
We would like to thank Dominic Shakeshaft, Gwenan Spearing, Matt Moodie, and Mark Powers from Apress, who have worked with us and kept us on track for publication. Likewise, we thank Phil de Joux, who acted as technical reviewer and whose comments were invaluable in ensuring that the book is a comprehensive and reliable source of information.

The drafts and first two editions of this book were read and commented on by many people, and Expert F# 3.0 has benefited greatly from their input. In particular, we would like to thank Ashley Feniello, whose meticulous reviews proved invaluable, as well as John Bates, Nikolaj Bjorner, Luca Bolognese, Laurent le Brun, Richard Black, Chris Brumme, Andrew Herbert, Ralf Herbrich, Luke Hoban, Jason Hogg, Anders Janmyr, Paulo Janotti, Pouya Larjani, Julien Laugel, Richard Mortier, Enrique Nell, Gregory Neverov, Raj Pai, Ravi Pandya, Phil Trelford, Dave Waterworth, Dave Wecker, and Onno Zoeter, to name but a few.

We also thank Microsoft Research, without which neither F# nor this book would have been possible, and we are very grateful for the interactions, help, and support given by other researchers and language designers, including Byron Cook, Anders Hejlsberg, Xavier Leroy, Simon Marlow, Erik Meijer, Malcolm Newey, Martin Odersky, Simon Peyton Jones, Mads Torgersen, and Phil Wadler. Finally, we thank our families and loved ones for their long-suffering patience. It would have been impossible to complete this book without their unceasing support.

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