
In this final chapter of the book, we have seen how to scale developer resources to the development of your enterprise application using industry strength Source Control tools, development processes, and servers such as Jenkins.

Some of the steps described in this chapter might initially seem excessive and overly complex compared to developing within a single packaging org or using other manual approaches to export and merge changes between developer orgs. Ultimately, more time is lost in resolving conflicts manually and not to mention the increased risk of losing changes.

Certainly, if your business is aiming to be audited for its development processes, adopting a more controlled approach with tighter controls over who has access to not only the source code but also your mechanism to release it (your packaging org) is a must.

Opening up your development process to tools such as Git for example allows for a much better developer interaction for aspects such as code reviews and carefully staging features in development to release. Such tools also give a greater insight into statistics around your development process that allow you optimize your development standards and productivity further over time.

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