Introducing the book's sample application

For this book, we will use the world of Formula 1 motor car racing as the basis for a packaged application that we will build together. Formula 1 is, for me, the motor sport that is equivalent to enterprise applications software, due to its scale and complexity. It is also a sport that I follow. My knowledge of both of these fields helped me when building the examples that we will use.

We will refer to our application as FormulaForce throughout this book, though please keep in mind Salesforce's branding policies when naming your own application, as they prevent the use of the word "Force" in the company or product titles.

This application will focus on the data collection aspects of the races, drivers, and their many statistics, utilizing platform features to structure, visualize, and process this data in both historic and current contexts.

For this chapter, we will create some initial Custom Objects and fields, as detailed in the following table. Do not worry about creating any custom tabs just yet. You can use your preferred approach to create these initial objects. Ensure that you are logged in to your packaging org (we will use the development org later in this book).


Field name and type


Name (text)


Name (text)

Season (Master Detail Lookup to Season)


Name (text)


Name (Auto Number CONTEST-{00000000})

Race (Master Detail Lookup to Race)

Driver (Lookup to Driver)

The following screenshot shows the preceding objects within the Schema Builder tool, available under the Setup menu:

Introducing the book's sample application
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