
Students in an engineering program (or for that matter, any professional program) have typically only the vaguest notions of what they will be doing after graduation from the program, or even what they will be learning in the program until they are well into it.1 It is the author’s expectation and belief that the students persevering through the chapters of the book to reach this point will have a much clearer insight into and appreciation of their chosen field. They will be better informed and have a more concrete conceptual understanding of chemical engineering from practically the beginning of the program.

1. Based on the author’s experience with the students, as well as his own experience.

As the students progress through the subsequent courses of their chemical engineering program, they will delve deeper into the concepts introduced in this book. They will also encounter computational problems of increasingly greater complexity; and, they will also discover that they are wielding exactly the same tools as those learned in this book to solve the problems! They will confidently exploit the powerful capabilities of the software programs and process simulation software2 to solve challenging problems effectively, efficiently, and quickly.

2. Introduced in the appendixes.

Chemical engineering is a rigorous discipline that places much demand on its student and, in return, provides unparalleled rewards to one who is willing to put in the required efforts. The author is confident that this book will continue to serve the readers as they transition from freshmen to seniors to graduates and beyond in their careers.

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