
I just moved here from Big Lake, Ontario and now I’m in this . . . dreamplace.

Books like this one are not created in a vacuum and many wonderful people contributed to its production. The most important being Elsevier’s Emma Watson whose idea for a book about digital photography coincided with my own desire to update “Digital Imaging: Tips, Tools, and Techniques.” This new book’s title may be a little overreaching, but the content is as complete as I could make it while injecting an element of fun that I think is necessary for working with digital photography.

I would like to thank George Schaub, my Editor at Shutterbug magazine, for writing the forward to this book. I also like to thank all of the software companies whose products appear within these pages. Without their help and assistance, this book would not be as comprehensive as it is.

Finally I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my loving wife Mary who has endured my photographic obsessions for more than 20 years. She is the inspiration that gets me up in the morning and her encouragement and support show up in every image.

All of these wonderful people have contributed to help me produce the good that you will find in this book and made it as complete as it could be. Any mistakes are mine alone.

Joseph Farace

Brighton, Colorado 2006

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