Appendix C. Arduino Quick Reference

Here is a quick explanation of all the standard instructions supported by the Arduino language.

For a more detailed reference, see the Arduino “Language Reference” page.


An Arduino sketch runs in two parts:

void setup()

This is where you set things up that have to be done once before the loop starts running, and then don’t need to happen again.

void loop()

This contains the main code of your sketch. It contains a set of instructions that get repeated over and over until the board is switched off.

Special Symbols

Arduino includes a number of symbols to delineate lines of code, comments, and blocks of code.

; (semicolon)

Every instruction (line of code) is terminated by a semicolon. This syntax lets you format the code freely. You could even put two instructions on the same line, as long as you separate them with a semicolon. (However, this would make the code harder to read.)


{} (curly braces)

These are used to mark blocks of code. For example, when you write code for the loop() function, you have to use a curly brace before and after the code.


void loop() {

These are portions of text ignored by the Arduino microcontroller, but are extremely useful to explain to others (and to remind yourself) what a piece of code does.

There are two styles of comments in Arduino:

// single-line: this text is ignored until the end of the line
/* multiple-line:
   you can write
   a whole poem in here


Arduino includes a set of predefined keywords with special values.

HIGH and LOW are used, for example, when you want to turn on or off an Arduino pin. INPUT and OUTPUT are used to set a specific pin to be either an input or an output.

true and false are used to test whether a condition or expression is true or false. They are used primarily with comparison operators.


Variables are named areas of the Arduino’s memory where you can store data. Your sketch can use and manipulate this data by referring to it by the variable name. As the word variable suggests, variables can be changed as many times as you like.

Because Arduino is a very simple microcontroller, when you declare a variable, you have to specify its type. This means telling the microcontroller the size of the value you want to store.

Following are the datatypes that are available.


Can have one of two values: true or false.


Holds a single character, such as the letter A. Like any computer, Arduino stores it as a number, even though you see text. When chars are used to store numbers, they can hold values from –128 to 127. A char occupies 1 byte of memory.


There are two major sets of characters available on computer systems: ASCII and UNICODE. ASCII is a set of 127 characters that was used for, among other things, transmitting text between serial terminals and time-shared computer systems such as mainframes and minicomputers. UNICODE is a much larger set of values used by modern computer operating systems to represent characters in a wide range of languages. ASCII is still useful for exchanging short bits of information in languages such as Italian or English that use Latin characters, Arabic numerals, and common typewriter symbols for punctuation and the like.


Holds a number between 0 and 255. Like a char, a byte uses only 1 byte of memory. Unlike chars, a byte can store only positive numbers.


Uses 2 bytes of memory to represent a number between –32,768 and 32,767. The int is the most common datatype used in Arduino. If you are unsure of what datatype to use, try an int.

unsigned int

Like int, uses 2 bytes of memory, but the unsigned prefix means that it can’t store negative numbers, so its range goes from 0 to 65,535.


This is twice the size of an int and holds numbers from –2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647.

unsigned long

Unsigned version of long; it goes from 0 to 4,294,967,295.


This is quite big and can hold floating-point values, which is a fancy way of saying that you can use a float to store numbers with a decimal point. A float will eat up 4 bytes of your precious RAM, and the functions that can handle them use up a lot of code memory as well, so use floats only when you need to.


Double-precision floating-point number, with a maximum value of 1.7976931348623157 x 10308. Wow, that’s huge!


A set of ASCII characters used to store textual information (you might use a string to send a message via a serial port, or to display on an LCD display). For storage, they use 1 byte for each character in the string, plus a null character (1 byte) at the end to tell Arduino that it’s the end of the string. The following are equivalent:

char string1[]  = "Arduino"; // 7 chars + 1 null char
char string2[8] = "Arduino"; // Same as above

A list of variables that can be accessed via an index. They are used to build tables of values that can easily be accessed. For example, if you want to store different levels of brightness to be used when fading an LED, you could create six variables called light01, light02, and so on. Better yet, you could use a simple array like this:

int light[6] = {0, 20, 50, 75, 100};

The word array is not actually used in the variable declaration: the symbols [] and {} do the job.

Arrays are ideal when you want to do the same thing to a whole lot of pieces of data, because you can write what you need to do once and then perform it on each variable in the array simply by changing the index—for example, using a for loop.

Variable Scope

Variables in Arduino have a property called scope. Variables can be local or global, depending on where they are declared.

A global variable is one that can be seen (and used) by every function in a program. Local variables are visible only to the function in which they are declared.

When programs start to get larger and more complex, local variables are a useful way to ensure that each function has access to its own variables. This prevents programming errors when one function inadvertently modifies variables used by another function. Variables that must be used by multiple functions can be global.

In the Arduino environment, any variable declared outside of a function (e.g., setup(), loop(), or your own functions), is a global variable. Any variable declared within a function is local (and accessible) only within that function.

It is also sometimes handy to declare and initialize a variable inside a for loop. This creates a variable that can only be accessed from inside the for loop braces. In fact, any time a variable is declared within curly braces, it is local only within that block of code.

Control Structures

Arduino includes keywords for controlling the logical flow of your sketch.


This structure makes decisions in your program. if must be followed by a question specified as an expression contained in parentheses. If the expression is true, whatever follows will be executed. If it’s false, the block of code following else will be executed. The else clause is optional.


if (val == 1) {

Lets you repeat a block of code a specified number of times.


for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
switch case

The if statement is like a fork in the road for your program. switch case is like a massive roundabout. It lets your program take a variety of directions depending on the value of a variable. It’s quite useful to keep your code tidy as it replaces long lists of if statements.

It’s important to remember the break statement at the end of each case, or else Arduino will execute the instructions of the following cases, until it reaches a break or the end of the switch case.


switch (sensorValue) {
    case 23:
    case 46:
    default: // if nothing matches this is executed

Similar to if, this executes a block of code if a certain condition is true. However, if executes the block only once, whereas while keeps on executing the block as long as the condition is true.


// blink LED while sensor is below 512
sensorValue = analogRead(1);
while (sensorValue < 512) {
   sensorValue = analogRead(1);

Just like while, except that the code is run before the condition is evaluated. This structure is used when you want the code inside your block to run at least once before you check the condition.


do  {
  sensorValue = analogRead(1);
} while (sensorValue < 512);

This term lets you break out of a while or for loop even if the loop condition says to go on looping. It’s also used to separate the different sections of a switch case statement.


// blink LED while sensor is below 512
do  {
   // Leaves the loop if a button is pressed
   if (digitalRead(7) == HIGH)
   sensorValue = analogRead(1);
} while (sensorValue < 512);

When used inside a loop, continue lets you skip the rest of the code inside it and force the condition to be tested again.


for (light = 0; light < 255; light++)
  // skip intensities between 140 and 200
  if ((x > 140) && (x < 200))
  analogWrite(PWMpin, light);

continue is similar to break, but break leaves the loop, while continue goes on with the next repetition of the loop.


Stops running a function and returns to whatever called the function. You can also use this to return a value from inside a function.

For example, if you have a function called computeTemperature() and you want to return the result to the part of your code that invoked the function, you would write something like this:

int computeTemperature() {
    int temperature = 0;
    temperature = (analogRead(0) + 45) / 100;
    return temperature;

Arithmetic and Formulas

You can use Arduino to make complex calculations using a special syntax. + and – work just like you’ve learned in school; multiplication is represented with an *, and division with a /.

There is an additional operator called modulo (%), which returns the remainder of an integer division.

Just as you learned in algebra, you can use as many levels of parentheses as you wish to to group expressions the proper way. Contrary to what you might have learned in school, square brackets and curly braces are not used for arithmetic forumulas because they are reserved for other purposes (array indexes and blocks, respectively).


a =  2 + 2;
light = ((12 * sensorValue) - 5 ) / 2;
remainder = 7 % 2; // returns 1

Comparison Operators

When you specify conditions or tests for if, while, and for statements, these are the operators you can use:


Equal to


Not equal to


Less than


Greater than


Less than or equal to


Greater than or equal to

When testing for equality, be very careful to use the == comparison operator and not the = assignment operator, or your program will not behave the way you expect.

Boolean Operators

These are used when you want to combine multiple conditions. For example, if you want to check whether the value coming from a sensor is between 5 and 10, you would write this:

if ( (sensor => 5) && (sensor <=10) )

There are three Boolean operators: and, represented with &&; or, represented with ||; and finally not, represented with !.

Compound Operators

These are special operators used to make code more concise for some very common operations like incrementing a value.

For example, to increment value by 1, you would write:

value = value +1;

but using a compound operator, this becomes:


It’s perfectly fine not to use these compound operators, but they are so common that, as a beginner, you will have a hard time learning from examples if you don’t understand these operators.

increment and decrement (–– and ++)

These operators increment or decrement a value by 1. Be careful—they work both in front of or behind a variable, but they have a very subtle difference: if you write i++, this first increments i by 1 and then evaluates to the equivalent of i + 1, while ++i first evaluates to the value of i and then increments i. The same applies to ––.

+= , –=, *=, and /=

Similar to ++ and ––, but these allow you to increment and decrement by values other than 1, and also allow multiplication and division. The following two expressions are equivalent:

a = a + 5;
a += 5;

Input and Output Functions

One of the main jobs of Arduino is to input information from sensors and to output values to actuators. You’ve already seen some of these in the example programs throughout the book.

pinMode(pin, mode)

(Re)configure a digital pin to behave either as an input or an output.


pinMode(7,INPUT); // turns pin 7 into an input

Forgetting to set pins to outputs using pinMode() is a common cause of faulty or nonfunctioning output.

Although typically used in setup(), pinMode() can be used in a loop as well if you need to change the pin’s behaviour.

(When a function name is used in text, it is often written with empty parentheses at the end to indicate that a function is being discussed.)

digitalWrite(pin, value)

Turns a digital pin either HIGH or LOW. Pins must be explicitly made into an output using pinMode() before digitalWrite() will have the expected effect.


digitalWrite(8,HIGH); // sets digital pin 8 to 5 V

Note that while HIGH or LOW usually correspond to on and off, respectively, this depends on how the pin is used. For example, an LED connected between 5V and a pin will turn on when that pin is LOW and turn off when the pin is HIGH.

int digitalRead(pin)

Reads the state of an input pin, and returns HIGH if the pin senses some voltage or LOW if there is no voltage applied.


val = digitalRead(7); // reads pin 7 into val
int analogRead(pin)

Reads the voltage applied to an analogue input pin and returns a number between 0 and 1023 that represents the voltages between 0 and 5 V.


val = analogRead(0); // reads analog input 0 into val
analogWrite(pin, value)

Changes the PWM rate on one of the PWM pins. pin can only be a pin that supports PWM, that is, pins 3, 5, 6, 9, 10, or 11 on the Arduino Uno (different Arduino boards may support PWM on different pins). value must be a number between 0 and 255. You can think of value to represent the average amount of power Arduino will deliver, where a value of zero corresponds to fully off, while a value of 255 corresponds to fully on.


analogWrite(9,128); // Dim an LED on pin 9 to 50%

A value of 0 sets the output fully LOW, while a value of 255 sets an output fully HIGH.

shiftOut(dataPin, clockPin, bitOrder, value)

Sends data to a shift register, devices that are used to expand the number of digital outputs. This protocol uses one pin for data and one for clock. bitOrder indicates the ordering of bytes (least significant or most significant) and value is the actual data to be sent out.


shiftOut(dataPin, clockPin, LSBFIRST, 255);
unsigned long pulseIn(pin, value)

Measures the duration of a pulse coming in on one of the digital inputs. This is useful, for example, to read some infrared sensors or accelerometers that output their value as pulses of changing duration.


time = pulsein(7,HIGH); // measures the time the next
                        // pulse stays high

Time Functions

Arduino includes functions for measuring elapsed time and also for pausing the sketch.

unsigned long millis()

Returns the number of milliseconds that have passed since the sketch started.


duration = millis()-lastTime; // computes time elapsed since "lastTime"

Pauses the program for the amount of milliseconds specified.


delay(500); // stops the program for half a second

Pauses the program for the given amount of microseconds.


delayMicroseconds(1000); // waits for 1 millisecond

Math Functions

Arduino includes many common mathematical and trigonometric functions:

min(x, y)

Returns the smaller of x and y.


val = min(10,20); // val is now 10
max(x, y)

Returns the larger of x and y.


val = max(10,20); // val is now 20

Returns the absolute value of x, which turns negative numbers into positive. If x is 5, it will return 5, but if x is –5, it will still return 5.


val = abs(-5); // val is now 5
constrain(x, a, b)

Returns the value of x, constrained between a and b. If x is less than a, it will just return a, and if x is greater than b, it will just return b.


val = constrain(analogRead(0), 0, 255); // reject values bigger than 255
map(value, fromLow, fromHigh, toLow, toHigh)

Maps a value in the range fromLow and maxLow to the range toLow and toHigh. Very useful to process values from analogue sensors.


val = map(analogRead(0),0,1023,100, 200); // maps the value of
                                          // analog 0 to a value
                                          // between 100 and 200
double pow(base, exponent)

Returns the result of raising a number (base) to a value (exponent).


double x = pow(y, 32); // sets x to y raised to the 32nd power
double sqrt(x)

Returns the square root of a number.


double a = sqrt(1138); // approximately 33.73425674438
double sin(rad)

Returns the sine of an angle specified in radians.


double sine = sin(2); // approximately 0.90929737091
double cos(rad)

Returns the cosine of an angle specified in radians.


double cosine = cos(2); // approximately -0.41614685058
double tan(rad)

Returns the tangent of an angle specified in radians.


double tangent = tan(2); // approximately -2.18503975868

Random Number Functions

If you need to generate random numbers, you can use Arduino’s pseudorandom number generator. Random numbers are useful if you want your project to behave differently each time it’s used.


Resets Arduino’s pseudorandom number generator. Although the distribution of the numbers returned by random() is essentially random, the sequence is predictable. So, you should reset the generator to some random value. A good seed is a value read from an unconnected analogue input, as an unconnected pin will pick up random noise from the surrounding environment (radio waves, cosmic rays, electromagnetic interference from cell phones and fluorescent lights, etc.) and so will be unpredictable.


randomSeed(analogRead(5)); // randomize using noise from pin 5
long random(max) long random(min, max)

Returns a pseudorandom long integer value between min and max – 1. If min is not specified, the lower bound is 0.


long randnum = random(0, 100); // a number between 0 and 99
long randnum = random(11);     // a number between 0 and 10

Serial Communication

As you saw in Chapter 5, you can communicate with devices over the USB port using a serial communication protocol. Following are the serial functions.


Prepares Arduino to begin sending and receiving serial data. You’ll generally use 9600 baud (bits per second) with the Arduino IDE serial monitor, but other speeds are available, usually no more than 115,200 bps. The specific baud rate doesn’t matter much, as long as both sides agree and use the same rate.


Serial.print(data) Serial.print(data, encoding)

Sends some data to the serial port. The encoding is optional; if not supplied, the data is treated as much like plain text as possible.

Examples (note that the final example uses Serial.write):

Serial.print(75);       // Prints "75"
Serial.print(75, DEC);  // The same as above.
Serial.print(75, HEX);  // "4B" (75 in hexadecimal)
Serial.print(75, OCT);  // "113" (75 in octal)
Serial.print(75, BIN);  // "1001011" (75 in binary)
Serial.write(75);       // "K" (the letter K happens
                        // to be 75 in the ASCII set)
Serial.println(data) Serial.println(data, encoding)

Same as Serial.print(), except that it adds a carriage return and linefeed ( ) as if you had typed the data and then pressed Return or Enter.


Serial.println(75);       // Prints "75
Serial.println(75, DEC);  // The same as above.
Serial.println(75, HEX);  // "4B
Serial.println(75, OCT);  // "113
Serial.println(75, BIN);  // "1001011
int Serial.available()

Returns how many unread bytes are available on the serial port for reading via the read() function. After you have read() everything available, Serial.available() returns 0 until new data arrives on the serial port.


int count = Serial.available();

Fetches 1 byte of incoming serial data.


int data =;

Because data may arrive at the serial port faster than your program can process it, Arduino keeps all the incoming data in a buffer. If you need to clear the buffer and let it fill up with fresh data, use the flush() function.



The Arduino Family

When somebody thinks about Arduino, the first board that comes to mind is the Arduino UNO, but over the years we have created a whole family of boards of different shapes and functionality. Let’s look at the main family members and their features.

The Arduino UNO is the timeless classic; it’s very robust and it’s ideal for learning and prototyping. We still recommend it for beginners and learners. It’s hard to break it, and there are a ton of shields and libraries compatible with it. The main drawbacks are the limitations of the 8-bit processor with very little RAM and inability to run on battery for a long time.

Right after the introduction of the UNO, people started to request boards with more inputs and outputs, and the Arduino Mega was born. It became quite popular as the “motherboard” for 3D printers and other devices where you need a lot of I/O and more memory than the UNO.

As people progress in their prototyping effort, they often need to go smaller, and this is where the Arduino Nano comes in. The first Nano was designed to “shrink” the original UNO format into something you could put in a breadboard and use to build small, portable devices. The classic Nano suffers from some of the limitations of the original UNO, so for newer projects we recommend you take a look at the Arduino Nano Every. It’s powered by a much more powerful 8 bit processor (the latest generation of AVR processors) with more RAM, program memory and computing power while still being compatible with almost all of the 8-bit code. One further advantage of the Every is that all the parts are mounted on top of the PCB so you can solder it directly on another PCB without using extra pin-header connectors. It’s also the cheaper member of the Nano family, so it’s a good way to get started on a budget.

The Nano family has also recently branched out to 32-bit arm processors: the Nano 33 IoT provides a fast arm processor coupled with a WiFi/Bluetooth module that makes it easy to build connected projects, and the Arduino 33 Nano BLE Sense, a powerful Bluetooth board packed with sensors that has become quite popular with people who run Artificial Intelligence algorithms on Microcontrollers (TinyML).

The Internet of Things is a very popular topic, and to make it simpler for makers to build robust connected devices, we introduced the MKR Family, a series of 32-bit arm boards with the same footprint but available with all the most popular types of connectivity. They range from WiFi to GSM, from LoRA to Narrowband IOT and more. These boards are designed to run on battery and provide a LiPO battery charger along with software libraries to take advantage of the “Low Power” modes of the processor. Finally one interesting feature of the MKRs is the presence of a “Crypto Chip”, a small IC which is used to make authentication and connection to the cloud very robust to increase the security of the devices people build.

Finally the latest family we introduced is the Portenta family, designed for professional users looking to build industrial grade projects. It’s the most powerful Arduino board out there with a Dual-Core processor, a Cortex M7 coupled with a Cortex M4. ( Note: “Cortex” is the way ARM indicates the class of their processors, going from Cortex M0 to Cortex M7. As the number after the M grows, so does the complexity and technical capabilities of the processor.) This dual processor architecture running at 480Mhz allows running complex software including computer vision and other tasks which require a lot of computing power coupled with the robustness and power efficiency of microcontrollers. If you’re a beginner, the Portenta might be a bit difficult to approach, but if you’re trying to build a sophisticated project that needs to be useable in an industrial setting, the Portenta will give all the power you need.

A final note: Over 90% of the hardware that is designed and sold directly from Arduino (and its distributors) is still manufactured in Italy at very high standard of quality and reliability. If you want to support Arduino and want a product that won’t let you down, buy an original. It’s also much cooler to have an original.


Arduino clones, derivatives, compatibles and counterfeits

The family we just described is made of the “official” boards but, due to the open source nature of Arduino, there are other types of compatible boards that are divided in these broad categories:

Although Arduino is open source the name itself is protected and trademarked. Anybody wanting to put the “Arduino” brand on their product has to licensed it from us. Unfortunately there are quite a lot of unscrupulous individuals who manufacture hardware designed to fool people into thinking that they are buying an original products. This is quite common in the fashion world where you can find a lot of fake items of clothing pretending to be original We spend a lot of time and energy pursuing these people because they tarnish our brand and our reputation. Please make sure that the products you buy are original or from a reputable company like the ones I mentioned above. Faking a brand is like identity theft, it’s not cool.
These products are designed without starting from an Arduino design , maybe using processors that are not found in the “official” boards, but provide different levels of software/hardware compatibility with Arduino. For example the Teensy boards by Paul Stoffregen is software compatible with Arduino while using a different type of processor. Paul does a fantastic job at contributing back to Arduino and working with us to ensure software compatibility while others aim only at partial compatibility so, as they say, “your mileage may vary” quite a lot.
These are boards manufactured by using the files we share online with no modifications. The manufacturers of these devices generally do not contribute anything back to the community or Arduino. A lot of them are no-name products of varying quality. Although many of them are quite cheap, it’s common to find boards that don’t work well or have troubles down the line. Buyer beware: what you save in hardware you might spend in your own time fixing various problems.
These are devices which are derived from the original design of an Arduino board but provide different configurations or enhancements. Most of these designs are released as open source like the original boards. The makers of these devices tend to contribute back in different ways to the Arduino community. Popular makers of derivatives are, among others, Adafruit, Sparkfun, and Seeedstudio.


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