
This chapter has given you a practical overview of the initial package creation process through installing it into another Salesforce organization. While some of the features discussed cannot be fully exercised until you're close to your first release phase, you can now head to development with a good understanding of how early decisions, such as references to Standard Objects, are critical to your licensing and cost decisions.

It is also important to keep in mind that, while tools such as Trialforce help automate the setup, this does not apply to installing and configuring your customer environments. Thus, when making choices regarding configurations and defaults in your design, keep in mind the costs to the customer during the implementation cycle.

Make sure you plan for the security review process in your release cycle (the free online version has a limited bandwidth) and ideally integrate it into your CI build system (a paid facility) as early as possible, since the tool not only monitors security flaws but also helps report breaches in best practices, such as lack of test asserts and SOQL or DML statements in loops.

In the following chapters, we will start exploring the engineering aspects of building an enterprise application as we build upgrades on the package created in this chapter, allowing us to better explore how the platform supports incremental growth of your application.


As you revisit the tools covered in this chapter, be sure to reference the excellent ISVforce Guide at for the latest detailed steps and instructions on how to access, configure, and use these features.

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