Chapter 7

Recognize Good Work in a Meaningful Way

by Christina Bielaszka-DuVernay

Recognition gets great lip service. Ask three managers if they consider it important to recognize the value their teams deliver, and chances are very good that you’ll get three positive responses.

But probe a little bit, and you’ll discover that the walk is leagues away from the talk.

Manager 1 makes recognition a priority—when he has time to think about it. For Manager 2, recognizing her team means having sandwiches brought in once or twice a quarter for a conference room lunch. Manager 3 is fairly consistent in doling out praise and rewards—too consistent, in fact. The boilerplate language in his thank-you notes and the inevitable $25 gift certificate to a family-style chain restaurant have become an in-joke among his team members, generating eye rolls more than anything else.

For recognition to strengthen your team’s performance, say Adrian Gostick and Chester Elton, authors of The Carrot Principle: How the Best Managers Use Recognition to Engage Their People, Retain Talent, and Accelerate Performance, it can’t be haphazard, generalized to the group, or generic. So what characterizes recognition that actually works?

Deliver Recognition Frequently

Once or twice a quarter won’t cut it, as Manager 2 has not yet realized. Research conducted by The Gallup Organization (Washington, DC) found that employees’ engagement and motivation are strongly affected by how often they receive recognition for their work.

Three years after the US branch of accounting firm KPMG introduced its recognition program, Encore, the number of employees who agreed with the statement “Taking everything into account, this is a great place to work” rose 20%. In analyzing the program’s effectiveness unit by unit, Sylvia Brandes, KPMG’s US director of compensation, discovered that units offering their employees less frequent recognition suffered notably higher turnover than units in which recognition was a frequent occurrence.

So how frequently should you let your team members know you recognize and appreciate their efforts? At least once every other week.

We’re not talking gold watches here, point out Gostick and Elton. “Managers who earn the most trust and dedication from their people do so with many simple but powerful actions,” they write in The Carrot Principle. These can include sending them a sincere thank-you note, copying them on a memo praising their performance, or taking a moment in the weekly staff meeting to highlight their actions. To keep yourself on track, Gostick and Elton recommend maintaining a simple recognition scorecard for every employee that notes the date praise was given and for what.

Tie the Message to Organizational Values

If you want recognition to reinforce the sort of thinking and behavior you’d like to see more of, connect your praise explicitly to the values of the organization, whether that’s the team, the unit, or the company as a whole. If you’re making a connection to company values, keep in mind that they may be less than clear to the employee.

“So many companies’ mission or values statements go wrong,” says Gostick. “Either it’s a laundry list or it lauds such feel-good but generic values as hard work, service, innovation, and so on. The result is that no one really knows what values or behaviors really matter.”

And even when the values are clearly defined and kept to a manageable number, employees are notorious for ignoring or tuning out the various means by which a company seeks to communicate them. When’s the last time you read the entire e-mail update from your CEO? Or resisted the urge to fiddle with your mobile device during a speech about the company’s values?

But the moment of personal recognition is one time that the employee is not tuning out. And if this occasion is before a group of her peers, chances are that many of them—particularly if they like and respect her—are also paying attention. So when you single out an individual for praise, whether it’s in a one-on-one meeting or before a group, link that person’s behavior with the organization’s values. For example:

  • “Thank you, Peter, for going the extra mile to keep our client happy. As you know, our team is trying to improve its service-renewal scores and this client is one of our biggest accounts, so your actions really mean a lot.”
  • “That was a great idea to invite the special projects team to our staff meeting. We talk a lot around here about the value of cross-unit collaboration, but we don’t always do such a good job of actually doing it! I really appreciate your efforts in this area—thanks.”

Match the Award to the Achievement

Remember Manager 3 and his $25 restaurant gift certificates? His recognition efforts met with derision because he dispensed them without regard to the degree of the employee’s effort or achievement. Someone who came in over the weekend to integrate the latest data into an important report would receive the same reward as someone whose three-month-long project unearthed an opportunity to eliminate $50,000 annually in unit expenses.

“It’s demotivating to give someone a minor award for a major accomplishment,” says Gostick. “It’s a slap in the face.”

But before you think in purely monetary terms about what would be appropriate for a certain level of achievement, consider the final quality of effective recognition.

Tailor Rewards to the Individual

What’s meaningful to one employee versus another can vary significantly. A particularly ambitious employee might really value face time with the CEO or appointment to a high-level project team as recognition for her efforts. A very conscientious employee who always seems to have trouble leaving the office might get more out of an explicit directive to take a day off and take his family to the zoo, courtesy of the company.

Cash awards, say Gostick and Elton, tend not to be as worthwhile as thank-yous, unless they’re quite substantial ($1,000 or more). Instead of using the money to buy something special and memorable, most employees just use it to pay bills and quickly forget about its significance.

Don’t Forget Teams

Manager 2’s mistake was to try to acknowledge individuals’ efforts by giving blanket recognition to the group. It’s a tactic that’s next to useless.

But when your team as a whole achieves goals, recognizing its accomplishments is perfectly appropriate. And don’t wait until the particular project is near completion.

“In sports, we don’t wait for the team to win before we applaud; we celebrate each incremental step toward victory,” says Gostick. “Yet in business, there’s this tendency to wait until the project is clearly working well before we celebrate anything.”

At the start of a project, “set short-term goals and articulate the reward the team will receive for reaching them,” he advises. Each milestone reached presents an occasion to celebrate everyone’s contribution to the group effort, reinforce the project’s importance, and reignite the team’s commitment to working together creatively and collaboratively in pursuit of the end goal.

Whether you’re acknowledging the accomplishments of a team or an individual, recognition can be a key motivator toward pushing your direct reports to the next level.


Christina Bielaszka-DuVernay was the editor of Harvard Management Update.

Adapted from content posted on on February 29, 2008

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