Prepare Thoroughly Before You Begin

The most creative people in the world set up a work area where they enjoy spending time. Like getting every thing ready to cook a great meal—a big, juicy frog, perhaps—getting your work space in order is one of the best ways to beat procrastination and get more things done faster.


1. For now, take a break from writing in this book. Instead, take a minute to clear off your desk. Set up your work area so that it’s comfortable, attractive, and conducive to working for long periods. Make sure that your chair is comfortable and that it supports your back and lets your feet sit flat on the floor. Go ahead; I’ll wait.

2. Next, put every thing that you need to accomplish your most important task—writing materials, login numbers, access codes, and anything else—in easy reach. Put everything you don’t need to accomplish this task somewhere out of sight.

3. Take five minutes at the end of the day to get your work area set for tomorrow. Resolve to keep your desk and work space completely cleaned, so you feel effective, efficient, and ready to go whenever you sit down to work. If it helps you remember, set a calendar alert or use some other method to build this into your schedule.


When Shane gets home at night, her bedroom is a total mess. There are files from her day job strewn about, and boxes and packaging materials for her chocolate business stacked to the ceiling in one corner, not to mention all of her books and school materials. Shane decided two things: (1) to leave work at work and (2) to leave nothing on her desk at night, except for those items she would use first thing in the morning.

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