Chapter 15

Delivering Criticism to a Defensive Employee

by Holly Weeks

How do you handle giving unfavorable feedback to someone who will surely take it badly—and I mean really badly? Think shouting, tears, defensiveness, accusations, personal attacks, revising history, twisting words—pick your nightmare.

Consider the case of Melissa, who was the team leader on a recently concluded project that had been an unsatisfactory experience for the whole group. For most of the team, the project was a disappointment from the start: team members were assigned, not self-selected; it was not a high-profile project; and the deliverables were really important only for Melissa’s mentor’s research. Melissa’s role was not a powerful one. She was first among equals and the liaison to management, but had more responsibility than actual authority. The carrot that management held out to members of the team was that this was a stepping-stone project: if the results were satisfactory, they could anticipate higher-profile projects going forward.

James, a team member working from a remote location, handled the situation by making the project a lower priority than his other work. He often finished his tasks late or failed to deliver at all, but he knew Melissa would pick up the slack because it was in her mentor’s interest for someone to do so. He considered this a pragmatic solution—he had a lot of work to do. His miscalculation, however, was to assume that the team’s work would be seen only as a whole. Instead, when the project ended, Melissa was asked to recommend individuals from the team for a new, more important project. James would not be one of them, and Melissa had scheduled a feedback session with him to let him know.

Melissa knew the conversation would not go well. James was known to shout at people, distort their words, accuse them of victimizing him, and more. Melissa’s own temperament was unlike his, and the thought of giving James negative feedback was a nightmare.

How should Melissa handle the situation?

When we fear someone’s reaction, most of us look for techniques to make the other person act differently. But when they get disagreeable feedback, people generally repeat tactics that they’ve had success with in the past—that’s why they use them. In the face of negative feedback, it’s likely that James will be surprised and angry. He’s likely to believe that Melissa misrepresented the project’s outcome and is scapegoating him, robbing him of the only benefit of four months’ work. In James’ view, how he responds makes sense: Melissa is not reliable, not his boss, and intends to hurt him. Why would he act differently? He wants her to back off.

Melissa foresees that scenario, but her temperament makes her vulnerable to choosing what business theorist Chris Argyris calls “defensive strategies”—ambiguous, counterproductive behavior chosen to avoid interpersonal discomfort. Examples of this might be Melissa deferring to James, apologizing and agreeing that he is being misused, while stressing that she is just the messenger. Or she might e-mail the message, letting him simmer in solitude. Or she could ask someone else to tell him. Any of these would protect Melissa from immediate discomfort, but they also signal weak competence.

Defensive strategies become “skilled incompetence,” Argyris says—we get really good at avoiding the difficult bits, but can’t reach good outcomes and never really accomplish our goals. That can’t be recommended as a feedback approach, even if it seems better than butting heads.

Yet if Melissa does try to toughen up and match James’ confrontational style, even though she knows firsthand that won’t be well received, it’s sure to backfire. Emotions will rise, and the conversation will degenerate on both sides, destroying the relationship and potentially both of their reputations.

Melissa needs to try a different approach. One tactic is to focus on immunizing herself against her own vulnerability to James’ difficult behavior. This is like a scientist who, when studying how a pathogen compromises a cell, focuses on the cell, not the bug.

How would Melissa self-immunize against James’ out bursts? By recognizing that she has to react to the tactic for it to work. Instead of reacting, she can neutralize how she responds, without giving in or giving up what she has to say. To get there, she can use a blueprint that pulls together three attributes of speaking well in tough moments: clear content, neutral tone, and temperate phrasing.

  • Clear content: Let your words do your work for you. Say what you mean. Imagine that you are a newscaster and that it’s important that people understand the information. If your counterpart distorts what you say, repeat it just as you said it the first time.
  • Neutral tone: Tone is the nonverbal part of the message you’re delivering. It’s the inflection in your voice, your facial expressions, and your conscious and unconscious body language. These all carry emotional weight in a difficult conversation. It’s hard to use a neutral tone when your emotions are running high. That’s why you need to practice it ahead of time, so you become accustomed to using it. Think of the classic neutrality of NASA communications in tough situations: “Houston, we have a problem.”
  • Temperate phrasing: There are lots of different ways to say what you have to say. Some are considered and nonconfrontational; some baldly provoke your counter part with loaded language. If your counterpart dismisses, resists, or throws back your words, he’s not likely to hold on to your content—so choose your words carefully. (See the sidebar “Phrases to Make Sure You’re Heard.”)


By Amy Gallo

  • “My perspective is based on the following assumptions . . .”
  • “I came to this conclusion because . . .”
  • “I’d love to hear your reaction to what I just said.”
  • “Do you see any flaws in my reasoning?”
  • “Do you see the situation differently?”

Adapted from the HBR Guide to Managing Conflict at Work (product #15006), Harvard Business Review Press, 2015.

Amy Gallo is a contributing editor at Harvard Business Review and the author of the HBR Guide to Managing Conflict at Work.

Clear content, neutral tone, and temperate phrasing are a package deal. Melissa won’t get good results if she uses temperate phrasing, but mixes her message with a lot of contradictory body language. Nor will it work well if she softens her content because she thinks it is too blunt. Being blunt is a characteristic of intemperate phrasing, not of content. So softening the content to fix a problem of phrasing won’t get her where she wants to go.

If Melissa says to James, “In February, March, and April, the team didn’t get the deliverables you committed to on the dates you agreed to,” her content is clear and her phrasing is temperate. We have to imagine that her tone is neutral, but Melissa can do it. If she says, “With those omissions, I can’t stand behind a recommendation for you,” she is clear and temperate again. We do understand that the news is not good and James is still likely to dip into his arsenal of difficult tactics. But Melissa is on solid ground, neither altering her message nor responding to his tactics. With this blueprint in place, repetition can be a good friend: if James challenges her or distorts her message, Melissa can repeat what she has said, rather than following James down a rabbit hole. When it’s time to end the meeting, she can say something simple such as: “Thank you for meeting with me. [Short pause.] I wish this had worked out differently.”

Will James be happy with this conversation? I think not. Nobody likes unfavorable feedback. But remember, when delivering negative feedback to someone who’s likely to get defensive, it’s not your job to make the other person feel better. It’s your job to convey the information in a clear, neutral, and temperate way—by sticking to the facts and to the blueprint.


Holly Weeks publishes, teaches, and consults on communications issues. She is Adjunct Lecturer in Public Policy at the Harvard Kennedy School and the author of Failure to Communicate: How Conversations Go Wrong and What You Can Do to Right Them (Harvard Business School Press, 2008).

Adapted from content posted on on August 12, 2015

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