Building the Docker image

The Docker image we'll use here is based on our base_image, which we built in Chapter 2Data First, Easy Environment, and Data Prep. To build a Docker image, take the following steps:

  1. Create a Docker file and add the following line to inherit from base_image:
FROM base_image
  1. Install a few dependencies for the Python and Kaggle libraries with the following code:
# Installations for graphing and analysis
RUN apt update && apt install -y python3-pydot python-pydot-ng graphviz
RUN pip3 install kaggle ipython pillow
  1. From the previous exercise, copy kaggle.json into the Docker container, as follows:
# Copy Kaggle.json
COPY kaggle.json ~/.kaggle/kaggle.json
  1. Download the data using the Kaggle API into the /data folder, as follows:
# Download the Data
RUN kaggle datasets download -d 4quant/eye-gaze -p /data/
  1. Move the working directory to the /data folder and then unzip the data into the folder, as follows:
RUN unzip -d eye-gaze
RUN rm
Remember to remove to save space.
  1. Set the working directory for the Docker container with the following. This will be used when we want to run code:
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