About the author


Josh Kalin is a Physicist and Technologist focused on the intersection of robotics and machine learning. Josh works on advanced sensors, industrial robotics, machine learning, and automated vehicle research projects. Josh holds degrees in Physics, Mechanical Engineering, and Computer Science. In his free time, he enjoys working on cars (has owned 36 vehicles and counting), building computers, and learning new techniques in robotics and machine learning (like writing this book).

I thank my mother, father, step-mom, in-laws, grandparents, and friends who supported me in this crazy idea; also, my kids for understanding when dad's pulling his hair out over GANs. Hope one day they understand what the book is about. Special thanks to Jeremiah for listening to me drone on about this book. Finally, I’d thank my amazing wife—without her, nothing could be possible. I can’t thank her enough for pushing me to finish this book.
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