Chapter 1

Single-Area OSPFv2 Concepts


Upon completion of this chapter, you will be able to answer the following questions:

  • What are the basic features and characteristics of OSPF?

  • What OSPF packet types are used in single-area OSPF?

  • How does single-area OSPF operate?

Key Terms

This chapter uses the following key terms. You can find the definitions in the Glossary.

Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) page 3

OSPFv2 page 3

classless page 3

single-area OSPF page 3

multiarea OSPF page 3

OSPFv3 page 3

area page 3

Hello packet page 4

database description (DBD) packet page 4

link-state request (LSR) packet page 4

link-state update (LSU) packet page 4

link-state acknowledgment (LSAck) packet page 4

adjacency database page 4

neighbor table page 4

link-state database (LSDB) page 4

topology table page 4

forwarding database page 4

Dijkstra’s algorithm page 5

shortest-path first (SPF) algorithm page 5

convergence page 6

OSPF area page 9

backbone area page 9

area border router (ABR) page 9

interarea routing page 10

route summarization page 11

link-state packet (LSP) page 13

link-state router page 13

designated router (DR) page 15

backup designated router (BDR) page 15

router ID page 16

Hello Interval page 16

router priority page 16

dead interval page 16

Init state page 17

Two-Way state page 17

ExStart state page 18

Exchange state page 18

Full state page 18

Loading state page 18

link-state information page 21

DROTHER page 25

Introduction (1.0)

Imagine that it is time for your family to visit your grandparents. You pack your bags and load them into the car. But the process takes a bit longer than you planned, and now you are running late. You pull out your map. There are three different routes. One route is no good because there is a lot of construction on the main road, and it is temporarily closed. Another route is very scenic, but it takes an additional hour to get to your destination. The third route is not as pretty but it includes a highway, which is much faster. In fact, it is so much faster that you might actually be on time if you take it.

In networking, packets do not need to take the scenic route. The fastest available route is always the best. Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) is designed to find the fastest available path for a packet from source to destination. This chapter covers the basic concepts of single-area OSPFv2. Let’s get started!

OSPF Features and Characteristics (1.1)

OSPF is a popular multivendor, open-standard, classless link-state routing protocol. In this section you will learn how OSPF operates.

Introduction to OSPF (1.1.1)

This section provides a brief overview of Open Shortest Path First (OSPF), including single-area OSPF and multiarea OSPF. OSPFv2 is used for IPv4 networks, while OSPFv3 is used for IPv6 networks. In addition, OSPFv3 with address families supports both IPv4 and IPv6. The primary focus of this chapter is on single-area OSPFv2.

OSPF is a link-state routing protocol that was developed as an alternative for the distance vector protocol Routing Information Protocol (RIP). RIP was an acceptable routing protocol in the early days of networking and the internet. However, RIP’s reliance on hop count as the only metric for determining best route quickly became problematic. Using hop count does not scale well in larger networks with multiple paths of varying speeds. OSPF has significant advantages over RIP in that it offers faster convergence and scales to much larger network implementations.

OSPF is a link-state routing protocol that uses the concept of areas. A network administrator can divide the routing domain into distinct areas that help control routing update traffic. A link is an interface on a router. A link is also a network segment that connects two routers, or a stub network such as an Ethernet LAN that is connected to a single router. Information about the state of a link is known as link-state information; this information includes the network prefix, prefix length, and cost.

This chapter covers basic, single-area OSPF implementations and configurations.

Components of OSPF (1.1.2)

All routing protocols share similar components. They all use routing protocol messages to exchange route information. The messages help build data structures, which are then processed using a routing algorithm.

The components of OSPF are as follows:

  • Routing protocol messages

  • Data structures

  • Algorithm

Routing Protocol Messages

Routers running OSPF exchange messages to convey routing information using five types of packets. These packets, as shown in Figure 1-1, are as follows:

A figure illustrates the exchange of messages.

Figure 1-1 OSPF Packets

These packets are used to discover neighboring routers and also to exchange routing information to maintain accurate information about the network.

Data Structures

OSPF messages are used to create and maintain three OSPF databases:

Each of these tables contains a list of neighboring routers to exchange routing information. The tables are kept and maintained in RAM. In Table 1-1, take a particular note of the command used to display each table.

Table 1-1 OSPF Databases




Adjacency database

Neighbor table

  • Lists all neighbor routers to which a router has established bidirectional communication.

  • This table is unique for each router.

  • Can be viewed using the show ip ospf neighbor command.

Link-state database

Topology table

  • Lists information about all other routers in the network.

  • This database represents the network topology.

  • All routers within an area have identical LSDBs.

  • Can be viewed using the show ip ospf database command.

Forwarding database

Routing table

  • Lists routes generated when an algorithm is run on the link-state database.

  • The routing table of each router is unique and contains information on how and where to send packets to other routers.

  • Can be viewed using the show ip route command.


A router builds a topology table by using results of calculations based on Dijkstra’s algorithm. The shortest-path first (SPF) algorithm is based on the cumulative cost to reach a destination.

The SPF algorithm creates an SPF tree by placing each router at the root of the tree and calculating the shortest path to each node, as shown in Figure 1-2. The SPF tree is then used to calculate the best routes. OSPF places the best routes into the forwarding database, which is used to make the routing table.

A figure depicts the creation of SPF tree.

Figure 1-2 Algorithm Creates SPF Tree

Link-State Operation (1.1.3)

To maintain routing information, OSPF routers complete a generic link-state routing process to reach a state of convergence. In the following figures, the topology consists of five routers. The links between the routers have been labeled with cost values. In OSPF, cost is used to determine the best path to the destination. A router completes the following link-state routing steps:

Step 1. Establish neighbor adjacencies.

Step 2. Exchange link-state advertisements.

Step 3. Build the link-state database.

Step 4. Execute the SPF algorithm.

Step 5. Choose the best route.

1. Establish Neighbor Adjacencies

OSPF-enabled routers must recognize each other on the network before they can share information. An OSPF-enabled router sends Hello packets out all OSPF-enabled interfaces to determine if neighbors are present on those links, as shown in Figure 1-3. If a neighbor is present, the OSPF-enabled router attempts to establish a neighbor adjacency with that neighbor.

A figure represents the concept of neighboring adjacencies.

Figure 1-3 Routers Exchange Hello Packets

2. Exchange Link-State Advertisements

After adjacencies are established, routers exchange link-state advertisements (LSAs), as shown in Figure 1-4. An LSA contains the state and cost of each directly connected link. Routers flood their LSAs to adjacent neighbors. Adjacent neighbors receiving the LSA immediately flood the LSA to other directly connected neighbors, until all routers in the area have all LSAs.

A figure illustrates the exchange of link state advertisement between routers.

Figure 1-4 Routers Exchange LSAs

3. Build the Link-State Database

After LSAs are received, OSPF-enabled routers build the topology table (LSDB) based on the received LSAs, as shown in Figure 1-5. This database eventually holds all the information about the topology of the area.

A figure displays the topology table after the initial exchange of LSA's.

Figure 1-5 R1 Creates Its Topology Table

4. Execute the SPF Algorithm

When the LSDB is built, routers then execute the SPF algorithm. The gears in Figure 1-6 for this step are used to indicate the execution of the SPF algorithm. The SPF algorithm creates the SPF tree.

Execution of SPF algorithm is displayed.

Figure 1-6 R1 Creates the SPF Tree

5. Choose the Best Route

After the SPF tree is built, the best paths to each network are offered to the IP routing table, as shown in Figure 1-7. The route is inserted into the routing table unless there is a route source to the same network with a lower administrative distance, such as a static route. Routing decisions are made based on the entries in the routing table.

A figure displays the topology table after the initial exchange of LSA's.

Figure 1-7 Content of the R1 SPF Tree

Single-Area and Multiarea OSPF (1.1.4)

To make OSPF more efficient and scalable, OSPF supports hierarchical routing using areas. An OSPF area is a group of routers that share the same link-state information in their LSDBs. OSPF can be implemented in one of two ways:

  • Single-area OSPF: All routers are in one area, as shown in Figure 1-8. Best practice is to use area 0.

    A figure shows a reference topology where routers R1, R2, and R3 are connected in a single OSPF area 0. Here, R2 and R3 are connected via a serial cable.

    Figure 1-8 Single-Area OSPF

  • Multiarea OSPF: OSPF is implemented using multiple areas, in a hierarchical fashion, as shown in Figure 1-9. All areas must connect to the backbone area (area 0). Routers interconnecting the areas are referred to as area border routers (ABRs).

    A figure provides an example for multiarea OSPF.

    Figure 1-9 Multiarea OSPF

The focus of this chapter is on single-area OSPFv2.

Multiarea OSPF (1.1.5)

With multiarea OSPF, one large routing domain can be divided into smaller areas to support hierarchical routing. Routing still occurs between the areas (interarea routing), and many of the processor-intensive routing operations, such as recalculating the database, are kept within an area.

For instance, any change regarding the link-state information (including the addition, deletion, or modification of a link) causes the router connected to that link to send out a new LSA. Any time a router receives new information about a topology change within the area, the router must rerun the SPF algorithm, create a new SPF tree, and update the routing table. The SPF algorithm is CPU intensive, and the time it takes for calculation depends on the size of the area.


Routers in other areas receive updates regarding topology changes, but these routers only update the routing table; they do not rerun the SPF algorithm.

Too many routers in one area would make the LSDBs very large and increase the load on the CPU. Therefore, arranging routers into areas effectively partitions a potentially large database into smaller and more manageable databases.

The hierarchical topology design options with multiarea OSPF can offer the following advantages:

  • Smaller routing tables: Tables are smaller because there are fewer routing table entries. This is because network addresses can be summarized between areas. Route summarization is not enabled by default.

  • Reduced link-state update overhead: Designing multiarea OSPF with smaller areas minimizes processing and memory requirements.

  • Reduced frequency of SPF calculations: Multiarea OSPF localize the impact of a topology change within an area. For instance, it minimizes routing update impact because LSA flooding stops at the area boundary.

For example, in Figure 1-10, R2 is an ABR for area 51. A topology change in area 51 would cause all area 51 routers to rerun the SPF algorithm, create a new SPF tree, and update their IP routing tables. The ABR, R2, would send an LSA to routers in area 0, which would eventually be flooded to all routers in the OSPF routing domain. This type of LSA does not cause routers in other areas to rerun the SPF algorithm. They only have to update their LSDB and routing table.

A figure shows the failure of the local area in multiarea OSPF.

Figure 1-10 Link Change Impacts Local Area Only

Note the following in Figure 1-10:

  • Link failure affects the local area only (area 51).

  • The ABR (R2) isolates the flooding of a specific LSA to area 51.

  • Routers in areas 0 and 1 do not need to run the SPF algorithm.

OSPFv3 (1.1.6)

OSPFv3 is the version of OSPF used for exchanging IPv6 prefixes. Recall that in IPv6, the network address is referred to as the prefix, and the subnet mask is called the prefix length.

Similar to its IPv4 counterpart, OSPFv3 exchanges routing information to populate the IPv6 routing table with remote prefixes.


With the OSPFv3 address families feature, OSPFv3 includes support for both IPv4 and IPv6. The OSPF address families feature is beyond the scope of this book.

OSPFv2 runs over the IPv4 network layer, communicating with other OSPF IPv4 peers and advertising only IPv4 routes.

OSPFv3 has the same functionality as OSPFv2 but uses IPv6 as the network layer transport, communicating with OSPFv3 peers and advertising IPv6 routes. OSPFv3 also uses the SPF algorithm as the computation engine to determine the best paths throughout the routing domain.

OSPFv3 has separate processes from its IPv4 counterpart. The processes and operations are basically the same as in the IPv4 routing protocol, but they run independently. OSPFv2 and OSPFv3 each have separate adjacency tables, OSPF topology tables, and IP routing tables.

The OSPFv3 configuration and verification commands are similar to those used in OSPFv2.

Figure 1-11 summarizes the similarities of OSPFv2 and OSPFv3.

A figure provides an overview of the similarities between OSPFv2 and OSPFv3.

Figure 1-11 OSPFv2 and OSPFv3 Data Structures

Check Your Understanding—OSPF Features and Characteristics (1.1.7)

Interactive Graphic.

Refer to the online course to complete this activity.

OSPF Packets (1.2)

In this section you will learn about the types of packets used to establish and maintain an OSPF neighbor relationship.

Video—OSPF Packets (1.2.1)


Refer to the online course to view this video.

Types of OSPF Packets (1.2.2)

OSPF uses link-state packets to determine the fastest available route for a packet. OSPF uses the following link-state packets (LSPs) to establish and maintain neighbor adjacencies and exchange routing updates. Each packet serves a specific purpose in the OSPF routing process:

  • Type 1: Hello packet: This packet is used to establish and maintain adjacency with other OSPF routers.

  • Type 2: Database Description (DBD) packet: This packet contains an abbreviated list of the LSDB of the sending router and is used by receiving routers to check against the local LSDB. The LSDB must be identical on all link-state routers within an area to construct an accurate SPF tree.

  • Type 3: Link-State Request (LSR) packet: Receiving routers can request more information about any entry in the DBD by sending an LSR.

  • Type 4: Link-State Update (LSU) packet: This packet is used to reply to LSRs and to announce new information. LSUs contain several different types of LSAs.

  • Type 5: Link-State Acknowledgment (LSAck) packet: When an LSU is received, the router sends an LSAck to confirm receipt of the LSU. The LSAck data field is empty.

Table 1-2 summarizes the five different types of LSPs used by OSPFv2. OSPFv3 has similar packet types.

Table 1-2 OSPF Packet Types


Packet Name




Discovers neighbors and builds adjacencies between them.


Database Description (DBD)

Checks for database synchronization between routers.


Link-State Request (LSR)

Requests specific link-state records from router to router.


Link-State Update (LSU)

Sends specifically requested link-state records.


Link-State Acknowledgment (LSAck)

Acknowledges the other packet types.

Link-State Updates (1.2.3)

Routers initially exchange Type 2 DBD packets. A DBD packet is an abbreviated list of the LSDB of the sending router. It is used by receiving routers to check against the local LSDB.

The receiving routers use a Type 3 LSR packet to request more information about an entry in the DBD.

The Type 4 LSU packet is used to reply to an LSR packet.

A Type 5 packet is used to acknowledge the receipt of a Type 4 LSU.

LSUs are also used to forward OSPF routing updates, such as link changes. Specifically, an LSU packet can contain 11 different types of OSPFv2 LSAs; some of the most common OSPFv2 LSAs are shown in Figure 1-12. OSPFv3 renamed several of these LSAs and also contains two additional LSAs.

The data about LSUs and LSAs is shown.

Figure 1-12 LSUs Contain LSAs


The difference between the LSU and LSA terms can sometimes be confusing because these terms are often used interchangeably. However, an LSU contains one or more LSAs.

Note the following in Figure 1-12:

  • An LSU contains one or more LSAs.

  • LSAs contain route information for destination networks.

Hello Packet (1.2.4)

The OSPF Type 1 packet is the Hello packet. Hello packets are used to do the following:

  • Discover OSPF neighbors and establish neighbor adjacencies.

  • Advertise parameters on which two routers must agree to become neighbors.

  • Elect the designated router (DR) and backup designated router (BDR) on multiaccess networks such as Ethernet networks. Point-to-point links do not require DR or BDR.

Figure 1-13 displays the fields contained in the OSPFv2 Type 1 Hello packet.

The format of OSPF hello packet is depicted.

Figure 1-13 OSPF Hello Packet Content

Important fields shown in the figure include the following:

  • Type: This identifies the type of packet. The value 1 indicates a Hello packet. The value 2 identifies a DBD packet, 3 an LSR packet, 4 an LSU packet, and 5 an LSAck packet.

  • Router ID: A 32-bit value expressed in dotted decimal notation (like an IPv4 address) is used to uniquely identify the originating router.

  • Area ID: This is the number of the area from which the packet originated.

  • Network Mask: This is the subnet mask associated with the sending interface.

  • Hello Interval: This specifies the frequency, in seconds, at which a router sends Hello packets. The default Hello interval on multiaccess networks is 10 seconds. This timer must be the same on neighboring routers; otherwise, an adjacency is not established.

  • Router Priority: This is used in a DR/BDR election. The default priority for all OSPF routers is 1, but it can be manually altered to a value from 0 to 255. The higher the value, the more likely the router is to become the DR on the link.

  • Dead Interval: This is the time, in seconds, that a router waits to hear from a neighbor before declaring the neighboring router out of service. By default, the router Dead Interval is four times the Hello Interval. This timer must be the same on neighboring routers; otherwise, an adjacency is not established.

  • Designated Router (DR): This is the router ID of the DR.

  • Backup Designated Router (BDR): This is the router ID of the BDR.

  • List of Neighbors: This list identifies the router IDs of all adjacent routers.

Check Your Understanding—OSPF Packets (1.2.5)

Interactive Graphic.

Refer to the online course to complete this activity.

OSPF Operation (1.3)

In this section you will learn how OSPF achieves convergence.

Video—OSPF Operation (1.3.1)


Refer to the online course to view this video.

OSPF Operational States (1.3.2)

Now that you know about the OSPF link-state packets, this section explains how they work with OSPF-enabled routers. When an OSPF router is initially connected to a network, it attempts to:

  • Create adjacencies with neighbors

  • Exchange routing information

  • Calculate the best routes

  • Reach convergence

Table 1-3 details the states OSPF progresses through while attempting to reach convergence:

Table 1-3 Description of OSPF Operational States



Down state

  • No Hello packets received = Down.

  • Router sends Hello packets.

  • Transition to Init state.

Init state

  • Hello packets are received from the neighbor.

  • Hello packets contain the Router ID of the sending router.

  • Transition to Two-Way state when the router sees its router ID being advertised in a neighbor’s Hello packet.

Two-Way state

  • In this state, communication between the two routers is bidirectional.

  • On multiaccess links, the routers elect a DR and a BDR.

  • Transition to ExStart state.

ExStart state

  • On point-to-point networks, the two routers decide which router will initiate the DBD packet exchange.

  • Next, they decide on the initial DBD packet sequence number.

Exchange state

  • Routers exchange DBD packets.

  • If additional router information is required, transition to Loading; otherwise, transition to the Full state.

Loading state

  • LSRs and LSUs are used to gain additional route information.

  • Routes are processed using the SPF algorithm.

  • Transition to the Full state.

Full state

  • The link-state database of the router is fully synchronized. OSPF has converged.

Establish Neighbor Adjacencies (1.3.3)

When OSPF is enabled on an interface, the router must determine if there is another OSPF neighbor on the link. To accomplish this, the router sends a Hello packet that contains its router ID out all OSPF-enabled interfaces. The Hello packet is sent to the reserved All OSPF Routers IPv4 multicast address Only OSPFv2 routers process these packets. The OSPF router ID is used by the OSPF process to uniquely identify each router in the OSPF area. A router ID is a 32-bit number formatted like an IPv4 address and assigned to uniquely identify a router among OSPF peers.

When a neighboring OSPF-enabled router receives a Hello packet with a router ID that is not within its neighbor list, the receiving router attempts to establish an adjacency with the initiating router.

1. Down State to Init State

When OSPFv2 is enabled, the enabled Gigabit Ethernet 0/0 interface transitions from the Down state to the Init state, as shown in Figure 1-14. R1 starts sending Hello packets out all OSPF-enabled interfaces to discover OSPF neighbors to develop adjacencies with.

A figure shows the transition of routers from one state to another.

Figure 1-14 Down State to Init State

2. The Init State

R2 receives the Hello packet from R1 and adds the R1 router ID to its neighbor list. R2 then sends a Hello packet to R1, as shown in Figure 1-15. The packet contains the R2 router ID and the R1 router ID in its list of neighbors on the same interface.

A figure depicts the specification of the init state.

Figure 1-15 The Init State

3. Two-Way State

R1 receives the Hello packet and adds the R2 router ID to its list of OSPF neighbors, as shown in Figure 1-16. It also notices its own router ID in the list of neighbors of the Hello packet. When a router receives a Hello packet with its router ID listed in the list of neighbors, the router transitions from the Init state to the Two-Way state.

A figure presents the details on the neighbor list of router 1.

Figure 1-16 Two-Way State

The action performed in Two-Way state depends on the type of interconnection between the adjacent routers, as follows:

  • If the two adjacent neighbors are interconnected over a point-to-point link, they immediately transition from the Two-Way state to the ExStart state.

  • If the routers are interconnected over a common Ethernet network, then a designated router DR and a BDR must be elected.

4. Elect the DR and BDR

Because R1 and R2 are interconnected over an Ethernet network, a DR and BDR election takes place. As shown in Figure 1-17, R2 becomes the DR, and R1 is the BDR. This process occurs only on multiaccess networks such as Ethernet LANs.

A figure representing the process of an election between two routers.

Figure 1-17 Elect the DR and BDR

Hello packets are continually exchanged to maintain router information.

Synchronizing OSPF Databases (1.3.4)

After the Two-Way state, routers transition to database synchronization states. The Hello packet was used to establish neighbor adjacencies, and the other four types of OSPF packets are used during the process of exchanging and synchronizing LSDBs. This is a three-step process:

Step 1. Decide which is the first router.

Step 2. Exchange DBDs.

Step 3. Send an LSR.

1. Decide First Router

In the ExStart state, the two routers decide which router will send the DBD packets first. The router with the higher router ID will be the first router to send DBD packets during the Exchange state. In Figure 1-18, R2 has the higher router ID and sends its DBD packets first.

A figure shows the actual process of exchanging link-state information between the DR and BDR.

Figure 1-18 Decide Which Router Sends the First DBD

2. Exchange DBDs

In the Exchange state, the two routers exchange one or more DBD packets. A DBD packet includes information about the LSA entry header that appears in the LSDB of the router. The entries can be about a link or about a network. Each LSA entry header includes information about the link-state type, the address of the advertising router, the cost of the link, and the sequence number. The router uses the sequence number to determine the newness of the received link-state information.

In Figure 1-19, R2 sends a DBD packet to R1. When R1 receives the DBD, it performs the following actions:

Step 1. It acknowledges the receipt of the DBD using the LSAck packet.

Step 2. R1 then sends DBD packets to R2.

Step 3. R2 acknowledges R1.

A figure depicts the exchange of DBD packets between DR and BDR.

Figure 1-19 Exchange DBD Packets

3. Send an LSR

R1 compares the information received with the information it has in its own LSDB. If the DBD packet has a more current link-state entry, the router transitions to the Loading state.

For example, in Figure 1-20, R1 sends an LSR regarding network to R2. R2 responds with the complete information about in an LSU packet. Again, when R1 receives an LSU, it sends an LSAck. R1 then adds the new link-state entries into its LSDB.

The process occurring in the loading state between two routers is depicted.

Figure 1-20 Getting Additional Route Information

After all LSRs have been satisfied for a given router, the adjacent routers are considered synchronized and in a Full state. Updates (LSUs) are sent only to neighbors in the following conditions:

  • When a change is perceived (incremental updates)

  • Every 30 minutes

The Need for a DR (1.3.5)

Why is a DR and BDR election necessary?

Multiaccess networks can create two challenges for OSPF regarding the flooding of LSAs:

  • Creation of multiple adjacencies: Ethernet networks could potentially interconnect many OSPF routers over a common link. Creating adjacencies with every router is unnecessary and undesirable. It would lead to an excessive number of LSAs exchanged between routers on the same network.

  • Extensive flooding of LSAs: Link-state routers flood their LSAs any time OSPF is initialized or when there is a change in the topology. This flooding can become excessive.

To understand the problem with multiple adjacencies, we must study a formula: For any number of routers (designated as n) on a multiaccess network, there are n (n – 1) / 2 adjacencies. For example, Figure 1-21 shows a simple topology of five routers, all of which are attached to the same multiaccess Ethernet network.

A network diagram consists of five routers connected to a common switch in the center. Each router establishes an adjacency relationship with one another in the network.

Figure 1-21 Creating Adjacencies with Every Neighbor

Without some type of mechanism to reduce the number of adjacencies, collectively these routers would form 10 adjacencies: 5 (5 – 1) / 2 = 10. This may not seem like much, but as routers are added to the network, the number of adjacencies increases dramatically. For example, a multiaccess network with 20 routers would create 190 adjacencies.

LSA Flooding with a DR (1.3.6)

A dramatic increase in the number of routers also dramatically increases the number of LSAs exchanged between the routers. This flooding of LSAs significantly impacts the operation of OSPF.

Flooding LSAs

To understand the problem of extensive flooding of LSAs, refer to Figure 1-22.

A network diagram consists of five routers connected to a common switch in the center. LSA packets are flooded between these interconnected routers.

Figure 1-22 Flooding LSAs

In the figure, R2 sends out an LSA, which triggers every other router to also send out an LSA. Not shown in the figure are the required acknowledgments sent for every LSA received. If every router in a multiaccess network had to flood and acknowledge all received LSAs to all other routers on that same multiaccess network, the network traffic would become quite chaotic.

LSAs and DR

The solution to managing the number of adjacencies and the flooding of LSAs on a multiaccess network is the designated router (DR). On multiaccess networks, OSPF elects a DR to be the collection and distribution point for LSAs sent and received. A backup designated router (BDR) is also elected in case the DR fails. All other routers become DROTHERs. A DROTHER is a router that is neither the DR nor the BDR.


The DR is only used for the dissemination of LSAs. The router will still use the best next-hop router indicated in the routing table for the forwarding of all other packets.

Figure 1-23 shows the role of the DR to be the collector and distributer of LSAs in a multiaccess network.

The exchange of LSA's between the elected routers is presented.

Figure 1-23 R1 Sends LSAs to the DR and BDR

Check Your Understanding—OSPF Operation (1.3.7)

Interactive Graphic.

Refer to the online course to complete this activity.

Summary (1.4)

The following is a summary of the sections in this chapter.

OSPF Features and Characteristics

Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) is a link-state routing protocol that was developed as an alternative for the distance vector protocol Routing Information Protocol (RIP). OSPF has significant advantages over RIP in that it offers faster convergence and scales to much larger network implementations. OSPF is a link-state routing protocol that uses the concept of areas for scalability. A link is an interface on a router. A link is also a network segment that connects two routers, or a stub network such as an Ethernet LAN that is connected to a single router. Link-state information includes the network prefix, prefix length, and cost. All routing protocols use routing protocol messages to exchange route information. The messages help build data structures, which are then processed using a routing algorithm. Routers running OSPF exchange messages to convey routing information using five types of packets: the Hello packet, the Database Description packet, the Link-State Request packet, the Link-State Update packet, and the Link-State Acknowledgment packet. OSPF messages are used to create and maintain three OSPF databases: the adjacency database creates the neighbor table, the link-state database (LSDB) creates the topology table, and the forwarding database creates the routing table. The router builds the topology table using results of calculations based on Dijkstra’s SPF (shortest-path first) algorithm. The SPF algorithm is based on the cumulative cost to reach a destination. In OSPF, cost is used to determine the best path to the destination. To maintain routing information, OSPF routers complete a generic link-state routing process to reach a state of convergence:

Step 1. Establish neighbor adjacencies.

Step 2. Exchange link-state advertisements.

Step 3. Build the link-state database.

Step 4. Execute the SPF algorithm.

Step 5. Choose the best route.

With single-area OSPF, any number can be used for the area, but best practice is to use area 0. Single-area OSPF is useful in small networks with few routers. With multi-area OSPF, one large routing domain can be divided into smaller areas to support hierarchical routing. Routing still occurs between the areas (interarea routing), and many of the processor-intensive routing operations, such as recalculating the database, are kept within an area. OSPFv3 is the OSPFv2 equivalent for exchanging IPv6 prefixes. Recall that in IPv6, the network address is referred to as the prefix, and the subnet mask is called the prefix length.

OSPF Packets

OSPF uses the following link-state packets (LSPs) to establish and maintain neighbor adjacencies and exchange routing updates: Hello (Type 1), DBD (Type 2), LSR (Type 3), LSU (Type 4), and LSAck (Type 5). LSUs are also used to forward OSPF routing updates, such as link changes. Hello packets are used to:

  • Discover OSPF neighbors and establish neighbor adjacencies.

  • Advertise parameters on which two routers must agree to become neighbors.

  • Elect the designated router (DR) and backup designated router (BDR) on multi-access networks like Ethernet networks. Point-to-point links do not require a DR or BDR.

Some important fields in the Hello packet are Type, Router ID, Area ID, Network Mask, Hello Interval, Router Priority, Dead Interval, DR, BDR, and List of Neighbors.

OSPF Operation

When an OSPF router is initially connected to a network, it attempts to:

  • Create adjacencies with neighbors

  • Exchange routing information

  • Calculate the best routes

  • Reach convergence

The states that OSPF progresses through to do this are Down state, Init state, Two-Way state, ExStart state, Exchange state, Loading state, and Full state. When OSPF is enabled on an interface, the router must determine if there is another OSPF neighbor on the link by sending a Hello packet that contains its router ID out all OSPF-enabled interfaces. The Hello packet is sent to the reserved All OSPF Routers IPv4 multicast address Only OSPFv2 routers process these packets. When a neighboring OSPF-enabled router receives a Hello packet with a router ID that is not within its neighbor list, the receiving router attempts to establish an adjacency with the initiating router. After the Two-Way state, routers transition to database synchronization states, which is a three-step process:

Step 1. Decide which is the first router.

Step 2. Exchange DBDs.

Step 3. Send an LSR.

Multiaccess networks can create two challenges for OSPF regarding the flooding of LSAs: the creation of multiple adjacencies and extensive flooding of LSAs. A dramatic increase in the number of routers also dramatically increases the number of LSAs exchanged between the routers. This flooding of LSAs significantly impacts the operation of OSPF. If every router in a multiaccess network had to flood and acknowledge all received LSAs to all other routers on that same multiaccess network, the network traffic would become quite chaotic. This is why DR and BDR election is necessary. On multiaccess networks, OSPF elects a DR to be the collection and distribution point for LSAs sent and received. A BDR is also elected in case the DR fails.


There are no labs or Packet Tracer activities for this chapter.

Check Your Understanding

Complete all the review questions listed here to test your understanding of the topics and concepts in this chapter. The appendix “Answers to the ‘Check Your Understanding’ Questions” lists the answers.

1. Which OSPF data structure is identical in all routers in an OSPF area after convergence?

  1. Adjacency database

  2. Link-state database

  3. Routing table

  4. SPF tree

2. Which statements describe features of the OSPF topology table? (Choose three.)

  1. After convergence, the table contains only the lowest-cost route entries for all known networks.

  2. All routers in an area have identical topology tables.

  3. It is a link-state database that represents the network topology.

  4. Its contents are the result of running the SPF algorithm.

  5. The table can be viewed via the show ip ospf database command.

  6. The topology table contains information on how and where to send packets to other routers.

3. What is used to create the OSPF neighbor table?

  1. Adjacency database

  2. Link-state database

  3. Forwarding database

  4. Routing table

4. What is a function of OSPF Hello packets?

  1. To discover neighbors and build adjacencies between them

  2. To ensure database synchronization between routers

  3. To request specific link-state records from neighbor routers

  4. To send specifically requested link-state records

5. Which OPSF packet contains one or more link-state advertisements?

  1. Hello

  2. DBD

  3. LSAck

  4. LSR

  5. LSU

6. What are the purposes of an OSPF router ID? (Choose two.)

  1. To enable the SPF algorithm to determine the lowest-cost path to remote networks

  2. To facilitate router participation in the election of the designated router

  3. To facilitate the establishment of network convergence

  4. To facilitate the transition of the OSPF neighbor state to Full

  5. To uniquely identify the router within the OSPF domain

7. Which statement describes a multiarea OSPF network?

  1. It consists of multiple network areas that are daisy-chained together.

  2. It has a core backbone area with other areas connected to the backbone area.

  3. It has multiple routers that run multiple routing protocols simultaneously, and each protocol consists of an area.

  4. It requires a three-layer hierarchical network design approach.

8. What are the advantages of using multiarea OSPF? (Choose two.)

  1. A backbone area is not required.

  2. It allows OSPFv2 and OSPFv3 to run together.

  3. It enables multiple routing protocols to run in a large network.

  4. It improves routing efficiency by reducing the routing table and link-state update overhead.

  5. It improves routing performance by dividing the neighbor table into separate smaller ones.

  6. Topology changes in one area do not cause SPF recalculations in other areas.

9. Which command can be used to verify the contents of the LSDB in an OSPF area?

  1. show ip ospf database

  2. show ip ospf interface

  3. show ip ospf neighbor

  4. show ip route ospf

10. Which of the following facilitates hierarchical routing in OSPF?

  1. Auto-summarization

  2. Frequent SPF calculations

  3. The election of designated routers

  4. The use of multiple areas

11. Which step does an OSPF-enabled router take immediately after the OSPF router builds the topology table?

  1. Chooses the best path

  2. Establishes an adjacency with another router

  3. Exchanges link-state advertisements

  4. Executes the SPF algorithm

12. Which type of OSPFv2 packet contains an abbreviated list of the LSDB of a sending router and is used by receiving routers to check against the local LSDB?

  1. Database Description

  2. Link-State Acknowledgment

  3. Link-State Request

  4. Link-State Update

13. Which OSPF states are performed prior to two routers forming a neighbor adjacency? (Choose three.)

  1. Down

  2. Exchange

  3. ExStart

  4. Init

  5. Loading

  6. Two-Way

14. In an OSPF network, when are DR and BDR elections required?

  1. When all the routers in an OSPF area cannot form adjacencies

  2. When the routers are interconnected over a common Ethernet network

  3. When the two adjacent neighbors are in two different networks

  4. When the two adjacent neighbors are interconnected over a point-to-point link

15. When an OSPF network is converged and no network topology change has been detected by a router, how often are LSU packets sent to neighboring routers?

  1. Every 10 seconds

  2. Every 40 seconds

  3. Every 15 minutes

  4. Every 30 minutes

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