

.44 Magnum Leveraged Financing Program, 101

2 and 20, 110

7Twelve Portfolio, 79-80

401(k), 15

130/30 fund strategy, 128-129

2012 Global Survey on Alternative Investing, 62


absolute return, 71, 93

accredited investors, 109

advisory fees, 110

alternative investments, 4, 60-66

10 important ponts, 159-161

2012 Global Survey on Alternative Investing, 62

adoption by institutional investors, 61-62

arbitrage, 83-86

currency arbitrage trading, 84

merger arbitrage, 84-86

relative value, 149-151

corporate governance, 119

disruption, 5

due diligence, assessing, 103-104

endowments, 6

hedge funds, 135-139

2 and 20, 110

multi-strategy, 155

regulations, 109-110

investment reasoning, 119

liquidity, 141-142

partnerships, 139-141

limited partnerships, 140-141

private placements, 102

public securities, 65

trading strategies, 148

variable annuities, 120-121

annuity contracts, 120

investment basis, 120

Andreessen, Marc, 158

Android operating system, 96

annuity contracts, 120

arbitrage, 83-86

black boxes, 84

convertible bond arbitrage, 150

currency arbitrage trading, 84

fixed-income arbitrage, 150-151

merger arbitrage, 84-86

relative value, 149-151

ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network), 158

Asian Flu, 32

assessing due diligence, 103-104

asset allocation, 51

tactical asset allocation, 118-119

asset classes

correlation, 160

growth of alternative asset classes, 112

for nine-box investment strategies, 93-95

asset management companies, 37

availability of communication technology, 34


Baby Boomer generation, 16

balanced portfolios, 80

behavioral finance, 44

prospect theory, 44-46, 69

benefit plans, 14-15

Bernanke, Ben, 2

beta, 78, 81-83. See also risk

beta blockers, 78

black boxes, 84

bonds, 26

convertible bond arbitrage, 150

“tapering,” 61

two-asset investment model, 80

yield, 95-97

borrowed capital, leverage, 161

Botein, Matt, x

Bretton Woods monetary system, 33

Bull Durham, 68

Bush, George W., 2

buy-and-hold investing, 27, 118


calculating future cash flows, 95

CBOE (Chicago Board Options Exchange) Volatility Index, 22

Clark, James, 158

Cliffwater LLC, 142

Coca-Cola, 48

combining risk and return potential, 117-118

communication technology, availability of, 34

comparing hedge funds and mutual funds, 136

consulting investment professionals, 38-40

contribution plans, 15

convergence trading, 137

convertible bond arbitrage, 150

corporate governance, 119

corporate restructuring, 137

correlation, 36, 46-50, 146

beta, 81-83

positive correlation, 46

two-asset investment model, 80

between U.S and international markets, 47

Costner, Kevin, 68

credit default swaps, 34-35

The Crimson Permanent Assurance, 139

currency arbitrage trading, 84

cyclical nature of markets, 20-25

interest rates, 23-25

volatility, 29


deleveraging, 39

derivatives, 130

developed nations, market performance compared to emerging markets, 38-39

disruption, 5

distressed securities, 152

diversification, 17, 28

7Twelve Portfolio, 79

asset allocation, 51

balanced portfolios, 80

correlation, 36, 46-50

positive correlation, 46

between U.S and international markets, 47

Enron bankruptcy, 45-46

“home country bias,” 37

international allocation, 37

risk parity, 86-87

risks, 52

two-asset investment model, 80

Wellington Fund, 79

Dow 36,000: The New Strategy for Profiting from the Coming Rise in the Stock Market (Glassman), 1

Dow Jones Industrial Average, 1

volatility, 7

Dresdner Financial, 101

due diligence, 101-105

assessing, 103-104

methods of performing, 104-105

Dychtwald, Dr. Ken, 14


emerging markets

hedge funds, 154

mutual funds, 65

performance compared to developed nations, 38-39

The Endowment Model, 58

endowments, 6, 28

shift to equities, 113

Yale University, 57

Enron bankruptcy, 45-46

equity long-short strategy, 152-153

equity-based asset classes, 93

evaluating investment managers, 118-119

event-driven investment strategies, 151-152


“fear index,” 22

Federal Reserve Bank of New York, 33

financial communication, 34

financial crises and leverage, 130

financial professionals, advisory fees, 110

five-star rating system (Morningstar), 102

fixed-income arbitrage, 150-151

“flash crashes,” 35, 160

“The Flu Game,” 90

Frank, Barney, 2

frontier markets, 64

fund of funds, 141

future cash flows, calculating, 95

futures contracts, 129


GDP, growth of developing countries, 64

Generation Buy and Hold, 4

Glassman, James, 1

global macro investment strategy, 153-154

globalization, 29, 33-40

Asian Flu, 32

availability of communication technology, 34

Bretton Woods monetary system, 33

emerging market performance versus developed nations, 38-39

interconnectedness, 35

international allocation, 37

Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company, partnership with NASA, 56

Google, 96

Gore, Al, 158

Great Crash of 1929, 130

growth of GDP in developing countries, 64


Hassett, Kevin, 1

hedge funds, 109-111, 134-139, 161

2 and 20, 110

convergence trading, 137

corporate restructuring, 137

emerging markets, 154

Long-Term Capital Management, 33

management’s investment objective, 139

market directional hedge funds, 137

multi-strategy, 155

versus mutual funds, 136

opportunistic hedge funds, 138

private placement, 109

regulations, 109-110

Hedge Funds Consistency Index, 149

high-water marks, 110

“home country bias,” 36-37


importance of planning investments, 158

indices, 4

correlation, 49

Journal of Indexes, 74

Standard and Poor’s 100 Index, 22

VIX, 22

inflation risk, 68

inflation-based asset classes, 93

institutional investors, 56

adoption of alternative investment strategies, 61

interconnectedness, impact on volatility, 34-35

interest rates, 23-25

bonds, 24, 26

risk, 61

yield, 95

international allocation, 37

International Monetary Fund, 33

intervals, 111

investing as art, 60

investment basis, 120

investment reasoning, 119

Isrealsen, Craig, 74, 79


Jackson, Phil, 100

Jordan, Michael, 90

Journal of Indexes, 74

Kahneman, Daniel, 44, 69

Kirtsaeng, Supap, 83

Knight Capital, 36


legislation, Revenue Act of 1978, 15

leverage, 126, 161

130/30 fund strategy, 128-129

.44 Magnum Leveraged Financing Program, 101

deleveraging, 39

derivatives, 130

and financial crises, 130

futures contracts, 129

impact on mortgage industry, 127

maintenance margin, 129

misuse of, 127

ultra funds, 130-131

Licklider, J.C.R., 158

limited partnerships, 140-141

Lipper, 93, 129

liquidity, 141-142

living benefit riders, 120

long security position, 128

longevity, impact on retirement, 14

Long-Term Capital Management, 33

loss aversion, 69-71

sequence of return risk, 72-75

Lunn, Geoffrey, 101


maintenance margin, 129

Malone, Karl, 90

managing risk, beta, 81-83

market crash of 2008, 25-26

market directional hedge funds, 137

market neutral strategy, 153


cyclical nature of, 20-25

globalization, 32

Markowitz, Harry, 3, 10

Martin, Andy, 79

Massachusetts Investors Trust, 62

McKinsey and Company, 111-112

medicine, effect on life expectancy, 11

merger arbitrage, 84-86, 151

Merton, Robert, 33

misuse of leverage, 127

mitigating risk, 68-69

loss aversion, 69-71

sequence of return risk, 72-75

money managers

due diligence, 104

evaluating, 118-119

Morgan, Walter, 79

Morningstar, 49

five-star rating system, 102

Style Box strategy, 91-92

mortgage industry, leverage, 127

Mosaic, 158

MPT (Modern Portfolio Theory), 10

risk, 58-60


multi-manager investments, 141

multi-strategy hedge funds, 155

mutual funds

emerging markets, 65

five-star rating system (Morningstar), 102

versus hedge funds, 136

Massachusetts Investors Trust, 62

public securities, 65

selection process, Style Box strategy, 91-92

top performers, 103

Wellington Fund, 79


NASA, partnership with Goodyear, 56


Netscape, 158

Newman, Paul, 116

nine-box investment strategies, 93-95


opportunistic hedge funds, 138

optimizing portfolios, 117-118, 122

overlay management, 122-123

partnerships, 139-141

Patton, George S., 146

Paulson, John, 134

pension plans, 15

performing due diligence, 104-105

Pintaric, David, 116-117

Pioneering Portfolio Management (Swenson), 57


7Twelve Portfolio, 79

alternative investments, adding, 51-52

asset allocation, 51

beta, 81-83

diversification, 28

optimizing, 117-118, 122

overlay management, 122-123

risk parity, 86-87

selection process, Style Box strategy, 91-92

positive correlation, 46

private equity, 139

limited partnerships, 140-141

partnerships, 139-141

private placements, 102

hedge funds, 109

prospectuses, 121

prospect theory, 44-46, 69

psychology, behavioral finance, 44

prospect theory, 45-46

public securities, 65


Quotron system, 34

Ramirez, Alberto, 127

Ramirez, Rosa, 127

Regulation D, 109

regulations for hedge funds, 109-110

REITs (real estate investment trusts), 103-104

relative return, 71

relative value, 149-151

convertible bond arbitrage, 150

fixed-income arbitrage, 150-151

resale value, 95

retirement plans, 14

contribution plans, 15

Social Security, 16

return approaches, 71

Revenue Act of 1978, 15

risk, 68, 75


currency arbitrage trading, 84

merger arbitrage, 84-86

beta, 78, 81-83, 87

combining with return potential, 117-118

in diversification, 52

inflation risk, 68

interest rates, 61

loss aversion, 69-71

mitigating, 68-69

MPT, 58-60

prospect theory, 69

sequence of return risk, 72-75

risk parity, 86-87

Russell 3000, 47


Samsung, 48

SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) epidemic of 2003, 32

Scholes, Myron, 33

Scott, George C., 146

SEC, Regulation D, 109

secular patterns, 22

selecting investment strategies, 146-149


convertible bond arbitrage, 150

fixed-income arbitrage, 150-151

equity long-short strategy, 152-153

event-driven strategies, 151-152

global macro strategy, 153-154

sequence of return risk, 72-75

short security position, 128

short selling, 153

signs of underperforming investments, 118-119

Social Security, 16

Soros, George, 154

sovereign debt crisis, 27

Standard and Poor’s (S&P) 100 Index, 22


resale value, 95

yield, 95-97

Stockton, John, 90

strategies for investments, selecting, 146-149


convertible bond arbitrage, 150

fixed-income arbitrage, 150-151

equity long-short strategy, 152-153

event-driven strategies, 151-152

global macro strategy, 153-154

Style Box strategy, 91-92

Swenson, David, 57-60, 83

Swenson’s Asset Allocations, 59

Swenson’s Sweet Spot, 57-58


tactical asset allocation, 118-119

Takahashi, Dean, 58

“tapering,” 61

technology, dependence of investments on, 36, 61

timeshares, 110-111

intervals, 111

trading strategies, 148

traditional investments, 36

transparency, 142

Tversky, Amos, 44

two-asset investment model, 80


ultra funds, 130-131

underperforming investments, signs of, 118-119

university endowments, 6

unpredictability of the market, 22


variable annuities, 120-121

annuity contracts, 120

investment basis, 120

VIX (CBOE Volatility Index), 22

volatility, 5, 160

Asian Flu, 32

beta, 78, 81-83

cyclical volatility, 22, 29

emerging market performance versus developed nations, 38-39

“flash crash,” 35

interconnectedness, 34-35

interdependencies, 34

interest rates, 23-25

market crash of 2008, 25-26

VIX, 22



Hedge Funds Consistency Index, 149, 61

Wellington Fund, 79

Wilson, Quentin, 10

World Bank, 33

WRP Investments, 116


Yale Investments Office, 113

The Yale Model, 58

Yale University, 57

yield, 95-97

calculating future cash flows, 95

Zuckerman, Gregory, 134

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