Basic Lua syntax

Lua has a simple syntax that is easy to both learn and read. The following is a simple script:

-- This is a sample Lua script 
-- Single line comments begin with two dashes 
  This is a multi-line comment. 
  Everything between the double square brackets 
    is part of the comment block. 
-- Lua is loosely typed 
var = 1         -- This is a comment 
var ="alpha"   -- Another comment 
var ="A1"      -- You get the idea... 
-- Lua makes extensive use of tables 
-- Tables are a hybrid of arrays and associative arrays 
val1 = 1 
val2 = 2 
my_table = { 
     key1 = val1, 
     key2 = val2, 
    "index 1", 
    "index 2" 
  When the Lua script is called from FreeSWITCH 
  you have a few magic objects. The main one is 
  the 'freeswitch' object: 
  freeswitch.consoleLog("INFO","This is a log line
  If script is executed from dialplan (eg: there is  
  an incoming call to manage) you have the  'session'  
  object which lets you manipulate the call: 
freeswitch.consoleLog("INFO","my_table key1 is '" .. my_table["key1"] .."'
freeswitch.consoleLog("INFO","my_table index 1 is '" .. my_table[1] .."'
-- Access arguments passed in 
arg1 = argv[1]      -- First argument 
arg2 = argv[2]      -- Second argument 
-- Simple if/then 
if ( var =="A1" ) then 
  freeswitch.consoleLog("INFO","var is 'A1'
--  Simple if/then/else 
if ( arg1 =="ciao" ) then 
  freeswitch.consoleLog("INFO","arg1 is 'ciao'
  freeswitch.consoleLog("INFO","arg1 is not 'ciao'!
-- String concatenation uses .. 
var ="This" .." and " .. "that" 
freeswitch.consoleLog("INFO","var contains '" .. var .."'
freeswitch.consoleCleanLog("This Rocks!!!
-- The end 

Save this script as /usr/local/freeswitch/scripts/test2.lua, and then call it from the FreeSWITCH console, as lua test2.lua ciao cucu:

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