Chapter 12

Investors’ Herding in Frontier Markets: Evidence From Mongolia

A. Erdenetsogt*
V. Kallinterakis**
*    ABJYA LLC Brokerage Company, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
**    University of Liverpool, Management School, Liverpool, United Kingdom


This study investigates investor herding in the Mongolian Stock Exchange, one of the world’s rapidly growing frontier markets. We find that investors in Mongolia herded significantly during the Dec. 1999–May 2012 period, with their herding significance persisting irrespective of the market’s direction, the level and day-to-day change of the market’s volume, and the US market’s dynamics. Sorting market returns by their sizes, we find that herding is found to be significant during extreme positive and extreme negative market returns. Moreover, investors in Mongolia herded in periods outside of, yet not during, the 2008 financial crisis.


global financial crisis
market returns
market volume
US market dynamics

1. Introduction

Herd behavior as a trading practice has been studied in the context of both developed and emerging markets for different investor types (individual and institutional) over various periods of time. However, recent years have witnessed the advent of a new category of markets, which have been collectively dubbed “frontier,” and for which very little is known concerning the behavior of their investors in general and herd behavior in particular. We aim at contributing in this area by investigating the presence of herding in the Mongolian Stock Exchange (MSE) to gauge whether it is significant, and whether its significance varies with a series of domestic market conditions related to market returns and market volume. What is more, we will investigate whether US market dynamics confer an effect over herding in Mongolia, and finally, we will test whether the 2008 global financial crisis has affected the presence of herding there.
In the wider context of behavioral finance, herding represents the tendency of individuals to mimic the actions of others following the interactive observation of each other’s actions (Hirshleifer and Teoh, 2003). The practice of herding presupposes that individuals follow the behavior of others with disregard for their own private signals or the prevailing market fundamentals. Holmes et al. (2013) and Gavriilidis et al. (2013) have argued that such a practice could be driven by intent or could be completely spurious in nature. Intentional herding is assumed to be motivated by situations entailing asymmetry among market participants. Such asymmetry can be of an informational nature (Devenow and Welch, 1996Teraji, 2003), in which case less informed investors choose to imitate the trades of better informed ones in order to free ride on the informational advantage of the latter. Widespread mimicry of this type can erode the value of the public pool of information, eventually leading to cascading phenomena (Banerjee, 1992Bikhchandani et al., 1992), whereby people simply mimic the actions of others because they consider others to be informed. Another type of asymmetry prompting herding—specifically among investment professionals (eg, fund managers and financial analysts)—is professional (Scharfstein and Stein, 1990Trueman, 1994Welch, 2000Clement and Tse, 2005). Fund managers of below-average skills can be expected to be tempted to mimic the trades of their better-able peers; the reason for this is that fund managers are normally assessed on a relative basis (vs each other), hence imitating “good” peers benefits “bad” managers, as it allows them to improve their professional image when their assessments are due.
While the above asymmetries of their trading environments can prompt investors to herd intentionally (with the purpose of extracting some benefit from herding), unintentional—also known as “spurious” (Bikhchandani and Sharma, 2001)—herding is normally the product of commonalities observed in the trading environment. Relative homogeneity among investors, for example, can lead them to exhibit similarities in their trades with no imitative or interactive observations being present. Such relative homogeneity can manifest itself through investors bearing similar educational backgrounds or professional qualifications, thus receiving similar signals or interpreting them similarly while being subject to a uniform regulatory environment (De Bondt and Teh, 1997Wermers, 1999Voronkova and Bohl, 2005). Style investing (Bennett et al., 2003) can also culminate in spurious herding; if several investors, for example, practice the same investment strategy, their trades can be expected to be correlated without, however, this being the result of direct imitation among them.
Herding was the focus of ample empirical research throughout the past two decades, with research indicating the presence of some patterns across markets. Overall, funds in emerging markets tend to exhibit stronger herding behavior than that of their peers in developed ones,a while retail investors have also been found to herd significantly (Kumar and Lee, 2006Dorn et al., 2008Kumar, 2009). Herding further appears to be more pronounced for the largest (Wylie, 2005Walter and Weber, 2006) and the smallest (Lakonishok et al., 1992Wermers, 1999Chang et al., 2000) capitalization stocks (ie, there exists a size effect in herdingb) and has also been documented to exhibit industry effects (see eg, the studies by Gavriilidis et al., 2013Gebka and Wohar, 2013).
Although researchers have investigated herding in several developed and emerging markets, there has been very little attention to the specific market segment of frontier markets. An interesting feature of frontier markets is the wide heterogeneity characterizing them; indeed, their ranks include high-income countries, such as Qatar and Bahrain, alongside several very poor sub-Saharan countries. Despite the lack of a uniform definition for frontier markets, they tend to entail one or more of the following features: nascent financial development; very small market capitalization and volume; and low but rising per capita income due to rapid economic growth, which is often stimulated by heavy reliance on natural resources (Umland, 2008Behar and Hest, 2010De Groot et al., 2012). Most of these markets have restrictions on the entry and trade of foreign investors; however, the relative illiquidity characterizing these markets is a key deterrent to foreign investors’ entry even where such restrictions are absent. In general, frontier markets are treated as high-risk destinations, with many of them being in transitional stages of political and/or economic development, having moved since the 1990s either from central planning to market economies or from illiberal regimes to democratic systems.
The early levels of financial development in most frontier markets can be expected to be reflected through the inadequate institutional designs of their stock exchanges, and this is a fact capable of enhancing informational uncertainty in these markets, giving rise to herding among their investors. If investors in such a market feel concerned about the quality of public information or the enforceability of disclosure rules, it is reasonable to expect that they might start mimicking their peers if they consider their peers’ actions to be informative. This can be expected to be particularly true for these markets’ retail investors, who, due to the relatively young age of most frontier stock exchanges, lack investment experience. However, institutional investors (domestic as well as foreign ones) may also consider herding a viable strategy in order to counter this high information risk; what is more, herding by institutional investors may also be motivated by these markets’ high liquidity risk, since (as mentioned earlier) frontier markets tend to be characterized by rather low capitalization and trading volume.c
This study contributes to research on herding in frontier markets by examining herding in the context of the MSE during the Dec. 1999–May 2012 period. Our study aims at addressing the following research questions:
Do investors herd in Mongolia?
Does herding in Mongolia remain significant, controlling for various domestic market variables (market returns; market volume)?
Does herding in Mongolia remain significant when controlling for the dynamics of the US market?
Does the significance of herding in Mongolia vary within as opposed to outside the recent 2008 global financial crisis?
In summary, we report that there is evidence supporting the presence of herding in the Mongolian market, irrespective of the market’s performance (ie, positive/negative market returns), the level of volume, the day-to-day change in volume, and the US market’s dynamics. Controlling for the size of market returns (the market’s performance) presents us with a different pattern, as herding is found to be significant only for extreme positive and extreme negative market returns. Finally, investors in Mongolia herded outside, but not during, the period of the 2008 financial crisis.
The rest of our study is structured as follows: the next section provides a brief summary of the evolution of the MSE since the country’s transition to a market economy in the 1990s, while Section 3 presents the data used in this study and the empirical design employed, along with some descriptive statistics. Section 4 discusses the results and provides some concluding remarks, coupled with the implications of our study for various market participants.

2. Mongolian Stock Exchange: A Brief Overview

The MSE was established in 1991 as part of the government’s privatization policy amid the country’s transition from central planning to a market economy. A total of 96.1 million shares worth a total of $7 million from 475 state-owned enterprises were successfully placed on the primary market during the 1992–95 period; this led to the kick starting of secondary market operations, initially via 29 brokerage firms. By the end of 2011, total market capitalization had expanded to $1.7 billion; at the same time, the value of total transactions on the MSE in that year was $270 million, of which 68% related to government bonds, 31% to equities, and 1% to corporate bonds. Government bonds are not traded regularly; however, when their sale is announced, domestic investors (mainly commercial banks) dominate their subscriptions. Equity transactions grew by 75% in 2011, and their value is almost evenly split between local (52%) and foreign (48%) investors. Even though Mongolia has a bank-based financial system, its capital market has experienced rapid development over the years, supported by steady economic growth that is courtesy of the country’s abundant natural resources and increasing foreign investments. In 2012 a total of 1,519 institutionald and 563,000 individual investors were registered with the Securities Clearing House and Central Depository, with the bulk of equity trading (70%) being in the hands of institutional investors.
The overall market is characterized by illiquidity and very high concentration. Assuming the 2011 total transaction value of $270 million above, and given that 31% of it is related to equities, this implies that equity trading had an annual value totaling around $84 million for a total of over 300 listed stocks, that is, the average annual value traded per stock was just under $250,000, a notably low value. Most listed firms on the MSE are actually very small in sizee (as of May 2012, about 60% of the listed companies’ market capitalization was less than $100,000, down from 90% in 1999), while the fact that the average monthly salary in Mongolia is around $150 obviously deters retail investors from substantially participating in their market’s trading volume. On top of that, the brokerage industry is also concentrated, with the five largest brokerage firms making up around 71% of total equity transactions and 95% of government and corporate bond transactions.
Fig. 12.1 presents the evolution of the TOP-20 index (the market’s main index, encompassing the twenty largest listed stocks) Dec. 9, 1999–May 8, 2012. As Fig. 12.1 indicates, the index grew slowly during the years up to 2006 (from around 250 units in Dec. 1999 to around 1200 units in Aug. 2006), followed by a dramatic surge afterwards, which (with some fluctuations) was maintained until the spring of 2008 (index value then was around 13,000 units), when it started declining for about a year. By Mar. 2009 the index had begun rallying again, this time reaching a dazzling peak of almost 33,000 units in Feb. 2011, before crashing afterwards to around 20,000 units in May of that year and hovering around that value until the spring of 2012.
Figure 12.1 TOP20 index evolution (9/12/1999–8/5/2012).

3. Data and Methodology

Linking herding to the relationship between the cross-sectional dispersion of equity returns and the return of the market was first empirically calibrated by Christie and Huang (1995), who proposed the following test to detect herding:


In Eq. 12.1, DtUimage is a dummy variable that assumes a value of 1 if the market return rests in the extreme upper tail of the market-return distribution; otherwise it assumes a value of 0. Similarly, DtLimage is a dummy variable assuming the value of 1 if the market return rests in the extreme lower tail of the market-return distribution; otherwise it assumes the value of 0. CSSD is the cross-sectional standard deviation, calculated as:


In Eq. 12.2, ri,t is the return of security i in day t, rm,t is the equal-weighted return of the market in day t, and n represents the number of stocks traded on day t.
The rationale of the Christie and Huang (1995) model was rather straightforward. On the one hand, the presence of herding in the market would be expected to lead stocks to track the overall market’s return, thus leading the cross-sectional dispersion of returns to decline; herding would also be expected to lead to abnormally high absolute market returns. On the other hand, given the differing sensitivity of each stock to market movements, an increase in a market’s absolute returns would be expected to lead to a linear increase in the cross-sectional dispersion of returns. If herding is indeed present during extreme periods, the dummies’ coefficients (α1 and/or α2) should be negative and significant, indicating that the CSSD decreases during extreme market periods.
The issue with the aforementioned approach is threefold. First of all, as Economou et al. (2011) noted, outliers can easily introduce biases in the calculated CSSD. Second, the employment of dummies to capture extreme market periods is rather crude (Hwang and Salmon, 2004), as it restricts the sample upon which herding is tested; herding, for example, may be present during periods of mild market returns and this is something the aforementioned model cannot identify. Third, there is little certainty that the relationship between the cross-sectional dispersion of returns and the absolute returns of the market will remain linear in the presence of herding, given evidence (Lux, 1995Lux and Marchesi, 1999) indicating that herding is capable of introducing nonlinear dynamics in the market. To account for the aforementioned issues, Chang et al. (2000) proposed the following empirical design to test for the presence of herding:


In Eq. 12.3, CSAD is the cross-sectional absolute deviation of returns, calculated as:


The definition of the variables in Eqs. 12.3 and 12.4 is the same as in Eq. 12.2. The advantage of the Chang et al. (2000) approach over that of Christie and Huang (1995) is that it utilizes the entire market-return distribution (without resorting to dummies to arbitrarily identify extreme periods), while accounting for both the linear (through coefficient α1) and the nonlinear (through coefficient α2) part of the relationship between the CSAD and market returns. Rational asset-pricing assumptions would predict a positive value for α1 and an insignificant value for α2; however, in the presence of herding, we would expect α2 to be significantly negative.
To test for the robustness of our findings from Eq. 12.3 under various domestic market conditions, we repeat our estimates, conditioning this equation upon the following two variables:
Market returns. We first reestimate Eq. 12.3 twice, once for days of positive market returns (upmarket days) and once for days of negative market returns (downmarket days)—the latter is proxied through rm,t—as follows:


The superscripts UP and DOWN are used to denote that the equation is run for up and down market days, respectively. The purpose of this is to gauge whether herding varies in significance with the sign of market returns, given evidence from the literature suggesting that herding is more prevalent during periods of negative market performance.f This may be due to investors’ greater risk aversion (selling with other investors when the market falls to minimize losses) or due to professional reasons (“bad” managers mimicking the trades of “good” managers during market slumps can argue that they made the correct investment decisions—essentially those they copied from their “good” peers—and blame the adverse market conditions for their losses). We also rank the values of rm,t in ascending order and split them into five quintiles (Q1–Q5),g each with an equal number of observations, and reestimate Eq. 12.3 for each of these quintiles; the rationale for this is to gauge whether herding significance, aside from the sign, also varies with the size of market returns.
Market volume. We calculate the total daily market volume as the sum of the daily volumes of trade of all actively traded stocks and reestimate Eq. 12.3 separately for days of increasing and days of decreasing market volume,h as follows:
The superscripts UPV and DOWNV are used to denote that the equation is run for increasing or decreasing market volume days, respectively. We also rank this daily aggregate volume series in ascending order, split it into five quintiles (Q1–Q5),i and estimate Eq. 12.3 for each quintile in order to gauge the impact of different volume sizes on herding.
In view of the established (Chiang and Zheng, 2010) impact of US market dynamics over herding worldwide, we employ the following specification to test whether such an impact holds for the Mongolian market:


In the previous equation, rS&P500,t2image is the squared daily return of the S&P 500 index, proxying here for US market dynamics. A significant value for α3 would suggest a significant effect of the US market over the Mongolian CSAD; if the value of α3 is both significant and negative, this would essentially suggest that the US market motivates herding in the Mongolian one.
Finally, we test for the presence of herding in Mongolia during and outside the 2008 global financial crisis period using the following specification:


Here, DCRISIS is a dummy that assumes a value of 1 from Aug. 1, 2008 onwards, and 0 otherwise.
Our data covers the period of Dec. 10, 1999–May 8, 2012 and includes daily closing prices and trading volumes of 341 stocks; all stocks—both active and dead/suspended—listed on the MSE during that period are included, thus mitigating the survivorship bias. Data were obtained from the MSE. Table 12.1 presents some descriptive statistics related to CSAD and rm,t,j as well as the trading activity of the MSE. If there is one thing that is very clearly manifested through this table, it is the very small fraction of actively traded stocks on average: a mere 18, or 5.3% of the total number of listed stocks during that period (341). This is indicative of a market in which about one in 20 stocks trades actively on average every day, something in line with our expectations from frontier stock exchanges.

Table 12.1

Descriptive Statistics

Mean Standard deviation
CSADm,t 0.0117 0.0150
rm,t 0.0268 0.2948
Total number of stocks in sample 341
Average total market trading volume 225,547
Average daily number of actively traded stocks 18

Notes: Table 12.1 presents some descriptive statistics on the variables used in the estimation of the Chang et al. (2000) model and its variants employed in this study. The variable rm,t refers to the Mongolian market’s average return, calculated as the equal-weighted average of all listed stocks’ returns; the variable CSADm,t refers to the cross-sectional absolute deviation of returns for the Mongolian market. All returns are calculated as first differences of logarithmic prices. Total market-trading volume is calculated daily as the sum of the daily volumes of individual shares. All data were obtained from the MSE and cover the period Dec. 10, 1999–May 8, 2012.

4. Results and Conclusion

Table 12.2 presents the estimated coefficients from Eq. 12.3, where herding is estimated unconditionally. As the results indicate, α1 is significantlyk positive (1.1905), denoting that the cross-sectional absolute deviation of returns bears a linearly increasing relationship with average market returns, in line with rational asset-pricing predictions. The coefficient α2 is significantly negative (−0.2629), suggesting that investors herd significantly in the Mongolian market.

Table 12.2

Estimates of Herding in Mongolia for the Full Sample Period (Unconditional Herding)

α0 α1 α2 Adjusted R2
0.1107 (0.0000) 1.1905 (0.0000) −0.2629 (0.0000) 0.5101

Notes: Table 12.2 presents the estimates from the following equation:



All estimates’ p-values are reported in parentheses. The variable rm,t refers to the Mongolian market’s average return, calculated as the equal-weighted average of all listed stocks’ returns; the variable CSADm,t refers to the cross-sectional absolute deviation of returns for the Mongolian market. All returns are calculated as first differences of logarithmic prices.

Controlling for market returns confers little effect over our results, since, as Panel A in Table 12.3 shows, the values of α2 from Eqs. 12.5 and 12.6 are significantly negative during both up- and downmarket days. Since |α2UP|>|α2DOWN|image, this implies that herding is stronger during upmarket days compared to downmarket days, with the difference between the two estimates being statistically significant. The presence of stronger herding during up markets may be the product of investors’ optimism, mainly on the part of unsophisticated/inexperienced investors (Grinblatt and Keloharju, 2001Lamont and Thaler, 2003), whose effect can be quite substantial in frontier markets, as explained earlier. Panel B in Table 12.3 contains the results from estimating Eq. 12.3 for each of the return quintiles discussed in the previous section. As the results indicate, herding is significant only for Quintiles 1 and 5, thus showing that it is only during extreme positive or negative market days that herding appears significant.l The value of α2 for Q1 (−0.6481) is—in absolute terms—larger than that for Q2 (−0.1962), in line with what we witnessed in Panel A about herding being stronger during up markets. Overall, results from Table 12.3 suggest that more than the sign, it is the size of market returns that is crucial for the identification of herding in Mongolia. The fact that investors in that market herd when returns grow extreme can perhaps be attributed either to uncertainty (the case of extreme negative market returns prompting investors to liquidate their positions to mitigate further losses) or euphoria (the case of extreme positive market returns driving investors to jump onto the bandwagon).

Table 12.3

Estimates of Herding in Mongolia for the Full Sample Period (Conditioning Herding Upon Market Returns)

Panel A: herding conditioned upon the sign of market returns (positive/negative)
α0UP image α1UP image α2UP image Adjusted R2
Up markets 0.0679 (0.0000) 1.5743 (0.0000) −0.6842 (0.0000) 0.5415
α0DOWN image α1DOWN image α2DOWN image Adjusted R2
Down markets 0.1306 (0.0000) 1.2083 (0.0000) −0.2508 (0.0000) 0.5112

F1 (test statistic)

( α1UP=α1DOWN image )

117.9750 (0.0000)

F2 (test statistic)

( α2UP=α2DOWN image )

1573.1214 (0.0000)
Panel B: herding conditioned upon the size of market returns (Q1–Q5)
α0 α1 α2 Adjusted R2
Q1 0.0730 (0.0188) 1.5268 (0.0000) −0.6481 (0.0000) 0.3461
Q2 −0.0677 (0.1859) 5.2133 (0.0009) −17.5771 (0.0862) 0.1448
Q3 0.0875 (0.0000) −1.8094 (0.3208) 67.4903 (0.2598) −0.0010
Q4 0.0750 (0.0000) 2.6716 (0.0745) −26.9633 (0.2944) 0.0124
Q5 0.2467 (0.0000) 0.9362 (0.0000) −0.1962 (0.0000) 0.3458

Notes: Table 12.3, Panel A presents the estimates from the following equations:





The superscript UP (DOWN) is used to denote that the equation is run for up (down) market days. F1 and F2 statistics test, respectively, the following null hypotheses: α1UP=α1DOWN image and α2UP=α2DOWN image. Table 12.3, Panel B presents the estimates from the following equation:



The equation is estimated for Quintiles 1–5, which are constructed as follows: having calculated rm,t, we rank its values in ascending order and split them into five quintiles (Q1–Q5) of equal number of observations.
All estimates’ p-values are reported in parentheses. The variable rm,t refers to the Mongolian market’s average return, calculated as the equal-weighted average of all listed stocks’ returns; the variable CSADm,t refers to the cross-sectional absolute deviation of returns for the Mongolian market. All returns are calculated as first differences of logarithmic prices.

Controlling for market volume demonstrates that herding is significant irrespective of whether volume increases or decreases at the aggregate level; as Table 12.4 (Panel A) shows, the values of α2 from Eqs. 12.7 and 12.8 are significantly negative during both increasing and decreasing volume days. Since |α2UPV|<|α2DOWNV|image, this implies that herding is stronger during decreasing, compared to increasing, volume days, with the difference between the two estimates being statistically significant. This is possibly the result of investors following each other into and out of the same stocks with greater propensity when the overall volume in the market is lower, as a means of avoiding liquidity risk. When viewing the estimates from the volume quintiles (Panel B in Table 12.4), we notice that α2 is significantly negative for all of them, thus again confirming that herding significance in Mongolia is not a function of the market’s total trading activity. This is a very interesting finding and is probably due to the fact that volume in that market is not just low, but also concentrated among very few stocks. With the average daily fraction of actively traded stocks hovering around 5% (around 18 stocks; Table 12.1), it is highly likely that investors in that market trade not whenever they want, but whenever the number of investors willing to trade is sufficient enough to allow order execution. Under such circumstances, herding should come as no surprise, given that the already limited volume is allocated among a very small number of stocks.m

Table 12.4

Estimates of Herding in Mongolia for the Full Sample Period (Conditioning Herding Upon Market Volume)

Panel A: herding conditioned upon the day-to-day change of market volume (increasing/decreasing)
α0UP image α1UP image α2UP image Adjusted R2
Up-volume markets 0.1120 (0.0000) 1.2745 (0.0000) −0.2567 (0.0000) 0.5498
α0DOWN image α1DOWN image α2DOWN image Adjusted R2
Down-volume markets 0.0806 (0.0000) 1.4708 (0.0000) −0.6190 (0.0000) 0.5124

F1 (test statistic)

( α1UPV=α1DOWNV image )

19.5318 (0.0000)

F2 (test statistic)

( α2UPV=α2DOWNV image )

110.1038 (0.0000)
Panel B: herding conditioned upon the size of market volume (Q1–Q5)
α0 α1 α2 Adjusted R2
Q1 0.0290 (0.0000) 1.6046 (0.0000) −0.5811 (0.0000) 0.6489
Q2 0.0710 (0.0000) 1.4615 (0.0000) −0.2796 (0.0000) 0.6458
Q3 0.0787 (0.0000) 1.7696 (0.0000) −0.9144 (0.0000) 0.5907
Q4 0.1513 (0.0000) 1.3753 (0.0000) −0.4272 (0.0000) 0.5181
Q5 0.1265 (0.0000) 1.2958 (0.0000) −0.5601 (0.0000) 0.3815

Notes: Table 12.4, Panel A presents the estimates from the following equations:





The superscript UPV (DOWNV) is used to denote that the equation is run for increasing (decreasing) market volume days. The F1 and F2 statistics test, respectively, the following null hypotheses: α1UPV=α1DOWNV image and α2UPV=α2DOWNV image

Table 12.4, Panel B presents the estimates from the following equation:



The equation is estimated for Quintiles 1–5, which are constructed as follows: having calculated the aggregate (total) daily market volume by summing up the trading volumes of all listed stocks every day, we rank its values in ascending order and split them into five quintiles (Q1–Q5) of equal number of observations.

All estimates’ p-values are reported in parentheses. The variable rm,t refers to the Mongolian market’s average return, calculated as the equal-weighted average of all listed stocks’ returns; the variable CSADm,t refers to the cross-sectional absolute deviation of returns for the Mongolian market. All returns are calculated as first differences of logarithmic prices.

Table 12.5 presents the results from Eq. 12.9, from which it is obvious that the US market dynamics bear no effect whatsoever over the Mongolian market. The coefficient α3 is insignificant, whereas α2 remains significant and negative, confirming the robustly significant herding in that market. Given that Mongolia is a very small frontier market with limited integration to the global financial system, it should perhaps come as little surprise that the US market’s dynamics do not impact upon it.n

Table 12.5

Estimates of Herding in Mongolia for the Full Sample Period (Controlling for the Effect of US Market Dynamics)

α0 α1 α2 α3 Adjusted R2
0.1107 (0.0000) 1.907 (0.0000) −0.2630 (0.0000) −0.3754 (0.1843) 0.5102

Notes: Table 12.5 presents the estimates from the following equation:



All estimates’ p-values are reported in parentheses. The variable rm,t refers to the Mongolian market’s average return, calculated as the equal-weighted average of all listed stocks’ returns; the variable rS&P500,t is the daily return of the S&P 500 index; the variable CSADm,t refers to the cross-sectional absolute deviation of returns for the Mongolian market. All returns are calculated as first differences of logarithmic prices.

The 2008 financial crisis does indeed appear to have affected herding in Mongolia, as Table 12.6 indicates; the estimates from Eq. 12.10 show that, whereas α4 is significantly negative (suggesting the presence of herding precrisis), α3 is significantly positive (ie, herding was absent during the crisis). We experimented with alternative windows to proxy for the 2008 financial crisis (eg, Aug.–Dec. 2008), with results in all cases being similar to those of Table 12.6, thus confirming that investors in Mongolia herded outside, but not during, the 2008 financial crisis. As a result, the onset of this crisis appears to have dampened the herding tendencies of investors in Mongolia, possibly due to the new fundamentals revealed by the crisis, leading investors to trade based on them and away from the precrisis consensus (Borio, 2008).o

Table 12.6

Estimates of Herding in Mongolia for the Full Sample Period (Controlling for the Effect of the 2008 Crisis)

α0 α1 α2 α3 α4 Adjusted R2
0.1485 (0.0000) −2.4681 (0.0000) 1.1144 (0.0000) 3.9059 (0.0000) −0.2458 (0.0000) 0.5409

Notes: Table 12.6 presents the estimates from the following equation:



All estimates’ p-values are reported in parentheses. The variable rm,t refers to the Mongolian market’s average return, calculated as the equal-weighted average of all listed stocks’ returns; DCRISIS is a dummy assuming the value of 1 from Aug. 2008 onwards and 0 otherwise; the variable CSADm,t refers to the cross-sectional absolute deviation of returns for the Mongolian market. All returns are calculated as first differences of logarithmic prices.

In summary, we report that there is evidence supporting the presence of herding in the Mongolian market, irrespective of the sign of the market’s performance (ie, positive/negative market returns), the level of volume, the day-to-day change in volume, and the US market’s dynamics. Controlling for the size of the market’s performance presents us with a different pattern, as herding is found to be significant only for extreme positive and extreme negative market returns. Finally, investors in Mongolia herded outside, but not during, the 2008 financial crisis.
The evidence presented in this study is of key relevance to the investment community, in particular for those investors with a global outlook. Frontier markets exhibit little correlation with developed ones, and this naturally implies diversification benefits from investing in them. However, as the case of Mongolia indicates, foreign investors targeting these markets should be ready to embrace their liquidity risk and—most importantly—face extensive herding. Although the presence of herding should theoretically provide foreign investors with arbitrage opportunities (in the spirit of De Long et al., 1990), whether they will be able to take advantage of them in view of such low trading activity remains an open question.
Our results are also of particular interest to regulators and policy makers in Mongolia, as they denote a market where investors resort to imitation in their trades to a great extent, and this needs to be addressed in order to avoid the potential side effects of herding, including a rise in systemic risk and price destabilization. Although no explicit “counter-herding” measures have been prescribed in the relevant literature, one way to discourage herding among investors would be to improve the transparency of the market environment. Key to this attempt is the promotion of investors’ financial education, so that they are able to gain better understanding of the investment process and rely less on the influence of their peers. Improving disclosure rules (such as, eg, raising the reporting standards demanded in terms of financial statements, auditing, and insider dealing/trading) and their enforceability (via the stringent monitoring of their implementation) could lead to an increase in the quality of the market’s informational environment, allowing investors to place greater faith in public information. To this end, regulators should also focus on undertaking measures aimed at encouraging foreign investors’ participation, since the sophistication of overseas investors would help boost the market’s informational efficiency—and liquidity. Given the aforementioned issue of liquidity risk facing overseas traders, the introduction of indexed products, such as exchange-traded funds and index futures/options, would allow foreign investors to enter the market with greater ease, without having to search through a universe of hundreds of listed stocks with little volume or analysts’ coverage. Although the aforementioned observations are related to Mongolia given the focus of our study, they contain useful implications for the rest of the frontier markets, which—to varying degrees—are facing similar issues in their evolutionary process.


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a Earlier studies (Lakonishok et al., 1992Grinblatt et al., 1995Wermers, 1999) reported limited evidence of herding among US funds, with later studies (Sias, 2004Choi and Sias, 2009) arguing in favor of extensive institutional herding in the US. Wylie (2005) reported limited evidence of herding among UK funds, while similar findings were reported for Germany (Walter and Weber, 2006). Conversely, Choe et al. (1999) documented severe herding among foreign funds in the Korean market prior to the outbreak of the Asian crisis, and Voronkova and Bohl (2005) presented evidence of widespread herding among Polish pension funds, while Holmes et al. (2013) showed that equity funds in Portugal not only herded persistently, but also intentionally. Chang et al. (2000) showed that herding was significant in the emerging, but not the developed, markets of their sample, while Hwang and Salmon (2004) documented significant herding for both the US and South Korea. Economou et al. (2011) found significant herding for southern European markets, controlling for the euro zone sovereign debt crisis, while research has also indicated that investors herd significantly in Asian markets in general (Chiang and Zheng, 2010), and China in particular (Tan et al., 2008Chiang et al., 2010).

b Large capitalization indices are often used as benchmarks in the investment industry, leading many fund managers to try to track the performance of these indices; to that end, many fund managers end up holding portfolios mimicking the composition of those indices. Thus fund managers may maintain similar portfolios overall; that is, ones dominated by large stocks. For more on this, see Walter and Weber (2006). Herding in small-capitalization stocks can be motivated by the enhanced risk in terms of information and liquidity surrounding them. These stocks tend to enjoy limited analyst coverage, thus maintaining higher levels of informational uncertainty, which in turn renders herding a viable strategy when trading them. What is more, the low volumes associated with these stocks render trading on them feasible only when investors’ interest picks up on them (since this will make order execution possible), thus rendering herding more likely in the process.

c If most stocks are thinly traded, it is reasonable to expect fund managers to target the most liquid stocks in order to be able to sell them in the future with higher likelihood; if so, this suggests that funds in frontier markets would be expected to trade similar stocks—the largest.

d In the absence of domestic funds in Mongolia, the term “institutional investors” is used here to include domestic commercial banks and other companies, as well as foreign companies, banks, and institutional investors.

e Most of these small companies do not even have a website or an information page and very few analysts follow them in the press. Moreover they also do not provide financial information regularly; in 2011, only 158 companies submitted their balance sheets to the MSE and only 155 companies announced shareholder meetings, out of a total of over 300 listed firms.

f Evidence on herding being stronger during downmarkets has been reported in Chang et al. (2000), Chen (2013), Gavriilidis et al. (2013), Holmes et al. (2013), Philippas et al. (2013) and Mobarek et al. (2014).

g Q1 is the highest return quintile (the quintile with the most positive returns) and Q5 is the lowest return quintile (the quintile with the most negative returns).

h That is, days for which volume has increased/decreased compared to the previous day.

i Q1 is the highest volume quintile (the quintile with the highest volume values) and Q5 is the lowest volume quintile (the quintile with the lowest volume values).

j Both the returns of the S&P 500 series mentioned previously as well as the returns of each individual stock used to calculate rm,t are calculated as the first difference of logarithmic closing prices.

k For brevity reasons, statistical significance in this study will be defined at the 5% level (ie, any estimate whose p-value is less than 0.05 will be considered statistically significant).

m It is interesting to note here that the average number (18) of actively traded stocks every day is less than the number of stocks comprising Mongolia’s main index (TOP-20). The fact that the 20 blue chips of a market with well over 300 listed stocks cannot be traded every day with 100% probability helps illustrate the illiquidity issue plaguing frontier markets—and facing international investors. For more on this, see the Meketa Investment Group (2010) white paper on frontier markets, in which the authors admit that it takes around 2 weeks to build a position in a frontier market—and even longer to exit that position.

n Eq. 12.9 here was estimated assuming contemporaneous market returns from Mongolia and the United States. However, Mongolia and the United States are not located in the same time zone; hence, to account for the effect of time difference, we reestimated equation 12.9 using lagged US market returns (ie, the lagged returns of the S&P 500 index). Results are qualitatively very similar, again indicating the presence of significant herding in Mongolia and the absence of any effect of the US market over the Mongolian market.

o We experimented with alternative windows to proxy for the 2008 financial crisis (eg, Aug.–Dec. 2008). Results in all cases were similar to those reported here; namely, that herding in Mongolia is significant (insignificant) outside (during) the crisis.

l We also observe that α2 is significant at the 10% level (p-value = 0.0862).

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