Reporting Problems

What if you hit a bug? First of all try to understand if actually you hit a FreeSWITCH bug. Check all the things around FreeSWITCH that can be cause of malfunctioning: network, firewalls, databases, upstream and downstream providers, etc. OK, let's say you checked it all.

Then, download and install latest stable FreeSWITCH version. You will be asked: "is this problem affecting latest stable?". If you're unable to answer "yes" (and give proof of it), your problem will not get any attention (maybe is fixed in latest stable).

Then, do the same with latest development version of FreeSWITCH, called "MASTER". "is this problem affecting master?" Be ready to answer this question too. If is solved in master, then the fix will be backported to stable, if that's possible at all.

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