
Previous to this chapter, we discussed how best to get customer insights, feedback, statements, quotes, and images, which, collectively, we refer to as the customer voices. In this chapter, we reviewed how to transform the voices of multiple interviews into something that is actionable by your organization. We reviewed the best way to capture and share key insights with your interview team using the sticky note concept. We talked about having a post-interview meeting where all parties can come together and share the insights they have received, and how to merge the voices from the various interviews into one superset of data using the affinity process.

This chapter also discussed taking the customer voices and turning them into customer requirements using the customer statements, images, and other keywords. After this, we reviewed using the affinity process again to help us group key feedback into clusters that provided structure to the customer requirements. Lastly, we prioritized and ranked the customer requirements using both the insights we had gotten from the interviews, as well as from a feedback mechanism to get a wider view of the customer.

In the next chapter, we will take the next step in the process by turning our customer requirements into actionable marketing documents, technical requirements, and ultimately solutions for our customers.

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