Creating a search database

It's always good to have some practical examples with real data sets, and what could be better than real-time social media data? In this section, we will write the code that will fetch tweets from Twitter in real time based on the search keywords provided. There are three dependencies of the code written in this section:

  • tweepy is a Python client for Twitter.
  • elasticsearch is a Python client for Elasticsearch that we have already installed.
  • For Twitter API access token keys, please follow the instructions at this link., to create a sample Twitter application and get all the four keys that are needed to interact with the Twitter API. These four tokens are named: Access Token, Access Token Secret, Consumer Key, and Consumer Secret.

After generating the auth tokens and keys stored it inside with the variable names: consumer_key, consumer_secret, access_token, and access_token_secret. The next step is to install tweepy using this command:

pip install tweepy


If you get any error during the installation of tweepy, the version of pip may need to be upgraded. To upgrade the pip version use the following command: pip install 'pip>1.5' --upgrade.

It's good to do some hands-on while creating mappings. For this, first you need to understand the JSON data of Twitter. You can view a sample on the following URL and accordingly create mappings with the appropriate field types and analyzers:

Once the mapping is created, write the code to start fetching tweets and indexing them in our index with the name twitter, and type tweet:

from tweepy import OAuthHandler
from tweepy import Stream
from tweepy.streaming import StreamListener
from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch
import config
import json

es = Elasticsearch('localhost:9200')

class StdOutListener(StreamListener):
   """A listener handles tweets that are received from the stream.
   This listener dumps the tweets into elasticsearch
   counter = 0
   total_docs_to_be_indexed = 10000
def on_data(self, data):
       print data
       while self.total_docs_to_be_indexed > self.counter:
           tweet = json.loads(data)
           self.counter += 1
           return True
def index_tweet(self, tweet):
       es.index(index='twitter', doc_type='tweets',id=tweet['id_str'], body=tweet)
def on_error(self, status):
       print status

#code execution starts here
if __name__ == '__main__':
   listener = StdOutListener()
   auth = OAuthHandler(config.consumer_key, config.consumer_secret)
   auth.set_access_token(config.access_token, config.access_token_secret)
   stream = Stream(auth, listener)
#set the terms for tracking and fetching tweets from Twitter
   stream.filter(track=['crime', 'blast', 'earthquake', 'riot', 'politics'])
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