Part Two


The second part of Eat, Sleep, Innovate will help you drive culture change that sticks and scales. It is organized around the phases of the innovation journey.1

  • Chapter 5:  Discover opportunities (by being curious and customer-obsessed).
  • Chapter 6:  Blueprint ideas (by being collaborative and customer-obsessed).
  • Chapter 7:  Assess and test ideas (by being adept in ambiguity and empowered).
  • Chapter 8:  Move ideas forward (by being empowered and collaborative).

For each phase, we’ll provide a list of BEANs that include behavior enablers and artifacts and nudges—we call these full BEANs—and three or four partial BEANs that have one or two of those components but not all of them.2

Second, there are BEAN boosters to help maximize the impact of selected BEANs. At the risk of torturing the metaphor, BEAN boosters help innovation flourish, providing “nutrients” in the form of resources, fertilizing the soil by building supportive infrastructure, and ensuring the environment is hospitable to innovation.

Third, each section will have one or two inspirational case studies. Some show leaders role-modeling new behaviors; others show broad change efforts inside organizations; still others show more grassroots innovation in action.

Finally, each phase has a tool that you can use to help with the journey.

  1. 1. Of course, innovation isn’t a paint-by-numbers linear activity. The innovation process is an integrative, iterative process. But we’ve found these four phases are a useful way to separate the different activities that help to drive innovation success.

  2. 2. Probably not surprisingly, there was significant debate about what to call the partial BEANs. Shoots? Seeds? Fragments? Chopped? We’ll take any other great suggestions from readers. If we go paperback, we’ll change it and give you full credit!

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