs, Paris: McGraw-Hill.
  68. Lagadec, P. (1981) Le risque technologique majeur. Politique, risque et processus de développement. Paris: Pergamon Press, coll. “Futuribles”.
  69. Lagadec, P. (2000) Ruptures créatrices, Paris: Éditions d'Organisation, coll. Tendances.
  70. Lamand, G. (1993) La maîtrise des risques dans les contrats de vente, Paris: AFNOR.
  71. Lamere, J-M. and Torly, J. et al. (CLUSIF) (1989) Comment gérer les risques de l'entreprise. Méthode AROME. Paris: Dunod Entreprises – Bordas.
  72. Lange, S.K., Davis, J.K. and Jaye, D. et al. (2000) E-risk: liabilities in a wired world. Cincinnati: The National Underwriter Company.
  73. Larkin, J. (2003) Strategic Reputation Risk Management. New York: Palgrave MacMillan.
  74. Les accidents technologiques, Paris (France): CNPP & AFNOR, 1988.
  75. Linck, J.S., Metter, J.M. and Young, T. (2009) The effects and unintended consequences of the Sarbanes –Oxley Act of the supply and demand for directors. The Review of Financial Studies. 22:8, pp. 3287–3328.
  76. Lookman, A.A. (2009) Bank borrowing and corporate risk management. Journal of Financial Intermediation, 18, pp. 632–649.
  77. Louisot, J-P. Trois études de Jean-Paul Louisot: Managing reputational risk – A cindynic approach; Managing reputational risk – Case studies; Managing reputational risk – From theory to practice, pp. 115–178.
  78. Louisot, J-P. (2005) 100 questions pour comprendre la gestion des risques. – Paris: Collection 100 questions, AFNOR.
  79. Louisot, J-P. and Ketcham, C. (Eds) (2009) Enterprise-wide Risk Management: Developing and Implementing. Malvern: The Institutes.
  80. Lynch, G.S. (2009) Single Point of Failure – The Essential Laws of Supply Chain Risk Management. New York: John Wiley & Sons.
  81. Maîtrise des risques. Prévention et principe de précaution, Actes du Colloque du 6 novembre 2001, INRS, 2002.
  82. Maquet, Y. (1978) Le contrôle économique des accidents dans l'entreprise. Bruxelles: Bruylant.
  83. Maquet, Y. (1991) Des primes d'assurance au financement des risques. Bruxelles: Bruylant.
  84. Maquet, Y (1994) Le risk management des PME. Bruxelles: Bruylant.
  85. Marchelli, A.M. (2012) Enterprise Risk Management best practices. New York: John Wiley & Sons.
  86. Marmuse, C. and Montaigne, X. (1989) Management du risque. Paris: Vuibert.
  87. Merna, T. and Al Thani, F.F. (2008) Corporate Risk Management. 2nd edn. Chichester. John Wiley & Sons.
  88. Midol, A. (1988) Crises agressions conflits. Paris: CNPP & AFNOR.
  89. Moeller, R.M. (2007) Coso Enterprise Risk Management. 2nd edn. New York: John Wiley & Sons.
  90. Monahan, G. (2008) Enterprise Risk Management: a methodology for achieving strategic goals, New York: John Wiley & Sons.
  91. Monroy, M. (2000) La Violence de l'excellence (Pressions et contraintes en entreprise), Hommes & Perspectives. France: Martin Média.
  92. Morel, C. (2002) Les décisions absurdes (sociologie des erreurs radicales et persistantes). Paris: Gallimard.
  93. Morel, C. (2012) Les Décisions Absurdes Tome 2: comment les éviter. Paris: Gallimard.
  94. Neuhauser, P.C. (1988) Tribal Warfare in Organizations. New York: Harper Business.
  95. OCEG, red book – GRC capability Model, Version 2.1, New York (USA), 2012.
  96. Patton, A.J (2009) Are market neutral hedge funds really market neutral? Review of Financial Studies, 22:7, pp. 2495–2536.
  97. Quels avenirs pour nos villes? Dossier du bulletin d'information des cadres, 1996, n° 32.
  98. Rayner, J. (2003) Managing Reputational Risk: leveraging opportunities, curbing threats. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons.
  99. Reuvid, J. (Ed.) (2007) Managing Business Risk – a practical guide to protecting your business. 3rd Edn. London (UK) and Philadelphia (USA): Kogan Page.
  100. Risques et assurances des PME/PMI, Paris: Dunod & L'Argus, 1990.
  101. Sanjeev, B., Hribar, P., Picconi, M. and Mclnnis, J. (2009) Making sense of cents: an examination of firms that marginally miss or beat analyst forecast. The Journal of Finance, October 2009, 64:5, pp. 2361–2388.
  102. Schwartz, P. and Gibb, B. (1999) When good companies do bad things. New York: John Wiley & Sons.
  103. Segal, S. (2011) Corporate Value of Enterprise Risk Management. New York: John Wiley & Sons.
  104. Shiller, R.J. (2003) The New Financial Order (Risk in the 21st Century). Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
  105. Shimell, P. (2002) The universe of risk. How top business leaders control risk and achieve success. Harlow (UK): Pearson Education.
  106. Steinberg, R.M. (2011) Governance, Risk Management & Compliance. New York: John Wiley & Sons.
  107. Stephenson, C. (2010) The role of leadership in managing risk. Ivey Business Journal, December 2010.
  108. Taleb, N.N. (2007) The Black Swan. New York: Random House.
  109. Tixier, Maud et al. (1991) La communication de crise. Enjeux et stratégies, Paris: McGraw-Hill.
  110. Trieschmann, J.S. and Gustavson, S.G. (1998) Risk management and insurance. 10th edn. Mason, OH: South-Western College Publishing.
  111. Widmer, L. (2012) Risk management makeover. Risk Management, Article pp. 19–24, April 2012, RIMS.
  112. Widner, L. (2012) The supply chain balancing act. Risk Management, Article pp. 37–44, April 2012, RIMS.
  113. Williams, A.C., Smith, M.L. and Young, P.C. (1998) Risk management and insurance. 8th edn. New York: Irwin & McGraw Hill.
  114. Wybo, Jean-Luc et al. (1998) Introduction aux cindyniques. Paris: ESKA.
  115. Yazdanah, M., Zamani, G., Stiglerr, S.H., Monfarred, N. and Yaghoubi, J. (2013) Measuring satisfaction of crop insurance a modified American customer satisfaction model approach applied to Iranian farmers. International Journal of Disaster Reduction, 24th April 2013.
  116. Young, P.C. and Fone, M. (2001) Public Sector Risk Management. Oxford: Butterworth Heinemann.
  117. Young, P.C. and Tippins, S.C. (2001) Managing business risk. An organization-wide approach to risk management. New York: Amacom.
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