
accountability, 131

achievement, versus advancement, 114–115

alienation, of team members, 62–63

appreciation, expressing, 13–14, 90–91, 173. See also recognition

apprenticeship model, for on-the-job learning, 144–145

assessing performance, 99, 107–109, 111–112, 137, 154–155, 172–173


about boss’s thinking, 59

challenging your, 49, 72–73, 76

across cultures, 186–188

about weak performers, 55–59, 72–73

autonomy, 58–59

awards. See rewards

bad news. See negative feedback

biases, 29, 39–40, 41, 44

binary framing, 28–30, 33–34, 36, 38, 40–41, 43

bluntness, 168, 182–183

body language, 166, 168


accountability of, 65, 68–69, 131

assumptions by, about weak performers, 55–59, 77–78

categorical thinking by, 56–58

compatibility between employees and, 51–52

disengagement from, 60

employee performance and, 51, 52, 58–59, 154–155

expectations of, 49, 59

mind-set of, 72–73, 86

recognition of employees by, 89–94

reputation of, 61–62

set-up-to-fail syndrome and, 47–79

burnout, 62

categorical thinking, 57–58

check-in meetings, 4, 126, 109, 157, 191, 193

coaching, 85, 100–101, 118, 156–157, 159–161

collaborative mind-set, 86

company goals, 124–125

company values, tying recognition to, 91–92

compensation, 101, 107, 113, 135–145

competence-challenge balance, 137–138

compliments. See positive feedback

confidentiality, 157, 159

constructive criticism, 14–15, 100–101, 119

for experts, 8–9

for high performers, 172–178

for teams, 189–196

See also negative feedback


with defensive employees, 166–168

escalation during, 32–33, 35

feedback (see feedback)

role-playing difficult, 22

with star performers, 173, 176–177

with underperformers, 155–156

about unhealthy boss-subordinate dynamics, 65–70

corrective feedback. See negative feedback

criticism. See negative feedback

cross-cultural feedback, 185–188

cultural issues, 185–188

decision making, about promotions and raises, 113, 114, 135–145

defensive employees, giving feedback to, 163–169

defensive reactions, 19, 20, 30, 33, 60–61, 163–169

defensive strategies, 165

direct reports. See employees

disengagement, 60

documentation of employee performance, 147–149

duration, of feedback, 17

effort, 16


managing, 20–21

negative feedback and, 165–166

employee records. See documentation of employee performance


accountability of, 131

alienation of, 62–63

assessing performance of, 99, 107–109, 111–112, 137, 154–155, 172–173

autonomy of, 58–59

burnout in, 62

compatibility between boss and, 51–52

cultivating relationship with, 12–13

defensive, 19, 20, 30, 33, 60–61, 163–169

disengagement of, 60

emotional connections with, 15, 18

engagement of, 141–142, 175

expectations for, 49, 59, 77, 98–99, 102–103, 109

feedback from, 22

firing (see termination)

goals of, 98–99, 109, 123–133, 176–177, 179

“in” group and “out” group, 49, 56–58

growth of, 85–86, 176–177

motivation of, 10, 15, 58–59, 140

new roles for, 137–139, 141, 143–144

performance appraisals of (see performance appraisals)

poor performance by (see under performing employees)

promotion of, 114, 135–145

ranking, 101–102

reactions to feedback by, 9–10, 11–12, 15, 33, 163–169

recognition of, 89–94

relationship building with, 12–16

shutting down by, 59–61

strengths of, 118, 120–121, 175

underperforming (see underperforming employees)

weaknesses of, 117–121, 175

employee turnover, 141–142

experts, 8–10

facts, focusing on, 18–19

fairness, 43, 75–76

false consensus effect, 29, 41


asking for, from employees, 22

asking for repetition of, 183

cross-cultural, 185–188

factual, 18–19

formal, 4, 5–6 (see also performance appraisals)

framing, 28–34

importance of, 3–4

limited time and prioritizing, 181–184

making acceptable, 43

negative (see negative feedback)

ongoing, 4–5, 21–22, 98

positive (see positive feedback)

preparation for, 16–18

reactions to, 9–10, 11–12, 15, 33, 163–169

reframing, 29–30, 41–44, 178–179

rehearsing, 21–22

setting for, 17–18

standardization of, 182

for star performers, 171–179

for teams, 189–196

360-degree, 111, 155

timing of, 17, 23–24

types, 4–5

when to give, 23–24

feedback sandwich, 97, 100

fight-or-flight response, 11–12, 18, 20

firing employees. See termination

formal feedback, 4, 5–6. See also performance appraisals


binary, 28–30, 33–34, 36, 38, 40–41, 43

feedback, 28–34

frozen, 30, 33–34, 36, 41, 43

narrow, 28–30, 33–34, 36, 38–40, 43

open, 29–30

restrictive, 28, 33–34, 36, 38–44

frozen framing, 30, 33–34, 36, 41, 43

fundamental attribution error, 29, 39–40


accountability and, 131

attainable versus challenging, 125

company, 124–125

employee, 4, 5, 109, 123–133

of high performers, 176–179

long-term, 178–179

monitoring progress toward, 126

overcoming obstacles to, 126

personal, 127, 130–131, 174–175

planning for achieving, 125–126

setting employee, 124–125, 127, 131, 132

team, 93–94

high performers. See star performers

“in” groups, 49, 56–58, 62, 63–64

intrinsic motivation, 140

job sculpting, 127–130

location. See physical location, for feedback

long-term goals, 176, 178–179

managers. See bosses

manipulation, positive feedback as, 15

motivation, 10, 15, 58–59, 140

motives, assumptions about others’, 19

narrow framing, 28–30, 33–34, 36, 38–40, 43

negative feedback

common mistakes in giving, 82

cross-cultural issues and, 185–188

defensive reactions to, 19, 20, 30, 33, 60–61, 163–169

delivering, 18–19, 27–45, 81–87, 100–101, 155–156, 166–168

discomfort over giving, 81–82, 164–166

indirect approach to, 34, 36–39

motivation and, 10

need for, 7–10

phrasing of, 167

ratio of, to positive, 13–14

tone for, 166–167

neutral tone, for negative feedback, 166–167

novices, 8–9, 10

ongoing feedback, 4–5, 21–22, 98

on-the-job learning, 144–145

open framing, 29–30

openness, 50, 78, 86

organizational values, tying recognition to, 91–92

“out” groups, 49, 56–58, 62–64

output measurement, 108. See also performance measurement

performance, assessing, 99, 107–109, 111–112, 137, 154–155, 172–173

performance appraisals, 4, 5–6

accurate measure of performance and, 107–115

compensation increases and, 101, 107, 135

constructive approach to, 100–101

delivering effective, 97–105

employee goals and, 123–133

expectations for, 98–99, 102–103

focus on weaknesses during, 117–121

holding your ground during, 101–102

input from others for, 109

laying groundwork for, 99–100

promotions and, 114, 135

ratings and, 101–102

record keeping and, 147–149

tone for, 100, 102–103

of underperformers, 100

performance management, 110–113

performance measurement, 107–115, 137

performance planning meeting, 98–99, 123–124

performance problems, 23, 153–162, 192

performance reviews. See performance appraisals

personal connections, cultivating, 12–13

personal goals, 127, 130–131, 174–175

physical location, for feedback, 17–18

positive feedback

motivation and, 10

for novices, 8–9

pitfalls of, 14–16

ratio of, to negative, 13–14

recognition, 89–94

resentment toward, 15–16

strengthening relationships with, 13–14

for underperformers, 157–158

praise, 8, 10

problems with, 14–16

for underperformers, 157–158

See also positive feedback

project debriefings, 193

promotions, 114, 135–145

proximity, 18

Pygmalion effect, 51

raises, 101, 107, 135–145

ratings, in performance appraisals, 101–102

recognition, 89–94

frequent delivery of, 90–91

matching award to achievement, 92–93

motivation and, 140

real-time, 142

of star performers, 173

tailoring to individual, 93

of teams, 93–94

tying to organizational values, 91–92

See also positive feedback

record keeping, 147–149

reframing feedback, 29–30, 41–44, 178–179


cultivating, 12–16

team, 192–193

reprimanding, 85

resentment, toward positive feedback, 15–16

restrictive framing, 28, 33–34, 36, 38–44


matching to achievement, 92–93

for positive change, 157–158

promotions, 135–145

raises, 135–145

tailoring to individual, 93

role-playing, 22

scripted escalation, 33, 35

self-esteem, 16, 119

self-justification, 60–61. See also defensive reactions

setting, for feedback, 17–18

set-up-to-fail syndrome, 47–79

beginnings of, 48–49, 51–53

costs of, 49, 61–63

deconstructing, 55–61

intervention for, 65–76

overcoming, 63–76

overview of, 47–48

prevention of, 76–79

reversing, 49–50

self-fulfilling and self-reinforcing nature of, 53–55, 65

teams and, 62–63

skilled incompetence, 165

star performers

assessing performance of, 172–173

goals and aspirations of, 176–179

obstacles to development of, 176

productive feedback for, 4, 171–179

recognition of, 90–91, 173

rewarding, 91–93, 114–115, 135–145

strengths and weaknesses of, 172–173

treatment of, 56–58

workload of, 62

stars. See star performers

subordinates. See employees


empowering, 195–196

expectations for, 190–191

feedback for, 189–196

fostering relationships in, 192–193

project debriefings for, 193

recognition of, 93–94

regular check-ins for, 191

set-up-to-fail syndrome and, 62–63

structured reviews for, 191–192

temperate phrasing, 167–168

termination, 147, 158, 162

threat response, 11–12, 18, 20

360-degree feedback, 111, 155

timing, of feedback, 17, 23–24

tone, 166–167

top performers. See star performers

trust, 53, 83, 84, 91, 193

underperforming employees

assumptions about, 55–59, 72–73, 77–78

causes of weak performance in, 68–69, 154–155

coaching, 156–157, 159–161

consequences for, 158

firing, 158, 162

giving feedback to, 3, 154, 155–156

helping, 153–162

intervention for, 65–76

performance reviews of, 100

set-up-to-fail syndrome and, 47–79

shutting down by, 59–61

talking to, 155–156

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