
Ask any employee at any modern company with more than 50 employees what their most critical computer application is. Most of them will tell you email without needing a second thought. While the World Wide Web helped fuel commercial interest in the Internet, email is the single top reason why companies are willing to spend the money for Internet connections. Email is an essential part of the workplace for both internal and external communications. On those days when I work from home, it is not uncommon to have no contact with my coworkers except through email.

As email changed from a luxury into a necessity, vendors began to add more features aimed at the corporate audience, such as calendars and shared message folders. Groupware was born. The first groupware applications were limited and crude. They did not scale well and took constant maintenance to stay operating. They had proprietary mailbox access protocols, cryptic command-line and text file configuration interfaces, and usually stored user mailboxes in a hierarchy of files and folders. Yet they worked well enough to become indispensable.

When Microsoft first introduced Exchange 4.0 in March 1996, it was a major step up from MS Mail, its previous messaging solution. At this time, the messaging landscape featured dozens of separate message transfer protocols and formats. It was not uncommon for a single enterprise to have multiple, incompatible mail systems, some managed on a department-by-department basis. There were two standards for inter-organization message transfer and format that looked like they had a chance to become the acknowledged standard. The first was the X.400 protocol, designed to work in tandem with the X.500 directory service over the X.25 network transport. The second was the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP), which had been developed to run over the TCP/IP network transport that formed the backbone of the Internet. X.400 was at that time the favorite to become the new standard. It was favored by government agencies, big businesses, and other large organizations because it was a well-designed protocol that tightly meshed with the X.500 directory service. These large enterprises liked the impressive amount of detail and structure offered by X.500. In comparison, SMTP was a loosely defined protocol with no associated directory service. However, the Requests for Comment (RFCs) that defined SMTP were freely available and were much easier to implement than the combination of X.500 and X.400, so there were dozens of SMTP-compatible mail transport applications and gateways.

Microsoft designed Exchange 4.0 by basing it on the X.400 and X.500 protocols. Because the Windows operating system did not include a native directory service, Exchange included its own that worked in tandem with the underlying user account database built into Windows NT. Microsoft built on the simple mail API included in MS Mail (Simple MAPI), extended it, and included it as the default mailbox protocol. Instead of a collection of files and folders, Exchange used the Jet database engine (a variant of the database technology used in Access) as the message store. Finally, Exchange included a variety of connectors to allow it to interoperate with other messaging systems. In order to sell, Exchange had to connect with just about anything. Although Exchange 4.0 missed its original ship date by 39 weeks, it was the first major enterprise server application success story for Microsoft. It had its flaws and exposed flaws in the Windows NT domain architecture, but it worked well enough to generate interest and sales, even in a market dominated by Lotus Notes.

In October 1996—just seven months after the release of 4.0—Microsoft released Exchange 5.0. This release introduced Outlook Web Access, (then known as Exchange Web Connector) included the first usable SMTP connector, fixed a lot of bugs, and incorporated much of the experience Microsoft had gained in helping customers move large MS Mail deployments to Exchange. Microsoft sold its millionth Exchange seat in mid-1997. It also released the first version of the Outlook client, which integrated messaging, scheduling, and basic personal information management features. Exchange 5.5 followed in November 1997 and marked the shift in the mail protocol wars (which had been heavily affected by the commercial success of the Internet) by including a much more capable SMTP connector and support for POP3, IMAP, and NNTP clients. It was the first version of Exchange to attempt support for clustering and fixed many problems with the Jet database implementation, including size limits and robustness issues.

It was during the 5.0/5.5 time frame that I had my first encounter with Exchange. I was a systems administrator with both Windows and UNIX experience and I was familiar with several SMTP offerings. My opinion at that time was that Exchange was bloated, confusing, and ill-designed. If I had ever taken a good look at the competing groupware solutions, I probably would have changed my mind.

Fast-forward to 1999. Microsoft released Windows 2000 Server and Active Directory. Microsoft managed an amazing feat for a company of its size and diversity: it leveraged the institutional experience the Exchange product group had gained with the Exchange Directory Service and used it to make an impressive “1.0” release of Active Directory. New service packs for Exchange 5.5 ensured that it would continue to run on the new version of Windows and take advantage of the increased speed, stability, and performance of Windows 2000, allowing customers to shift to the new operating system without having to migrate to Active Directory. In 2000, Microsoft released Exchange 2000, which had been redesigned from the ground up.

I still fondly remember the first time I installed Exchange 2000 at a customer site. The hardest part of the migration was getting Windows NT 4.0 installed on the new server hardware that would be the Windows 2000 Active Directory domain controller and promoting it to be the primary domain controller (PDC) of the domain. Actually upgrading to Windows 2000 and installing Active Directory was anti-climactic. Exchange 2000 installed like a dream and since it natively spoke SMTP, we had it handling all inbound mail within minutes.

When Paul asked me and Missy to co-write this book with him, I did not have to stop to think about my answer. The best way to learn something is to teach someone else how to do it, and the Cookbook format provides a unique opportunity for learning and teaching new ways to do familiar tasks. It is also a lot of work to research and write. Most Exchange administrators do not have the luxury of time to do this research and could benefit from a thorough set of task-oriented recipes for common and not-so-common tasks. This is the book I could have used when I first started learning Exchange; I hope that you find it useful as well.

—Devin L. Ganger, 3Sharp LLC

Who Should Read This Book?

If you are an Exchange 2000/2003 administrator, this book should have something useful for you. In addition to providing a handy reference for the various tasks involved in installing, configuring, and maintaining an Exchange deployment, it also provides details on some of the most useful of the many tools and utilities for Exchange. We have attempted to provide pointers to additional beneficial information for every topic and recipe.

This book is also helpful for programmers and script writers who need to automate Exchange management and deployment tasks. While not every Exchange job can be easily scripted, many tasks can. The Microsoft documentation is not always clear or complete; wherever possible, we have tried to give you working VBScript examples of how to accomplish a particular goal instead of a script that meekly enumerates the various properties and tells you their current values. We try to explain how the scripts work so you know how to adapt them to your own situation.

This book does not cover any Exchange 5.5 issues. While we occasionally compare a given feature of Exchange 5.5 with the modern versions of Exchange, we had to draw the line somewhere. Exchange 5.5 is nearing the end of its support and the release of Windows Server 2003 addresses the majority of the underlying issues with Active Directory that kept many companies from upgrading sooner. Likewise, we do not provide any in-depth coverage of upgrading from Exchange 5.5; that is a topic that is worthy of its own book. Microsoft has created a lot of excellent guidance on upgrading and if you need specific guidance on that topic, the authors of this book participated extensively in writing the Solution Accelerator for Exchange Consolidation and Migration, which includes three sample Exchange deployments and step-by-step examples of the upgrade process. You can browse or download the Solution Accelerator from the Microsoft web site at

Contents of This Book

This book is divided into 11 chapters. Here is a brief overview of each chapter:

  • Chapter 1, Getting Started, lays the foundation for the book. It explains the relationship between Exchange and Active Directory, when to use the graphical user interface (GUI), the command line, or scripting, lists the different scripting interfaces involved in automating Exchange management, and tells you where to find additional tools and information for Exchange.

  • Chapter 2, Installation and Infrastructure, covers the list of tasks and issues you will face when deploying your Exchange organization or installing additional Exchange servers, including preparing forests, domains, and servers for Exchange, using automated deployment methods, managing administrative groups, and dealing with miscellaneous deployment scenarios.

  • Chapter 3, Active Directory Integration, covers the interaction between Exchange and Active Directory in detail, including controlling Exchange’s domain controller affinity, removing Exchange from Active Directory, using Group Policy to control Exchange, managing the Recipient Update Service, and describing various troubleshooting tasks.

  • Chapter 4, Exchange Server and Organization Management, covers various server- and organization-level tasks such as installing the Exchange System Manager on a workstation, controlling Exchange services, using message tracking, managing server roles, using Exchange system policies, using diagnostic logging, measuring performance, and delegating administrative privileges.

  • Chapter 5, Recipient Management, covers the care and feeding of the various types of Exchange recipients: user accounts, mailboxes, mail-enabled groups, mail-enabled contacts, address lists, query-based distribution groups, and recipient policies.

  • Chapter 6, Mailbox and Public Folder Database Management, covers the Exchange message store, including storage groups, mailbox stores, public folder stores, databases and log files, and maintenance processes.

  • Chapter 7, Transport, Routing, and SMTP, covers the message routing and transport functions, including virtual servers, queues, routing groups, connectors, and the SMTP protocol.

  • Chapter 8, Client Connectivity, covers the various client protocols and access methods for Exchange. It includes MAPI and Outlook, OWA administration and customization, use of SSL and form-based authentication with OWA, mobile access devices, POP3, IMAP4, NNTP, and protocol logging.

  • Chapter 9, Public Folder Management, covers the use of the PFMigrate tool, rehoming public folders, setting permissions, managing replication, setting and retrieving properties, mail-enabling public folders, and troubleshooting.

  • Chapter 10, Exchange Security, covers how to secure your Exchange deployment, including patches, SMTP authentication, IPSec connections, SSL offloading, S/MIME, and other miscellaneous topics.

  • Chapter 11, Backup, Restore, and Recovery, covers backup methods and types and explains how to backup and restore mailboxes, mailbox storage databases,and entire storage groups. It also introduces some new Exchange Server 2003 features, such as the Mailbox Recovery Center and Recovery Storage Groups.

Conventions Used in This Book

The following typographical conventions are used in this book:

Plain text

Indicates menu titles, menu options, menu buttons, and keyboard accelerators (such as Alt and Ctrl).


Indicates new terms, URLs, email addresses, filenames, file extensions, pathnames, directories, and Unix utilities.

Constant width

Indicates commands, options, switches, variables, attributes, keys, functions, types, classes, namespaces, methods, modules, properties, parameters, values, objects, events, event handlers, XML tags, HTML tags, macros, the contents of files, or the output from commands.

Constant width bold

Shows commands or other text that should be typed literally by the user.

Constant width italic

Shows text that should be replaced with user-supplied values.


This icon signifies a tip, suggestion, or general note.


This icon indicates a warning or caution.

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We appreciate, but do not require, attribution. An attribution usually includes the title, author, publisher, and ISBN. For example: "Exchange Server Cookbook by Paul Robichaux, Missy Koslosky, and Devin L. Ganger. Copyright 2005 O’Reilly Media, Inc., 0-596-00717-5.”

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No project like this is ever a solo effort. Besides the authors, who typically get most of the credit, we were lucky to have a great deal of help from various quarters.

Many, many folks at Microsoft helped pinpoint the right answers to often-obscure questions; special thanks to Chris Harris, Paul Bowden, and Alex Seigler for their helpful suggestions and scripts, and to the denizens of the Exchange product discussion mailing lists for asking questions that helped us identify what readers might want to know about the most.

We were fortunate to have a number of Microsoft Most Valuable Professionals (MVPs) as contributors, too. Tom Meunier joined the team midway through the book and contributed recipes in several chapters (especially Chapter 8, where his willingness to risk the integrity of his Windows Mobile smartphone helped us quite a bit); Outlook MVP Patricia Cardoza also contributed several recipes to Chapter 8. MVPs Siegfried Weber and Glen Scales provided help through their blogs and web sites, which contain a wealth of useful minutiae on various Exchange and Outlook scripting topics.

We are particularly grateful to John Peltonen and Peter Kelly of 3Sharp LLC. They willingly put up with our distraction and the hours of work time spent researching and writing over the past year. All of our coworkers at 3Sharp provided support and encouragement time and again.

Robbie Allen, our editor, contributed some recipes from his own Active Directory Cookbook, as well as providing advice on how to make the recipes more useful and applicable. His emails reminding us of missed deadlines were always polite, and he worked hard to help us produce the best possible book. Thanks also to our technical reviewers: William Lefkovics, Joe Richards, Tony Murray, and Michael B. Smith (all MVPs), plus Greg Hoyle of Shell. They made invaluable suggestions (and caught some really embarrassing errors); any remaining shortcomings or mistakes are ours, not theirs.

Once the writing and technical editing was done, O’Reilly’s capable and professional production staff took over.

From Paul

I would like to thank the many people whose knowledge, experience, and willingness to share helped make this book possible. It was a privilege to work with Missy, Devin, Tom, Patricia, and Robbie on this project. I’d also like to thank the Exchange product team, many of whose members (particularly in PSS and product management) made great efforts to help us get answers when we needed them. Most importantly, I could never have written this book without the love and support of my dear wife, Arlene, and our three terrific sons, David, Thomas, and Matthew. My eternal love and thanks go to them.

From Missy

I’d first like to thank my husband, Bryan—for believing in me, for letting me spend the time necessary to do all of the things this crazy field requires of me, and for being there, always. I cannot imagine not having you by my side, supporting me, encouraging me. My daughters, Bryce and Natalie, light up my life, and bring me such great joy every day. I’m so proud to be your mommy, and thankful for having you both! I’d also like to thank my mom, Peggy Rae Sapienza, for teaching me that women can do anything, and for putting up with me when I told her I would NOT like working with computers, no matter what she said . . . .

I’d also like to thank Paul Robichaux—for believing that I could learn how to script, and for making me believe it, too, for his encouragement and wonderful mentoring skills over the years. Paul’s always said that I taught him a lot of what he knows about Exchange, but he’s taught me more about what I can do and how I can grow in new ways than I can explain in mere words. Working with Paul, Devin, Tom, Robbie and everyone else was a great experience.

MVP Joe Richards earns a special mention—he shared his wisdom with this humble Exchange MVP and loaned me a script or three. Only he can call me “GUI girl” and get away with it.

And I don’t know where I’d be today if it weren’t for Chip Yamasaki and Danny Bateman, who actually believed that I could actually manage 120 Exchange 4.0 sites, and who talked the folks at OSHA into taking a chance on me and giving me my first “real” IT job. Thank you both for helping me get the door open, and for teaching me so much.

Finally, thanks to the fine people at Quest Software, who gave me a great job when this book was almost completed, and who were wonderful about letting me finish working on it.

From Devin

I first thank my wife, Stephanie, and my daughter, Treanna, and son, Alaric. As my evenings and weekends were stolen away, they maintained good attitudes, kept me fed and entertained, and provided desperately needed grounding with the world outside my office. I next thank my mother, Tonne; she helped encourage both my love of computers and my dream of writing books by teaching me writing and typing. My father, Larry, was a source of strength and encouragement in the dark hours when deadlines slipped and words refused to come. Working with Paul, Missy, and Tom has been the highlight of my career; I thank them for being so willing to share their experience, knowledge, and encouragement with me. They are more than my colleagues and mentors; they are also my friends. Robbie patiently answered my questions, gave advice and feedback, and eased my first-time jitters. Thanks also to the many Microsoft employees who brought me forward to drink from the well of knowledge and helped find good answers to difficult questions. Martin Tuip provided another sounding board for my questions and also runs two highly useful Exchange-focused mailing lists (Exchange2000 and Exchange-2003) on Yahoo! Groups; he and the list members gave me good guidance.

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