Chapter 18. Browsing the Code

For those of us who are programmers, there is nothing like having the source code at hand. Having buildable source lets us fix a nagging bug, add that feature we really want, and generally modify the product.

In this chapter we take the source code and go through the problems you might have building it. When we’re done, you should be able to create a version of Firefox (or Thunderbird) that works.

Mozilla Firefox Trunk

You can access several versions of Firefox at any time. One source set is the downloadable source files, which is not the most current source—it might be as much as a month out of date). However, you can get the most current source from Concurrent Versions System (CVS).


This chapter talks about building Firefox. To build Thunderbird, the same process is used but you simply rename as necessary so that CVS retrieves the Thunderbird source instead of Firefox. Plus, you must modify your .mozconfig file.

Mozilla Code Development Cycle

To be a successful Mozilla programmer, you have to be a team player. That includes following the established rules, even if you don’t agree with them.

The Mozilla code development cycle is, generally, rather simple. Overall, there are only a few steps:

  1. Find a bug you want to fix and that you think you can fix. As a suggestion, fix the bug unofficially before asking for the formal approval to work on the bug.

  2. Make your fix to the relevant module. Test your fixes—do not just assume that they will work. If at all possible, test it under all platforms, including Windows, Mac, and Linux.

  3. Create a patch file using the DIFF command (part of Cygwin).

  4. Find the bug and ensure that it is currently unassigned (see Figure 18.1).

    This bug is new and is currently unassigned.

    Figure 18.1. This bug is new and is currently unassigned.

  5. Request the bug be assigned to you. This is done at the bottom of the Bugzilla bug form, as shown in Figure 18.2.

    A bug’s status and resolution can be altered if you have the authority to do so.

    Figure 18.2. A bug’s status and resolution can be altered if you have the authority to do so.

  6. Fix the bug. Generate a patch file, and attach the patch file to the bug in Bugzilla. Request a review for the attachment’s patch.

The review process is necessary before your bug will be added to the product. The reviewer (usually the module owner or his peer) checks to ensure that the fix is acceptable and tests the fix. Do not take this as saying that Mozilla doesn’t trust you—this benefits you in that there is an extra set of eyes looking for unintended side effects.

Without careful review, there is a tendency for a bug fix to simply cause another bug in the program. Always be careful not to break something else when fixing your bug.

Coding Practices

There are standards for programming in C/C++ that you must follow when fixing or enhancing the Mozilla products. A number of things that are important include

A good starting point for coding is This page is a FAQ containing a lot of useful information. Read this document.

Setting Up and Building Firefox

Building Firefox (or Thunderbird) takes preparation. There are a number of pieces of the build environment that you must have. Everything necessary to build Firefox is available free; however, if you have the full Visual C++ (Visual Studio), you have some additional tools, such as the IDE/editor environment.

Several sites on the Internet deal with setting up the environment and building Mozilla products. One excellent site is A recommendation is to print these pages and use them as a checklist in your quest to build Firefox or Thunderbird.

Necessary Software

The first thing to do is to create a working folder. Eventually, you might need as much as 3.5GB of space, so ensure that the drive you use has the room. Next, in the root of the drive, create a folder named Mozilla. This folder will hold some of your tools and the files used to build Firefox.

To do a successful build, you will need a C/C++ compiler, such as Visual C++ or MinGW. The preferred compiler is Visual C++, and because it can be downloaded free from Microsoft, there is no reason to not use it. If you want to use MinGW, you can download it from the MinGW website at The information at describes which of the MinGW components are necessary and how to install them.

Now, let’s get started!

You must first download and install the software for the build environment:

  1. Go to and download the Visual C++ 7.1 compiler package.

  2. Install the Visual C++ package using the default options. The compiler will be installed in %programfiles%microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003.

  3. Download and install the Microsoft Platform SDK (also called the Windows SDK). The SDK will be installed in %programfiles%microsoft Platform SDK. Again, accept any default option values.

  4. Download and install the Microsoft .NET SDK from This is a large download, however, and it is not clear whether it is actually needed to build Firefox. As with the two previous examples, accept the default installation values.


    You might be able to save some disk space by just installing the needed core, IE, and the Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) SDKs.

  5. Download compiler-specific versions of glib and libIDL from If you have installed the visual C++ from step 2, get the VC71 versions of these files ( and If you have previously installed Visual C++ 7.0, use the VC7 versions. We will install these files next.

  6. Download and install the I386 macro assembler MASM from MASM is used to build the crypto components of Firefox. If you install MASM32, you will be installing other utilities, which can cause conflicts between MASM32’s linker (LINK.EXE) and lib (LIB.EXE) programs and those supplied with your compiler. Therefore, use the linker and lib programs that come with your compiler; simply rename or delete the MSAM32 versions to resolve this problem.

You now need to install Cygwin from Cygwin is a network-based installation, so only those components that you choose to install are downloaded to your computer.

In the Cygwin install, select the following options:

  • All Users—The installation will be available to all users.

  • UNIX—Cygwin will use Unix-compatible end-of-line characters.

In the next step of Cygwin’s installation, you must select which packages are to be installed:

  • ash*—A Unix-like command-line interpreter shell.

  • bzip2*—An Open Source data compressor.

  • coreutils—GNU core utilities. These utilities include fileutils, sh-utils, and textutils.

  • cvs—. A client used to download Mozilla source code.

  • cygutils—A set of general-purpose utilities.

  • diffutils*—A set of file comparison utilities.

  • fileutils*—File and directory management utilities.

  • findutils—. A set of search utilities.

  • gawk*—A pattern matching language.

  • grep*—A text search in files tool.

  • gzip*—A powerful archive builder with a Windows interface.

  • make—The system that controls building from a make file.

  • patch—. A tool used to modify a source file from a patch file.

  • Perl—Support for the Perl language.

  • sed*—The search and replace program.

  • sh-utils*—Miscellaneous shell utilities.

  • textutils*—Additional text utilities.

  • unzip—A command-line compressed archive file extractor, similar to PKZIP.

  • zip—A command-line compressed archive file creator, similar to PKZIP.

Those packages marked with an asterisk (*) should already be selected, but confirm this.

The next part of the build environment is ActivePerl. ActivePerl is a download found at Download the Zip file or the MSI file—both achieve the same results and are almost the same size. Unzip it to a temporary folder. After it’s unzipped, the folder will contain a subfolder (ActivePerl) and Installer.bat, the ActivePerl installation program. Run Installer.bat, answering the prompts (the default values should be fine).

Finally, as you reach the end of the gathering of software, you have one more package that must be installed. These are the Netscape Wintools. Download them ( and extract the buildtools folder from (As always, retain the folder structure.) You can place the buildtools folder in any convenient location, such as your c:mozilla folder. This location will be referenced by your buildsetup.bat file, as described in Listing 18.1, later in this chapter.

Next in your c:mozilla folder, create a subfolder named moztools (c:mozillamoztools). Then in the buildtools folder that you extracted from Netscape Wintools, enter the following commands:

set MOZ_TOOLS=c:mozillamoztools
cd c:mozillauildtoolswindows


The compiler-specific items (such as glib and libIDL) are dependent on the version of C++ being used. If you are using Microsoft .NET 2003/2005 or C++ 6.0, you need to get the proper versions. Visit to retrieve the Visual C++ 7.0, Visual C++ 7.1, and other versions of the supporting files. More help can be found on the Net, though, especially from some of the other third-party builders at

Now your c:mozillamoztools folder should have three subfolders (bin, include, and lib).

glib was downloaded from Again, you must extract the contents (a folder named VC71) from this Zip file, preserving the folder structure. In C:, create a subfolder named glib, and in that folder copy the VC71 folder you extracted.

LibIDL was downloaded from Again, you have to extract the contents (a folder named VC71) from this Zip file, preserving the folder structure. In C:, create a subfolder named LibLDL, and in that folder copy the VC71 folder you extracted.

At this point, your Mozilla folder should look like the one shown in Figure 18.3.

Right now your Mozilla folder has three subfolders.

Figure 18.3. Right now your Mozilla folder has three subfolders.

In your %programfiles%microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003 folder is a batch file: vcvars32.bat. Copy this file to your C:mozilla folder for easier access, if you want.

Next, you must create several new files. The first file is a batch command file you should name buildsetup.bat. This file can be created from Listing 18.1, but I strongly recommend you download it from the book’s website because it is relatively complex.

If you must type in this file, pay particular attention to the line continuation characters and spaces. Be very careful to not insert spaces where there is a line continuation character; just append the line’s text to the previous line’s contents with no spaces or other characters. (The best way to get the book’s files is to download them from the book’s web page at

Example 18.1. buildsetup.bat

REM we only want to process these settings one time. Otherwise the path, lib, and include
buildsetup.bat grow out of control

if .%BuildEnvironmentSet% == .YES goto runmake

set BuildEnvironmentSet=YES

REM SET BuildTools_=c:mozillauildtools

REM SET BuildTools=c:uildtoolsuildtools

SET MozTools=c:mozillamoztools

REM if you copied this file to your c:mozilla folder then you need to
REM change the path to c:mozilla.
call "C:Program Filesmicrosoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003vcvars32.bat"
set path=c:mozillacygwinin;%moztools%in;%BuildTools%;c:glib;c:libild;c:masm32

SET LIB=C:Program Filesmicrosoft Platform SDKLib;C:Program Filesmicrosoft.NETSDKv1
buildsetup.bat.1Lib;C:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003lib;C:Program Filesmicrosoft
buildsetup.bat Visual Studio .NET 2003vc7lib;C:masm32LIB;C:Program Filesmicrosoft Platform SDKLib
buildsetup.batIA64;C:Program Filesmicrosoft Platform SDKLibIA64mfc

SET INCLUDE=C:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003include;C:Program Files
buildsetup.batmicrosoft platform SDKinclude;C:Program Filesmicrosoft.NETSDKv1.1include;C:Program
buildsetup.bat Filesmicrosoft Visual Studio .NET 2003Vc7include;C:Program Filesmicrosoft Platform
buildsetup.bat SDKincludeWin64crt;C:Program Filesmicrosoft Platform SDKincludeWin64mfc;C:masm32

REM SET GLIB_PREFIX=c:/mozilla/cygdrive/C/mozilla/glib/vc71
REM SET GLIB_PREFIX=c:/glib/vc71

REM SET LIBIDL_PREFIX=c:/mozilla/cygdrive/c/mozilla/libidl/vc71
REM SET LIBIDL_PREFIX=c:/libidl/vc71

rem SET MOZ_TOOLS=/cygdrive/c/mozilla/buildtools
SET MOZ_TOOLS=c:/mozilla/moztools

SET CVSROOT=:pserver:[email protected]:/cvsroot

SET HOME=c:mozillamozilla




ECHO Installation environment variables set!
goto endofbatch

ECHO Installation environment variables were already set!


Several lines in this file need special attention:

call "C:Program Filesmicrosoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003vcvars32.bat"

This line calls the batch command file that sets the Microsoft Visual C++ environment variables. Using a call enables you to later add lines in your batch file after this line. Without using a call, vcvars32.bat would never return to your main buildsetup.bat command file. An explicit path is used to ensure that Windows will find the file.

SET GLIB_PREFIX=/cygdrive/C/mozilla/glib/vc71

This tells the build environment where the glib files are located. Notice that it uses forward slashes (/) instead of Windows’s backslashes (). Backslashes will cause the build to fail. This line is optional and can be remarked out if desired.

SET LIBIDL_PREFIX=/cygdrive/c/mozilla/libidl/vc71

This tells the build environment where the libIDL files are located. As noted previously, it uses forward slashes instead of Windows’s backslashes. As with glib, this line is optional.

SET MOZ_TOOLS=/cygdrive/c/mozilla/buildtools

This tells the build environment where the Netscape Wintools are located. As with the two previous examples, it uses forward slashes instead of Windows’s backslashes.

SET CVSROOT=:pserver:[email protected]:/cvsroot

This line tells CVS from where to obtain the source. Notice that it does not specify either Firefox or Thunderbird; it only gives the URL and the logon information (anonymous) for CVS.

SET HOME=c:mozillamozilla

The home variable tells CVS where the downloaded source CVS retrieves will be located.


This specifies which external program will be used to access CVS when using the access method :ext:.


This environment variable is used to allow you to run two or more builds using the same profile, which requires a build ID. The build ID is created when this variable is set to 1.


The BUILD_OFFICIAL environment variable turns on the build number in the title bar.

The next file you need is your .mozconfig file (see Listing 18.2). Notice the leading period—technically, this file has no name, only an extension. If you create this file without the period, it will not work. The .mozconfig file must show the build environment which project is being built. For our purposes, we might be building either Firefox or Thunderbird. The MOZ_CO_PROJECT will either be set to browser for Firefox or to mail for Thunderbird.


Cygwin fixes the path environment variable, ensuring that the file and folder locations are compliant with the environment. However, Cygwin does not update any other environment variables.

Example 18.2. .mozconfig

#Firefox is browser, Thunderbird is mail

. $topsrcdir/browser/config/mozconfig

mk_add_options BUILD_OFFICIAL=1
mk_add_options MOZILLA_OFFICIAL=1
mk_add_options MOZ_CO_PROJECT=browser

# If you want to create a non-static build, comment out the following
# The installer scripts can only create installers from static builds
ac_add_options —disable-shared
ac_add_options —enable-static

ac_add_options —enable-application=browser
ac_add_options —disable-activex
ac_add_options —disable-activex-scripting

This file tells the make process to add BUILD_OFFICIAL and MOZILLA_OFFICIAL to the build. It also tells the generation process to create a static build.

You now have your build environment complete. Next, you need to obtain the Firefox source code using CVS. The process is as follows:

  1. Open a command prompt by selecting Start, All Programs, Accessories, Command Prompt.

  2. Change into your C:mozilla folder and type buildsetup.bat to configure the environment.

  3. Enter the command cvs login. At the password prompt, enter anonymous. You might receive an error message telling you that the .cvspass file does not exist; you can ignore this.

  4. Enter the command cvs co mozilla/browser/config mozilla/ and press Enter. This command retrieves one file——and places this file in the subfolder mozilla inside your mozilla folder. If this subfolder does not exist, it is created. This new folder will be the home for your Firefox project.

  5. Change into the new Mozilla folder created in step 4.

  6. Enter the command make -f client checkout. This command tells make (a system that interprets a command file and calls other programs, something like batch or scripting) and uses CVS to fetch the entire source for Firefox. If you are on a slow connection, this command might take a while to finish; really fast connections usually take only about 5–10 minutes.

At this point, you have now installed the necessary software to build Firefox, installed all the required utilities, and retrieved the very latest (and perhaps, greatest) version of Firefox. The only thing left to do is to build it.

Performing a Build

There are several ways to build the project. One way is to run the makefile program from a command prompt. Type

make -f build

Of course, this command could be placed in a batch file along with a test to ensure that the buildsetup.bat file has also executed (see Listing 18.3).

Example 18.3. BuildFireFox.bat

if .%BuildEnvironmentSet% == . goto runmake

echo doing build!
make -f build_all

goto endofall

echo No build environment configured.


This batch file checks to see whether the buildsetup.bat file has executed—if the BuildEnvironmentSet environment variable is set, buildsetup.bat has already executed. When it’s sure that the build environment is set up, it calls the make utility to do the actual build of Firefox.

If you are more familiar with a Linux/Unix environment, you can use Cygwin, which you installed earlier in this chapter. That is one program we’ve not mentioned yet, and for a reason. You can, in a regular Windows command prompt, get the Firefox source. However, to build Firefox, you must use the Cygwin tools. One tool is a Unix shell emulator—just the thing for those of us who work with Windows but wish we were using Unix.


If you want to try Cygwin and are not familiar with Unix (or Linux), you might initially have some problems with the concepts behind how Cygwin works. First, whereas Windows (and MS-DOS) uses a backslash to separate folders and filenames, Unix has always used the forward slash to do folder and file delimiting.

If you have not already done so, you must also configure the build environment using your buildsetup.bat file. Simply go to your c:mozilla folder, enter the command buildsetup.bat, and press Enter.

Now, go to the Cygwin folder. It would be C:Cygwin if you installed Cygwin using the defaults, although I installed Cygwin in a subfolder under c:mozilla. In that folder is a single batch file: cygwin.bat. This is the command to start the Cygwin shell. Type Cygwin.bat and press Enter. You will get a prompt consisting of your Windows username@computer name and a folder specification (usually either a ~ for the root folder or the current folder). This prompt should look like that shown in Figure 18.4. (For the curious, Gay Deceiver is the name of the computerized car in Robert Heinlein’s novel Number of the Beast and several other related stories.)

Everything typed after the $ prompt was entered by the user.

Figure 18.4. Everything typed after the $ prompt was entered by the user.

Also notice in Figure 18.4 that I entered the command ls and the command dir. Both commands do the same thing; ls is simply the Unix command for listing a directory’s contents. I typed these commands prior to retrieving the Firefox source; otherwise, the results of listing the directory would fill the screen.

We are finally ready to build Firefox. The file is the make command script file that both fetches the Firefox source code and builds Firefox. (Somewhat universal, isn’t it?) What does depends on the options passed with the make command. If the checkout option is used, make fetches (or checks out) the source code. If the build option is used, make builds Firefox.


Mozilla recommends a Pentium 500MHz processor and 256MB of RAM to build Firefox. A faster processor and more RAM will significantly improve the build times, though. I personally do not recommend building Firefox on a notebook computer because the build process is very processor intensive and generates substantial heat.

All you have to do now is type the following at Cygwin’s $ prompt:

make -f build_all

Whichever way you choose to build—from either a DOS command prompt window or a Cygwin window—your reward, if you’ve made no mistakes, will be a lengthy build process as the compiler is called to compile each source file, the linker is used to build the libraries and the executable, and other tasks are performed. Keep in mind that Firefox is a large program and this build process can therefore take considerable time on a slower computer. An example of build performance is a 2.2GHz Athlon64 with 2GB of memory, on which it takes approximately 28 minutes to build. A slower notebook with a 1.5GHz processor with 512MB of RAM took several hours to build Firefox. The first build takes the longest because subsequent builds usually have to rebuild only those parts of Firefox that have changed since the previous build.


Do not expect your first try at building Firefox to be successful. If it is, that’s great, but if not, do not be discouraged. Most of us spend several days getting everything working together before we get a successful build of Firefox. I’ve seen cases where it is best to simply start from scratch—that is, delete the source folder (the mozilla folder that is inside c:mozilla) and refetch the source files.

Packaging Firefox for Distribution

The results of building the product are placed in the mozillamozilladist folder. A second copy can be located elsewhere—for example, for Firefox a copy will also be in mozillamozillarowserapp.

The final step you must take to enable you to easily distribute the product is to create the installer (the same program you downloaded when you fetched Firefox or Thunderbird from Mozilla). This enables you to have a single file that can be shared among several users.

After your build has completed successfully, you can create the installer. The steps to do this are relatively straightforward:

  1. First, if you have not already done so, run your buildsetup.bat file to initialize the Mozilla build environment.

  2. Move to the folder c:mozillamozillarowserinstaller.

  3. Enter the following command, which creates the installation package:

    make installer
  4. Your final installation executable will be located in the folder c:mozillamozillarowserinstaller. (The filename can vary depending on which version or product you are creating, but it should be obvious based on the file’s timestamp.)


To use the installer, you need to build a static build of Firefox or Thunderbird. This is controlled in the .mozconfig file’s options ac_add_options --disable-shared and ac_add_options --enable-static. Refer to Listing 18.2 for an example of these two options.

You can now distribute your version of Firefox (or Thunderbird) by download or by other means, such as CD-R or network share.


Mozilla suggests that you uncheck the Quality Feedback Agent check box.

Check-in Requirements

The check-in process is basically a series of established steps that must be followed in order. Don’t skip a step for any reason. From the beginning, the check-in process is as follows:

  1. Write code, whether it is a patch for a bug or new code for additional (new) functionality. After your code is complete, you need to check out the latest version of Firefox from the CVS system. Without the latest version, the changes might break another patch or new component. If what you are doing is going to take a longer time (say, a week or more), you should check out the latest version from CVS from time to time.

  2. Update your local tree (the source). Before checking out the source tree, first make sure that Tinderbox says the code is green—that is, it builds and tests okay. It is worthless to check out code while the tree is not green because your builds will not be reliable. Red means stop and green means go.

  3. Have your work reviewed. It must be reviewed before it can be added to the tree. This review serves as a check to ensure that whatever was done is acceptable (for instance, that the coding style and syntax are correct). No code is ever added to the project without review. Reviews are done by the module owner or someone who is designated by the module owner.

  4. Run prechecking tests. Established tests are already defined to test your code. Do not assume that your code will not have an adverse effect on other parts of the project. For information on precheck tests, visit

  5. Check in your work. Tinderbox must indicate that the tree is open (allows check-in) and not closed (no check-ins are allowed). No check-in is allowed when the tree is red—that is, when the project will not properly build.

  6. Be responsible for your code. After your work has been checked in, you are responsible if it causes a problem! That is why you must do your precheck-in testing, and why the code must be reviewed.

It is important that, until the version that has your changes has properly built (the Tinderbox tree is green), you remain available. If something goes wrong, it is your responsibility to make it right.

Mozilla Source Code Secrets for Power Users

Here are a few ideas from the experts:

  • The Mozilla Firefox and Thunderbird source and project can be visualized as a tree. From the trunk (the main project, such as Firefox) different versions of the product branch off. Usually, the tree has at least two branches: the currently released branch and the development branch.

  • As time passes, new branches are added to the tree. Old, unnecessary branches are cut off.

  • Code development at Mozilla follows a set process. All work is initiated as a bug using Bugzilla. Developers both at Mozilla and externally then undertake to resolve these bugs, either fixing the problems or adding functionality.

  • To accommodate a large group of developers—many of whom are not under the direct control of Mozilla—a set of coding practices has been established. These practices must be followed for work to be accepted.

  • Setting up a Firefox development environment takes some time and effort. Even experienced programmers take a few days to get to the point where they can build one of the Mozilla products.

  • Several necessary products or tools must be used when building Firefox and other Mozilla products. These products or tools are all available freely on the Internet.

  • Performing a build involves retrieving the latest source using CVS and then building the product. Changes need to be managed with patch files so they can be applied to new versions of the source.

  • The check-in requirements help ensure that work on Firefox and other Mozilla products meets the necessary standards for programming style and syntax and that it does not break the product.

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