How to do it...

The discriminator architecture determines whether the image is real or fake. In this case, we are focused solely on the neural network that we are going to create- this doesn't involve the training step that we'll cover in the training recipe in this chapter:

The basic components of the discriminator architecture

The discriminator is typically a simple Convolution Neural Network (CNN) in simple architectures. In our first few examples, this is the type of neural network we'll be using.

Here are a few steps to illustrate how we would build a discriminator:

  1. First, we'll create a convolutional neural network to classify real or fake (binary classification)
  2. We'll create a dataset of real data and we'll use our generator to create fake dataset
  3. We train the discriminator model on the real and fake data
  4. We'll learn to balance training of the discriminator with the generator training - if the discriminator is too good, the generator will diverge
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