
A note on the digital index

A link in an index entry is displayed as the section title in which that entry appears. Because some sections have multiple index markers, it is not unusual for an entry to have several links to the same section. Clicking on any link will take you directly to the place in the text in which the marker appears.


Access apps, Creating and configuring Microsoft Access Services, Confirming the settings
Access Services 2010, Creating and configuring Microsoft Access Services
Access Services Application Name text box, Access Services 2010
Access Services, configuring, Creating and configuring Microsoft Access Services
Access Services, Access Services 2010
Access Services 2010, Creating and configuring Microsoft Access Services
Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) permissions, Planning user profiles
Active Directory Logon Data connections, Planning activity feeds
Active Directory Resource connections, Planning activity feeds
Active property (channels), Objective 2.3: Plan and configure Web Content Management (WCM)
activity feeds, social workloads, Planning user profiles
Activity Ranking analysis, Search analytics
AD DS (Active Directory Domain Services) permissions, Planning user profiles
Add Content Types page (Analysis Services), Planning and configuring Power View
Add-SPSolution command, Configuring Sandboxed Solution Management
query suggestions (seraches), Adding query suggestions
Additional Lock Information text box, Configuring read-only access for content
Address setting, trusted file locations, Defining trusted file locations
Administrator’s Toolkit, Resolving configuration issues
Advanced Encryption Security (AES), Using permissions for database mirroring
AES (Advanced Encryption Security), Using permissions for database mirroring
Alert job, log shipping, Planning for SQL Server log shipping
provisioning for Reporting Services, Configuring SharePoint for Reporting Services
Alias property (channels), Objective 2.3: Plan and configure Web Content Management (WCM)
aliases (SQL Server), Linked servers
Allow Cross Domain Access option, configuring Excel Services application, Configuring global settings
Allow External Data setting, trusted file locations, Settings for calculation behavior
Allow External Data Using REST setting, trusted file locations, External data settings
Allow Non-Remotable Queries setting, configuring Access Services 2010, Access Services 2010
Allow Outer Joins setting, configuring Access Services 2010, Access Services 2010
Allow Triggers To Fire Others setting, configuring Access Services, Making SQL Server 2012 available
AlwaysOn (SQL Server), Planning for SQL Server clustering
AlwaysOn Failover Cluster Instances, AlwaysOn High Availability Groups
AlwaysOn High Availability Groups technology, AlwaysOn High Availability Groups
analysis of data, BI tools, Objective 5.2: Planning and configuring a BI infrastructure
Excel Services data modeling, Working with additional PowerPivot settings
PerformancePoint, Objective 5.2: Planning and configuring a BI infrastructure
Power View, Planning and configuring Power View
PowerPivot, Configuring Email Settings
Reporting Services, Configuring site collections to use PerformancePoint
Analysis Services EffectiveUserName setting, configuring global settings, Workbook cache settings
Analysis Services in Tabular mode, installation, Planning and configuring Power View
analysis, upgrades
content database test results, Performing migration pre-check tasks
analytics processing component (Search server), Web Front End
analytics reports, searches, Planning and configuring a search schema
Anchor Text Processing analysis, Planning and configuring a search schema
App Catalog
adding SharePoint apps to, Upgrading farm solutions
configuring settings, Creating and configuring the App Store
creating, Objective 4.1: Create and configure App Management
manual addition of apps, Creating and configuring the App Store
App Domain setting, Creating and configuring subscriptions
App Management, creating and configuring, Create and configure service applications
App Store, Objective 4.1: Create and configure App Management
DNS entries, Configuring DNS entries
subscriptions, Creating and configuring the App Store
wildcard certificates, Configuring DNS entries
App Prefix, Creating and configuring subscriptions
App Requests list, Creating and configuring the App Store
App Store, configuring, Objective 4.1: Create and configure App Management
app URLs, Creating and configuring subscriptions
AppFabric Caching service, Planning activity feeds
Application Discovery service application, Managing service application permissions
Application Objects section (Manage Service Applications page), Access Services 2010
application pool, configuring for Access Services service application, Configuring the application pool
application server services, Search server
$appPool -Name <ServiceName> -DatabaseName <ServiceDB> command, Creating and configuring subscriptions
AppPoolConcurrentUpgradeSessionLimit property (throttling), Planning and configuring site collection upgrade queues and throttling
App Management, Create and configure service applications
App Store, Objective 4.1: Create and configure App Management
DNS entries, Configuring DNS entries
subscriptions, Creating and configuring the App Store
wildcard certificates, Configuring DNS entries
deployment, Upgrading farm solutions
upgrades, Upgrading apps
User-Defined Function Assemblies, Setting up trusted data connection libraries
Assembly Location option, adding user-defined function assemblies, Setting up trusted data connection libraries
Assembly option, adding user-defined function assemblies, Setting up trusted data connection libraries
AssignmentCollection parameter (Test-SPContentDatabase command, Analyzing content database test results
attaching read-only content databases, Configuring read-only access for content
audiences, social permissions, Personal site collections (SkyDrive)
server-to-server, configuring, Creating and configuring Machine Translation Services
web applications, Analyzing content database test results
authoritative pages, searches, Adding query suggestions
automatic deletion, record disposition, Planning and configuring record management
automatic failover
AlwaysOn FCI, AlwaysOn High Availability Groups
SQL Server mirroring, Planning for SQL Server mirroring
automatic translation of content, Planning and configuring variations


backup and recovery planning
business continuity management, Objective review
Central Administration backup, Establishing a SharePoint backup schedule
content recovery, Planning for service application recovery
farm configuration recovery, Planning a non-production environment content refresh
non-production environment content refresh, Establishing a SharePoint backup schedule
service application recovery, Planning for service application recovery
SharePoint backup schedules, Objective review, Using Central Administration backup
SQL Server backup schedules, Establishing a SharePoint backup schedule
backup compression, Planning for SQL Server log shipping
Backup Tool (Central Administration), Establishing a SharePoint backup schedule
Backup-SPFarm -Directory <path> -BackupMethod Full -Item <service name> command, Generating a Secure Store master key
data redundancy, Database mirroring for data redundancy
log shipping, Planning for SQL Server log shipping
schedules, Objective review, Using Central Administration backup
badges, Community Sites, Reputation settings
BCS (Business Connectivity Service), configuring, Objective 4.4: Create and configure a Business Connectivity Service and Secure Store application
importing BCS models, Objective 4.4: Create and configure a Business Connectivity Service and Secure Store application
model security, Importing and configuring BCS models
BDC (Business Data Catalog) models, Objective 4.4: Create and configure a Business Connectivity Service and Secure Store application
BDC (Business Data Connectivity) service application, Configuring upgrade farms
BI (business intelligence) tools, Objective 5.2: Planning and configuring a BI infrastructure
Excel Services data modeling, Working with additional PowerPivot settings
PerformancePoint, Objective 5.2: Planning and configuring a BI infrastructure
Power View, Planning and configuring Power View
PowerPivot, Configuring Email Settings
Reporting Services, Configuring site collections to use PerformancePoint
budget limitations, high-availability planning, Choosing a version of SQL Server
Bulk Crawled Property Settings, Planning and configuring a search schema
Bulk Logged recovery model, Establishing a SharePoint backup schedule
Business Connectivity Service (BCS), configuring, Objective 4.4: Create and configure a Business Connectivity Service and Secure Store application
importing BCS models, Objective 4.4: Create and configure a Business Connectivity Service and Secure Store application
model security, Importing and configuring BCS models
business continuity
backup and recovery plan, Objective review
backup schedules, Objective review, Using Central Administration backup
Central Administration backup, Establishing a SharePoint backup schedule
content recovery, Planning for service application recovery
farm configuration recovery, Planning a non-production environment content refresh
non-production environment content refresh, Establishing a SharePoint backup schedule
service application recovery, Planning for service application recovery
SQL Server backup schedules, Establishing a SharePoint backup schedule
high-availability plan, Objective 1.2: Plan for SharePoint high availability
network redundancy, RAID
physical server distribution, Planning for service instance configuration
service distribution, Objective 1.2: Plan for SharePoint high availability
service instance configuration, Search server
SQL Server aliases, Linked servers
SQL Server load balancing, Planning for network redundancy
SQL Server high-availability plan, Plan business continuity management
AlwaysOn, Planning for SQL Server clustering
clustering, Using permissions for database mirroring
gathering requirements, Objective 1.1: Plan for SQL high availability and disaster recovery
log shipping, AlwaysOn Failover Cluster Instances
login replication, Database mirroring for data redundancy
mirroring, Planning for SQL Server mirroring
storage redundancy, Database mirroring with log shipping
Business Data Catalog (BDC) models, Objective 4.4: Create and configure a Business Connectivity Service and Secure Store application
Business Data Connectivity (BDC) service application, Configuring upgrade farms
Business Data Connectivity connections, Planning activity feeds
business intelligence (BI) tools, Objective 5.2: Planning and configuring a BI infrastructure
Excel Services data modeling, Working with additional PowerPivot settings
PerformancePoint, Objective 5.2: Planning and configuring a BI infrastructure
Power View, Planning and configuring Power View
PwerPivot, Configuring Email Settings
Reporting Services, Configuring site collections to use PerformancePoint


Cache Timeout setting
configuring Access Services, Configuring the application pool
configuring Access Services 2010, Access Services 2010
Caching Of Unused Files setting, configuring global settings, Workbook cache settings
Canonical Name (CNAME) records, Configuring DNS entries
capacity planning, Planning large document repositories
Central Administration
attaching an App Catalog to a web application, Deploying apps
backing up Secure Store service, Generating a Secure Store master key
backups, Establishing a SharePoint backup schedule
changing Secure Store target application permissions, Creating Secure Store target applications
changing trusted data source locations, Configuring the unattended service account
configuring My Site host, My Site host
configuring unattended service accounts, Planning and configuring PerformancePoint
consuming service applications, Publishing service applications
creating PerformancePoint service application, Objective 5.2: Planning and configuring a BI infrastructure
creating Project Server service application, Starting the Project Server Application Service
creating Project Server web app, Creating a Project Server web app
creatingo SQL Server PowerPivot service application, Creating the PowerPivot service application
database recovery, Recovering a database via SQL Server
deploying farm solutions, Deploying farm solutions
exporting BDC models, Importing and configuring BCS models
importing BCS models, Importing and configuring BCS models
limiting locations allowed for trusted data sources, Configuring trusted data sources
provisioning with Psconfig, Planning removal of servers in rotation
publishing service applications, Managing service application permissions
restoring Secure Store service application, Generating a Secure Store master key
setting sandboxed solution quotas, Objective 5.1: Manage SharePoint solutions and applications
starting Project Server Application Service, Starting the Project Server Application Service
Upgrade Status page, Configuring parallel upgrades
default result source, Planning and configuring index freshness
configuring WCM, Objective 2.3: Plan and configure Web Content Management (WCM)
Choose A File dialog box, Upgrading farm solutions
claims-based authentication
upgrade from classic-mode authentication, Configuring web application authentication for upgrades
claims-based authentication directory service, Planning activity feeds
classic-mode authentication
upgrading to claims-based authentication, Configuring web application authentication for upgrades
cleaning environment, migration pre-check, Performing migration pre-check tasks
Click Distance analysis, Planning and configuring a search schema
cluster resource (WFSC), AlwaysOn High Availability Groups
clustering (SQL Server), Using permissions for database mirroring
data redundancy, Database mirroring with log shipping
multi-subnet failover, Choosing a version of SQL Server
CMIS (Content Management Interoperability Services), Resolving configuration issues
CNAME (Canonical Name) records, Configuring DNS entries
Collocated mode (Distributed Cache), Planning activity feeds
$appPool -Name <ServiceName> -DatabaseName <ServiceDB>, Creating and configuring subscriptions
$db.Repair($false), Resolving orphan objects
$db.Repair($true), Resolving orphan objects
$rootCert.Export(“Cert”)|Set-Content <Root Cert Path> -Encoding byte, Performing a certificate exchange
$rpa.ResourceMeasures | Select-Object Name,ResourcesPerPoint,AbsoluteLimit, Managing sandboxed solution quotas
$rpa.ResourceMeasures[“<resource name>”].Update(), Managing sandboxed solution quotas
$rpa.Update(), Managing sandboxed solution quotas
$stsCert.Export(“Cert”)|Set-Content <STS Cert Path> -Encoding byte, Performing a certificate exchange
$wa.MigrateUsers($true), Configuring web application authentication for upgrades
$wa.ProvisionGlobally(), Configuring web application authentication for upgrades
$wa.Update(), Configuring web application authentication for upgrades
$webApp.CompatibilityRange, Planning and configuring available site collection modes
$webApp.GrantAccessToProcessIdentity(“<domain account>”), Creating and configuring Microsoft Excel Services
$webApp.SiteUpgradeThrottleSettings, Planning and configuring site collection upgrade queues and throttling
$webApp.Update(), Planning and configuring available site collection modes
$webApp.UpgradeMaintenanceLink, Planning and configuring available site collection modes
$webApp.UpgradeReminderDelay, Planning and configuring available site collection modes
Add-SPSolution, Configuring Sandboxed Solution Management
Backup-SPFarm -Directory <path> -BackupMethod Full -Item <service name>, Generating a Secure Store master key
databaserepair, Resolving orphan objects
EnumAllWebs, Performing migration pre-check tasks
Export-SPBusinessDataCatalogModel, Importing and configuring BCS models
Get-SPBusinessDataCatalogMetadataObject, Importing and configuring BCS models
Get-SPFarm | Select Id, Managing service application permissions
Get-SPSiteUpgradeSessionInfo, Planning and configuring evaluation mode
Get-SPTopologyServiceApplication, Managing service application permissions
Import-SPBusinessDataCatalogModel, Importing and configuring BCS models
Install-SPRSService, Installing Reporting Services on SQL Server
Install-SPRSServiceProxy, Installing Reporting Services on SQL Server
Install-SPSolution, Configuring Sandboxed Solution Management
LocalLoginProvider.SigningCertificate, Performing a certificate exchange
Mount-SPContentDatabase, Configuring parallel upgrades
New-AuthServer, Configuring a connection to Exchange for eDiscovery and Resource Sharing
New-SPBusinessDataCatalogServiceApplicationProxy, Consuming service applications
New-SPEnterpriseSearchServiceApplicationProxy, Consuming service applications
New-SPMetadataServiceApplicationProxy, Consuming service applications
New-SPProfileServiceApplicationProxy, Consuming service applications
New-SPSecureStoreServiceApplicationProxy, Consuming service applications
Publish-SPServiceApplication -Identity <Service App GUID>, Publishing service applications
Receive-SPServiceApplicationConnectionInfo -FarmURL <Published URL>, Consuming service applications
Remove-SPSite, Resolving orphan objects
Remove-SPSiteUpgradeSessionInfo -Identity, Planning and configuring site collection upgrade queues and throttling
Repair-SPSite -Identity, Performing a health check
Request-SPUpgradeEvaluationSiteCollection, Planning and configuring evaluation mode
Restore-SPFarm -Directory <path> -Item <service name> -RecoveryMethod Overwrite, Managing the Secure Store master key
Set-SPSite -Identity “<site collection” -QuotaTemplate “<template name>”, Managing sandboxed solution quotas
Start-SPServiceInstance, Using Psconfig
Stop-SPServiceInstance, Using Psconfig
Test-SPContentDatabase, Performing migration pre-check tasks
Test-SPSite -Identity, Performing a health check
Uninstall-SPSolution, Deploying farm solutions
Update-SPSecureStoreApplicationServerKey -Passphrase <passphrase>, Managing the Secure Store master key
Update-SPSolution, Upgrading farm solutions
Upgrade-SPSite, Planning and configuring site collection upgrade queues and throttling
Community Sites, Objective 2.1: Plan a social workload
badges, Reputation settings
reputation settings, Planning communities
comp tool, Resolving missing files
CompatibilityLevel property, Configuring Sandboxed Solution Management
Complete Certificate Request dialog box, Configuring wildcard certificates
conditions, query rules, Query rules
configuration issues, upgrades, Using Windiff and comp
Configuration Wizard, Social permissions
Configure Quotas And Locks option, Configuring parallel upgrades
AlwaysOn High Availability Groups, AlwaysOn High Availability Groups
App Catalog settings, Creating and configuring the App Store
App Store, Objective 4.1: Create and configure App Management
BI (business intelligence) tools, Objective 5.2: Planning and configuring a BI infrastructure
Excel Services data modeling, Working with additional PowerPivot settings
PerformancePoint, Objective 5.2: Planning and configuring a BI infrastructure
Power View, Planning and configuring Power View
PowerPivot, Configuring Email Settings
Reporting Services, Configuring site collections to use PerformancePoint
content deployment jobs, Planning and configuring content deployment
DNS entries, Configuring DNS entries
ECM (Enterprise Content Management), Objective review
eDiscovery, Objective review
large document repositories, Planning large document repositories
record disposition and retention, Planning and configuring record management
record management, Planning and configuring eDiscovery
FIM (Forefront Identity Manager) services, Planning user profiles
log shipping, Planning for SQL Server log shipping
Machine Translation, Planning and configuring variations
Machine Translation Services, Creating and configuring Microsoft PowerPoint Conversion Services
creating service application, Creating and configuring Machine Translation Services
running services, Running Machine Translation Services
settings, Creating a Machine Translation Services service application
Microsoft Access, Creating and configuring Microsoft Access Services
Access Services, Access Services 2010
Access Services 2010, Creating and configuring Microsoft Access Services
Microsoft Excel Services, Creating and configuring Microsoft Excel Services
Microsoft PowerPoint Conversion Services, Creating and configuring Microsoft PowerPoint Conversion Services
Microsoft Visio Services, Confirming the settings
unattended service accounts, Confirming the settings
Visio Graphics Service settings, Creating an unattended service account
Microsoft Word Automation Services, Global settings
creating service application, Creating and configuring Microsoft Word Automation Services
file conversions, Configuring file conversions
modifying properties, Creating and configuring Microsoft Word Automation Services
My Site host, My Site host
NLB (Network Load Balancing), Planning for network redundancy
parallel upgrades, Removing other servers
read-only access for content, Configuring parallel upgrades
reputation settings, community sites, Planning communities
sandboxed solution management, Configuring Sandboxed Solution Management
analytics reports, Planning and configuring a search schema
end-user experience, Planning and configuring result sources
index freshness, Designating authoritative pages
result relevancy, Objective 2.2: Plan and configure a search workload
result sources, Planning and configuring index freshness
results, Planning and configuring result sources
search schema, Display templates
server-to-server authentication, Creating and configuring Machine Translation Services
service applications, Create and configure service applications
App Management, Create and configure service applications
BCS (Business Connectivity Service), Objective 4.4: Create and configure a Business Connectivity Service and Secure Store application
federation of services, Objective review
productivity services, Objective review
Secure Store, Configuring BCS model security
service instances, Search server
site collections available for upgrading, Analyzing and resolving health check results
site mailboxes, Planning and configuring record management
Trusted My Site Host Locations, My Site host
upgrade farms, Configuring read-only access for content
variation settings, Planning and configuring variations
Visio Graphics Service settings, Configuring Visio Graphics Service settings
WCM (Web Content Management)
channels, Objective 2.3: Plan and configure Web Content Management (WCM)
content deployment, Planning and configuring content deployment
product catalogs, Planning and configuring channels
topic pages, Using the Catalog
variations, Planning and configuring content deployment
web application authentication, Analyzing content database test results
wildcard certificates, Configuring DNS entries
work management, Objective 5.3: Creating and configuring work management
Microsoft Exchange, Creating a Project Server web app
Microsoft Project Server, Objective 5.3: Creating and configuring work management
Confirm Pass Phrase text box, Generating a Secure Store master key
Connect To Server dialog box, Provisioning subscriptions and alerts
Connection Encryption option, configuring Excel Services application, Configuring global settings
Connection Lifetime setting, configuring global settings, Workbook cache settings
Connection Permissions dialog box, Managing service application permissions
social workloads, Planning activity feeds
consuming farm, importing root certificates, Performing a certificate exchange
consuming service applications
federation of services, Publishing service applications
consumption, product catalogs, Modifying Search Properties
WCM (Web Content Management), Planning and configuring content deployment
processing component (Search server), Web Front End
recovery, Planning for service application recovery
refresh, non-production environments, Establishing a SharePoint backup schedule
translation, Planning and configuring variations
content databases
configuring read-only access, Configuring read-only access for content
SharePoint migration pre-check, Performing migration pre-check tasks
testing prior to migration, Performing migration pre-check tasks
Content Deployment, Planning a non-production environment content refresh
Content Deployment Source Feature, Planning and configuring content deployment
content evaluation, upgrades, Upgrade and migrate a SharePoint environment
analyzing content database test results, Performing migration pre-check tasks
configuration issues, Using Windiff and comp
configuring web application authentication, Analyzing content database test results
migration pre-check tasks, Objective 3.1: Evaluate content and customizations
resolving missing files, Resolving orphan objects
resolving orphan objects, Configuring web application authentication for upgrades
Content Management Interoperability Services (CMIS), Resolving configuration issues
Content Organizer, Planning and configuring record management
Content Search Web Part (CSWP), Planning and configuring content deployment
continuous crawling, content sources, Designating authoritative pages
contributors, community sites, Planning communities
Conversion Processes setting, configuring Word Automation Services, Modifying properties
Conversion Throughput setting, configuring Word Automation Services, Modifying properties
Copy job, log shipping, Planning for SQL Server log shipping
crawl component (Search server), Web Front End
Crawl component (Search service application), Using Psconfig
crawled properties, Planning and configuring a search schema
crawling a content source, Designating authoritative pages
Create New Word Automation Services Application dialog box, Creating and configuring Microsoft Word Automation Services
Create Personal Site permission, Audiences
Create PowerPivot Service Application task pane, Running the Configuration tool
Create Project dialog box, Resolving configuration issues
Create Upgrade Evaluation Site Collection option, Planning and configuring evaluation mode
Access apps, Confirming the settings
Access Service service application, Starting the Access Services service
App Catalog, Objective 4.1: Create and configure App Management
audiences, Personal site collections (SkyDrive)
My Site host, My Site host
PerformancePoint service application, Objective 5.2: Planning and configuring a BI infrastructure
PowerPivot service application, Running the Configuration tool
Project Server service application, Starting the Project Server Application Service
Reporting Services service application, Installing Reporting Services on SQL Server
result sources, Planning and configuring result sources
result types, Display templates
service applications, Create and configure service applications
App Management, Create and configure service applications
BCS (Business Connectivity Service), Objective 4.4: Create and configure a Business Connectivity Service and Secure Store application
federation of services, Objective review
productivity services, Objective review
Secure Store, Configuring BCS model security
source variation, Planning and configuring variations
SQL Server aliases, Linked servers
Synchronization Connection with AD, Planning connections
thesaurus, Building a thesaurus
unattended service accounts, Confirming the settings
User Profile service applications, Social permissions
Visio Graphics Service service application, Creating an unattended service account
work management, Objective 5.3: Creating and configuring work management
Microsoft Exchange, Creating a Project Server web app
Microsoft Project Server, Objective 5.3: Creating and configuring work management
managing Secure Store target application permissions, Creating Secure Store target applications
critical sites, upgrading site collections, Analyzing and resolving health check results
cross-site publication, Planning and configuring content deployment
CSWP (Content Search Web Part), Planning and configuring content deployment
custom entities, searches, Building a thesaurus
Custom Web App dialog box, Confirming the settings
solution management, Manage SharePoint solutions, BI, and systems integration
deployment of apps, Upgrading farm solutions
deployment of farm solutions, Configuring Sandboxed Solution Management
sandboxed solution quotas, Objective 5.1: Manage SharePoint solutions and applications
upgrading apps, Upgrading apps
upgrading farm solutions, Deploying farm solutions
customizations, evaluating before upgrades, Upgrade and migrate a SharePoint environment
analyzing content database test results, Performing migration pre-check tasks
configuration issues, Using Windiff and comp
configuring web application authentication, Analyzing content database test results
migration pre-check tasks, Objective 3.1: Evaluate content and customizations
resolving missing files, Resolving orphan objects
resolving orphan objects, Configuring web application authentication for upgrades
customized sites, upgrading site collections, Analyzing and resolving health check results


Dashboard Designer, Configuring the unattended service account
data analysis, BI tools, Objective 5.2: Planning and configuring a BI infrastructure
Excel Services data modeling, Working with additional PowerPivot settings
PerformancePoint, Objective 5.2: Planning and configuring a BI infrastructure
Power View, Planning and configuring Power View
PowerPivot, Configuring Email Settings
Reporting Services, Configuring site collections to use PerformancePoint
data connection libraries
configuring Microsoft Excel Services, External data settings
Data Model Settings
configuring Microsoft Excel Services, Setting up trusted data connection libraries
data modeling
Excel Services, Working with additional PowerPivot settings
Data Protection Manager (DPM), Planning for service application recovery
data redundancy, Database mirroring with log shipping
data sources, configuring BCS models, Objective 4.4: Create and configure a Business Connectivity Service and Secure Store application
Data-Tier Application Framework (Microsoft SQL Server 2012), Making SQL Server 2012 available
Database Server text box, Planning and configuring PerformancePoint
database-attach method (upgrade path), Performing migration pre-check tasks
DatabaseCredentials parameter (Test-SPContentDatabase command), Analyzing content database test results
databaserepair command, Resolving orphan objects
log shipping, Planning for SQL Server log shipping
SQL Server, Planning for SQL Server mirroring
Central Administration, Recovering a database via SQL Server
Restore-SPSite command, Recovering a database using Restore-SPSite
SQL Server, Recovering a database using Restore-SPSite
databases, upgrades
analyzing test results, Performing migration pre-check tasks
$db.Repair($false) command, Resolving orphan objects
$db.Repair($true) command, Resolving orphan objects
dbcreator built-in server role, Access Services 2010
Dedicated mode (Distributed Cache), Planning activity feeds
Deep Links analysis, Search analytics
Default Account, PowerPivot Configuration Tool, Running the Configuration tool
Default index update group, Planning and configuring a search schema
default result source, Planning and configuring index freshness
deletecorruption parameter, Resolving orphan objects
deleting sandboxed solutions, Configuring Sandboxed Solution Management
apps, Upgrading farm solutions
farm solutions, Configuring Sandboxed Solution Management
deployment of content
WCM (Web Content Management), Planning and configuring content deployment
Description option, adding user-defined function assemblies, Setting up trusted data connection libraries
Description property (channels), Objective 2.3: Plan and configure Web Content Management (WCM)
Description setting, trusted file locations, Defining trusted file locations
Design Manager, creating channels, Objective 2.3: Plan and configure Web Content Management (WCM)
Device Inclusion Rules property (channels), Objective 2.3: Plan and configure Web Content Management (WCM)
Diagnostic Studio, Using Windiff and comp
dialog boxes
Choose A File, Upgrading farm solutions
Complete Certificate Request, Configuring wildcard certificates
Connect To Server, Provisioning subscriptions and alerts
Connection Permissions, Managing service application permissions
Create New Word Automation Services Application, Creating and configuring Microsoft Word Automation Services
Create Project, Resolving configuration issues
Custom Web App, Confirming the settings
Generate New Key, Generating a Secure Store master key
New Linked Server, Linked servers
New Resource Record, Configuring DNS entries
Permissions For User Profile Service Application, Audiences
Publish Service Application, Publishing service applications
Request Certificate, Configuring wildcard certificates
Secondary Database Settings, Planning for SQL Server log shipping
Site Bindings, Configuring wildcard certificates
SQL Server Installation Center, Installing Reporting Services on SQL Server
Transaction Log Backup Settings, Planning for SQL Server log shipping
directory services, Planning activity feeds
Disable Office 97-2003 Document Scanning? setting, configuring Machine Translation Service, Configuring the settings
disaster recovery planning
backup and restore plans, Objective review
Central Administration backup, Establishing a SharePoint backup schedule
content recovery, Planning for service application recovery
farm configuration recovery, Planning a non-production environment content refresh
non-production environment content refresh, Establishing a SharePoint backup schedule
service application recovery, Planning for service application recovery
SharePoint backup schedules, Objective review, Using Central Administration backup
SQL Server backup schedules, Establishing a SharePoint backup schedule
network redundancy, RAID
physical server distribution, Planning for service instance configuration
service instance configuration, Search server
SQL Server aliases, Linked servers
SQL Server load balancing, Planning for network redundancy
SQL Server, Plan business continuity management
AlwaysOn, Planning for SQL Server clustering
clustering, Using permissions for database mirroring
gathering requirements, Objective 1.1: Plan for SQL high availability and disaster recovery
log shipping, AlwaysOn Failover Cluster Instances
login replication, Database mirroring for data redundancy
mirroring, Planning for SQL Server mirroring
storage redundancy, Database mirroring with log shipping
Discovery Management role group, Configuring a connection to Exchange for eDiscovery and Resource Sharing
Display Granular External Data Errors setting, trusted file locations, Settings for calculation behavior
Display Name text box, Creating an unattended service account
display templates, searches, Query rules
disposition of records
ECM (Enterprise Content Management), Planning and configuring record management
Distributed Cache
activity feeds, Planning activity feeds
distribution, SharePoint services, Objective 1.2: Plan for SharePoint high availability
DNS (Domain Name Services)
configuring entries, Configuring DNS entries
document libraries, migration pre-check, Performing migration pre-check tasks
document repositories
ECM (Enterprise Content Management), Planning large document repositories
document routing, Planning and configuring record management
Domain Name Services (DNS)
configuring entries, Configuring DNS entries
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Feature Pack, Making SQL Server 2012 available
PowerPivot, Configuring Email Settings
DPM (Data Protection Manager), Planning for service application recovery
Drop Off Library (record centers), Planning and configuring record management
Duplicate Submissions setting, Planning and configuring record management


earned badges, community sites, Reputation settings
ECM (Enterprise Content Management), Objective review
, Objective review
large document repositories, Planning large document repositories
record disposition and retention, Planning and configuring record management
record management, Planning and configuring eDiscovery
ECS (Excel Calculation Services) service, Creating and configuring Microsoft Excel Services
eDiscovery, Objective review
configuring a connection to Exchange, Creating a Project Server web app
Edit permission, Configuring BCS model security
Email Notifications section (My Site host), My Site host
Email Settings (Manage Reporting Services Application page), Configuring the Execution Account
Embedded Font Support setting, configuring Word Automation Services, Modifying properties
Enable Assembly option, adding user-defined function assemblies, Setting up trusted data connection libraries
Enable Contained Database setting, configuring Access Services, Making SQL Server 2012 available
Enable This As A Primary Database In A Log Shipping Configuration option, Planning for SQL Server log shipping
Enabled File Extensions setting, configuring Machine Translation Service, Creating a Machine Translation Services service application
Distributed Cache, Planning activity feeds
monitoring of offensive content, Planning communities
Standard Collection feature, Planning communities
AES (Advanced Encryption Security), Using permissions for database mirroring
RC4, Using permissions for database mirroring
encryption key, exporting
User Profile Synchronization service application, Configuring upgrade farms
end-user experience, searches, Planning and configuring result sources
display templates, Query rules
query rules, Planning and configuring result sources
result types, Display templates
Enterprise Content Management (ECM), Objective review
eDiscovery, Objective review
large document repositories, Planning large document repositories
record disposition and retention, Planning and configuring record management
record management, Planning and configuring eDiscovery
EnumAllWebs command, Performing migration pre-check tasks
ECM (Enterprise Content Management), Objective review
search workloads, Objective 2.2: Plan and configure a search workload
social workloads, Plan a SharePoint environment
upgrades and migrations
evaluation of content and customizations, Upgrade and migrate a SharePoint environment
planning process, Objective review
site collections, Objective review
WCM (Web Content Management), Objective review
error messages, read-only content, Configuring read-only access for content
evaluation of content, upgrades, Upgrade and migrate a SharePoint environment
analyzing content database test results, Performing migration pre-check tasks
configuration issues, Using Windiff and comp
configuring web application authentication, Analyzing content database test results
migration pre-check tasks, Objective 3.1: Evaluate content and customizations
resolving missing files, Resolving orphan objects
resolving orphan objects, Configuring web application authentication for upgrades
evaluation sites, upgrading site collections, Planning and configuring site collection upgrade availability
Everyone (permission level), Social permissions
Everyone activity feed, Planning activity feeds
Excel Calculation Services (ECS) service, Creating and configuring Microsoft Excel Services
Excel Services
data modeling, Working with additional PowerPivot settings
Excel Services Application Data Model Settings page, Working with additional PowerPivot settings
Excel Services, configuring, Creating and configuring Microsoft Excel Services
data connection libraries, External data settings
Data Model Settings, Setting up trusted data connection libraries
global settings
external data settings, Workbook cache settings
load balancing settings, Configuring global settings
memory usage settings, Session management settings
security settings, Configuring global settings
session management settings, Session management settings
workbook cache settings, Session management settings
Trusted Data Providers, External data settings
Trusted File Locations, Workbook cache settings
User-Defined Function Assemblies, Setting up trusted data connection libraries
Exchange Auto Discovery, My Site host
Exchange Server instance, discovering content, Planning and configuring eDiscovery
Exchange, configuring a connection to, Creating a Project Server web app
exchanging trust certificates
federation of services, Planning services to federate
excluding query suggestions, Adding query suggestions
Execute permission, Configuring BCS model security
Execution account (Manage Reporting Services Application page), Configuring the Execution Account
existing sites
adding Community Sites feature, Objective 2.1: Plan a social workload
Export-SPBusinessDataCatalogModel command, Importing and configuring BCS models
BDC models, Importing and configuring BCS models
root certificates, Performing a certificate exchange
exporting, encryption key
User Profile Synchronization service application, Configuring upgrade farms
ExtendedCheck parameter (Test-SPContentDatabase command), Analyzing content database test results
External Data Cache Lifetime setting, trusted file locations, Settings for calculation behavior
External Data setting, configuring Visio Graphics Service, Global settings
external data settings
configuring Microsoft Excel Services, Workbook cache settings
trusted file locations, Settings for calculation behavior
extractors, custom entities, Building a thesaurus


failover cluster (SQL Server), Planning for SQL Server clustering
failover cluster instances, AlwaysOn High Availability Groups
farm configuration
backups, Establishing a SharePoint backup schedule
recovery, Planning a non-production environment content refresh
Farm Configuration Wizard, Creating and configuring Microsoft PowerPoint Conversion Services
farm solutions
deployment, Configuring Sandboxed Solution Management
upgrading, Deploying farm solutions
FAST Search Center, removal before migration, Performing migration pre-check tasks
federated database servers, SQL Server load balancing, Linked servers
federation of services, configuring, Objective review
consuming service applications, Publishing service applications
exchanging trust certificates, Planning services to federate
permissions, Managing service application permissions
planning services to federate, Objective 4.3: Configure Service Application Federation
publishing service applications, Managing service application permissions
trust management, Performing a certificate exchange
Feed Cache, Planning activity feeds
File Access Method option, configuring Excel Serviceso application, Configuring global settings
file conversions
configuring Word Automation Services, Configuring file conversions
FILESTREAM requirements, high-availability planning, Determining limitations
synchronization connections, Planning connections
FIM (Forefront Identity Manager) services, Planning user profiles
Firewall settings, configuring Access Services, Making SQL Server 2012 available
Folder Partitioning setting, Planning and configuring record management
Follow People and Edit Profile permission, Audiences
forced switching, database mirroring, Planning for SQL Server mirroring
Forefront Identity Manager (FIM) services, Planning user profiles
Forefront Identity Manager Service, Moving User Profile Synchronization
Forefront Identity Manager Synchronization Service, Planning user profiles, Moving User Profile Synchronization
forms-based authentication directory service, Planning activity feeds
forward lookup zones, Configuring DNS entries
Foundation Subscription Setting service, Creating and configuring the App Store
Frequency With Which To Start Translations setting, configuring Machine Translation Service, Configuring the settings
Full recovery model, Establishing a SharePoint backup schedule
full trust solutions (see farm soultions)


GAC (Global Assembly Cache), Resolving orphan objects
GAC (Global Assembly Cache) files
Central Administration Backup tool, Using Central Administration backup
gathering requirements
SQL Server high availability, Objective 1.1: Plan for SQL high availability and disaster recovery
Generate New Key dialog box, Generating a Secure Store master key
generating master key
Secure Store service application, Configuring BCS model security
geographically dispersed mirroring, Setting up a database mirror
Get-SPBusinessDataCatalogMetadataObject command, Importing and configuring BCS models
Get-SPFarm | Select Id command, Managing service application permissions
Get-SPSiteUpgradeSessionInfo command, Planning and configuring evaluation mode
Get-SPTopologyServiceApplication command, Managing service application permissions
gifted badges, community sites, Reputation settings
Global Assembly Cache (GAC), Resolving orphan objects
Global Assembly Cache (GAC) files
Central Administration Backup tool, Using Central Administration backup
global settings
configuring Microsoft Excel Services, Creating and configuring Microsoft Excel Services
external data settings, Workbook cache settings
load balancing settings, Configuring global settings
memory usage settings, Session management settings
security settings, Configuring global settings
session management settings, Session management settings
workbook cache settings, Session management settings
configuring Visio Graphics Services service application, Configuring Visio Graphics Service settings
GradualDelete parameter, Resolving orphan objects
Grant Create Child Objects permission, Planning user profiles
group mappings, Creating Secure Store target applications


hash tag, keywords, Planning user profiles
health check, upgrading site collections, Objective review
heat limitations, high-availability planning, Determining limitations
hierarchy, product catalogs, Creating site columns
high-availability planning
SharePoint, Objective 1.2: Plan for SharePoint high availability
network redundancy, RAID
physical server distribution, Planning for service instance configuration
service distribution, Objective 1.2: Plan for SharePoint high availability
service instance configuration, Search server
SQL Server aliases, Linked servers
SQL Server load balancing, Planning for network redundancy
SQL Server, Plan business continuity management
AlwaysOn, Planning for SQL Server clustering
clustering, Using permissions for database mirroring
gathering requirements, Objective 1.1: Plan for SQL high availability and disaster recovery
log shipping, AlwaysOn Failover Cluster Instances
login replication, Database mirroring for data redundancy
mirroring, Planning for SQL Server mirroring
storage redundancy, Database mirroring with log shipping
high-performance mode, SQL Server mirroring, Planning for SQL Server mirroring
hives, Central Administration Backup tool, Using Central Administration backup


IBM Tivoli Directory Server (ITDS) connections, Planning connections
Identity parameter (Test-SPContentDatabase command, Analyzing content database test results
Import-SPBusinessDataCatalogModel command, Importing and configuring BCS models
BCS models, Objective 4.4: Create and configure a Business Connectivity Service and Secure Store application
query suggestion files, Adding query suggestions
in-place holds, Planning and configuring eDiscovery
in-place upgrades, Performing migration pre-check tasks
incremental profile synchronization, Planning connections
index freshness, searches, Designating authoritative pages
Index Partition and Query component (Search service application), Using Psconfig
indexing component (Search server), Web Front End
individual mappings, Creating Secure Store target applications
Inetpub folder, Resolving missing files
Install-SPRSService command, Installing Reporting Services on SQL Server
Install-SPRSServiceProxy command, Installing Reporting Services on SQL Server
Install-SPSolution command, Configuring Sandboxed Solution Management
Analysis Services in Tabular mode, Planning and configuring Power View
language packets, Configuring read-only access for content
Project Server, Installing Project Server
Reporting Services on SQL Server, Configuring site collections to use PerformancePoint
sequence for planning upgrades, Measuring upgrade performance
Interactive queue, personal site collections, Personal site collections (SkyDrive)
IP resource (WFSC), AlwaysOn High Availability Groups
ISS settings, Central Administration Backup tool, Using Central Administration backup
ITDS (IBM Tivoli Directory Server) connections, Planning connections


Job Monitoring setting, configuring Word Automation Services, Modifying properties
Just Me (permission level), Social permissions


Key component (synonyms), Building a thesaurus
Key Management link (Manage Reporting Services Application page), Configuring system settings
keywords, hash tag, Planning user profiles


labels, variations, Planning and configuring variations
Language component (synonyms), Building a thesaurus
Language Options sectiono (My Site host), My Site host
language packs
installing/uninstalling, Configuring read-only access for content
pre-upgrade site collection health check, Analyzing and resolving health check results
large document repositories, ECM, Planning large document repositories
levels (RAID), Planning for physical server distribution
Likes activity feed, Planning activity feeds
high-availability plans, Choosing a version of SQL Server
Link index update group, Planning and configuring a search schema
linked servers, SQL Server load balancing, Linked servers
List And Queries section, configuring Access Services 2010, Access Services 2010
lists, migration pre-check, Performing migration pre-check tasks
load balancing
configuring Microsoft Excel Services, Configuring global settings
Load Balancing service application, Managing service application permissions
SQL Server, Planning for network redundancy
load testing
document repositories, Planning large document repositories
Load Testing Toolkit, Resolving configuration issues
Local DB (Microsoft SQL Server 2012), Making SQL Server 2012 available
Local setting, configuring global settings, Configuring global settings
Local SharePoint Results, Planning and configuring index freshness
location settings, trusted file locations, Defining trusted file locations
Location Type setting, trusted file locations, Defining trusted file locations
log shipping (SQL Server), AlwaysOn Failover Cluster Instances
login replication
high-availability plan for SQL Server, Database mirroring for data redundancy


Machine Translation, Planning and configuring variations
Machine Translation Services, configuring, Creating and configuring Microsoft PowerPoint Conversion Services
creating service application, Creating and configuring Machine Translation Services
running services, Running Machine Translation Services
settings, Creating a Machine Translation Services service application
Manage Content Deployment Path And Jobs page, Planning and configuring content deployment
Manage Excel Services Application settings page, Creating and configuring Microsoft Excel Services
Manage Jobs link (Manage Reporting Services Application page), Configuring system settings
Manage PerformancePoint Services page, Planning and configuring PerformancePoint
Manage Project Web Apps page, Creating a Project Server web app
Manage Query Rules page, Planning and configuring result sources
Manage Reporting Services Application page, Provisioning subscriptions and alerts
Email Settings, Configuring the Execution Account
Execution account, Configuring the Execution Account
Key Management link, Configuring system settings
Manage Jobs link, Configuring system settings
Provision Subscriptions and Alerts link, Configuring Email Settings
Managed Metadata service application, Configuring upgrade farms
App Catalog, Deploying apps
business continuity
backup and recovery plan, Objective review
high-availability plan for SharePoint, Objective 1.2: Plan for SharePoint high availability
high-availability plan for SQL Server, Plan business continuity management
records, ECM (Enterprise Content Management), Planning and configuring eDiscovery
Secure Store master key, Generating a Secure Store master key
Secure Store target application permissions, Creating Secure Store target applications
solutions, Manage SharePoint solutions, BI, and systems integration
deployment of apps, Upgrading farm solutions
deployment of farm solutions, Configuring Sandboxed Solution Management
sandboxed solution quotas, Objective 5.1: Manage SharePoint solutions and applications
upgrading apps, Upgrading apps
upgrading farm solutions, Deploying farm solutions
trust, federation of services, Performing a certificate exchange
work management, Objective 5.3: Creating and configuring work management
Microsoft Exchange, Creating a Project Server web app
Microsoft Project Server, Objective 5.3: Creating and configuring work management
manpower limitations, high-availability planning, Determining limitations
manual failover, SQL Server mirroring, Planning for SQL Server mirroring
master key
Secure Store service application, Configuring BCS model security
Maximum Application Log Size setting, configuring Access Services 2010, Access Services 2010
Maximum Cache Age setting, configuring Visio Graphics Service, Configuring Visio Graphics Service settings
Maximum Cache Size setting, configuring Visio Graphics Service, Configuring Visio Graphics Service settings
Maximum Calculated Columns Per Query setting, configuring Access Services 2010, Access Services 2010
Maximum Character Count For Microsoft Word Documents setting, configuring Machine Translation Service, Creating a Machine Translation Services service application
Maximum Chart Or Image Size setting, trusted file locations, Session management settings
Maximum Chart Render Duration setting, trusted file locations, Session management settings
Maximum Columns Per Query setting, configuring Access Services 2010, Access Services 2010
Maximum Concurrent Queries Per Session setting, trusted file locations, External data settings
Maximum Conversion Attempts setting, configuring Word Automation Services, Modifying properties
Maximum File Size For Binary Files In KB setting, configuring Machine Translation Service, Creating a Machine Translation Services service application
Maximum File Size For Text Files In KB setting, configuring Machine Translation Service, Creating a Machine Translation Services service application
Maximum Memory Usage setting, configuring Word Automation Services, Modifying properties
Maximum Number Of Items Which Can Be Queued Within A 24-Hour Period Per Site Subscription setting, configuring Machine Translation Service, Configuring the settings
Maximum Number Of Items Which Can Be Queued Within A 24-Hour Period setting, configuring Machine Translation Service, Configuring the settings
Maximum Number Of Synchronous Translation Requests setting, configuring Machine Translation Service, Configuring the settings
Maximum Order By Clauses Per Query setting, configuring Access Services 2010, Access Services 2010
Maximum Private Bytes setting
configuring Access Services, Confirming the settings
configuring global settings, Session management settings
Maximum Recalc Duration setting, configuring Visio Graphics Service, Configuring Visio Graphics Service settings
Maximum Records Per Table setting, configuring Access Services 2010, Access Services 2010
Maximum Request Duration setting
configuring Access Services, Configuring the application pool
configuring Access Services 2010, Access Services 2010
trusted file locations, Session management settings
Maximum Rows Per Query setting, configuring Access Services 2010, Access Services 2010
Maximum Session Memory setting, configuring Access Services 2010, Access Services 2010
Maximum Sessions Per Anonymous User setting
configuring Access Services, Configuring the application pool
configuring Access Services 2010, Access Services 2010
Maximum Sessions Per User setting
configuring Access Services, Configuring the application pool
configuring Access Services 2010, Access Services 2010
Maximum Size Of Workbook Cache setting, configuring global settings, Session management settings
Maximum Sources Per Query setting, configuring Access Services 2010, Access Services 2010
Maximum Synchronous Conversion Requests setting, configuring Word Automation Services, Modifying properties
Maximum Template Size setting, configuring Access Services 2010, Access Services 2010
Maximum Translation Attempts setting, configuring Machine Translation Service, Configuring the settings
Maximum Unused Object Age setting, configuring global settings, Session management settings
Maximum Web Drawing Size setting, configuring Visio Graphics Service, Configuring Visio Graphics Service settings
Maximum Workbook Size setting, trusted file locations, Session management settings
measuring upgrade performance, Measuring upgrade performance
Members text box, Creating an unattended service account
Memory Cache Threshold setting, configuring global settings, Session management settings
memory usage settings, configuring Microsoft Excel Services, Session management settings
Memory Utilization section
Global Settings, Session management settings
Manage Service Applications page, Access Services 2010
Memory Utilization setting, configuring Access Services 2010, Access Services 2010
Mentions activity feed, Planning activity feeds
Metadata service applications, Planning communities
Microsoft Access Services, configuring, Creating and configuring Microsoft Access Services
Access Services, Access Services 2010
Access Services 2010, Creating and configuring Microsoft Access Services
Microsoft Excel Services
data modeling, Working with additional PowerPivot settings
Microsoft Excel Services, creating and configuring, Creating and configuring Microsoft Excel Services
data connection libraries, External data settings
Data Model Settings, Setting up trusted data connection libraries
global settings, Creating and configuring Microsoft Excel Services
external data settings, Workbook cache settings
load balancing settings, Configuring global settings
memory usage settings, Session management settings
security settings, Configuring global settings
session management settings, Session management settings
workbook cache settings, Session management settings
Trusted Data Providers, External data settings
Trusted File Locations, Workbook cache settings
User-Defined Function Assemblies, Setting up trusted data connection libraries
Microsoft Exchange, configuring a connection to, Creating a Project Server web app
Microsoft Identity Integration Server Key Management Utility wizard, Configuring upgrade farms
Microsoft PowerPoint Conversion Services, configuring, Creating and configuring Microsoft PowerPoint Conversion Services
Microsoft Project Server, configuring a connection to, Objective 5.3: Creating and configuring work management
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Feature Pack, Making SQL Server 2012 available
Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio
Restore Database option, Recovering a database using Central Administration
Microsoft System CLR Types (Microsoft SQL Server 2012), Making SQL Server 2012 available
Microsoft Visio Services, configuring, Confirming the settings
unattended service accounts, Confirming the settings
Visio Graphics Service settings, Creating an unattended service account
Microsoft Word Automation Services, configuring, Global settings
creating service application, Creating and configuring Microsoft Word Automation Services
file conversions, Configuring file conversions
modifying properties, Creating and configuring Microsoft Word Automation Services
migrated scopes, Planning and configuring result sources
evaluation of content and customizations, Upgrade and migrate a SharePoint environment
analyzing content database test results, Performing migration pre-check tasks
configuration issues, Using Windiff and comp
configuring web application authentication, Analyzing content database test results
pre-check tasks, Objective 3.1: Evaluate content and customizations
resolving missing files, Resolving orphan objects
resolving orphan objects, Configuring web application authentication for upgrades
planning process, Objective review
configuring parallel upgrades, Removing other servers
configuring read-only access for content, Configuring parallel upgrades
configuring upgrade farms, Configuring read-only access for content
installation sequence, Measuring upgrade performance
measuring upgrade performance, Measuring upgrade performance
removal of servers in rotation, Objective review
upgrading site collections, Objective review
analyzing and resolving health check results, Performing a health check
configuring available site collection modes, Analyzing and resolving health check results
evaluation sites, Planning and configuring site collection upgrade availability
health check, Objective review
queues and throttles, Planning and configuring evaluation mode
self-service upgrades, Planning and configuring available site collection modes
Minimum Cache Age setting, configuring Visio Graphics Service, Configuring Visio Graphics Service settings
mirror servers, Planning for SQL Server mirroring
mirroring (SQL Server), Planning for SQL Server mirroring
missing files, resolving after upgrades, Resolving orphan objects
Mixed Mode Authentication setting, configuring Access Services, Making SQL Server 2012 available
moderators, community sites, Planning communities
social permissions, Social permissions
monitor servers
log shipping, Planning for SQL Server log shipping
offensive content, Planning communities
Reporting Services resource consumption, Configuring Email Settings
Most Popular Items reports, Search analytics
Mount-SPContentDatabase command, Configuring parallel upgrades
UPS service, Using Psconfig
MUI references, pre-upgrade site collection health check, Analyzing and resolving health check results
multi-subnet failover clustering, Choosing a version of SQL Server
My Site Cleanup section (My Site host), My Site host
My Site host, My Site host
My Sites feature, Badges
My Site host, My Site host
personal site collections (SkyDrive), Trusted My Site host locations
Trusted My Site Host Locations, My Site host


Name property (channels), Objective 2.3: Plan and configure Web Content Management (WCM)
Named Pipes setting, configuring Access Services, Making SQL Server 2012 available
Native Client (Microsoft SQL Server 2012), Making SQL Server 2012 available
.NET 4.0, upgrading farm solutions, Deploying farm solutions
network bandwidth limitations, high-availability planning, Determining limitations
Network Load Balancing (NLB), RAID
network redundancy, RAID
New Application Database Server setting, configuring Access Services, Confirming the settings
New Linked Server dialog box, Linked servers
New Resource Record dialog box, Configuring DNS entries
New Workbook Session Timeout setting, trusted file locations, Session management settings
New Zone Wizard, Configuring DNS entries
New-AuthServer command, Configuring a connection to Exchange for eDiscovery and Resource Sharing
New-SPBusinessDataCatalogServiceApplicationProxy command, Consuming service applications
New-SPEnterpriseSearchServiceApplicationProxy command, Consuming service applications
New-SPMetadataServiceApplicationProxy command, Consuming service applications
New-SPProfileServiceApplicationProxy command, Consuming service applications
New-SPSecureStoreServiceApplicationProxy command, Consuming service applications
Newsfeed section (My Site host), My Site host
newsfeeds, Planning activity feeds
NLB (Network Load Balancing), RAID
nodes (WSFC), AlwaysOn High Availability Groups
Non-interactive queue
personal site collections, Personal site collections (SkyDrive)
non-production environments
content refresh, Establishing a SharePoint backup schedule
Novell eDirectory connections, Planning connections
Number Of Translations To Start setting, configuring Machine Translation Service, Configuring the settings


object models
Central Administration Backup tool, Using Central Administration backup
OData data sources, Importing and configuring BCS models
ODBC DSN trusted provider, External data settings
ODBC trusted provider, External data settings
offensive content, monitoring, Planning communities
OLE DB trusted provider, External data settings
OPC (Open Packing Conventions) standard, Confirming the settings
Open Packing Conventions (OPC) standard, Confirming the settings
order of installation, planning upgrades, Measuring upgrade performance
orphan objects
rresolving after upgrades, Configuring web application authentication for upgrades
Outlook Social connector, Planning activity feeds
Overview tab (Resource Monitor), Measuring upgrade performance
overwriting query suggestion files, Adding query suggestions
owners, community sites, Planning communities


parallel upgrades, configuring, Removing other servers
People index update group, Planning and configuring a search schema
performance, upgrades, Measuring upgrade performance
PerformancePoint service application, creating, Objective 5.2: Planning and configuring a BI infrastructure
PerformancePoint Services service application, Configuring upgrade farms
PerformancePoint, configuring, Objective 5.2: Planning and configuring a BI infrastructure
site collections, Configuring trusted data sources
trusted data sources, Configuring the unattended service account
unattended service accounts, Planning and configuring PerformancePoint
databse mirroring, Using permissions for database mirroring
federation of services, Managing service application permissions
managing site collection upgrades, Planning and configuring evaluation mode
Replicating Directory Changes, Planning user profiles
Secure Store target applications, Creating Secure Store target applications
social, Personal site collections (SkyDrive)
Use Tag and Notes, Audiences
Write, Planning user profiles
Permissions For User Profile Service Application dialog box, Audiences
personal site collections (SkyDrive), Trusted My Site host locations
Personal Site Location section (My Site host), My Site host
Personal Site Quota, Personal site collections (SkyDrive)
phases, upgrade process, Removing other servers
physical server distribution, Planning for service instance configuration
BI (business intelligence) infrastructure, Objective 5.2: Planning and configuring a BI infrastructure
Excel Services data modeling, Working with additional PowerPivot settings
PerformancePoint, Objective 5.2: Planning and configuring a BI infrastructure
Power View, Planning and configuring Power View
PowerPivot, Configuring Email Settings
Reporting Services, Configuring site collections to use PerformancePoint
business continuity management
backup and recovery, Objective review
high-availability plan for SharePoint, Objective 1.2: Plan for SharePoint high availability
high-availability plan for SQL Server, Plan business continuity management
ECM (Enterprise Content Management), Objective review
search workloads, Objective 2.2: Plan and configure a search workload
social workloads, Plan a SharePoint environment
WCM (Web Content Management), Objective review
federation of services, Objective 4.3: Configure Service Application Federation
upgrades, Objective review
configuring parallel upgrades, Removing other servers
configuring read-only access for content, Configuring parallel upgrades
configuring upgrade farms, Configuring read-only access for content
installation sequence, Measuring upgrade performance
measuring upgrade performance, Measuring upgrade performance
removal of servers in rotation, Objective review
political limitations, high-availability planning, Determining limitations
Popularity Trends reports, Search analytics
Port value, PowerPivot Configuration Tool, Running the Configuration tool
possible owners (WFSC), AlwaysOn High Availability Groups
PostUpdate web service, Upgrading apps
power availability, high-availability planning, Determining limitations
Power View, Planning and configuring Power View
PowerPivot, Configuring Email Settings
PowerPivot Configuration Tool window, Planning and configuring PowerPivot
PowerPivot for SharePoint 2013 Configuration tool, Planning and configuring PowerPivot
PowerPivot service application, creating, Running the Configuration tool
PowerPoint Automation Services (see PowerPoint Conversion Services)
PowerPoint Broadcast, removal before migration, Performing migration pre-check tasks
PowerPoint Conversion Services, configuring, Creating and configuring Microsoft PowerPoint Conversion Services
pre-check tasks, upgrades and migrations, Objective 3.1: Evaluate content and customizations
pre-upgrade health checks, site collections, Objective review
preferred owners (WFSC), AlwaysOn High Availability Groups
presentation of data, BI tools, Objective 5.2: Planning and configuring a BI infrastructure
Excel Services data modeling, Working with additional PowerPivot settings
PerformancePoint, Objective 5.2: Planning and configuring a BI infrastructure
Power View, Planning and configuring Power View
PowerPivot, Configuring Email Settings
Reporting Services, Configuring site collections to use PerformancePoint
Preserving Context setting, Planning and configuring record management
primary databases
log shipping, Planning for SQL Server log shipping
primary servers
log shipping, Planning for SQL Server log shipping
principal databases
SQL Server mirroring, Planning for SQL Server mirroring
principal servers
SQL Server mirroring, Planning for SQL Server mirroring
Privacy Settings section (My Site host), My Site host
product catalogs
WCM (Web Content Management), Planning and configuring channels
Product content type, product catalogs, Creating site columns
productivity services, configuring, Objective review
Machine Translation Services, Creating and configuring Microsoft PowerPoint Conversion Services
creating service application, Creating and configuring Machine Translation Services
running services, Running Machine Translation Services
settings, Creating a Machine Translation Services service application
Microsoft Access, Creating and configuring Microsoft Access Services
Access Services, Access Services 2010
Access Services 2010, Creating and configuring Microsoft Access Services
Microsoft Excel Services, Creating and configuring Microsoft Excel Services
data connection libraries, External data settings
Data Model Settings, Setting up trusted data connection libraries
Trusted Data Providers, External data settings
Trusted File Locations, Workbook cache settings
User-Defined Function Assemblies, Setting up trusted data connection libraries
Microsoft PowerPoint Conversion Services, Creating and configuring Microsoft PowerPoint Conversion Services
Microsoft Visio Services, Confirming the settings
unattended service accounts, Confirming the settings
Visio Graphics Service settings, Creating an unattended service account
Microsoft Word Automation Services, Global settings
creating service application, Creating and configuring Microsoft Word Automation Services
file conversions, Configuring file conversions
modifying properties, Creating and configuring Microsoft Word Automation Services
Products Preview Upgrade worksheet, Objective 3.1: Evaluate content and customizations
Profile Database (User Profile service application), Social permissions
profile properties, incremental profile synchronization, Planning connections
Project Server Application Service, Starting the Project Server Application Service
Project Server service application, creating, Starting the Project Server Application Service
Project Server, configuring a connection to, Objective 5.3: Creating and configuring work management
creating web app, Creating a Project Server web app
installation, Installing Project Server
Project Server Application Service, Starting the Project Server Application Service
Propagate permissions, Configuring BCS model security
Propagate Permissions To All option, Configuring BCS model security
channels, Objective 2.3: Plan and configure Web Content Management (WCM)
CompatibilityLevel, Configuring Sandboxed Solution Management
configuring Word Automation Services, Creating and configuring Microsoft Word Automation Services
product catalogs, Managing Item Hierarchy in Term Store
SPSiteUpgradeThrottleSettings, Planning and configuring site collection upgrade queues and throttling
Provision Subscriptions and Alerts link (Manage Reporting Services Application page), Configuring Email Settings
subscriptions and alerts, Reporting Services, Configuring SharePoint for Reporting Services
provisioning Central Administration, Psconfig, Planning removal of servers in rotation
Psconfig tool, Planning removal of servers in rotation
Publish Service Application dialog box, Publishing service applications
Publish-SPServiceApplication -Identity <Service App GUID> command, Publishing service applications
publishing farms, importing certificates, Performing a certificate exchange
publishing service applications
federation of services, Managing service application permissions


queries, searches, Adding query suggestions, Planning and configuring result sources
query processing component (Search server), Web Front End
Query Timeout setting, configuring Access Services, Confirming the settings
queues, upgrading site collections, Planning and configuring evaluation mode
Quick Deploy Job settings, Planning and configuring content deployment
sandboxed solutions, Objective 5.1: Manage SharePoint solutions and applications


RAID (Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks), Planning for physical server distribution
RC4 encryption, Using permissions for database mirroring
Read Permissions Level section (My Site host), My Site host
read-only access for content, configuring, Configuring parallel upgrades
Receive-SPServiceApplicationConnectionInfo -FarmURL <Published URL> command, Consuming service applications
Recommendations analysis, Search analytics
Record Library (record centers), Planning and configuring record management
centers, Planning and configuring record management
ECM (Enterprise Content Management)
disposition, Planning and configuring record management
management, Planning and configuring eDiscovery
retention, Planning and configuring record management
recovery models, Determining limitations
recovery planning
business continuity management, Objective review
Central Administration backup, Establishing a SharePoint backup schedule
content recovery, Planning for service application recovery
farm configuration recovery, Planning a non-production environment content refresh
non-production environment content refresh, Establishing a SharePoint backup schedule
service application recovery, Planning for service application recovery
SharePoint backup schedules, Objective review, Using Central Administration backup
SQL Server backup schedules, Establishing a SharePoint backup schedule
Recovery Point Objective (RPO), Gathering requirements
Recovery Time Objective (RTO), Objective 1.1: Plan for SQL high availability and disaster recovery
Recycle Threshold setting, configuring Machine Translation Service, Configuring the settings
Redirect Users To The Drop Off Library setting, Planning and configuring record management
storage, Database mirroring with log shipping
Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks (RAID), Planning for physical server distribution
refreshing content
non-production environments, Establishing a SharePoint backup schedule
relevancy, search results
authoritative pages, Adding query suggestions
custom entities, Building a thesaurus
query suggestions, Adding query suggestions
thesaurus, Building a thesaurus
removal of servers, planning upgrades, Objective review
moving UPS service, Using Psconfig
provisioning Central Administration with Psconfig, Planning removal of servers in rotation
removing services, Using Psconfig
Remove-SPSite command, Resolving orphan objects
Remove-SPSiteUpgradeSessionInfo -Identity command, Planning and configuring site collection upgrade queues and throttling
repair mode, pre-upgrade health check, Performing a health check
Repair-SPSite -Identity command, Performing a health check
repairing PowerPivot, Creating the PowerPivot service application
Replicating Directory Changes permission, Planning user profiles
Reporting Services, Configuring site collections to use PerformancePoint
configuring, Provisioning subscriptions and alerts
configuring SharePoint for, Installing Reporting Services on SQL Server
installation on SQL Server, Configuring site collections to use PerformancePoint
provisioning subscriptions and alerts, Configuring SharePoint for Reporting Services
Reporting Services SharePoint Mode for SharePoint 2013, Creating and configuring Microsoft Access Services
repositories for documents
ECM (Enterprise Content Management), Planning large document repositories
Representational State Transfer (REST) services, Running Machine Translation Services
reputation settings, Community Sites, Planning communities
Request Certificate dialog box, Configuring wildcard certificates
Request-SPUpgradeEvaluationSiteCollection command, Planning and configuring evaluation mode
required permissions
social workloads, Audiences
Access Services, Access Services 2010
configuring AlwaysOn High Availability Groups, AlwaysOn High Availability Groups
Machine Translation service, Creating and configuring Microsoft PowerPoint Conversion Services
SQL Server mirroring, Planning for SQL Server mirroring
Reset All Pages In This Site To Site Definition Version option, Performing a health check
Reset To Site Definition page, Performing a health check
missing files, after upgrades, Resolving orphan objects
orphan objects, after upgrades, Configuring web application authentication for upgrades
resource groups (WFSC), AlwaysOn High Availability Groups
Resource Monitor, Measuring upgrade performance
resource monitoring, Reporting Services, Configuring Email Settings
resource quotas, sandboxed solutions, Objective 5.1: Manage SharePoint solutions and applications
Resource Sharing, configuring a connection to Exchange, Creating a Project Server web app
REST (Representational State Transfer) services, Running Machine Translation Services
Restore Database option (Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio), Recovering a database using Central Administration
Restore job, log shipping, Planning for SQL Server log shipping
Restore-SPFarm -Directory <path> -Item <service name> -RecoveryMethod Overwrite command, Managing the Secure Store master key
Restore-SPSite command, database recovery, Recovering a database using Restore-SPSite
read-only content databases, Configuring read-only access for content
results (searches)
relevancy, Objective 2.2: Plan and configure a search workload
authoritative pages, Adding query suggestions
custom entities, Building a thesaurus
query suggestions, Adding query suggestions
thesaurus, Building a thesaurus
sources, Planning and configuring index freshness
types, Display templates
retention of records, ECM (Enterprise Content Management), Planning and configuring record management
root certificates, Planning services to federate
$rootCert.Export(“Cert”)|Set-Content <Root Cert Path> -Encoding byte command, Performing a certificate exchange
Round Robin With Health Check setting, configuring global settings, Configuring global settings
$rpa.ResourceMeasures | Select-Object Name,ResourcesPerPoint,AbsoluteLimit command, Managing sandboxed solution quotas
$rpa.ResourceMeasures[“<resource name>”].Update() command, Managing sandboxed solution quotas
$rpa.Update() command, Managing sandboxed solution quotas
RPO (Recovery Point Objective), Gathering requirements
RTO (Recovery Time Objective), Objective 1.1: Plan for SQL high availability and disaster recovery
rules, health checks, Objective review
Run Site Collection Health Checks page, Performing a health check
Machine Translation Services, Configuring the settings


SAN (Storage Area Network), Planning for SQL Server clustering, Planning for physical server distribution
Sandboxed Code Service, Configuring Sandboxed Solution Management
sandboxed solution quotas, management and configuration, Objective 5.1: Manage SharePoint solutions and applications
scheduled backups
SharePoint, Objective review, Using Central Administration backup
SQL Server, Establishing a SharePoint backup schedule
scopes, Planning and configuring result sources
SCW (Security Configuration Wizard), Resolving configuration issues
search administration component (Search server), Web Front End
Search Administration service, Using Psconfig
Search Clicks analysis, Planning and configuring a search schema
search properties, product catalogs, Managing Item Hierarchy in Term Store
Search Reports analysis, Search analytics
search schema, Display templates
Search servers services, Web Front End
Search service application
components, Using Psconfig
planning upgrades, Configuring upgrade farms
Search service applications, Planning communities
search workloads, Objective 2.2: Plan and configure a search workload
analytics reports
, Planning and configuring a search schema
end-user experience
, Planning and configuring result sources
index freshness
, Designating authoritative pages
result relevancy
, Objective 2.2: Plan and configure a search workload
result sources
, Planning and configuring index freshness
search schema
, Display templates
Secondary Database Settings dialog box, Planning for SQL Server log shipping
secondary databases, log shipping, Planning for SQL Server log shipping
secondary servers, log shipping, Planning for SQL Server log shipping
Secure Store service application
configuring, Configuring read-only access for content
upgrading, Configuring upgrade farms
Secure Store service application, configuring, Configuring BCS model security
generating master key, Configuring BCS model security
managing master key, Generating a Secure Store master key
managing target application permissions, Creating Secure Store target applications
target applications, Creating Secure Store target applications
Secure Store Service Association setting, configuring global settings, Workbook cache settings
Business Connectivity Service (BCS), Importing and configuring BCS models
Security Configuration Wizard (SCW), Resolving configuration issues
Security index update group, Planning and configuring a search schema
security settings
configuring Microsoft Excel Services, Configuring global settings
Security Token Service (STS) certificates, Planning services to federate
Security Trimming Option (My Site host), My Site host
securityadmin built-in server role, Access Services 2010
Selectable in Clients permission, Configuring BCS model security
self-service upgrades, site collections, Planning and configuring available site collection modes
Send Warning E-mail When Usage Per Day Reaches text box, Managing sandboxed solution quotas
Sending to Another Site setting, Planning and configuring record management
server removal, planning upgrades, Objective review
moving UPS service, Using Psconfig
provisioning Central Administration with Psconfig, Planning removal of servers in rotation
removing services, Using Psconfig
server-to-server authentication, configuring, Creating and configuring Machine Translation Services
ServerInstance parameter (Test-SPContentDatabase command), Analyzing content database test results
work management, Objective 5.3: Creating and configuring work management
Microsoft Exchange, Creating a Project Server web app
Microsoft Project Server, Objective 5.3: Creating and configuring work management
service application recovery, Planning for service application recovery
service applications, Create and configure service applications
App Management, Create and configure service applications
App Store, Objective 4.1: Create and configure App Management
DNS entries, Configuring DNS entries
subscriptions, Creating and configuring the App Store
wildcard certificates, Configuring DNS entries
BCS (Business Connectivity Service), Objective 4.4: Create and configure a Business Connectivity Service and Secure Store application
configuring model security, Importing and configuring BCS models
importing BCS models, Objective 4.4: Create and configure a Business Connectivity Service and Secure Store application
Business Data Connectivity (BDC), Configuring upgrade farms
configuring and upgrading, Configuring read-only access for content
federation of services, Objective review
consuming service applications, Publishing service applications
exchanging trust certificates, Planning services to federate
permissions, Managing service application permissions
planning services to federate, Objective 4.3: Configure Service Application Federation
publishing service applications, Managing service application permissions
trust management, Performing a certificate exchange
Managed Metadata, Configuring upgrade farms
PerformancePoint, Objective 5.2: Planning and configuring a BI infrastructure
PerformancePoint Services, Configuring upgrade farms
PowerPivot, Running the Configuration tool
productivity services, Objective review
Machine Translation Services, Creating and configuring Microsoft PowerPoint Conversion Services
Microsoft Access, Creating and configuring Microsoft Access Services
Microsoft Excel Services, Creating and configuring Microsoft Excel Services
Microsoft PowerPoint Conversion Services, Creating and configuring Microsoft PowerPoint Conversion Services
Microsoft Visio Services, Confirming the settings
Microsoft Word Automation Services, Global settings
Project Server, Starting the Project Server Application Service
Reporting Services, Installing Reporting Services on SQL Server
Search, Configuring upgrade farms
Secure Store, Configuring upgrade farms, Configuring BCS model security
generating master key, Configuring BCS model security
managing master key, Generating a Secure Store master key
managing target application permissions, Creating Secure Store target applications
target applications, Creating Secure Store target applications
upgrading to SharePoint 2013, Performing migration pre-check tasks
User Profile, Configuring upgrade farms
User Profile Synchronization, Configuring upgrade farms
service distribution, Objective 1.2: Plan for SharePoint high availability
service instance configuration, Search server
session management settings
configuring Access Services 2010, Access Services 2010
configuring Microsoft Excel Services, Session management settings
trusted file locations, Session management settings
Session Timeout setting, trusted file locations, Session management settings
Set Credentials For Secure Store Target Application page, Managing Secure Store target application permissions
Set Permissions, Configuring BCS model security
Set-SPSite -Identity “<site collection” -QuotaTemplate “<template name>” command, Managing sandboxed solution quotas
configuring PowerPivot, Creating the PowerPivot service application
configuring Reporting Services, Provisioning subscriptions and alerts
database mirrors, Determining mirroring requirements
eDiscovery, Planning and configuring eDiscovery
SharePoint 14 folder, Resolving missing files
SharePoint 15 folder, Resolving missing files
SharePoint Diagnostic Studio, Using Windiff and comp
SharePoint Products And Technologies Configuration Wizard Now check box, Installing Project Server
SharePoint Products Configuration Wizard, Planning for SQL Server aliases, Using Windiff and comp, Installing Project Server
Short Session Timeout setting, trusted file locations, Session management settings
ShowLocation parameter (Test-SPContentDatabase command), Analyzing content database test results
ShowRowCounts parameter (Test-SPContentDatabase command), Analyzing content database test results
side-by-side folders, Deploying farm solutions
Silverlight, Confirming the settings
Simple recovery model, Establishing a SharePoint backup schedule
single-label domain limitations, high-availability planning, Determining limitations
Site Bindings dialog box, Configuring wildcard certificates
site closure, record management, Planning and configuring record management
site collections
App Catalog, Objective 4.1: Create and configure App Management
configuring PerformancePoint, Configuring trusted data sources
configuring read-only access, Configuring parallel upgrades
creating for Access Services, Configuring the application pool
sandboxed solutions quotas, Objective 5.1: Manage SharePoint solutions and applications
upgrading, Objective review
analyzing and resolving health check results, Performing a health check
configuring available site collection modes, Analyzing and resolving health check results
evaluation sites, Planning and configuring site collection upgrade availability
health check, Objective review
queues and throttles, Planning and configuring evaluation mode
self-service upgrades, Planning and configuring available site collection modes
site columns, product catalogs, Creating site columns
Site Content Types page, Analyzing and resolving health check results
site mailboxes, record management, Planning and configuring record management
Site Master Page Settings
associating master pages and channels, Planning and configuring channels
Site Naming Format option (My Site host), My Site host
Site Policy, Planning and configuring record management
site retention, record management, Planning and configuring record management
SiteUpgradeThrottleSettings property (SPSite objects), Planning and configuring site collection upgrade queues and throttling
personal site collections, Trusted My Site host locations
snapshot option, SQL Server, Planning and configuring site collection upgrade availability
Social Distance analysis, Search analytics
social permissions, Personal site collections (SkyDrive)
Social Tagging Database (User Profile service application), Social permissions
Social Tags analysis, Planning and configuring a search schema
social workloads
environment, Plan a SharePoint environment
activity feeds, Planning user profiles
Community Sites, Objective 2.1: Plan a social workload
My Sites feature, Badges
social permissions, Personal site collections (SkyDrive)
synchronized connections, Planning activity feeds
user profiles, Social permissions
software limitations, high-availability planning, Determining limitations
Solution Daily Resource Update timer, Objective 5.1: Manage SharePoint solutions and applications
solution management, Manage SharePoint solutions, BI, and systems integration
deployment of apps, Upgrading farm solutions
deployment of farm solutions, Configuring Sandboxed Solution Management
sandboxed solution quotas, Objective 5.1: Manage SharePoint solutions and applications
upgrading apps, Upgrading apps
upgrading farm solutions, Deploying farm solutions
source variation, creating, Planning and configuring variations
space limitations
Central Administration backuops, Using Central Administration backup
high-availability planning, Determining limitations
Specify Export File Name And Location text box, Configuring upgrade farms
speed, parallel upgrades, Configuring parallel upgrades
SPSiteUpgradeThrottleSettings properties, Planning and configuring site collection upgrade queues and throttling, Planning and configuring site collection upgrade queues and throttling
SQL Native Client 11.0 Configuration, Linked servers
SQL Server
aliases, Linked servers
backup schedules, Establishing a SharePoint backup schedule
components required to run Access Services, Making SQL Server 2012 available
configuring read-only access for content databases, Configuring read-only access for content
database recovery, Recovering a database using Restore-SPSite
high-availability planning, Plan business continuity management
AlwaysOn, Planning for SQL Server clustering
clustering, Using permissions for database mirroring
gathering requirements, Objective 1.1: Plan for SQL high availability and disaster recovery
log shipping, AlwaysOn Failover Cluster Instances
login replication, Database mirroring for data redundancy
mirroring, Planning for SQL Server mirroring
storage redundancy, Database mirroring with log shipping
load balancing, Planning for network redundancy
Reporting Services installation, Configuring site collections to use PerformancePoint
snapshot option, Planning and configuring site collection upgrade availability
SQL Server 2008 R2 Reporting Services (SSRS), Creating and configuring Microsoft Access Services
SQL Server 2012, availability to Access Services, Access Services 2010
SQL Server Agent, Configuring SharePoint for Reporting Services
SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS), Setting up trusted data connection libraries
SQL Server Client Network Utility, Planning for SQL Server aliases
SQL Server Installation Center dialog box, Installing Reporting Services on SQL Server
SQL Server Installation Wizard, Installing Reporting Services on SQL Server
SQL Server Management Studio
configuring log shipping, Planning for SQL Server log shipping
setting up a database mirror, Determining mirroring requirements
SQL Server PowerPivot System service, Creating the PowerPivot service application
SSAS (SQL Server Analysis Services), Setting up trusted data connection libraries
SSL Certificates
Central Administration Backup tool, Using Central Administration backup
SSRS (SQL Server 2008 R2 Reporting Services), Creating and configuring Microsoft Access Services
Standard Collection feature, enabling, Planning communities
Start-SPServiceInstance command, Using Psconfig
Access Services service, Starting the Access Services service
Project Server Application Service, Starting the Project Server Application Service
Word Automation Service service application, Global settings
Stop When Refresh On Open Fails setting, trusted file locations, Settings for calculation behavior
Stop-SPServiceInstance command, Using Psconfig
Storage Area Network (SAN), Planning for SQL Server clustering, Planning for physical server distribution
storage redundancy, Database mirroring with log shipping
streams, file conversions, Configuring file conversions
STS (Security Token Service) certificates, Planning services to federate
$stsCert.Export(“Cert”)|Set-Content <STS Cert Path> -Encoding byte command, Performing a certificate exchange
Subscription Services service application, Creating and configuring subscriptions
provisioning for Reporting Services, Configuring SharePoint for Reporting Services
subscriptions, configuring, Creating and configuring the App Store
SubwebCountLimit property (throttling), Planning and configuring site collection upgrade queues and throttling
Sun Java System Directory Server connections, Planning connections
Supported File Formats setting, configuring Word Automation Services, Modifying properties
synchronization connections
social workloads, Planning activity feeds
creating, Planning connections
filters, Planning connections
Synchronization Database (User Profile service application), Social permissions
Synonym component (synonyms), Building a thesaurus
synonyms, components, Building a thesaurus
System Settings page, configuring Reporting Services, Provisioning subscriptions and alerts
System Status Notifications, Planning and configuring site collection upgrade availability


Overview (Resource Monitor), Measuring upgrade performance
Target Application ID text box, Creating an unattended service account
target applications
Secure Store service application, Creating Secure Store target applications
technical limitations, high-availability planning, Determining limitations
Templates section (Manage Service Applications page), Access Services 2010
test farms, measuring upgrade performances, Measuring upgrade performance
test mode, pre-upgrade health check, Performing a health check
Test-SPContentDatabase command, Performing migration pre-check tasks
Test-SPSite -Identity command, Performing a health check
thesaurus, searches, Building a thesaurus
throttle settings, properties, Planning and configuring site collection upgrade queues and throttling
throttling, site collection upgrades, Planning and configuring evaluation mode
time limitations, high-availability planning, Determining limitations
BI (business intelligence), Objective 5.2: Planning and configuring a BI infrastructure
Excel Services data modeling, Working with additional PowerPivot settings
PerformancePoint, Objective 5.2: Planning and configuring a BI infrastructure
Power View, Planning and configuring Power View
PowerPivot, Configuring Email Settings
Reporting Services, Configuring site collections to use PerformancePoint
comp, Resolving missing files
detecting and repairing orphan objects, Resolving orphan objects
PowerPivot for SharePoint 2013 Configuration, Planning and configuring PowerPivot
Psconfig, Planning removal of servers in rotation
SharePoint Administrator’s Toolkit, Resolving configuration issues
SharePoint Diagnostic Studio, Using Windiff and comp
SQL Server Client Network Utility, Planning for SQL Server aliases
Windiff, Resolving missing files
topic pages, WCM (Web Content Management), Using the Catalog
Topology service, Managing service application permissions
training limitations, high-availability planning, Determining limitations
Transact-SQL ScriptDom (Microsoft SQL Server 2012), Making SQL Server 2012 available
Transaction Log Backup Settings dialog box, Planning for SQL Server log shipping
transaction safety, SQL Server mirroring, Planning for SQL Server mirroring
translation of content, Planning and configuring variations
Translation Processes setting, configuring Machine Translation Service, Configuring the settings
trust certificate exchange
federation of services, Planning services to federate
Trust Children setting, trusted file locations, Defining trusted file locations
trust management, federation of services, Performing a certificate exchange
Trusted Data Provider Description setting, configuring Visio Graphics Service, Global settings
Trusted Data Provider ID setting, configuring Visio Graphics Service, Global settings
Trusted Data Provider Type setting, configuring Visio Graphics Service, Global settings
Trusted Data Providers
configuring Microsoft Excel Services, External data settings
configuring Visio Graphics Service service application, Global settings
trusted data sources
configuring PerformancePoint, Configuring the unattended service account
Trusted File Locations productivity services, Workbook cache settings
Trusted My Site Host Locations, configuring, My Site host
turning off self-service upgrades, Planning and configuring site collection upgrade availability
turning on
Foundation Subscription Setting service, Creating and configuring the App Store


ULS (Universal Logging Service), Resolving configuration issues
Unattended Service Account setting, configuring global settings, Workbook cache settings
unattended service accounts
configuring PerformancePoint, Planning and configuring PerformancePoint
unattended service accounts, configuring Microsoft Visio Services, Confirming the settings
Uninstall-SPSolution command, Deploying farm solutions
uninstalling, language packets, Configuring read-only access for content
Universal Logging Service (ULS), Resolving configuration issues
Universal Resource Name (URN), Managing service application permissions
unused items, removal before migration, Performing migration pre-check tasks
Update-SPSecureStoreApplicationServerKey -Passphrase <passphrase> command, Managing the Secure Store master key
Update-SPSolution command, Upgrading farm solutions
upgrade farms, configuring, Configuring read-only access for content
Upgrade Status page (Central Administration), Configuring parallel upgrades
Upgrade-SPSite command, Planning and configuring site collection upgrade queues and throttling
apps, Upgrading apps
evaluation of content and customizations, Upgrade and migrate a SharePoint environment
analyzing content database test results, Performing migration pre-check tasks
configuration issues, Using Windiff and comp
configuring web application authentication, Analyzing content database test results
pre-check tasks, Objective 3.1: Evaluate content and customizations
resolving missing files, Resolving orphan objects
resolving orphan objects, Configuring web application authentication for upgrades
farm solutions, Deploying farm solutions
planning process, Objective review
configuring parallel upgrades, Removing other servers
configuring read-only access for content, Configuring parallel upgrades
configuring upgrade farms, Configuring read-only access for content
installation sequence, Measuring upgrade performance
measuring upgrade performance, Measuring upgrade performance
removal of servers in rotation, Objective review
site collections, Objective review
analyzing and resolving health check results, Performing a health check
configuring available site collection modes, Analyzing and resolving health check results
evaluation sites, Planning and configuring site collection upgrade availability
health check, Objective review
queues and throttles, Planning and configuring evaluation mode
self-service upgrades, Planning and configuring available site collection modes
UPS (User Profile Synchronization) service
exporting encryption key, Configuring upgrade farms
moving, Using Psconfig
URLS, apps, Creating and configuring subscriptions
URN (Universal Resource Name), Managing service application permissions
usage analytics, searches, Search analytics
Usage Counts analysis, Search analytics
Usage index update group, Planning and configuring a search schema
UsageStorageLimit property (throttling), Planning and configuring site collection upgrade queues and throttling
Use Tag and Notes permission, Audiences
User Profile Replication Engine 2010, Resolving configuration issues
User Profile service application, Planning communities, Social permissions
social permissions, Audiences
User Profile service, configuring for upgrades, Configuring upgrade farms
User Profile Synchronization (UPS) service application
exporting encryption key, Configuring upgrade farms
moving, Using Psconfig
User Profile Synchronization service, Planning user profiles
user profiles, Social permissions
User-Defined Function Assemblies, configuring Microsoft Excel Services, Setting up trusted data connection libraries


WCM (Web Content Management), Planning and configuring content deployment
SQL Server, Gathering requirements
Visio Services, configuring, Confirming the settings
unattended service accounts, Confirming the settings
Visio Graphics Service settings, Creating an unattended service account
visitors, community sites, Planning communities
Volatile Function Cache Lifetime setting, trusted file locations, Settings for calculation behavior
.vsdx extension (Visio files), Confirming the settings


$wa.MigrateUsers($true) command, Configuring web application authentication for upgrades
$wa.ProvisionGlobally() command, Configuring web application authentication for upgrades
$wa.Update() command, Configuring web application authentication for upgrades
Warn Of Refresh setting,o trusted file locations, Settings for calculation behavior
WCM (Web Content Management), Objective review
channels, Objective 2.3: Plan and configure Web Content Management (WCM)
content deployment, Planning and configuring content deployment
product catalogs, Planning and configuring channels
topic pages, Using the Catalog
variations, Planning and configuring content deployment
Web Analytics, stopping before migration, Performing migration pre-check tasks
web application authentication, configuring, Analyzing content database test results
web application folder (Central Administration Backup tool), Using Central Administration backup
web apps, creating
Porject Server, Creating a Project Server web app
Web Content Management (WCM), Objective review
channels, Objective 2.3: Plan and configure Web Content Management (WCM)
content deployment, Planning and configuring content deployment
product catalogs, Planning and configuring channels
topic pages, Using the Catalog
variations, Planning and configuring content deployment
Web Front End (WFE) services, Web Front End
Web Proxy Server setting, configuring Machine Translation Service, Configuring the settings
$webApp.CompatibilityRange command, Planning and configuring available site collection modes
$webApp.GrantAccessToProcessIdentity(“<domain account>”) command, Creating and configuring Microsoft Excel Services
$webApp.SiteUpgradeThrottleSettings command, Planning and configuring site collection upgrade queues and throttling
$webApp.Update() command, Planning and configuring available site collection modes
$webApp.UpgradeMaintenanceLink command, Planning and configuring available site collection modes
$webApp.UpgradeReminderDelay command, Planning and configuring available site collection modes
WFE (Web Front End) services, Web Front End
wildcard certificates, configuring, Configuring DNS entries
wildcard characters
record management, Planning and configuring record management
Windiff tool, Resolving missing files
PowerPivot Configuration Tool, Planning and configuring PowerPivot
Windows Server AppFabric, Planning activity feeds
Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) infrastructure, Planning for SQL Server clustering
Windows-based authentication directory service, Planning activity feeds
witnesses, SQL Server mirroring, Planning for SQL Server mirroring
creating User Profile service application, Social permissions
Farm Configuration, Creating and configuring Microsoft PowerPoint Conversion Services
Microsoft Identity Integration Server Key Management Utility, Configuring upgrade farms
New Zone, Configuring DNS entries
SCW (Security Configuration Wizard), Resolving configuration issues
SharePoint Products Configuration, Planning for SQL Server aliases, Using Windiff and comp, Installing Project Server
SQL Server Installation, Installing Reporting Services on SQL Server
Word 97-2003 Document Scanning setting, configuring Word Automation Services, Modifying properties
Word Automation Services, configuring, Global settings
creating service application, Creating and configuring Microsoft Word Automation Services
file conversions, Configuring file conversions
modifying properties, Creating and configuring Microsoft Word Automation Services
work management, creating and configuring, Objective 5.3: Creating and configuring work management
Microsoft Exchange, Creating a Project Server web app
Microsoft Project Server, Objective 5.3: Creating and configuring work management
Workbook Cache Location setting, configuring global settings, Session management settings
workbook cache settings
configuring Microsoft Excel Services, Session management settings
Workbook Calculation Mode setting, trusted file locations, Settings for calculation behavior
Workbook Properties,o trusted file locations, Session management settings
Workbook URL setting, configuring global settings, Configuring global settings
Write permission, Planning user profiles
WSFC (Windows Server Failover Clustering) infrastructure, Planning for SQL Server clustering


XML-based file format, Visio, Confirming the settings
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