Ethics of Ethical Hacking

This book has not been compiled and written to be used as a tool by individuals who wish to carry out malicious and destructive activities. It is a tool for people who are interested in extending or perfecting their skills to defend against such attacks and damaging acts. In this chapter, we’ll discuss the following topics:

• Why you need to understand your enemy’s tactics

• Recognizing the gray areas in security

• How does this stuff relate to an ethical hacking book?

• The controversy of hacking books and classes

• Where do attackers have most of their fun?

Why You Need to Understand Your Enemy’s Tactics

Let’s go ahead and get the commonly asked questions out of the way and move on from there.

Was this book written to teach today’s hackers how to cause damage in more effective ways?

Answer: No. Next question.

Then why in the world would you try to teach people how to cause destruction and mayhem?

Answer: You cannot properly protect yourself from threats you do not understand. The goal is to identify and prevent destruction and mayhem, not cause it.

I don’t believe you. I think these books are only written for profits and royalties.

Answer: This book was written to actually teach security professionals what the bad guys already know and are doing. More royalties would be nice, too, so please buy two copies.

Still not convinced? Why do militaries all over the world study their enemies’ tactics, tools, strategies, technologies, and so forth? Because the more you know about what your enemy is up to, the better idea you have as to what protection mechanisms you need to put into place to defend yourself.

Most countries’ militaries carry out various scenario-based fighting exercises. For example, pilot units split up into the “good guys” and the “bad guys.” The bad guys use the same tactics, techniques, and methods of fighting as a specific enemy—Libya, Russia, United States, Germany, North Korea, and so on. The goal of these exercises is to allow the pilots to understand enemy attack patterns and to identify and be prepared for certain offensive actions, so they can properly react in the correct defensive manner.

This may seem like a large leap—from pilots practicing for wartime to corporations trying to practice proper information security—but it is all about what the team is trying to protect and the risks involved.

A military is trying to protect its nation and its assets. Many governments around the world have also come to understand that the same assets they have spent millions and perhaps billions of dollars to protect physically now face different types of threats. The tanks, planes, and weaponry still have to be protected from being blown up, but these same tanks, planes, and weaponry are now all run by and are dependent upon software. This software can be hacked into, compromised, or corrupted. Coordinates of where bombs are to be dropped can be changed. Individual military bases still need to be protected by surveillance and military police; this is physical security. Satellites and airplanes perform surveillance to watch for suspicious activities taking place from afar, and security police monitor the entry points in and out of the base. These types of controls are limited in monitoring all of the entry points into a military base. Because the base is so dependent upon technology and software—as every organization is today—and there are now so many communication channels present (Internet, extranets, wireless, leased lines, shared WAN lines, and so on), a different type of “security police” is required to cover and monitor all of these entry points into and out of the base.

Okay, so your corporation does not hold top security information about the tactical military troop movement through Afghanistan, you don’t have the speculative coordinates of the location of bin Laden, and you are not protecting the launch codes of nuclear bombs—does that mean you do not need to have the same concerns and countermeasures? Nope. Just as the military needs to protect its assets, you need to protect yours.

An interesting aspect of the hacker community is that it is changing. Over the last few years, their motivation has changed from just the thrill of figuring out how to exploit vulnerabilities to figuring out how to make revenue from their actions and getting paid for their skills. Hackers who were out to “have fun” without any real target in mind have, to a great extent, been replaced by people who are serious about gaining financial benefits from their activities. Attacks are not only getting more specific, but also increasing in sophistication. The following are just a few examples of this type of trend:

• One of three Indian defendants was sentenced in September 2008 for an online brokerage hack, called one of the first federal prosecutions of a “hack, pump, and dump” scheme, in which hackers penetrate online brokerage accounts, buy large shares of penny stocks to inflate the price, and then net the profits after selling shares.

• In December 2009, a Russian hacking group called the Russian Business Network (BSN) stole tens of millions of dollars from Citibank through the use of a piece of malware called “Black Energy.” According to Symantec, about half of all phishing incidents in 2008 were credited to the RBN.

• A group of Russian, Estonian, and Moldovan hackers were indicted in November 2009, after stealing more than $9 million from a credit card processor in one day. The hackers were alleged to have broken the encryption scheme used at Royal Bank of Scotland’s payment processor, and then they raised account limits, created and distributed counterfeit debit cards, and withdrew roughly $9.4 million from more than 2,100 ATMs worldwide—in less than 12 hours.

• Hackers using a new kind of malware made off with at least 300,000 Euros from German banks in August of 2009. The malware wrote new bank statements as it took money from victims’ bank accounts, changing HTML coding on an infected machine before a user could see it.

Criminals are also using online scams in a bid to steal donations made to help those affected by the January 2010 earthquake in Haiti and other similar disasters. Fraudsters have set up fictitious websites or are falsely using the names of genuine charities to trick donors into sending them donations. If you can think of the crime, it is probably already taking place within the digital world. You can learn more about these types of crimes at

Malware is still one of the main culprits that costs companies the most amount of money. An interesting thing about malware is that many people seem to put it in a different category from hacking and intrusions. The fact is malware has evolved to become one of the most sophisticated and automated forms of hacking. The attacker only has to put some upfront effort into developing the software, and then with no more effort required from the attacker, the malware can do its damage over and over again. The commands and logic within the malware are the same components that attackers used to have to carry out manually.

Sadly, many of us have a false sense of security when it comes to malware detection. In 2006, Australia’s CERT announced that 80 percent of antivirus software products commonly missed new malware attacks because attackers test their malware software against the most popular antivirus software products in the industry to hide from detection. If you compare this type of statistic with the amount of malware that hits the Internet hourly, you can get a sense of the level of vulnerability we are actually faced with. In 2008, Symantec had to write new virus signatures every 20 seconds to keep up with the onslaught of malware that was released. This increased to every 8 seconds by 2009. As of this writing, close to 4 million malware signatures are required for antivirus software to be up to date.

The company Alinean has put together the cost estimates, per minute, for different organizations if their operations are interrupted. Even if an attack or compromise is not totally successful for the attacker (he or she does not obtain the desired asset), this in no way means that the company remains unharmed. Many times attacks and intrusions cause more of a nuisance and can negatively affect production and the normal department operations, which always correlates to costing the company more money in direct or indirect ways. These costs are shown in Table 1-1.


Table 1-1 Downtime Losses (Source: Alinean)

A conservative estimate from Gartner pegs the average hourly cost of downtime for computer networks at $42,000. A company that suffers from worse than average downtime of 175 hours a year can lose more than $7 million per year. Even when attacks are not newsworthy enough to be reported on TV or talked about in security industry circles, they still negatively affect companies’ bottom lines.

As stated earlier, an interesting shift has taken place in the hacker community, from joy riding to hacking as an occupation. Today, potentially millions of computers are infected with bots that are controlled by specific hackers. If a hacker has infected 10,000 systems, this is her botnet, and she can use it to carry out DDoS attacks or even lease these systems to others who do not want their activities linked to their true identities or systems. (Botnets are commonly used to spread spam, phishing attacks, and pornography.) The hacker who owns and runs a botnet is referred to as a bot herder. Since more network administrators have configured their mail relays properly and blacklists have been employed to block mail relays that are open, spammers have had to change tactics (using botnets), which the hacking community has been more than willing to provide—for a price.

For example, the Zeus bot variant uses key-logging techniques to steal sensitive data such as usernames, passwords, account numbers, and credit card numbers. It injects fake HTML forms into online banking login pages to steal user data. Its botnet is estimated to consist of 3.6 million compromised computers. Zeus’s creators are linked to about $100 million in fraud in 2009 alone. Another botnet, the Koobface, is one of the most efficient social engineering–driven botnets to date. It spreads via social networking sites MySpace and Facebook with faked messages or comments from “friends.” When a user clicks a provided link to view a video, the user is prompted to obtain a necessary software update, like a CODEC—but the update is really malware that can take control of the computer. By early 2010, 2.9 million computers have knowingly been compromised. Of course, today many more computers have been compromised than has been reported.

Security Compromises and Trends

The following are a few specific examples and trends of security compromises that are taking place today:

• A massive joint operation between U.S. and Egyptian law enforcement, called “Operation Phish Pry,” netted 100 accused defendants. The two-year investigation led to the October 2009 indictment of both American and Egyptian hackers who allegedly worked in both countries to hack into American bank systems, after using phishing lures to collect individual bank account information.

• Social networking site Twitter was the target of several attacks in 2009, one of which shut service down for more than 30 million users. The DoS attack that shut the site down also interrupted access to Facebook and LinkedIn, affecting approximately 300 million users in total.

• Attackers maintaining the Zeus botnet broke into Amazon’s EC2 cloud computing service in December 2009, even after Amazon’s service had received praise for its safety and performance. The virus that was used acquired authentication credentials from an infected computer, accessed one of the websites hosted on an Amazon server, and connected to the Amazon cloud to install a command and control infrastructure on the client grid. The high-performance platform let the virus quickly broadcast commands across the network.

• In December 2009, a hacker posted an online-banking phishing application in the open source, mobile phone operating system Android. The fake software showed up in the application store, used by a variety of phone companies, including Google’s Nexus One phone. Once users downloaded the software, they entered personal information into the application, which was designed to look like it came from specific credit unions.

• Iraqi insurgents intercepted live video feeds from U.S. Predator drones in 2008 and 2009. Shiite fighters attacked some nonsecure links in drone systems, allowing them to see where U.S. surveillance was taking place and other military operations. It is reported that the hackers used cheap software available online to break into the drones’ systems.

• In early 2010, Google announced it was considering pulling its search engine from China, in part because of rampant China-based hacker attacks, which used malware and phishing to penetrate the Gmail accounts of human rights activists.

Some hackers also create and sell zero-day attacks. A zero-day attack is one for which there is currently no fix available and whoever is running the particular software that contains that exploitable vulnerability is exposed with little or no protection. The code for these types of attacks are advertised on special websites and sold to other hackers or organized crime rings.



Computer Crime & Intellectual Property Section, United States Department of Justice

Federal Trade Commission, Identity Theft Site

Infonetics Research

Privacy Rights Clearinghouse, Chronology of Data Breaches, Security Breaches 2005-Present

Robot Wars: How Botnets Work (Massimiliano Romano, Simone Rosignoli, and Ennio Giannini for hakin9)

Zero-Day Attack Prevention,295582,sid45_gci1230354,00.html

Recognizing the Gray Areas in Security

Since technology can be used by the good and bad guys, there is always a fine line that separates the two. For example, BitTorrent is a peer-to-peer file sharing protocol that allows individuals all over the world to share files whether they are the legal owners or not. One website will have the metadata of the files that are being offered up, but instead of the files being available on that site’s web farm, the files are located on the user’s system who is offering up the files. This distributed approach ensures that one web server farm is not overwhelmed with file requests, but it also makes it harder to track down those who are offering up illegal material.

Various publishers and owners of copyrighted material have used legal means to persuade sites that maintain such material to honor the copyrights. The fine line is that sites that use the BitTorrent protocol are like windows for all the material others are offering to the world; they don’t actually host this material on their physical servers. So are they legally responsible for offering and spreading illegal content?

The entities that offer up files to be shared on a peer-to-peer sharing site are referred to as BitTorrent trackers. Organizations such as, TorrentSpy, LokiTorrent, and Mininova are some of the BitTorrent trackers that have been sued and brought off-line for their illegal distribution of copyrighted material. The problem is that many of these entities just pop up on some other BitTorrent site a few days later. BitTorrent is a common example of a technology that can be used for good and evil purposes.

Another common gray area in web-based technology is search engine optimization (SEO). Today, all organizations and individuals want to be at the top of each search engine result to get as much exposure as possible. Many simple to sophisticated ways are available for carrying out the necessary tasks to climb to the top. The proper methods are to release metadata that directly relates to content on your site, update your content regularly, and create legal links and backlinks to other sites, etc. But, for every legitimate way of working with search engine algorithms, there are ten illegitimate ways. Spamdexing offers a long list of ways to fool search engines into getting a specific site up the ladder in a search engine listing. Then there’s keyword stuffing, in which a malicious hacker or “black hat” will place hidden text within a page. For example, if Bob has a website that carries out a phishing attack, he might insert hidden text within his page that targets elderly people to help drive these types of victims to his site.

There are scraper sites that take (scrape) content from another website without authorization. The malicious site will make this stolen content unique enough that it shows up as new content on the Web, thus fooling the search engine into giving it a higher ranking. These sites commonly contain mostly advertisements and links back to the original sites.

There are several other ways of manipulating search engine algorithms as well, for instance, creating link farms, hidden links, fake blogs, page hijacking, and so on. The crux here is that some of these activities are the right way of doing things and some of them are the wrong way of doing things. Our laws have not necessarily caught up with defining what is legal and illegal all the way down to SEO algorithm activities.



We go into laws and legal issues pertaining to various hacking activities in Chapter 2.

There are multiple instances of the controversial concept of hactivism. Both legal and illegal methods can be used to portray political ideology. Is it right to try and influence social change through the use of technology? Is web defacement covered under freedom of speech? Is it wrong to carry out a virtual “sit in” on a site that provides illegal content? During the 2009 Iran elections, was it unethical for an individual to set up a site that showed upheaval about the potential corrupt government elections? When Israeli invaded Gaza, there were many website defacements, DoS attacks, and website highjackings. The claim of what is ethical versus not ethical probably depends upon which side the individuals making these calls reside.

How Does This Stuff Relate to an Ethical Hacking Book?

Corporations and individuals need to understand how the damage is being done so they understand how to stop it. Corporations also need to understand the extent of the threat that a vulnerability represents. Let’s take a very simplistic example. The company FalseSenseOfSecurity, Inc., may allow its employees to share directories, files, and whole hard drives. This is done so that others can quickly and easily access data as needed. The company may understand that this practice could possibly put the files and systems at risk, but they only allow employees to have unclassified files on their computers, so the company is not overly concerned. The real security threat, which is something that should be uncovered by an ethical hacker, is if an attacker can use this file-sharing service as access into a computer itself. Once this computer is compromised, the attacker will most likely plant a backdoor and work on accessing another, more critical system via the compromised system.

The vast amount of functionality that is provided by an organization’s networking, database, and desktop software can be used against them. Within each and every organization, there is the all-too-familiar battle of functionality vs. security. This is the reason that, in most environments, the security officer is not the most well-liked individual in the company. Security officers are in charge of ensuring the overall security of the environment, which usually means reducing or shutting off many functionalities that users love. Telling people that they cannot access social media sites, open attachments, use applets or JavaScript via e-mail, or plug in their mobile devices to a network-connected system and making them attend security awareness training does not usually get you invited to the Friday night get-togethers at the bar. Instead, these people are often called “Security Nazi” or “Mr. No” behind their backs. They are responsible for the balance between functionality and security within the company, and it is a hard job.

The ethical hacker’s job is to find these things running on systems and networks, and he needs to have the skill set to know how an enemy would use these things against the organization. This work is referred to as a penetration test, which is different from a vulnerability assessment, which we’ll discuss first.

Vulnerability Assessment

A vulnerability assessment is usually carried out by a network scanner on steroids. Some type of automated scanning product is used to probe the ports and services on a range of IP addresses. Most of these products can also test for the type of operating system and application software running and the versions, patch levels, user accounts, and services that are also running. These findings are matched up with correlating vulnerabilities in the product’s database. The end result is a large pile of reports that provides a list of each system’s vulnerabilities and corresponding countermeasures to mitigate the associated risks. Basically, the tool states, “Here is a list of your vulnerabilities and here is a list of things you need to do to fix them.”

To the novice, this sounds like an open and shut case and an easy stroll into network utopia where all of the scary entities can be kept out. This false utopia, unfortunately, is created by not understanding the complexity of information security. The problem with just depending upon this large pile of printouts is that it was generated by an automated tool that has a hard time putting its findings into the proper context of the given environment. For example, several of these tools provide an alert of “High” for vulnerabilities that do not have a highly probable threat associated with them. The tools also cannot understand how a small, seemingly insignificant, vulnerability can be used in a large orchestrated attack.

Vulnerability assessments are great for identifying the foundational security issues within an environment, but many times, it takes an ethical hacker to really test and qualify the level of risk specific vulnerabilities pose.

Penetration Testing

A penetration test is when ethical hackers do their magic. They can test many of the vulnerabilities identified during the vulnerability assessment to quantify the actual threat and risk posed by the vulnerability.

When ethical hackers are carrying out a penetration test, their ultimate goal is usually to break into a system and hop from system to system until they “own” the domain or environment. They own the domain or environment when they either have root privileges on the most critical Unix or Linux system or own the domain administrator account that can access and control all of the resources on the network. They do this to show the customer (company) what an actual attacker can do under the circumstances and current security posture of the network.

Many times, while the ethical hacker is carrying out her procedures to gain total control of the network, she will pick up significant trophies along the way. These trophies can include the CEO’s passwords, company trade-secret documentation, administrative passwords to all border routers, documents marked “confidential” held on the CFO’s and CIO’s laptops, or the combination to the company vault. The reason these trophies are collected along the way is so the decision makers understand the ramifications of these vulnerabilities. A security professional can go on for hours to the CEO, CIO, or COO about services, open ports, misconfigurations, and hacker potential without making a point that this audience would understand or care about. But as soon as you show the CFO his next year’s projections, or show the CIO all of the blueprints to the next year’s product line, or tell the CEO that his password is “IAmWearingPanties,” they will all want to learn more about the importance of a firewall and other countermeasures that should be put into place.



No security professional should ever try to embarrass a customer or make them feel inadequate for their lack of security. This is why the security professional has been invited into the environment. He is a guest and is there to help solve the problem, not point fingers. Also, in most cases, any sensitive data should not be read by the penetration team because of the possibilities of future lawsuits pertaining to the use of confidential information.

The goal of a vulnerability test is to provide a listing of all of the vulnerabilities within a network. The goal of a penetration test is to show the company how these vulnerabilities can be used against it by attackers. From here, the security professional (ethical hacker) provides advice on the necessary countermeasures that should be implemented to reduce the threats of these vulnerabilities individually and collectively. In this book, we will cover advanced vulnerability tools and methods as well as sophisticated penetration techniques. Then we’ll dig into the programming code to show you how skilled attackers identify vulnerabilities and develop new tools to exploit their findings.

Let’s take a look at the ethical penetration testing process and see how it differs from that of unethical hacker activities.

The Penetration Testing Process

1. Form two or three teams:

• Red team—The attack team

• White team—Network administration, the victim

• Blue team—Management coordinating and overseeing the test (optional)

2. Establish the ground rules:

• Testing objectives

• What to attack, what is hands-off

• Who knows what about the other team (Are both teams aware of the other? Is the testing single blind or double blind?)

• Start and stop dates

• Legal issues

• Just because a client asks for it, doesn’t mean that it’s legal.

• The ethical hacker must know the relevant local, state, and federal laws and how they pertain to testing procedures.

• Confidentiality/Nondisclosure

• Reporting requirements

• Formalized approval and written agreement with signatures and contact information

• Keep this document handy during the testing. It may be needed as a “get out of jail free” card

Penetration Testing Activities

3. Passive scanning Gather as much information about the target as possible while maintaining zero contact between the penetration tester and the target. Passive scanning can include interrogating:

• The company’s website and source code

• Social networking sites

• Whois database

• Edgar database

• Newsgroups


• Google,, etc.

• Dumpster diving

4. Active scanning Probe the target’s public exposure with scanning tools, which might include:

• Commercial scanning tools

• Banner grabbing

• Social engineering

• War dialing

• DNS zone transfers

• Sniffing traffic

• Wireless war driving

5. Attack surface enumeration Probe the target network to identify, enumerate, and document each exposed device:

• Network mapping

• Router and switch locations

• Perimeter firewalls

• LAN, MAN, and WAN connections

6. Fingerprinting Perform a thorough probe of the target systems to identify:

• Operating system type and patch level

• Applications and patch level

• Open ports

• Running services

• User accounts

7. Target system selection Identify the most useful target(s).

8. Exploiting the uncovered vulnerabilities Execute the appropriate attack tools targeted at the suspected exposures.

• Some may not work.

• Some may kill services or even kill the server.

• Some may be successful.

9. Escalation of privilege Escalate the security context so the ethical hacker has more control.

• Gaining root or administrative rights

• Using cracked password for unauthorized access

• Carrying out buffer overflow to gain local versus remote control

10. Documentation and reporting Document everything found, how it was found, the tools that were used, vulnerabilities that were exploited, the timeline of activities, and successes, etc.



A more detailed approach to penetration methodology is presented in Chapter 5.

What Would an Unethical Hacker Do Differently?

1. Target selection

• Motivations would be due to a grudge or for fun or profit.

• There are no ground rules, no hands-off targets, and the white team is definitely blind to the upcoming attack.

2. Intermediaries

• The attacker launches his attack from a different system (intermediary) than his own to make tracking back to him more difficult in case the attack is detected.

• There may be several layers of intermediaries between the attacker and the victim.

• Intermediaries are often victims of the attacker as well.

3. Next the attacker will proceed with penetration testing steps described previously.

• Passive scanning

• Active scanning

• Footprinting

• Target system selection

• Fingerprinting

• Exploiting the uncovered vulnerabilities

• Escalation of privilege

4. Preserving access

• This involves uploading and installing a rootkit, backdoor, Trojan’ed applications, and/or bots to assure that the attacker can regain access at a later time.

5. Covering his tracks

• Scrubbing event and audit logs

• Hiding uploaded files

• Hiding the active processes that allow the attacker to regain access

• Disabling messages to security software and system logs to hide malicious processes and actions

6. Hardening the system

• After taking ownership of a system, an attacker may fix the open vulnerabilities so no other attacker can use the system for other purposes.

How the attacker uses the compromised systems depends upon what his overall goals are, which could include stealing sensitive information, redirecting financial transactions, adding the systems to his bot network, extorting a company, etc.

The crux is that ethical and unethical hackers carry out basically the same activities only with different intentions. If the ethical hacker does not identify the hole in the defenses first, the unethical hacker will surely slip in and make himself at home.

The Controversy of Hacking Books and Classes

When books on hacking first came out, a big controversy arose pertaining to whether this was the right thing to do or not. One side said that such books only increased the attackers’ skills and techniques and created new attackers. The other side stated that the attackers already had these skills, and these books were written to bring the security professionals and networking individuals up to speed. Who was right? They both were.

The word “hacking” is sexy, exciting, seemingly seedy, and usually brings about thoughts of complex technical activities, sophisticated crimes, and a look into the face of electronic danger itself. Although some computer crimes may take on some of these aspects, in reality it is not this grand or romantic. A computer is just a new tool to carry out old crimes.

Attackers are only one component of information security. Unfortunately, when most people think of security, their minds go right to packets, firewalls, and hackers. Security is a much larger and more complex beast than these technical items. Real security includes policies and procedures, liabilities and laws, human behavior patterns, corporate security programs and implementation, and yes, the technical aspects—firewalls, intrusion detection systems, proxies, encryption, antivirus software, hacks, cracks, and attacks.

Understanding how different types of hacking tools are used and how certain attacks are carried out is just one piece of the puzzle. But like all pieces of a puzzle, it is a very important one. For example, if a network administrator implements a packet filtering firewall and sets up the necessary configurations, he may feel the company is now safe and sound. He has configured his access control lists to allow only “established” traffic into the network. This means an outside source cannot send a SYN packet to initiate communication with an inside system. If the administrator does not realize that there are tools that allow for ACK packets to be generated and sent, he is only seeing part of the picture here. This lack of knowledge and experience allows for a false sense of security, which seems to be pretty common in companies around the world today.

Let’s look at another example. A network engineer configures a firewall to review only the first fragment of a packet and not the packet fragments that follow. The engineer knows that this type of “cut through” configuration will increase network performance. But if she is not aware that there are tools that can create fragments with dangerous payloads, she could be allowing in malicious traffic. Once these fragments reach the inside destination system and are reassembled, the packet can be put back together and initiate an attack.

In addition, if a company’s employees are not aware of social engineering attacks and how damaging they can be, they may happily give out useful information to attackers. This information is then used to generate even more powerful and dangerous attacks against the company. Knowledge and the implementation of knowledge are the keys for any real security to be accomplished.

So where do we stand on hacking books and hacking classes? Directly on top of a slippery banana peel. There are currently three prongs to the problem of today’s hacking classes and books. First, marketing people love to use the word “hacking” instead of more meaningful and responsible labels such as “penetration methodology.” This means that too many things fall under the umbrella of hacking. All of these procedures now take on the negative connotation that the word “hacking” has come to be associated with. Second is the educational piece of the difference between hacking and ethical hacking, and the necessity of ethical hacking (penetration testing) in the security industry. The third issue has to do with the irresponsibility of many hacking books and classes. If these items are really being developed to help out the good guys, then they should be developed and structured to do more than just show how to exploit a vulnerability. These educational components should show the necessary countermeasures required to fight against these types of attacks and how to implement preventive measures to help ensure these vulnerabilities are not exploited. Many books and courses tout the message of being a resource for the white hat and security professional. If you are writing a book or curriculum for black hats, then just admit it. You will make just as much (or more) money, and you will help eliminate the confusion between the concepts of hacking and ethical hacking.

The Dual Nature of Tools

In most instances, the toolset used by malicious attackers is the same toolset used by security professionals. A lot of people do not seem to understand this. In fact, the books, classes, articles, websites, and seminars on hacking could be legitimately renamed to “security professional toolset education.” The problem is that marketing people like to use the word “hacking” because it draws more attention and paying customers.

As covered earlier, ethical hackers go through the same processes and procedures as unethical hackers, so it only makes sense that they use the same basic toolset. It would not be useful to prove that attackers could not get through the security barriers with Tool A if attackers do not use Tool A. The ethical hacker has to know what the bad guys are using, know the new exploits that are out in the underground, and continually keep her skills and knowledgebase up to date. Why? Because the odds are against the company and against the security professional. The security professional has to identify and address all of the vulnerabilities in an environment. The attacker only has to be really good at one or two exploits, or really lucky. A comparison can be made to the U.S. Homeland Security responsibilities. The CIA and FBI are responsible for protecting the nation from the 10 million things terrorists could possibly think up and carry out. The terrorist only has to be successful at one of these 10 million things.

How Are These Tools Used for Good Instead of Evil?

How would a company’s networking staff ensure that all of the employees are creating complex passwords that meet the company’s password policy? They can set operating system configurations to make sure the passwords are of a certain length, contain upper- and lowercase letters, contain numeric values, and keep a password history. But these configurations cannot check for dictionary words or calculate how much protection is being provided from brute-force attacks. So the team can use a hacking tool to carry out dictionary and brute-force attacks on individual passwords to actually test their strength, as illustrated in Figure 1-1. The other choice is to go to each and every employee and ask what his or her password is, write down the password, and eyeball it to determine if it is good enough. Not a good alternative.


Figure 1-1 Password cracking software



A company’s security policy should state that this type of password-testing activity is allowed by the IT staff and security team. Breaking employees’ passwords could be seen as intrusive and wrong if management does not acknowledge and allow for such activities to take place. Make sure you get permission before you undertake this type of activity.

The same network staff needs to make sure that their firewall and router configurations will actually provide the protection level that the company requires. They could read the manuals, make the configuration changes, implement ACLs, and then go and get some coffee. Or they could implement the configurations and then run tests against these settings to see if they are allowing malicious traffic into what they thought was a controlled environment. These tests often require the use of hacking tools. The tools carry out different types of attacks, which allow the team to see how the perimeter devices will react in certain circumstances.

Nothing should be trusted until it is tested. There is an amazing number of cases where a company does everything seemingly correct when it comes to their infrastructure security. They implement policies and procedures, roll out firewalls, IDS, and anti-virus, have all of their employees attend security awareness training, and continually patch their systems. It is unfortunate that these companies put forth all the right effort and funds only to end up on CNN as the latest victim because all of their customers’ credit card numbers were stolen and posted on the Internet. And this can happen if they do not carry out the necessary vulnerability and penetration tests.

Recognizing Trouble When It Happens

Network administrators, engineers, and security professionals need to be able to recognize when an attack is underway or when one is about to take place. It may seem as though recognizing an attack as it is happening should be easy. This is only true for the very “noisy” or overwhelming attacks such as denial-of-service (DoS) attacks. Many attackers fly under the radar and go unnoticed by security devices and staff members. It is important to know how different types of attacks take place so they can be properly recognized and stopped.

Security issues and compromises are not going to go away any time soon. People who work in positions within corporations that touch security in any way should not try to ignore it or treat security as though it is an island unto itself. The bad guys know that to hurt an enemy is to take out what that victim depends upon most. Today the world is only becoming more dependent upon technology, not less. Even though application development and network and system configuration and maintenance are complex, security is only going to become more entwined with them. When a network staff has a certain level of understanding of security issues and how different compromises take place, they can act more effectively and efficiently when the “all hands on deck” alarm is sounded.

It is also important to know when an attack may be around the corner. If network staff is educated on attacker techniques and they see a ping sweep followed a day later by a port scan, they will know that most likely in three hours their systems will be attacked. There are many activities that lead up to different attacks, so understanding these items will help the company protect itself. The argument can be made that we have more automated security products that identify these types of activities so that we don’t have to see them coming. But depending upon software that does not have the ability to put the activities in the necessary context and make a decision is very dangerous. Computers can outperform any human on calculations and performing repetitive tasks, but we still have the ability to make some necessary judgment calls because we understand the grays in life and do not just see things in 1s and 0s.

So it is important to understand that hacking tools are really just software tools that carry out some specific type of procedure to achieve a desired result. The tools can be used for good (defensive) purposes or for bad (offensive) purposes. The good and the bad guys use the same exact toolset; the difference is their intent when operating these utilities. It is imperative for the security professional to understand how to use these tools and how attacks are carried out if he is going to be of any use to his customer and to the industry.

Emulating the Attack

Once network administrators, engineers, and security professionals understand how attackers work, then they can emulate their activities to carry out a useful penetration test. But why would anyone want to emulate an attack? Because this is the only way to truly test an environment’s security level—you must know how it will react when a real attack is being carried out.

This book is laid out to walk you through these different steps so you can understand how many types of attacks take place. It can help you develop methodologies for emulating similar activities to test your company’s security posture.

There are already many elementary ethical hacking books available in every bookstore. The demand for these books and hacking courses over the years has reflected the interest and the need in the market. It is also obvious that, although some people are just entering this sector, many individuals are ready to move on to the more advanced topic of ethical hacking. The goal of this book is to go through some of the basic ethical hacking concepts quickly and then spend more time with the concepts that are not readily available to you, but are unbelievably important.

Just in case you choose to use the information in this book for unintended purposes (malicious activity), in the next chapters, we will also walk through several federal laws that have been put into place to scare you away from this activity. A wide range of computer crimes are taken seriously by today’s court system, and attackers are receiving hefty fines and jail sentences for their activities. Don’t let that be you. There is just as much fun and intellectual stimulation to be had working as a white hat—and no threat of jail time!

Where Do Attackers Have Most of Their Fun?

Hacking into a system and environment is almost always carried out by exploiting vulnerabilities in software. Only recently has the light started to shine on the root of the problem of successful attacks and exploits, which is flaws within software code. Most attack methods described in this book can be carried out because of errors in the software.

It is not fair to put all of the blame on the programmers, because they have done exactly what their employers and market have asked them to: quickly build applications with tremendous functionality. Only over the last few years has the market started screaming for functionality and security, and the vendors and programmers are scrambling to meet these new requirements and still stay profitable.

Security Does Not Like Complexity

Software, in general, is very complicated, and the more functionality that we try to shove into applications and operating systems, the more complex software will become. The more complex software gets, the harder it is to predict properly how it will react in all possible scenarios, which makes it much harder to secure.

Today’s operating systems and applications are increasing in lines of code (LOC). Windows operating systems have approximately 40 million LOC. Unix and Linux operating systems have much less, usually around 2 million LOC. A common estimate used in the industry is that there are between 5–50 bugs per 1,000 lines of code. So a middle of the road estimate would be that Windows 7 has approximately 1,200,000 bugs. (Not a statement of fact; just a guesstimation.)

It is difficult enough to try to logically understand and secure 40 million LOC, but the complexity does not stop there. The programming industry has evolved from traditional programming languages to object-oriented languages, which allow for a modular approach to developing software. This approach has a lot of benefits: reusable components, faster to market times, decrease in programming time, and easier ways to troubleshoot and update individual modules within the software. But applications and operating systems use each other’s components, users download different types of mobile code to extend functionality, DLLs are installed and shared, and instead of application-to-operating system communication, today many applications communicate directly with each other. The operating system cannot control this type of information flow and provide protection against possible compromises.

If we peek under the covers even further, we see that thousands of protocols are integrated into the different operating system protocol stacks, which allows for distributed computing. The operating systems and applications must rely on these protocols for transmission to another system or application, even if the protocols contain their own inherent security flaws. Device drivers are developed by different vendors and installed in the operating system. Many times these drivers are not well developed and can negatively affect the stability of an operating system. And to get even closer to the hardware level, injection of malicious code into firmware is an up-and-coming attack avenue.

So is it all doom and gloom? Yep, for now. Until we understand that a majority of the successful attacks are carried out because software vendors do not integrate security into the design and specification phases, our programmers have not been properly taught how to code securely, vendors are not being held liable for faulty code, and consumers are not willing to pay more for properly developed and tested code, our staggering hacking and company compromise statistics will only increase.

Will it get worse before it gets better? Probably. Every industry in the world is becoming more reliant on software and technology. Software vendors have to carry out the continual one-upmanship to ensure their survivability in the market. Although security is becoming more of an issue, functionality of software has always been the main driving component of products, and it always will be. Attacks will also continue and increase in sophistication because they are now revenue streams for individuals, companies, and organized crime groups.

Will vendors integrate better security, ensure their programmers are properly trained in secure coding practices, and put each product through more and more testing cycles? Not until they have to. Once the market truly demands that this level of protection and security is provided by software products and customers are willing to pay more for security, then the vendors will step up to the plate. Currently, most vendors are only integrating protection mechanisms because of the backlash and demand from their customer bases. Unfortunately, just as September 11th awakened the United States to its vulnerabilities, something large may have to take place in terms of software compromise before the industry decides to address this issue properly.

So we are back to the original question: what does this have to do with ethical hacking? A novice ethical hacker will use tools developed by others who have uncovered specific vulnerabilities and methods to exploit them. A more advanced ethical hacker will not just depend upon other people’s tools, she will have the skill set and understanding to look at the code itself. The more advanced ethical hacker will be able to identify possible vulnerabilities and programming code errors and develop ways to rid the software of these types of flaws.

If the software did not contain 5–50 exploitable bugs within every 1,000 lines of code, we would not have to build the fortresses we are constructing today. Use this book as a guide to bring you deeper and deeper under the covers to allow you to truly understand where the security vulnerabilities reside and what should be done about them.

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