Chapter Ten. Shafts

Chapter Objectives

  • Learn how to use the Design panel to draw shafts

  • Learn how to add retaining ring grooves to shafts

  • Learn how to add keyways to shafts

  • Learn how to add O-ring grooves to a shaft

  • Learn how to add pin holes to a shaft

  • Learn how to use the Content Center to add retaining rings, keys, O-rings, and pins to shafts


The tools on the Design panel can be used to draw many different styles of shafts. Figure 10-1 shows a uniform shaft with chamfered ends that was created using the Shaft tool located on the Power Transmission panel under the Design tab. Shafts may also be created by extruding a circle, but the Shaft tool allows features such as keyways and retaining ring grooves to be added to the shaft.

A diagram shows the 3D model of a shaft. This shaft is created using the shaft tool on the power transmission panel under the design tab.

Figure 10-1

Uniform Shafts and Chamfers

Exercise 10-1 Drawing a Uniform Shaft with Chamfered Ends

The shaft is to be Ø1.00 × 4.00 in.

One Create a new drawing using the Standard (in).iam format.

Two Click the Design tab and select the Shaft tool located on the Power Transmission panel.

See Figure 10-2.

The shaft component generator in Inventor 2020 is illustrated in a screenshot.

Figure 10-2

The Shaft Component Generator dialog box will appear. See Figure 10-3.

The shaft component generator dialog box and the shaft is illustrated in a screenshot.

Figure 10-3

The Shaft Component Generator dialog box shows a shaft made of four sections. These sections can be manipulated or deleted as needed, making it easier to create a shaft than if you had to start from scratch.

Exercise 10-2 Deleting a Shaft Section

One Move the cursor onto the Shaft Component Generator dialog box and click the shaft section callout to be deleted.

The section’s heading will be highlighted.

Two Click the X box in the lower right corner of the section’s name.

A check box will appear.

Three Click Yes.

The selected section will be deleted. See Figure 10-3. Repeat the procedure deleting both the Cone and 3 × 3.5 Cylinder sections. Retain the 2 × 4 Cylinder section. See Figure 10-4.

The shaft component generator dialog box and 3D model of a shaft are shown in a screenshot.

Figure 10-4

Exercise 10-3 Defining the Cylinder’s Diameter and Length

One Click the Section Properties box.

The Cylinder dialog box will appear. See Figure 10-5.

The cylinder dialog box, shaft component generator dialog box, and 3D model of the shaft are illustrated in a screenshot.

Figure 10-5

Two Click to the right of the default diameter value.

An arrowhead will appear.

Three Click the arrowhead.

A list of options will appear.

Four Click the Values option. A listing of standard shaft diameter values will cascade down.

See Figure 10-5.


The existing value could be deleted from the cylinder box and new values typed in.

Five Select the appropriate diameter.

In this example, a value of 1 in was selected.

Six Repeat the procedure for the shaft length.

In this example, a length of 3 in was selected.

See Figure 10-6.

The cylinder dialog box, shaft component generator dialog box, and 3D model of the shaft are illustrated in a screenshot.

Figure 10-6

Seven Click the OK button on the Cylinder dialog box. See Figure 10-6.


Do not click the OK button on the Shaft Component Generator dialog box until the cylinder has been completely defined. If you do, Inventor will create a second shaft adding the chamfers. If this happens, delete the incomplete shaft.

Exercise 10-4 Creating Chamfers

One Click the First Edge Feature box.

See Figure 10-7.

A screenshot represents the first edge feature in shaft component generator dialog box. The arrowhead near the first edge feature box is clicked. This opens a shortcut menu. The second option, chamfer is then clicked.

Figure 10-7

Two Select the Chamfer option.

The Chamfer dialog box will appear. See Figure 10-8.

A screenshot illustrates the chamfer dialog box. A new value is to be entered into the distance field. The checkmark at the bottom of the dialog box is to be clicked.

Figure 10-8

Three Enter the chamfer values.

In this example, a value of .200 in × 45° was entered.

Four Click the checkmark.

A preview of the chamfers will appear.

Five Click the Second Edge Feature box and create a chamfer of the same size on the right edge of the shaft.

See Figure 10-9.

The chamfer dialog box is represented in a screenshot.

Figure 10-9


The preview of the shaft that appears on the screen will show the size and location of the chamfers.

Six Click the checkmark.

Seven Click OK.

A preview of the chamfers will appear on the shaft.

The File Naming dialog box will appear.

Eight Click OK.

A grayed picture of the shaft will appear on the screen.

Nine Click the left mouse button.

Figure 10-10 shows the finished shaft.

A figure shows the three dimensional view of a finished shaft. The ends of the shaft are chamfered.

Figure 10-10

Shafts and Retaining Rings

Retaining rings are used to prevent longitudinal movement of shafts. Grooves are cut into the shafts and the rings fitted into the groves. Both internal and external rings are available.

retaining ring

Used to prevent longitudinal movement of a shaft. The ring fits into a groove cut into the shaft.

For this section, grooves will be cut into a Ø20 shaft to match the requirements of an ANSI B 27.7M external retaining ring.

The Content Center is used to determine the required diameter and width of the groove required by the ANSI B 27.7M retaining ring.

One Create a new drawing using the Standard (mm).iam format.

Two Click the Place from Content Center tool.

Three Click the + sign next to the Shaft Parts heading.

Four Click the Circlips option, click the External option, click the ANSI B 27.7M ring, then click OK.

See Figure 10-11. The ANSI B 27.7M dialog box will appear. See Figure 10-12.

The place from content center dialog box is illustrated in a screenshot.

Figure 10-11

A screenshot of the ANSI B 27.7M external circlip dialog box is illustrated.

Figure 10-12

Five Select a shaft diameter of 20.

Six Click the Table View tab.

Seven Scroll across the table until the Groove Diameter and Groove Width values are revealed.

See Figure 10-13. Note that the Groove Diameter value is 18.85 and the Groove Width is 1.2.

The ANSI B 27.7M dialog box is illustrated in a screenshot.

Figure 10-13

Eight Click OK.

A retaining ring will appear on the screen.

Nine Click the mouse to create a second ring, and press the <Esc> key.

Park these rings at the side of the drawing screen for now. They will be added to the shaft once it is created. See Figure 10-14.

A figure shows two rings in the drawing screen. A text reads, locate two rings on the drawing screen.

Figure 10-14

To Create the Shaft

One Click the Design tab, and select the Shaft tool. The Shaft Component Generator dialog box will appear. Create a Ø20 × 40 shaft.

Two Click the Section Features box and select the Add Retaining Ring option.

See Figure 10-15. The selected 20 ANSI B 27.7M retaining ring reference will automatically be selected. See Figure 10-16.

The shaft component generator dialog box, a shaft, and two retaining rings are illustrated in a figure.

Figure 10-15

The shaft component generator dialog box and a shaft are illustrated in a figure.

Figure 10-16

Three Click the Retaining ring 20 ANSI B 27.7Mcallout and click the Feature Properties box.

Four The Retaining Ring Groove dialog box will appear. See Figure 10-17.

The retaining ring groove dialog box is illustrated in a screenshot.

Figure 10-17

Five Set the Positionfor Measure from second edge and the X value to 3.000.

A preview of the groove will appear. The 3.000 value was selected to locate the ring 3.000 mm from the end of the shaft.

Six Click OK.

Seven Click the Feature Properties box for the retaining ring.

See Figure 10-18.

A screenshot illustrates the shaft component generator dialog box. The sections pane lists the cylinder 20 cross 40. The plus sign is selected to show an option, retaining ring 20 ANSI B 27.7M. The feature properties box is clicked.

Figure 10-18

The Retaining Ring Groove dialog box will appear. See Figure 10-19.

A screenshot illustrates the change of distance value in the retaining ring groove dialog box.

Figure 10-19

Eight Click the Feature Properties box and set the Position for Measure from second edge and the X value to 3.000.

A preview of the groove will appear. The 3.000 value was selected to locate the ring 3.000 mm from the end of the shaft.

Nine Click OK.

The File Naming dialog box will appear.

10 Click OK.

The newly created shaft will appear with the previously drawn retaining rings. See Figure 10-20.

A diagram shows a shaft and two retaining rings. The two ends of the shaft are cut to form retaining ring grooves.

Figure 10-20

The first retaining ring created will be grounded, as indicated by a pushpin next to the ring’s callout in the browser box. Inventor always grounds the first component entered in a new assembly. We wish to remove the grounding from the retaining ring and ground the shaft.

One Access the browser box area and right-click the grounded retaining ring.

See Figure 10-21.

A screenshot shows the browser box. A retaining ring under the assembly view pane is right-clicked. This opens a shortcut menu. A checkmark must not be present at the option, grounded.

Figure 10-21

Two Click the check mark next to the Grounded option.

The pushpin icon will disappear. The ring is no longer grounded.

Three Right-click the shaft callout and click the Grounded option.

The shaft is now grounded. This can be verified by clicking the + sign to the left of the shaft’s callout. There should be a pushpin next to the Shaft:1 callout. See Figure 10-22.

A screenshot shows the browser area box. The shaft: 1 option must be right-clicked. The shaft is grounded. The push pin in shaft:1 indicates that the shaft is grounded.

Figure 10-22

Add the rings to the shaft.

Four Click the Assemble tab and use the Constrain tool to locate the retaining rings on the shaft.

Hint: Use the Insert tool and align the edge of the retaining rings with the edge of the grooves.

Figure 10-23 shows the retaining ring mounted on the shaft.

A figure shows the 3D model of a shaft with retaining rings. The retaining rings are present at either end of the shaft.

Figure 10-23

Shafts and Keys

Keys are used with shafts to transfer rotary motion and torque. Figure 10-24 shows a hub that has been inserted onto a shaft with a square key between the hub and shaft. As the shaft turns, the motion and torque of the shaft will be transferred through the key into the hub.

A figure shows the exploded view and three dimensional view of an assembly. The assembly consists of a hub with a keyway, a square key, and a shaft with a keyway. The parts are labeled out. The assembled view is shown below within a box.

Figure 10-24

There are five general types of keys: Pratt and Whitney, square, rectangular, Woodruff, and Gib. See Figure 10-25.

A diagram shows a number of keys with its names labeled out. The keys shown are, pratt and Whitney, square, rectangular, woodruff, and gib.

Figure 10-25

Square Keys

The following exercise will place a keyway in a Ø30 × 60 shaft. A rectangular DIN 6885 B key will be used. In an actual design situation, the key selected would be based on load shaft speed and shaft size considerations.

Exercise 10-5 Drawing a Keyway on a Shaft

One Start a new drawing using the Standard (mm).iam format.

Two Create a Ø30 × 60 shaft with no end features.

Three Right-click the mouse and click the Place from Content Center option.

See Figure 10-26.

The place from content center dialog box is illustrated in a screenshot.

Figure 10-26

Four Click Shaft Parts, Keys, Keys - Machine, and select the Rectangular option.

The Rectangular key options will be shown. See Figure 10-27.

The place from content center dialog box is illustrated in a screenshot.

Figure 10-27

Five Select the DIN 6885-1B key.

The DIN 6885-1B dialog box will appear. See Figure 10-28.

The DIN 6885-1 B dialog box is represented in a screenshot.

Figure 10-28

Six Select the Shaft Diameter range 22 – 30.

Note that the width × height of the key is listed as 8 × 7, and that the key’s nominal length is 18.

Seven Click the Table View tab and record the specified keyway values.

The required keyway depth is 4, and the keyway groove length is 22. See Figure 10-29.

The DIN 6685-1 B dialog box is represented in a screenshot.

Figure 10-29

Eight Click OK and add a rectangular key to the drawing.

Now, create a Ø30 × 60 shaft.

One Access the Shaft tool from the Design tab.

The previous shaft data will appear on the screen. These data could be erased and a new shaft created, but Inventor allows you to easily modify an existing shaft using dynamic inputs.

Two Delete the retaining ring values and one of the two Ø20 × 40 shafts by clicking the X boxes on the right side of the callouts.

See Figure 10-30. Note the brown filled circles at each end of the cylinder. These are the dynamic inputs for changing the diameter and length of the shaft.

The shaft component generator dialog box, a shaft, and a key are illustrated in a figure.

Figure 10-30


Ensure that no chamfers or end rounds have been included on the regenerated shaft. If they have been, enter a No feature option for both ends of the shaft.

Three Click one of the dynamic arrows on the YZ plane and drag the shaft to a new diameter of 30.

Four Use the dynamic arrows to change the length to 60.

See Figure 10-31.

A figure shows the three dimensional models of a circular shaft and a rectangular key. One of the dynamic arrows on the YZ plane of the shaft is to be clicked and extended to a length of 60.0.

Figure 10-31


The dynamic inputs are preset to specific increments. If you need a shaft size that is not included in the preset list, click the Cylinder box and enter the desired values.

Five Click the Second Edge Features box and select a Plain Keyway Groove option.

See Figure 10-32. A default keyway will be added to the shaft. This keyway will be modified to fit the selected 8 × 7 × 18 rectangular key.

A screenshot shows the shaft component generator dialog box.

Figure 10-32

Six Click the Second Edge Features box again.

The Plain Keyway Groove dialog box will appear. See Figure 10-33.

The plain keyway groove dialog box is represented in a screenshot.

Figure 10-33

Seven Enter the appropriate values.

In this example T = 4.00, L = 25.000, and B = 8.000. The length of the keyway could be any number greater than 18. The angle value is used to position the keyway. In this example, a value of 90° was entered.


A 1 × 45° chamfer will automatically be added unless you enter a 0 value for Z.

Eight Click OK.

The Shaft Component Generator dialog box will appear.

Nine Click OK.

The File Naming dialog box will appear.

10 Click OK.

Figure 10-34 shows the shaft with a keyway and the shaft assembled with the 8 × 7 × 18 key.

A shaft with a keyway and a key placed within the keyway are illustrated in a figure.

Figure 10-34

This section shows how to draw shafts and keyways using the tools on the 2D Sketch Panel and the Part Features panel bar.

Exercise 10-6 Drawing a Keyway Using the Sketch and Extrude Panel Tools

Figure 10-35 shows a Ø30 × 60 shaft drawn by first drawing a Ø30 circle using the Circle tool from the Draw panel under the Sketch tab, and then extruding to a height of 60 using the Extrude tool from the Create panel under the 3D Model tab. Draw a keyway that is 8 wide, 4 deep, and 18 long with end radius equal to 4.

A diagram shows the three dimensional view of a shaft. The shaft is of diameter, 30 and height, 60.

Figure 10-35

One Create a work plane tangent to the edge of the shaft.

Two Create a new sketch plane on the work plane and draw an 8 × 22 rectangle. The 22 value includes the 4 needed to create the radius at the end of the keyway.

See Figure 10-36.

A diagram shows a shaft and a work plane to cut out a keyway in the shaft. The work plane is tangent to the shaft. A rectangle of length, 22 and breadth, 8 is drawn on the work plane.

Figure 10-36

Three Use the Cut option on the Extrude tool to cut out the keyway.

Four Draw an R4 radius at the end of the keyway.

See Figure 10-37. Figure 10-38 shows the finished keyway.

A diagram illustrates the 3D model of a shaft with a keyway. The bottom edge of the keyway within the shaft is filleted to a radius of 4.

Figure 10-37

A diagram shows the 3D model of a shaft with a filleted keyway.

Figure 10-38

Pratt and Whitney Keys

Pratt and Whitney keys are similar to square keys but have rounded ends. See Figure 10-25.

Pratt and Whitney key

A key similar to a square key but with rounded ends.

Exercise 10-7 Drawing a Shaft with a Pratt and Whitney Keyway

One Start a new drawing using the Standard (mm).iam format.

Two Click the Design tab and select the Shaft option.

Three Draw a Ø30 × 65 shaft with 3 × 45° chamfers at each end; click OK.

See Figure 10-39.

The chamfer dialog box is illustrated in a screenshot.

Figure 10-39

Four Select the Add Keyway groove located under the Select Features tool.

See Figure 10-40. A default preview of a keyway will appear.

A screenshot of the shaft component generator dialog box is shown.

Figure 10-40

Five Click the Feature Properties box on the keyway callout line.

The Keyway dialog box will appear. See Figure 10-41.

The process of creating a keyway in a shaft is illustrated in a screenshot.

Figure 10-41

Six Access the Content Center and select an ISO 2491 A key.

See Figure 10-42.

A screenshot of the content center shows several keys of different standards. The key, ISO 2491 A, is selected from the provided options.

Figure 10-42

Seven Return to the Keyway dialog box; click OK.

See Figure 10-43.

A screenshot of the keyway dialog box is shown.

Figure 10-43

The grayed numbers cannot be changed; they were generated when the ISO 2491 A key was selected. The values in black can be changed.

Eight Change the distance value to 18; click OK.

Figure 10-44 shows the finished keyway.

A figure shows a shaft with a keyway. The keyway is obround in shape and is cut on the lateral surface of the shaft.

Figure 10-44

Nine Access the Place from Content Center dialog box and add the key.

See Figure 10-45.

A figure shows a key and a shaft with a keyway. The keyway and the key are obround in shape. The key is, ISO 2491A.

Figure 10-45

10 Use the Constrain tool and place the key into the keyway.

See Figure 10-46.

A diagram shows a key fixed into a shaft with a keyway. The keyway and the key are obround in shape.

Figure 10-46

Figure 10-47 shows the shaft and key mounted into a hub.

A figure shows an assembly, with its parts labeled out. The assembly consists of a hub, a shaft, and a key. The key and keyway are obround in shape.

Figure 10-47

Exercise 10-8 Drawing a Pratt and Whitney Keyway Using the Key Option on the Power Transmission Panel Located under the Design Tab

One Start a new drawing using the Standard (mm).iam format.

Two Access the Shaft tool located on the Power Transmission panel.

Three Draw a Ø30× 65 shaft.

See Figure 10-48.

A figure shows the 3D model of a shaft. The shaft is of diameter 30 and height 65.

Figure 10-48

Four Click the Key tool on the Power Transmission panel under the Design tab.

See Figure 10-49. The Parallel Key Connection Generator box will appear. See Figure 10-50.

A snapshot illustrates the key tool in AutoCAD Inventor 2020. The key tool under the power transmission panel is clicked. A tooltip reads as follows: Key connection, design key joints, and performs their strength check.

Figure 10-49

The parallel key connection generator dialog box is illustrated in a screenshot.

Figure 10-50

Five Access the Content Center by clicking the arrowhead as shown, and select a key.

Six Click the Groove with Rounded Edges box, then click the rounded side of the shaft. After the Groove with Rounded Edges box is clicked, the Reference 1 box will activate automatically, followed by the Reference 2 box.

See Figure 10-51.

A screenshot illustrates the steps in creating a keyway in a shaft.

Figure 10-51

The Planar Face of Work Plane box will automatically be highlighted. A preview of the keyway will appear on the shaft. See Figure 10-52. The arrows on the preview can be used to control the position, length, and orientation of the keyway.

A preview of the keyway to be cut in a shaft is illustrated in a diagram.

Figure 10-52

Seven Edit the keyway as needed, click the Insert Key box, click the Insert Hub Groove box, then click OK.

Figure 10-53 shows the finished keyway.

A figure shows a shaft with an obround shaped keyway cut on its lateral surface.

Figure 10-53

Exercise 10-9 Creating a Plain Groove Keyway at the End of a Shaft

Plain grooves are used with square keys.

One Start a new drawing using the Standard (mm).iam format.

Two Click the Shaft tool located on the Power Transmission panel under the Design tab.

Three Draw a Ø30 × 65 shaft.

Four Access the Key tool on the Power Transmission panel.

Five Select a key.

In this example, a DIN 6885 B key was selected.

Six Click the Plain Groove box.

See Figure 10-54.

The steps in creating a plain groove keyway are represented in a screenshot.

Figure 10-54

Seven Click the Reference 1 box, and click the rounded side of the shaft.

The Reference 2 box will automatically be highlighted.

Eight Click the end of the shaft, click the Insert Key box, click the Insert Hub Groove box, then click OK.

Figure 10-55 shows the resulting plain groove.

A diagram shows a shaft with finished plain groove. The groove is positioned at one end of the shaft.

Figure 10-55

Woodruff Keys

Woodruff keys are crescent shape. The crescent shape allows for some slight rotation between the shaft and hub.

Woodruff key

A crescent-shape key that allows for some slight rotation between the shaft and hub.

Exercise 10-10 Drawing a Shaft with a Woodruff Key

One Create a new drawing using the Standard (mm).iam format.

Two Access the Place from Content Center tool, click Shaft Parts, click Keys, then click Keys - Woodruff.

See Figure 10-56.

A screenshot shows the woodruff keys in the place from content center dialog box.

Figure 10-56

Three Select an ISO 3912 (I) key and select the 32–38 shaft diameter option.

See Figure 10-57. Click the Table View tab. The dimensions listed will be used to create the shaft keyway.

The steps in drawing a woodruff key are illustrated in a figure.

Figure 10-57

Four Click Apply.

The key will appear on the screen. We must determine the size of the key to create an appropriate keyway in the shaft. Refer to the table values in Figure 10-57. The Woodruff key diameter is 32, and the shaft seat depth is 10. The key itself has a height of 13.


The depth of the keyway is 10, and the key diameter is 32.

Five Access the Shaft tool on the Power Transmission panel and draw a Ø32 × 65 shaft. Create an offset YZ work plane through the center of the shaft and create a new sketch plane on the work plane.

See Figure 10-58. The shaft has a diameter of 32, so the work plane will be offset 16 from the edge of the shaft.

The offset YZ work plane passing through a shaft is illustrated in a diagram.

Figure 10-58

Six Rotate the shaft into a 2D view and add lines and a circle as shown in Figure 10-59.

The 2 dimensional view of a shaft and a circle are illustrated in a figure.

Figure 10-59

The dimensions used came from the Table View values for the key.

Seven Return to an isometric view and select the Extrude tool. Use the Cut and Intersection options to create a cylinder from the circle drawn in step 6.

See Figures 10-60 and 10-61.

The properties dialog box is illustrated in a screenshot.

Figure 10-60

A diagram illustrates a shaft and a key. The key is woodruff key. A crescent shaped keyway is cut on the lateral surface of the shaft.

Figure 10-61

Eight Use the Constrain tool to locate the key into the shaft’s keyway.

See Figure 10-62.

A diagram shows a finished drawing. The woodruff key is placed inside the crescent shaped keyway on the shaft.

Figure 10-62


You may have to use work planes to locate the key into the shaft.

Figure 10-63 shows a hub design to fit over the shaft and Woodruff key shown in Figure 10-62. The 19.3 dimension value was derived from adding the bore hole radius of 16.0 to a hub depth value of 3.3 listed in the Table View for the key.

The drawing of keyway in a hub is illustrated in a figure.

Figure 10-63

Shafts with Splines

Splines are a series of cutouts in a shaft that are sized to match a corresponding set of cutouts in a hub. Splines are used to transmit torque.


A series of cutouts in a shaft that are sized to match a corresponding set of cutouts in a hub; used to transmit torque.


Splines are generally used on larger shafts. Smaller shafts use setscrews or pins.

Exercise 10-11 Drawing a Spline

One Create a new drawing using the Standard (mm).iam format.

Two Use the Shaft tool on the Power Transmission panel under the Design tab to create a Ø32× 65 shaft.

See Figure 10-64.

The drawing of shaft in Inventor 2020 is illustrated in a screenshot.

Figure 10-64


The shaft could have been drawn directly on the .iam drawing using the Create Component tool.

Three Click the Parallel Splines tool on the Power Transmission panel under the Design tab.

See Figure 10-65.

A screenshot shows the position of the parallel splines tool. The parallel splines tool drop-down list box is present under the power transmission panel. The parallel splines tool is clicked.

Figure 10-65

The Parallel Splines Connection Generator dialog box will appear.

See Figure 10-66.

The parallel splines connection generator dialog box is illustrated in a screenshot.

Figure 10-66


The sequence of clicks used to create a spline is critical.

Four Set the Splines Type for light, the Spline (N× d× D) dimensions for 6× 28× 32, the spline Length for 12, and the Radius for 4.

See Figure 10-67.

The parallel splines connection generator dialog box and a shaft are shown in a figure.

Figure 10-67


The outside diameter of the spline must equal the outside diameter of the shaft.

Five Click the Reference 1 box, click the rounded sides of the shaft (the Reference 2 box will automatically become active), click the flat end of the shaft, click the right-hand box in the Select Objects to Generate box, then click OK.

The File Naming dialog box will appear.

Six Click OK.

Figure 10-68 shows the finished spline.

A diagram shows a shaft with a finished spline. One end of the shaft is cut to form splines.

Figure 10-68

Retain the Ø32 × 65 shaft with the splined end and continue to work on the same assembly drawing for the next exercise. A Ø90 × 10 hub will be added to the assembly. A spline will be cut into the hub and inserted onto the Ø32 shaft.


Splines are defined by the dimensions N×d×D, where N is the number of teeth on the spline, d is the inside diameter, and D is the outside diameter.

Exercise 10-12 Drawing a Hub

One Click the Shaft tool on the Power Transmission panel and create a Ø90× 10 shaft.

See Figures 10-69 and 10-70. The new shaft will be listed in the browser box as Shaft:2.

A figure illustrates the steps in creating a hub.

Figure 10-69

A figure shows a hub and a shaft. One end of the shaft is splined. The diameter of the hub is 90 and its thickness is 10. The diameter of the shaft is 32 and its length is 65.

Figure 10-70

Two Click the Shaft:2 heading in the browser box and select the Open option.

See Figure 10-71.

A screenshot of AutoCAD Inventor illustrates the browser box.

Figure 10-71

Three Right-click the hub (Shaft:2) and select the Open option.

See Figure 10-72.

The edit option in Inventor 2020 is represented in a figure.

Figure 10-72


The hole diameter must equal the inside diameter of the spline.

Four Right-click the front surface of the Ø90 × 10 shaft and create a new sketch plane on the front surface of the hub as shown and add a Point, Center Point at the origin of the shaft.

See Figure 10-73.

A diagram shows a hub. The center point on the front surface of the hub is labeled out and a text reads as follows. Create a new sketch plane on the front surface and add a center point.

Figure 10-73

Five Right-click and select Finish 2D Sketch.

See Figure 10-74.

A screenshot illustrates the position of the close tool in Inventor 2020. The close tool is indicated with an 'X' mark on the top right corner of the workspace. The close tool is placed above the view cube.

Figure 10-74

Six Access the Hole tool on the Modify panel and create a Ø28 hole through the Ø90 shaft (hub).

Seven Right-click the mouse and select the Finish Edit option.

Eight Click the X box in the upper right corner of the Shaft drawing screen.

A warning box will appear.

Nine Click the Yes box.

The Save dialog box will appear.

10 Click OK.

The drawing screen will return to the assembly screen showing both the Ø32 shaft and the Ø90 hub.

Eleven Click the hub.

The Ø32 hole will appear in the hub. See Figure 10-75.

The creation of hub groove is illustrated in a figure.

Figure 10-75

Twelve Click the Parallel Splines tool on the Power Transmission panel.

Thirteen Select an ISO - 14 Light series spline with dimensions of 6× 28.000× 32.0002 12.000.

Fourteen Click the Reference 1 box in the Hub Groove box, click the surface of the hub, click the Reference 2 box, click the edge of the Ø28 hole, click the left box in the Select Objects to Generate box, then click OK.

The File Naming dialog box will appear.

Fifteen Click OK.

Figure 10-76 shows the hub with a splined hole.

A diagram shows a hub and a shaft. The center of the hub is cut to form grooves. One end of the shaft is cut to form splines.

Figure 10-76

Sixteen Return to the Assemble panel bar and use the Insert tool on the Constrain panel and mount the hub onto the shaft.

See Figure 10-77.

A figure shows an assembly with hub and shaft. The center of the hub has grooves and one end of the shaft has splines.

Figure 10-77


Collars are used to hold shafts in position as they rotate. Collars may be mounted inside or outside the support structure. See Figure 10-78.


Used to hold a shaft in place as it rotates; may be mounted on the inside or outside of the support structure.

An assembly of shafts, collars, and support structure is illustrated in a figure.

Figure 10-78

Exercise 10-13 Adding Collars to a Shaft Assembly—Setscrews

One Start a new drawing using the Standard (mm).iam format.

Two Click the Place from Content Center tool, click Shaft Parts, then Collars.

See Figure 10-79. In this example, a DIN 705 B collar with a Ø16 was selected.

A screenshot illustrates the selection of a collar from the place from content center dialog box.

Figure 10-79

Three Click the DIN 705 B icon, and click OK.

The DIN 705 B dialog box will appear.

Four Select an Inside Diameter of 16 and click the Table View tab, then All Columns.

See Figure 10-80. Note the size specifications for the collar. In this example the Nominal Diameter is the diameter of the small hole in the collar. The diameter of the hole is 4.

The steps in creating a collar are represented in a figure.

Figure 10-80

This hole can be threaded and a setscrew added to hold the collar on the shaft.

See Exercise 3-15 for instructions on how to create an offset work plane. Once a work plane is established, a new sketch may be created and used to create a threaded hole.

Five Access the Place from Content Center dialog box and select a setscrew. Setscrews are located under Fasteners, Bolts, and Setscrews. See Exercise 6-21 for information about setscrews.

See Figure 10-81. In this example a DIN EN 27434 Set Screw with an M4 thread, a 6 length, and a conical point was selected.

The insertion of a setscrew inside the hole of a collar is illustrated in a figure.

Figure 10-81

Six Use the Constrain tool and insert the setscrew into the hole.

The assembly sequence presented here is one of several possibilities.

Seven Insert the setscrew into the drawing and position it above the hole.

See Figure 10-81.

Eight Draw a work axis through the hole and use the Mate tool on the Constrain panel to align the hole’s work axis with the setscrew’s axis.

Nine Draw a work plane tangent to the collar and hole’s edge. Use the Flush tool on the Constrain panel to make the setscrew flush with the work plane.

10 Hide the work plane and work axis.

Adding Collars to a Shaft Assembly—Pins

A collar may be held in place using pins. Figure 10-82 shows a shaft and a DIN 705 B collar, both with Ø4.00 holes. A pin will be inserted through the hole in the collar into the hole in the shaft.

A figure shows a collar and a circular shaft. Both the shaft and the collar, each have a hole of nominal diameter 4.

Figure 10-82

Figure 10-83 shows some of the different types of pins available in the Inventor Content Center. For this example a spring-type cylindrical pin will be used. These type pins are squeezed to a smaller diameter, inserted into the hole, and then released back to their original diameter.

A diagram shows different types of pins and labels them out. The pins shown in the diagram are, clevis pin, cotter pin, cylindrical pin, grooved pin, taper pin, and cylindrical spring-type pin.

Figure 10-83

One Insert the collar onto the shaft with the holes aligned.

See Figure 10-84.

A diagram shows a collar placed on a shaft. The holes in the shaft and collar are aligned.

Figure 10-84


Consider defining a work axis through the holes to help with the alignment.

Two Click the Place from Content Center tool, and select the Fasteners, Pins, and Cylindrical options.

See Figures 10-85 and 10-86. In this example, a DIN EN ISO 13337 spring-type pin with a Nominal Diameter of 4 and a Nominal Length of 20 was selected. The length 20 was selected because the collar thickness is 6, and the shaft diameter is 16, for a total of 22. There is only one hole in the collar, so the pin length cannot exceed 22 or it will extend beyond the collar. A length value of 20 allows for a clearance of 2. Figure 10-87 shows the selected pin with the collar and shaft.

The place from content center dialog box is illustrated in a screenshot.

Figure 10-85

The DIN EN ISO 13337 dialog box is represented in a screenshot.

Figure 10-86

A figure shows a pin and a shaft aligned with a collar. The pin shown is DIN EN 1S0 13337 spring-type straight pin. A text beside the shaft reads as follows. Use the hole's axis to align the collar's hole with the shaft hole.

Figure 10-87


Consider using work planes and a work axis when constraining the pin and collar.

Three Use the Constrain tool to assemble the pin into the collar and shaft.

See Figure 10-88.

A figure illustrates the steps in insertion of a pin into a collar and shaft.

Figure 10-88


O-rings are used to create seals. The rings are forced between two different objects, which distorts the rings and creates a seal.


a ring forced between two objects to create a seal.

Exercise 10-14 Drawing an O-Ring and a Shaft

Assume the nominal diameter of the shaft is 0.500.

One Create a new drawing using the Standard (in).iam format.

Two Click the Design tab and use the Shaft tool on the Power Transmission panel to draw a Ø0.500× 2.50 shaft.

Three Click the Assemble tab and use the Place from Content Center dialog box to click Shaft Parts, Sealing, O-Rings, and select an AS 568 O-Ring.

See Figure 10-89.

Various O-rings are shown in the place from content center dialog box.

Figure 10-89

Four Click the Table View tab, then All Columns. Select a DASH # 014 O-Ring because it has a 0.489 inside diameter.

See Figure 10-90.

The steps in creating an O-ring in Inventor 2020 are illustrated in a figure.

Figure 10-90


The cross section for this O-ring is 0.07.

Five Insert the ring into the drawing.

Six Right-click the Shaft:1 heading in the browser box and select the Edit using Design Accelerator option.

See Figure 10-91. The Shaft Component Generator dialog box will appear.

A screenshot illustrates the shaft heading in the browser box. The shaft heading is right-clicked. This opens a shortcut menu. The edit using design accelerator option must be clicked from the shortcut menu.

Figure 10-91

See Figure 10-92.

The shaft component generator dialog box is represented in a screenshot.

Figure 10-92

Seven Select the Add Relief - D (SI Units) option.

The Relief - D option will appear on the screen.

See Figure 10-93.

The shaft component generator dialog box is illustrated in a screenshot.

Figure 10-93

Eight Click the Element Properties box.

The Relief - D (SI Units) dialog box will appear. See Figure 10-94.

The relief - D (S I units) dialog box is shown in a screenshot.

Figure 10-94

Nine Enter the distance from the second edge. Click the Custom box and enter the values as shown in Figure 10-94. (These values were derived from the Content Center.) Unclick the Custom box. Click OK.

The Shaft Component Generator dialog box will appear.

10 Click OK.

Figure 10-95 shows the O-ring and modified shaft.

A figure shows an O-ring and a shaft. One end of the shaft has an O-ring groove.

Figure 10-95

Eleven Use the Constrain tool to position the O-ring onto the shaft’s groove.

The procedure presented here is one possibility.

Twelve Draw an XY work plane through the O-ring.

See Figure 10-96.

The steps in insertion of an O-ring into a shaft is illustrated in a figure.
The steps in insertion of an O-ring into a shaft is illustrated in a figure.

Figure 10-96

Thirteen Use the Mate tool on the Constrain panel and align the X axis of the O-ring with the X axis of the shaft.

Fourteen Use the Flush tool to align the front surface of the shaft with the work plane on the O-ring, then define a −0.25 offset.

Figure 10-96 shows the finished O-ring and shaft.

Drawing Shafts and Pins Using the Tools Under the Design Tab

Pins can also be drawn using the tools located under the Design tab. Figure 10-97 shows a hub with a 20 inside diameter, a 40 outside diameter, a thickness of 16, and a through hole of Ø6. A work plane has been created tangent to the hub. Figure 10-97 also shows a Ø20 × 30 shaft with a Ø6 hole and a 1 × 45° chamfer at each end. The shaft was created using the Shaft tool located on the Power Transmission panel under the Design tab. The hub and the shaft are to be assembled together and held together using a pin. The drawing was created using the Standard (mm).iam format.

A shaft and hub with holes are illustrated in a figure.

Figure 10-97

Exercise 10-15 Drawing a Pin Using the Design Tab

One Click the Design tab, click the arrowhead on the Clevis Pin icon and select the Radial Pin tool. The Radial Pin Component Generator dialog box will appear.

See Figure 10-98.

The steps in drawing a pin are illustrated in a figure.

Figure 10-98

Two Select the Start Plane box, then the work plane on the hub. Select the Existing Hole box, then the Ø6 hole on the hub. Click the Click to add a pin box to access the Content Center.

See Figure 10-99.

The radial pin component generator dialog box and a hub are illustrated in a figure.

Figure 10-99

Three In the Place from Content Center dialog box, select the Cylindrical pin option and a DIN EN ISO 8752 pin. Select a Ø6 × 40 pin.

See Figures 10-100 and 10-101. Figures 10-102 and 10-103 show the pin in the assembly drawing.

The place from content center dialog box is illustrated in a screenshot.

Figure 10-100

The DIN EN ISO 8752 dialog box is illustrated in a screenshot.

Figure 10-101

A diagram shows exploded view of an assembly with its work axes marked.

Figure 10-102

A figure shows two drawings. The first drawing shows an assembly consisting of a shaft, a hub, and a pin along with the plane of the hole in the hub. The second drawing shows the same finished assembly.

Figure 10-103


Create work axes for each of the three parts to help align the assembly.

Four Use the Constrain tool and assemble the parts.

Figure 10-103 shows the finished assembly.

Chapter Summary

This chapter illustrated how to use the tools located under the Design tab to draw shafts, how to add retaining ring grooves to shafts, how to add keyways to shafts, how to add O-ring grooves to shafts, how to add pin holes to shafts, and how to use the Content Center to add retaining rings, keys, O-rings, and pins to shafts. The five general types of keys were described and illustrated, namely, Pratt and Whitney, square, rectangular, Woodruff, and Gib.

Splines on a shaft for transmitting torque were also introduced and used in a drawing.

Chapter Test Questions

Multiple Choice

Circle the correct answer.

1. Which of the following is not a type of key?

a. Pratt and Whitney

b. Square

c. Russell

d. Woodruff

2. Which term best describes the shape of a Woodruff key?

a. Round

b. Rectangular

c. Square

d. Crescent

3. Which of the following is not a type of pin?

a. Round

b. Cotter

c. Taper

d. Clevis

4. The dimensions needed to define a groove in a shaft for a retaining ring are found in the

a. Design tab panel tools

b. Content Center

c. Drawing Annotation panel

5. Which type of key is crescent shape?

a. Pratt and Whitney

b. Woodruff

c. Rounded

d. Machine

6. What is a slot cut through a hub sized to accept a key called?

a. Keyslot

b. Hubslot

c. Keyway

d. Slot

7. Spring pins are fitted into holes by

a. Squeezing them to a smaller diameter, inserting them into a hole, then releasing them back to original size

b. Fitting them with compression springs that are released once the pins are inserted into a hole

c. Press fitting them into a hole with spring pressure

8. Threaded holes in collars are usually fitted with

a. Spring pins

b. Setscrews

c. Rivets

d. Cotter pins

9. Splines are used to transfer which type of forces?

a. Linear

b. Rotary

c. Impact

d. Compression

10. When a shaft is a simple cylinder, the ends are said to have

a. Chamfers

b. Fillets

c. No features

d. Orthographic ends


Match the key and pin names with their pictures. See Figures 10-104 and 10-105.

A figure shows various keys. The keys are labeled 'a' to e. They are as follows: 'a'- obround shaped; b- square shaped; c- rectangular shaped; d- semicircular shaped; e- L shaped.

Figure 10-104

A figure shows various pins. The pins are labeled from f to k. They are as follows: f- screw shaped; g- y-shaped; h- shaft; i- shaft with a cleft; j- tapered shaft; k- hollow shaft with a slit.

Figure 10-105

1. Woodruff __________

7. Cylindrical spring type ________

2. Pratt and Whitney __________

8. Clevis __________

3. Rectangular __________

9. Cylindrical __________

4. Gib __________

10. Taper __________

5. Square __________

11. Grooved __________

6. Cotter __________

True or False

Circle the correct answer.

1. True or False: Chamfers can be added to shafts using Design tab panel tools.

2. True or False: Shafts must always have chamfers on their ends.

3. True or False: Retaining rings are used to prevent longitudinal movement of shafts.

4. True or False: Retaining rings can be either external or internal.

5. True or False: Keys are used with shafts to transfer rotary motion and torque.

6. True or False: Pratt and Whitney keys have rounded ends.

7. True or False: Woodruff keys are rectangular.

8. True or False: Splines are a series of cutouts in a shaft that are sized to match a corresponding set of cutouts in a hub.

9. True or False: Collars are used to hold shafts in position as they rotate.

10. True or False: O-rings are used to create seals.

Chapter Projects

Draw the following uniform shafts.

Project 10-1: Inches

See Figure P10-1.

A figure shows a finished shaft with chamfer at both the ends. The shaft is of length, 3.50 and of diameter, .50.

Figure P10-1

Ø.50 × 3.50

0.10 × 45° chamfer, both ends

Project 10-2: Inches

See Figure P10-2.

A figure shows a finished shaft with chamfer at both the ends. The shaft is of length, 10.00 and of diameter, 2.00.

Figure P10-2

Ø2.00 × 10.00

0.125 × 45° chamfer, both ends

Project 10-3: Millimeters

See Figure P10-3.

A finished shaft with chamfered ends is illustrated in a figure. The shaft is of length, 110 and of diameter, 20.

Figure P10-3

Ø20 × 110

3 × 45° chamfer, both ends

Project 10-4: Millimeters

See Figure P10-4.

A finished shaft with chamfered ends is illustrated in a figure. The shaft is of length, 100 and of diameter, 60.

Figure P10-4

Ø60 × 100

5 × 45° chamfer, both ends

Draw the following shafts and retaining rings. Create the appropriate grooves on the shaft, and position the retaining rings onto the shaft.

Project 10-5: Inches

See Figure P10-5.

A figure shows a shaft with ring grooves at each end. The retaining rings are fixed to the grooves situated at a distance of 0.25 from each end.

Figure P10-5

Draw a Ø1.00 × 5.00 shaft.

Mount two BS 3673: Part 1 Inch retaining rings located 0.25 from each end.

Draw a 0.06 × 45° chamfer on each end.

Project 10-6: Inches

See Figure P10-6.

A figure shows a shaft with ring grooves at each end. The retaining rings are fixed to the grooves situated at a distance of 0.375 from each end. The length of the shaft is 6.00 and the diameter is 0.25.

Figure P10-6

Draw a Ø.25 × 6.00 shaft.

Mount two BS 3673: Part 1 Inch retaining rings located 0.375 from each end.

Draw a 0.03 × 45° chamfer on each end.

Project 10-7: Millimeters

See Figure P10-7.

A figure shows a shaft with ring grooves near each end. The ends of the shaft are chamfered. The retaining rings are fixed to the grooves situated at a distance of 2 from each end. The length of the shaft is 50 and the diameter is 20.

Figure P10-7

Draw a Ø20 × 50 shaft.

Mount two CSN 02 2930 Metric retaining rings located 2 from each end.

Draw a 3 × 45° chamfer on each end.

Project 10-8: Millimeters

See Figure P10-8.

A figure shows a shaft with ring grooves near each end. The retaining rings are fixed to the grooves situated at a distance of 10 from each end. The length of the shaft is 64 and the diameter is 12.

Figure P10-8A

Draw a Ø16 × 64 shaft.

Mount two CSN 02 2930 Metric retaining rings located 10 from each end.

Draw a 4 × 45° chamfer on each end.

Draw the shafts and keys in Figure P10-8B.

A figure shows a hub with a keyway and a shaft with a key. The key is square and the keyway in the shaft is filleted at the base.

Figure P10-8B

Project 10-9: Inches

Draw a Ø2.00 × 5.25 shaft with 0.125 × 45° chamfers at each end. Draw a keyway on one end on the shaft to match the size requirements of a square key (see the Content Center) that is 1/2 × 1/2 × 1.25 long and has a nominal diameter range of 1.75–2.25. Insert the key into the shaft’s keyway. Draw a hub with an inside diameter of 2.00, an outside diameter of 3.50, and a thickness of 0.75. Add the appropriate keyway to the hub, then insert the hub over the shaft and key.

Project 10-10: Inches

Draw a Ø3.50 × 10.00 shaft with 0.25 × 45° chamfers at each end. Draw a keyway on one end on the shaft to match the size requirements of a square key (see the Content Center) that is 7/8 × 7/8 × 2.50 long and has a nominal diameter range of 3.25–3.75. Insert the key into the shaft’s keyway. Draw a hub with an inside diameter of 3.50, an outside diameter of 5.00, and a thickness of 1.00. Add the appropriate keyway to the hub, then insert the hub over the shaft and key.

Project 10-11: Millimeters

Draw a Ø26 × 72 shaft with 3 × 45° chamfers at each end. Draw a keyway on one end on the shaft to match the size requirements of an IS 2048 B key (see the Content Center) that is 2 × 2 × 22 long and has a nominal diameter range of 22–30. Insert the key into the shaft’s keyway. Draw a hub with an inside diameter of 26, an outside diameter of 40, and a thickness of 14. Add the appropriate keyway to the hub, then insert the hub over the shaft and key.

Project 10-12: Millimeters

Draw a Ø60 × 240 shaft with 5 × 45° chamfers at each end. Draw a keyway on one end on the shaft to match the size requirements of an IS 2048 B key (see the Content Center) that is 18 × 11 × 70 long and has a nominal diameter range of 58–65. Insert the key into the shaft’s keyway. Draw a hub with an inside diameter of 60, an outside diameter of 80, and a thickness of 20. Add the appropriate keyway to the hub, then insert the hub over the shaft and key. Draw the shafts and keys in Figure P10-12.

A figure shows a hub, a shaft, and a key. The hub has a square keyway cut in its inner circumference. The shaft is chamfered at each end. The length of the shaft is 65 and its diameter is 20. The key is DIN 6885 'A' and the key is obround in shape.

Figure P10-12

Project 10-13: Millimeters

Draw a Ø20 × 65 shaft with 3 × 45° chamfers at each end. Draw a keyway on the shaft to match the size requirements of a DIN 6885 A key (see the Content Center). Locate the shaft’s keyway 24 from the end of the shaft. Insert the key into the shaft’s keyway. Draw a hub with an inside diameter of 20, an outside diameter of 35, and a thickness of 10. Add the appropriate keyway to the hub, then insert the hub over the shaft and key.

Project 10-14: Millimeters

Draw a Ø52 × 100 shaft with 6 × 45° chamfers at each end. Draw a keyway on the shaft to match the size requirements of a DIN 6885 A key (see the Content Center). Locate the shaft’s keyway 34 from the edge of the shaft. Insert the key into the shaft’s keyway. Draw a hub with an inside diameter of 52, an outside diameter of 70, and a thickness of 16. Add the appropriate keyway to the hub, then insert the hub over the shaft and key.

Project 10-15: Inches

Draw a Ø0.750 × 4.25 shaft with 0.125 × 45° chamfers at each end. Draw a keyway 0.500 from the end of the shaft to match the size requirements of a 0.1875 × 0.1875 × 0.74 rectangular or square parallel key that has a nominal diameter range of 0.57–0.88 (see the Content Center). Insert the key into the shaft’s keyway. Draw a hub with an inside diameter of 0.75, an outside diameter of 2.50, and a thickness of 0.625. Add the appropriate keyway to the hub, then insert the hub over the shaft and key.

Project 10-16: Inches

Draw a Ø1.50 × 7.50 shaft with 0.19 × 45° chamfers at each end. Draw a keyway 2.50 from the end of the shaft to match the size requirements of a 0.375 × 0.375 × 0.875 rectangular or square parallel key that has a nominal diameter range of 1.38–1.75. Insert the key into the shaft’s keyway. Draw a hub with an inside diameter of 1.50, an outside diameter of 2.75, and a thickness of 0.750. Add the appropriate keyway to the hub, then insert the hub over the shaft and key.

Project 10-17: Millimeters

Draw a Ø163 × 40 shaft with 2 × 45° chamfers at each end. Draw a keyway 10 from the end of the shaft to match the size requirements of a CSN 30 1385 Woodruff key. Insert the key into the shaft’s keyway. Draw a hub with an inside diameter of 16, an outside diameter of 40, and a thickness of 8. Add the appropriate keyway to the hub, then insert the hub over the shaft and key.

Project 10-18: Millimeters

Draw a Ø40 × 105 shaft with 4 × 45° chamfers at each end. Draw a keyway 27 from the end of the shaft to match the size requirements of a CSN 30 1385 Woodruff key. Insert the key into the shaft’s keyway. Draw a hub with an inside diameter of 40, an outside diameter of 75, and a thickness of 12. Add the appropriate keyway to the hub, then insert the hub over the shaft and key.

Project 10-19: Inches

Draw a Ø0.750 × 4.25 shaft with 0.125 × 45° chamfers at each end. Draw a keyway 0.500 from the end of the shaft to match the size requirements of a Full Radius No. 606 3/16 × 0.75 Woodruff key (see the Content Center). Insert the key into the shaft’s keyway. Draw a hub with an inside diameter of 0.75, an outside diameter of 2.50, and a thickness of 0.625. Add the appropriate keyway to the hub, then insert the hub over the shaft and key.

Project 10-20: Inches

Draw a Ø1.50 × 7.50 shaft with 0.19 × 45° chamfers at each end. Draw a keyway 2.50 from the end of the shaft to match the size requirements of a Full Radius No. 1422 I 7/16 × 2 Woodruff key (see the Content Center). Insert the key into the shaft’s keyway. Draw a hub with an inside diameter of 1.50, an outside diameter of 2.75, and a thickness of 0.750. Add the appropriate keyway to the hub, then insert the hub over the shaft and key.

Draw the shafts and hubs in Figures P10-20A through P10-20D.

A diagram shows a hub with a groove, a splined shaft, and an assembly. The hub has groove cut at its center. One end of the shaft is cut to form a spline. The assembly consists of the splined shaft inserted into the hub groove.

Figure P10-20A

A diagram shows a hub with a groove and a splined shaft. The hub and shaft are positioned vertically.

Figure P10-20B

A diagram shows a hub with a groove and a splined shaft. Top right view of the objects is shown.

Figure P10-20C

A diagram shows a hub with a groove and a splined shaft. Top right view of the objects is shown.

Figure P10-20D

Project 10-21: Millimeters

Draw a shaft and hub based on the following data and join them using a spline:

Shaft: Ø120 × 30

Spline Type = Light

Spline Dimensions = 8 × 42 × 46

Active Spline Length = 38

Hub: Ø46 × 100

Project 10-22: Millimeters

Draw a shaft and hub based on the following data and join them using a spline:

Shaft: Ø78 × 200

Spline Type = Light

Spline Dimensions = 10 × 72 × 78

Active Spline Length = 60

Hub: Ø160 × 40

Project 10-23: Inches

Draw a shaft and hub based on the following data and join them using a spline:

Shaft: Ø1.50 × 4

Fit Type = 6B To Side − No Load

Nominal Diameter = 1.50

Active Spline Length = 1.25

Hub: Ø3 × 1

Project 10-24: Inches

Draw a shaft and hub based on the following data and join them using a spline:

Shaft: Ø2 × 6

Fit Type = 10 A Permanent Fit

Nominal Diameter = 2

Active Spline Length = 1.75

Hub: Ø4.5 × 1.25

Project 10-25: Millimeters

Create a 3D drawing of the Shaft Support Assembly in Figure P10-25 for each of the following sets of parameters. Also include an exploded isometric drawing with assembly numbers and a parts list.

A diagram represents the 3D model of the shaft support assembly. A shaft supports two holders mounted over a cast base. Pins hold the shaft assembly to the base.

Figure P10-25A

A figure shows the assembly drawing of the shaft support assembly.

Figure P10-25B

Orthographic views of cast base of shaft support assembly are shown.

Figure P10-25C

Different views of the drawing are presented.

Figure P10-25D

A figure shows the orthographic views of the pin used in shaft support assembly.

Figure P10-25E

  1. A straight uniform shaft, Ø16 × 320 with 2 × 45° chamfers at each end. The shaft is to protrude 20 from the face of the holders.

  2. A straight uniform shaft, Ø16 × 320 with 2 × 45° chamfers at each end. The shaft is to protrude 20 from the face of the holders. Add the appropriate grooves and insert two CNS 9074 external retaining rings located 17 from each end of the shaft.

  3. A straight uniform shaft, Ø16 × 320 with 2 × 45° chamfers at each end. The shaft is to protrude 20 from the face of the holders. Add the appropriate grooves and insert two E-ring - Type - 3CM external retaining rings located 18 from each end of the shaft.

  4. A straight uniform shaft, Ø16 × 320 with 2 × 45° chamfers at each end. The shaft is to protrude 20 from the face of the holders. Add two CNS - 122 collars with Ø4 set screws.

  5. A straight uniform shaft, Ø16 × 320 with 2 × 45° chamfers at each end. The shaft is to protrude 20 from the face of the support. Add two CNS - 122 collars with Ø4 spring-type straight pins.

  6. A straight uniform shaft, Ø16 × 280 with 2 × 45° chamfers at each end. On one end, insert a square key between the shaft and the holders.

  7. A straight uniform shaft, Ø16 × 320 with 2 × 45° chamfers at each end. On one end, insert a UNI 7510A key between the shaft and the support. The shaft is to protrude 20 from the surface of the holders.

  8. A straight uniform shaft, Ø16 × 320 with 2 × 45° chamfers at each end. On one end, insert a JIS B 1302 - Type B Woodruff key between the shaft and the support. The shaft is to protrude 20 from the surface of the holders.

Project 10-26: Inches

Create the drawings of the Adjustable Assembly shown in Figures P10-26A through P10-26F.

A diagram illustrates the 3D model of the adjustable assembly.

Figure P10-26A

The orthographic views of an adjustable post is illustrated in a figure.

Figure P10-26B

The orthographic views of a cast base is illustrated in a figure.

Figure P10-26C

A figure shows an orthographic view of the adjustable assembly.

Figure P10-26D

A figure shows two orthogonal views of a composite shape.

Figure P10-26E

A figure illustrates the assembly drawing of an adjustable assembly.

Figure P10-26F

The grooved pin was created using the tools under the Design tab. The forged eyebolt, hex machine screw nut, and hex nut were created using the Content Center.

  1. A 3D assembly drawing

  2. An exploded 3D assembly drawing

  3. An exploded isometric drawing with assembly numbers

  4. A parts list

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