

  • “3 Cs” rule


  • Abilene paradox
  • Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs)
  • action plans
  • adjustments
  • administration costs
  • adolescent violence
  • Affordable Healthcare Act, US 2010
  • analytics systems
  • anchoring
  • appetite for risk
  • articles
  • assessment see risk assessment
  • asymmetric information
  • availability heuristics
  • axiological dimension, Cindynics


  • Baron, Franck
  • Basel II
  • Bayesian networks
  • Bayesian probability
  • BCP see business continuity planning
  • behavior, unethical
  • behavioral bias
  • behavioral decision making
    • see also decision making
    • available information
    • communication difficulties
    • context of decision
    • factors to watch
    • groupthink
    • inertia
  • BIA see business impact analysis
  • Big Dots key strategies, MH
  • biomedical research see Wellcome Trust
  • BISs see business information systems
  • board members
  • bounded rationality
  • business continuity planning (BCP)
  • business ethics
    • benefits
    • CSR
    • definitions
    • dilemma resolution
    • ethical culture
    • ethical relativism
    • form not substance
    • four steps model
    • incentives
    • list of issues
    • opportunities/risks
    • pressures
    • rationalized thinking
    • risk management
    • unethical behavior
  • business impact analysis (BIA)
  • business information systems (BISs)
  • business intelligence


  • CAG see Claims Authority Group
  • California, University of
  • case studies
    • China
    • in-house risk management
    • interview questions
    • Memorial Hermann
    • OPAC du Rhône
    • protocols
    • risk manager job description
    • scope of projects
    • University of California
    • US health insurer
    • Wellcome Trust
  • cause and effect thinking
  • central enterprises, China
  • Challenger space shuttle disaster
  • chief risk officer (CRO)
  • China
    • central enterprises
    • current developments
    • enterprise sectors
    • ERM guidelines
    • implementation benchmark
    • implementation examples
    • large company implementation
    • lessons learned
    • market background
    • questions for students/practitioners
    • regulatory documentation
    • risk management
  • Cindynics
    • basic concepts
    • changing situations
    • Cindynic potential
    • dysfunctions
    • examples
    • exposures confronting organizations
    • general principles/axioms
    • GRC
    • hyperspace of danger
    • perspectives
  • Claims Authority Group (CAG), MH
  • closed questions
  • coaching
  • cognitive dissonance
  • cognitive processes
    • anomalies
    • asymmetric information
    • bias
    • bounded rationality
    • cause and effect thinking
    • group decision making
    • heuristics
    • prediction momentum
    • risk appetite
    • risk perception
  • cognitive shortcuts
  • communication
    • behavioral decision making
    • crisis
    • RMISs
    • SRP phase
  • communication on risk
    • approaching stakeholders
    • benefits
    • conditions/objectives
    • efficient communication
    • major stakeholders
    • risk mitigation
    • stakeholder groups
  • competition
  • complexity
  • compliance, GRC
  • Connelly, Richard
  • constraint
  • consultation
  • contexts
  • control of risk
  • corporate reputation
  • corporate social responsibility (CSR)
  • cost-benefit analysis
  • cost of risk
  • credibility
  • Crickette, Grace
  • crisis communication
    • credibility
    • cultural caricatures
    • disturbance management
    • transparency
  • crisis management
    • see also disturbance management
  • critical risks
    • MH
    • UC
  • CRO see chief risk officer
  • CSR see corporate social responsibility
  • cultural aspects
    • business ethics
    • Chinese risk culture
    • crisis communication
    • GRC
  • Cynefin framework


  • data analysis
  • data management
  • data problems, UC
  • Davidge, Fiona
  • decision making
  • decision regret
  • deontological dimension, Cindynics
  • descriptive statistics
  • dilemma resolution
  • disruption management
    • see also disturbance management
  • dissonances
    • Cindynics
    • cognitive
  • disturbance management
    • see also disruption management
    • BCP
    • Cynefin framework
    • SRP


  • econometric analysis
  • efficiency
  • electronic records
  • emergency funds
  • emergency stage, BCP
  • employment, physicians
  • endowment effect
  • enterprise risk analytics (ERA) systems
    • benefits at all levels
    • case review issues
    • information orchestration
    • key risk management areas
    • making case for ERA to board
    • risk analysis metrics dashboard
    • risk management action plan
  • enterprise risk management (ERM)
    • see also case studies; risk management…
    • business ethics
    • group decision making
    • integration of risks
    • managing data
    • questionnaires
    • reputational risk
  • Enterprise Risk Management Guidelines for Central Enterprises (China)
    • general provisions
    • risk assessment
    • risk culture
    • risk management
    • context of
    • information systems
    • monitoring/improvement
    • organizational structure
    • solutions
    • risk strategy
    • supplementary provisions
  • Enterprise Risk Management Guidelines for SC SOEs (China)
  • environmental “free” resources
  • epistemic dimension, Cindynics
  • ERA see enterprise risk analytics systems
  • ERM see enterprise risk management
  • ERM Council, MH
  • ERM information system (ERMIS) initiative, UC
  • ESG see ethics, sustainable development and governance
  • ethical culture
  • ethical relativism
  • ethics
    • see also business ethics
    • crisis communication
    • GRC
    • reputation
  • ethics, sustainable development and governance (ESG)
  • events
  • exposure
    • Cindynics
    • damages
    • definitions
    • diagnostics
    • identifying factors
    • risk quantification
  • exposure diagnostics
    • see also risk assessment
    • BIA
    • conduct of
    • cost of risk
    • evaluating risks
    • “free” resources
    • hazards
    • information systems
    • opportunities/threats
    • partner resource risks
    • perils
    • resilience
    • risk centers
    • risk management objectives
    • risk maps/matrices
    • space of exposure
    • threats/opportunities
    • VoR
  • external contexts


  • family systematic therapy
  • feasibility studies
  • feedback
  • financial risks
  • financial strategy
  • financing of risk
  • “free” resources


  • G20 agreement, Washington 2011
  • Gaultier-Gaillard, Sophie
  • Gaus, Daniel A.
  • governance
    • ESG
    • good governance
    • GRC
    • risk governance
    • risk management
  • governance-risk-compliance (GRC)
    • ethics
    • G20 agreement
    • governance frameworks
    • governance and risk
    • GRC triangle
    • impact of culture
    • integrated approach
  • grant programs, UC
  • GRC see governance-risk-compliance
  • group decision making
    • behavioral decision making
    • cognitive processes
    • dealing with decisions
    • encouraging new thinking
    • ERM
    • fundamentals
    • human thinking
    • information processing
    • risks of
  • groupthink


  • habit changes
  • hazards
    • see also Cindynics
    • classification
    • consequences
    • crisis communication
    • endogenous/exogenous origins
    • healthcare risks
    • nature of
  • healthcare industry
    • ACOs
    • complexity
    • electronic records
    • enterprise risks
    • industry consolidation
    • insurance
    • major risk drivers
    • medical technology companies
    • Memorial Hermann
    • physician employment
    • privacy considerations
    • provider reimbursement
    • reform
    • US
  • health insurer case study
    • Affordable Healthcare Act
    • centrally organized ERM
    • department structure
    • initiative today
    • large insurers
    • mission statement
    • need for ERM
    • process of ERM
    • program components
    • program goals
    • program timeline
    • questions for students/practitioners
    • reporting structure
    • risk assessment
    • risk coaching
    • Risk Evaluation Tool
    • risk impact
    • risk index
    • risk likelihood
    • risk owners
    • roles/responsibilities
    • success measurement
    • surprises
    • sustaining ERM
    • US
  • Health Maintenance Organization (HMO)
  • heuristics
  • higher education see University of California
  • HMO see Health Maintenance Organization
  • housing, OPAC du Rhône
  • human thinking see thinking
  • hyperspace of danger


  • incentives
  • inertia
  • inferential statistics
  • information
    • asymmetric
    • contexts of decision making
    • processing
    • UC ERMIS initiative
  • information systems
    • BISs
    • Chinese ERM guidelines
    • ERA systems
    • RMISs
  • information technology (IT)
  • in-house risk management
  • insurable risk
  • insurance
    • see also health insurer case study
    • health insurance
    • purchasing
  • intelligence, business
  • internal contexts
  • interviews
    • case study questions
    • questionnaires
    • risk owners
  • involuntary human perils
  • IT see information technology


  • Kahneman, Daniel
  • Kervern, Georges-Yves
  • Ketcham, Christopher
  • key performance indicators (KPIs), UC
  • Knight, Kevin
  • KPIs see key performance indicators


  • Long-Term Sustainability Strategic Planning
  • loss control costs
  • Lu, Duojia (Doug)


  • Managed Care Organizations (MCOs)
  • management efficiency
  • managers see risk managers
  • Mandel, Christopher
  • maps, risk
  • March, James
  • matrices, risk
  • MCOs see Managed Care Organizations
  • medical technology companies
  • Medicare health insurance program
  • Memorial Hermann (MH)
    • Big Dots key strategies
    • brand compass
    • CAG
    • critical risks
    • ERM Council
    • in-house risk management
    • narrative risk description
    • questions for students/practitioners
    • recommendations
    • risk management journey
    • tangible results
    • three-step process
    • uninsured patient project
  • mental accounting
  • MH see Memorial Hermann
  • mission statements
  • mitigation of risk
  • monitoring
    • Chinese ERM guidelines
    • reputational risk
    • results
    • risk management
  • Moody, Michael
  • mortgage crisis


  • narrative risk description
  • non-probabilistic peril
  • normal distribution curves
  • nuclear industry


  • Office of Risk Services, UC
  • olive tree project, UC
  • OPAC du Rhône
    • competition
    • ERM final process
    • main activities
    • need for ERM identified
    • questions for students/practitioners
    • risk mapping process
    • social license to operate
    • stakeholders
    • turnover
    • vision
  • open questions
  • operational risks
  • opportunities
    • business ethics
    • exposure diagnostics
    • health insurer case study
    • reputational risk
    • and/or threats
    • UC
    • unethical behavior
  • Orange Book, UK risk management
  • organizational structure


  • partner resource risks
  • perception of risk
  • performance
  • perils
    • classification
    • consequences
    • crisis communication
    • endogenous/exogenous origins
    • involuntary/voluntary human
    • nature of
  • Perrier sparkling water
  • physicians
  • plans/planning
    • BCP
    • Long-Term Sustainability Strategic Planning
    • SRP
  • population health management
  • Porter, Michael
  • PPO see Preferred Provider Organization
  • prediction momentum
  • Preferred Provider Organization (PPO)
  • pressures
  • privacy considerations
  • probabilistic peril
  • probability, Bayesian
  • program optimization
  • prospect theory


  • QBRM see quartile-based risk measures
  • qualitative data
  • quantification of risk
  • quantitative data
  • quartile-based risk measures (QBRM)
  • questionnaires
    • administration stage
    • analysis stage
    • conception stage
    • construction stage
    • context of study
    • corporate reputation example
    • efficient and neutral
    • ERM programs
    • initial thought
    • managing questions
    • methods used
  • questions
    • case study interviews
    • open/closed
    • questionnaires
    • for students/practitioners


  • rate of return, definition
  • rationality, bounded
  • rationalized thinking
  • Rayner, Jenny
  • reasonable assurance
  • records, electronic
  • redeployment, SRP
  • regulatory documentation, China
  • Reimer, Renee
  • relativism, ethical
  • religious sects
  • reporting
  • representativeness heuristics
  • reputation
    • business ethics
    • corporate reputation
    • crisis communication
    • equation
  • reputational risk
    • definition of reputation
    • ERM program
    • evaluating/prioritizing
    • impacts on reputation
    • key sources
    • model proposal
    • monitoring risk
    • opportunities/threats
    • overcoming barriers
    • reporting
    • reputational drivers
    • reputation equation
    • resilience
    • responses to risk
    • risk management
    • roles/responsibilities
    • sustaining reputation
    • threats/opportunities
    • value of reputation
  • resilience
  • resources at risk
  • restart stage, BCP
  • results monitoring
  • retention risk financing cost
  • reviewing risk management
  • revisions
  • risk
    • see also individual types
    • causal structure of
    • definitions
    • GRC
    • group decision making
    • UC critical strategic risk
    • unethical behavior
  • risk analysis metrics dashboard
  • risk appetite
  • risk assessment
    • see also exposure diagnostics
    • Chinese ERM guidelines
    • Cindynics
    • ERA systems
    • ERM program data
    • healthcare industry
    • health insurer case study
    • risk quantification
  • risk centers
  • risk coaching
  • risk control
  • risk culture
  • Risk Evaluation Tool
  • risk financing
  • risk governance
  • risk impact
  • risk index
  • risk likelihood
  • risk management
    • see also enterprise risk management…
    • action plan
    • business ethics
    • China
    • constraint
    • corporate objectives
    • cost of risk
    • enabling strategy
    • ESG
    • exposure diagnostics
    • fundamentals
    • future aspects
    • good governance
    • GRC
    • in-house
    • keys to success
    • Memorial Hermann
    • modern
    • new paradigm
    • objectives
    • origins
    • post/pre-event objectives
    • process
    • reputational risk
    • risk quantification
    • RMISs
    • SSP
    • strategy
    • techniques
    • value chains
  • risk management information systems (RMISs)
  • Risk Management Leadership Council, UC
  • risk management process
  • risk management techniques
    • disturbance management
    • implementation
    • reputational risk
    • selection
  • risk managers
    • CROs
    • job description
    • questions for students/practitioners
    • recommendations
  • risk maps/mapping
  • risk matrices
  • risk mitigation
  • risk owners
  • risk perception
  • risk quantification
    • awareness of exposures
    • causal structure of risk
    • motivations for
    • need for
    • risk control
    • risk financing
  • risk strategy
  • Risk Summit, UC
  • risk treatment
  • risk velocity
  • RMISs see risk management information systems
  • Roddick, Anita
  • Ronez, Marc
  • routine changes
  • Russo, Edward J.


  • SASAC see State Asset Supervision and Administration Commission
  • “satisficing”
  • schemata, cognitive processes
  • SC SASAC see State Council SASAC
  • SC SOEs see State Council SOEs
  • sects
  • shortcuts, cognitive
  • SIFIs see systemically important financial institutions
  • significant risk
  • Simon, Herbert
  • simple strategies
  • simplicity
  • Snyder, Robert L.
  • social housing, OPAC du Rhône
  • social responsibility, CSR
  • SOEs see State Owned Enterprises
  • space of exposures
  • SRP see Strategic Redeployment Planning
  • stakeholders
    • see also communication on risk
    • OPAC du Rhône
    • reputational risk
    • value chains
    • Wellcome Trust
  • State Asset Supervision and Administration Commission (SASAC), China
  • State Council SASAC (SC SASAC), China
  • State Council SOEs (SC SOEs), China
  • State Owned Enterprises (SOEs), China
  • statistics, Cindynics
  • Strategic Redeployment Planning (SRP)
  • strategic review phase, SRP
  • strategic risks
    • healthcare industry
    • management
    • UC critical risks
  • strategy
    • Chinese ERM guidelines
    • creating
    • risk management
    • risk strategy
    • simplicity
  • subprime mortgage crisis
  • success measurement
  • sunk cost effect
  • Sustainability Strategic Planning, Long-Term
  • sustainable development, ESG
  • systematic risk
  • systemically important financial institutions (SIFIs)


  • techniques see risk management techniques
  • teological dimension, Cindynics
  • thinking
    • cause and effect
    • group decision making
    • rationalization
  • third party administrators (TPAs)
  • threats
    • exposure diagnostics
    • exposure, meaning of
    • and/or opportunities
    • reputational risk
    • resources at risk
    • risk, meaning of
  • timing of decisions
  • TPAs see third party administrators
  • transfer risk financing costs
  • transparency
  • trust, GRC
  • turnover
  • Tversky, Amos


  • UC see University of California
  • UK see United Kingdom
  • uncertainty
    • Bayesian probability
    • Cindynics
    • opportunities
    • RMISs
    • threats
  • unethical behavior
    • see also business ethics
  • uninsured patient project, MH
  • United Kingdom (UK)
  • United States (US)
  • University of California (UC)
    • accomplishments of ERM
    • challenges
    • critical strategic risks
    • data problems
    • ERMIS initiative
    • ERM tools
    • further research/analysis
    • KPIs
    • mission statements
    • need for ERM
    • Office of Risk Services
    • olive tree project
    • progress of ERM over time
    • questions for students/practitioners
    • recommendations
    • Risk Management Leadership Council
    • Risk Summit
    • upside risks
  • unsystematic risk
  • US see United States


  • value chains
  • velocity of risk (VoR)
  • Viand, Samiha
  • violence, adolescent
  • vision, OPAC du Rhône
  • voluntary human perils
  • VoR see velocity of risk


  • Wellcome Trust
    • benefits of ERM
    • challenges of ERM
    • corporate risk matrix
    • cost-benefit analysis
    • Davidge
    • disruption management
    • ERM program
    • major stakeholders
    • questions for students/practitioners
    • recommendations


  • XBRL Analytics tagging framework
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