To Win People Over, Speak to Their Wants and Needs

By Nancy Duarte

Practicing empathy can be difficult, because you have to step outside your comfort zone to understand someone else’s point of view. But it’s essential to exercising influence.

It’s how method actors move us to feel, think, or act differently—they deeply immerse themselves in their characters, trying on new ways of being and behaving. Sometimes their identity experiments are even part of the story line, as in Being John Malkovich, Avatar, and Tootsie.

During Tootsie, walking in the shoes of a woman had such a profound impact on Dustin Hoffman that, 30 years later, recalling his decision to make the film brought tears to his eyes in an interview with the American Film Institute.

Before agreeing to work on the movie, Hoffman did some makeup tests to see if he would be believable as a woman. When he discovered that he could pass, but he wouldn’t be beautiful, he realized he had to do this project. As he explained to his wife: “I think I’m an interesting woman [as Dorothy Michaels]. And I know that if I met myself at a party, I wouldn’t talk to that character because she doesn’t fulfill physically the demands that we’re brought up to think women have to have in order for us to ask them out . . . There’s too many interesting women I have not had the experience to know in this life because I’ve been brainwashed.” Empathy made Hoffman’s performance—and the film’s message—more convincing and powerful.

The same thing happens in business all the time. Whether you’re trying to get your team on board with a new way of working, asking investors to fund you, persuading customers to buy your product, or imploring the public to donate to your cause, your success depends on your ability to grasp the wants and needs of the people around you. We’ve seen this over and over again at my firm as we’ve created presentations for clients and coached them on effective delivery. If people feel listened to, they become more receptive to your message. And by doing the listening, you become more informed about what they really need—not just what you think they need—which will fuel your relationships with stakeholders over the long run.

How do you build your capacity for empathy? Exercises can help, and they’re used in many fields. Secret shoppers pose as retail customers and record their observations. Product developers brainstorm use cases and interview consumers to envision how they’ll interact with a product. Negotiators do role-playing to imagine opposing points of view before they get to the table.

Once you’ve started to develop empathy as a skill, you can make it integral to the work you do. You might try visualizing stakeholders’ various perspectives the way Airbnb CEO Brian Chesky and his team did. As described in a Fast Company post, they storyboarded the guest, host, and hiring processes—inspired by Disney’s filmmaking. They created a list of the key moments in these three experiences and then developed the most important and most emotionally charged ones into fuller narratives. Cofounder Nathan Blecharczyk says they learned a lot: “What the storyboards made clear is that we were missing a big part of the picture. . . . There were a lot of important moments where we weren’t doing anything.” The storyboards ended up helping the company define its mobile strategy and even inspired new features, which allowed Airbnb to connect with traveling customers wherever the customers were.1

It’s also essential to listen carefully to your stakeholders and check your understanding of what’s being said. Arbitrators do this to get a handle on what both sides need in a dispute, before trying to carve out a solution. Executives who are new to a company often embark on listening tours with employees and customers to get their perspective on issues and opportunities.

That’s what Lou Gerstner did in the 1990s, when the board at IBM brought him in to turn around the almost bankrupt company. Gerstner called his listening tour Operation Bear Hug. He gave managers three months to meet with customers and ask about issues they were grappling with and how IBM could help. Managers then had to recap the conversations in memos. Gerstner also called customers on his own every day. And he “bear-hugged” employees by touring IBM’s various sites and hosting gatherings to share updates, test ideas, and tackle concerns. He held 90-minute unscripted Q&A sessions with the staff, during which he would talk to 20,000 workers directly.

“I listened, and I tried very hard not to draw conclusions,” Gerstner said.

It was an important step in the strategy-making process, one that enabled the executive team to build plans to make IBM relevant and competitive again. But it led to an even larger shift in IBM’s culture that transformed the company from an inwardly focused bureaucracy to a market-driven innovator.

Empathize with the people you need to persuade to purchase your product or services or to work hard on your behalf. It gives you better ideas, and it makes you worth listening to. And if your stakeholders can empathize with you in return, you’re on your way to building real, lasting relationships with them.

NANCY DUARTE is CEO of Duarte Design and the author of the HBR Guide to Persuasive Presentations (Harvard Business Review Press, 2012), as well as two books on the art of presenting, Slide:ology: The Art and Science of Creating Great Presentations (O’Reilly Media, 2008) and Resonate: Present Visual Stories That Transform Audiences (Wiley, 2010). She is a coauthor with Patti Sanchez of Illuminate: Ignite Change Through Speeches, Stories, Ceremonies, and Symbols (Portfolio, 2016).


1.S. Kessler, “How Snow White Helped Airbnb’s Mobile Mission,” Fast Company, November 8, 2012, http://www.fastcocreate.com/1681924/how-snow-white-helped-airbnbs-mobile-mission; N. Blecharczyk, “Visualizing the Customer Experience,” Sequoia Capital, https://www.sequoiacap.com/article/visualizing-customer-experience/; A. Carr, “Inside Airbnb’s Grand Hotel Plans,” Fast Company, March 17, 2014, http://www.fastcompany.com/3027107/punk-meet-rock-airbnb-brian-chesky-chip-conley.

Reprinted from hbr.org, originally published
May 12, 2015 (product #H0228V).

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