How to do it...

The difference between these two types of can be described by the following analogy:

  • Discriminative modeling: Observe paintings and determine the style of painting based on observations.

Here are a few steps that describe how we would do this in machine learning:

  1. First, we create a machine learning model that use convolutional layers or other learned features to understand the divisions in the data
  2. Next, we collect a dataset that has both a training set (60-90% of your data) and a validation dataset (10-40% of your data)
  3. Train the machine learning model using your data
  1.  Use this model to predict which datapoint belongs to a particular class - in our example, which painting belongs to which author
  • Generative modeling: Learn and reproduce paintings in various painters' styles and determine the painting style from the styles you learned.

Here are a few steps to describe a possible way to accomplish this type of modeling:

  1. Create a machine learning model that learns how to reproduce different painting styles
  2. Collect a training and validation dataset
  3. Train the machine learning model using the data
  4. Use this model to predict (inference) to produce examples of the paint author - use similarity metrics to verify the ability of the model to reproduce the painting style.
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