About the Editors

Dr Panagiotis Andrikopoulos is the Associate Head of School (Research) for the School of Economics, Finance and Accounting at Coventry Business School. Prior to joining Coventry University, Dr Andrikopoulos was a Reader in Finance at Leicester Business School (De Montfort University, United Kingdom) where he taught various finance courses such as investment theory and analysis, finance theory, corporate finance, and behavioral finance. During the period 2012–15, he has also been an Extraordinary (Adjunct) Associate Professor in Finance for the School of Accounting Sciences at North-West University of South Africa. He obtained his PhD in finance at the University of Portsmouth. Dr Andrikopoulos’s research interests lie in the areas of corporate finance, market efficiency, empirical asset pricing, and behavioral finance, subjects on which he has widely published in various academic journals of international standing, such as the Journal of Business, Finance and Accounting, the Accounting Forum, the European Journal of Finance, Review of Behavioral Finance and Journal of Economics and Business. He currently serves as a panel member of various editorial and/or scientific advisory boards and has also been a frequent contributor to a wide range of international conferences.

Greg N. Gregoriou, a native of Montreal, obtained his joint PhD in finance at the University of Quebec at Montreal, which merges the resources of Montreal’s four major universities—McGill, Concordia, UQAM, and HEC. Dr Gregoriou is Professor of Finance at the State University of New York (Plattsburgh) and has taught a variety of finance courses such as alternative investments, international finance, money and capital markets, portfolio management, and corporate finance. He has also lectured at the University of Vermont, the University of Navarra, and the University of Quebec at Montreal. Professor Gregoriou has published 50 books, 65 refereed publications in peer-reviewed journals, and 24 book chapters since his arrival at SUNY Plattsburgh in Aug. 2003. His books have been published by McGraw-Hill, John Wiley & Sons, Elsevier-Butterworth/Heinemann, Taylor and Francis/CRC Press, Palgrave-MacMillan, and Risk Books. Four of his books have been translated into Chinese and Russian. His academic articles have appeared in well-known peer-reviewed journals such as the Review of Asset Pricing Studies, Journal of Portfolio Management, Journal of Futures Markets, European Journal of Operational Research, Annals of Operations Research, and Computers and Operations Research. Professor Gregoriou is the derivatives editor and editorial board member for the Journal of Asset Management as well as an editorial board member for the Journal of Wealth Management, the Journal of Risk Management in Financial Institutions, Market Integrity, IEB International Journal of Finance, and the Brazilian Business Review. His interests focus on hedge funds, funds of funds, commodity trading advisors, managed futures, venture capital, and private equity. He has also been quoted several times in the New York Times, Barron’s, the Financial Times of London, Le Temps (Geneva), Les Echos (Paris), and L’Observateur de Monaco. He has done consulting work for numerous clients and investment firms in Montreal. He is a part-time lecturer in finance at McGill University, an advisory member of the Markets and Services Research Centre at Edith Cowan University in Joondalup (Australia), a senior advisor to the Ferrell Asset Management Group in Singapore, and a research associate with the University of Quebec at Montreal’s CDP Capital Chair in Portfolio Management. In addition, he is a fellow at Hefei University of Technology at the Research Center for Operations & Productivity Management, in Hefei, China.

Vasileios (Bill) Kallinterakis is currently Lecturer of Finance at University of Liverpool Management School; he has also lectured at Durham University Business School (from where he also obtained his PhD) and Leeds University Business School. During his career, he has taught a variety of courses related to behavioral finance, corporate finance, and econometrics. His research interests focus on behavioral finance, institutional investors, market volatility, and emerging markets. To date, he has published a series of academic articles in peer-reviewed journals including the European Financial Management Journal, the Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, the International Review of Financial Analysis, and the Review of Behavioral Finance. He has contributed to the Wiley Encyclopedia of Management and has served as ad hoc referee to research projects submitted to the National Stock Exchange of India. He is currently a member of the editorial board of several peer-reviewed journals (Economic Analysis, International Business Research, and International Journal of Economics and Finance).

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