About the Contributors

Dao Le Trang Anh is a lecturer in finance at the National Economics University of Vietnam (NEU). Her teaching and research interests focus on the field of equity markets and corporate finance management, while she is currently involved in relevant research projects for the Vietnamese government. She holds an MSc in financial forecasting and investment from the University of Glasgow.

Kenbata Bangassa holds a BA (honors) degree in accounting, MSc in finance, and PhD in finance. He has taught accounting and finance at the University of Liverpool, the University of Manchester, Strathclyde University, and Addis Ababa University at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. He has also supervised PhD theses and MSc dissertations of candidates who have successfully graduated. His research interests include developed, emerging, and frontier financial markets, as well as mutual fund performance, initial public offerings (IPOs), asset pricing, capital structure, value of analyst recommendations, and more. His work has been published in internationally refereed academic journals. He has held administrative positions up to the rank of head of finance department in government ministry. In connection to academic appointment at the universities he worked for, he held various administrative positions, including program director for undergraduate and postgraduate programs, external examiner, and referee for academic journals.

Jaliyyah Ahmadu-Bello teaches in the Department of Economics, Finance, and Accounting at Coventry University. Her undergraduate studies were at Federal University of Technology, Minna, Nigeria, and she has subsequently completed master’s and PhD programs at Coventry University, United Kingdom. Her research interests include financial contagion effects in emerging and frontier African markets, and she has also worked as a research and development consultant in industry.

Natividad Blasco is Professor of Finance at the Department of Accounting and Finance (Faculty of Economics and Business Administration) at the University of Zaragoza. Her key research interests include market microstructure, corporate finance, and behavioral finance. Her research has been published in peer-reviewed journals such as the Journal of Business Finance & Accounting, Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance, Journal of the Operational Research Society, Accounting and Finance, European Journal of Operational Research, Quantitative Finance, Applied Economics, and Journal of Behavioral Finance. She is currently combining teaching and research with professional collaboration with companies and private and public institutions.

Derek Bond is a member of the academic staff at Ulster University. He is a former Principal Economist in the Northern Ireland Treasury and Director of the ESRC’s Northern Ireland Regional Research Laboratory. He has acted as an advisor to many national and international organizations and held honorary offices in various international learned societies. He is currently a member of the Northern Ireland Statistical Advisory Committee and Associate Editor of the Statistical Journal of the IAOS. He has published widely in the areas of (financial) econometrics, geographic information systems (GIS), and innovation.

Dragos Bozdog, PhD, is the Deputy Director of the Hanlon Financial Systems Lab and Adjunct Professor in the Financial Engineering Division at Stevens Institute of Technology (United States). Dr Bozdog earned his PhD in financial engineering (Stevens Institute of Technology) and another PhD in mechanical engineering (University of Toledo). His research interests include mathematics of finance, high-frequency data analysis, rare events, emerging markets, algorithms and optimization, and tire mechanics. Previously, he was a postdoctoral fellow at Rutgers Center for Operations Research. In past years he worked as quantitative analyst for the financial industry and government. He published many research articles and book chapters, and he is regularly invited to give presentations at international conferences.

Sanjukta Brahma is Senior Lecturer in Finance at Glasgow Caledonian University Business School. Her research interest is in the area of corporate finance, particularly mergers and acquisitions, initial public offerings, and firm valuation. Her work has been published in peer-reviewed journals, and she has published a book on financial markets and institutions and has presented in various international conferences.

Adina Calugaru earned her PhD in finance from Babes-Bolyai University, Romania, and an MBA from Montclair State University (United States). She is working in the financial industry in New York City and is actively involved in investment funds research.

Thitima Chaiyakul is Lecturer at the Faculty of Management Sciences, Kasetsart University in Thailand. Her previous employments include placements with the Bank of Thailand and the Thai Airways International Public Company Limited. Her research interests include financial investment, credit management, and operations management, while her work has also been published in several books. She obtained her PhD from the University of Liverpool and holds an MBA from Kasetsart University.

Alain Coën is Full Professor of Finance at the Graduate School of Business (ESG) of the University of Quebec in Montreal (UQÀM). Before joining ESG–UQÀM, he was associate professor of finance at EDHEC School of Management. He obtained his PhD in finance from the University of Grenoble, and his PhD in economics from the University of Paris I Panthéon–Sorbonne. He holds an MA in economics with a major in macroeconomics from Laval University and accreditations to supervise research (HDR in management) from Paris-Dauphine University and (HDR in economics) from University of Paris I Panthéon–Sorbonne. He has been visiting professor at Paris–Dauphine University, University of Paris-Ouest-Nanterre, EDHEC, Laval University, HEC–University of Liège, and University of Sherbrooke. His research interests focus on asset pricing, international finance, hedge funds, REITs, business cycles, and financial econometrics. He has published in several international leading journals, including the Journal of Empirical Finance, Journal of Financial Research, Economics Letters, Finance Research Letters, Journal of Economics and Business, Finance, Journal of Alternative Investments, and others, and has written a book in financial management. He is an associate researcher of the Ivanhoé Cambridge Real Estate Chair at ESG–UQÀM Graduate School of Business.

Pilar Corredor is Professor of Finance at the Department of Business Administration (Faculty of Economics and Business Administration) at the Public University of Navarre. Her key research interests are derivatives, corporate finance, and behavioral finance. Her research has appeared in peer-reviewed journals such as the Journal of the Operational Research Society, Journal of Futures Markets, Technovation, Journal of Business Research, Accounting and Finance, Quantitative Finance, Applied Economics, European Journal of Operational Research, International Review of Financial Economics, International Business Research, and Journal of Behavioral Finance.

Aurélie Desfleurs is Associate Professor in the Accounting Department at the University of Sherbrooke (Canada). She graduated from the EDHEC School of Management and obtained her PhD in finance from Laval University. She is also a Chartered Professional Accountant of Canada. She has published articles in the Journal of Economics and Business and the Journal of Multinational Financial Management. Her research focuses on financial analysts’ forecasts, mergers and acquisitions, and International Financial Reporting Standards.

Ken Dyson is a member of academic staff at Ulster University. He has worked as an academic consultant for major international banks, including Citi. He is recognized for his applied research on behavioral finance and has published mainly in the area of financial theory and the functioning of financial markets.

Fotini Economou received her PhD from the Department of Business Administration at the University of Piraeus, Greece, supported by a scholarship from the Alexander S. Onassis Foundation. She is Research Fellow at the Center of Planning and Economic Research (KEPE), Athens, Greece, as well as Adjunct Lecturer at the Open University of Cyprus and the Hellenic Open University. Her research focuses on behavioral finance, herd behavior, investor sentiment, and international financial markets. She has published several papers in peer-reviewed financial journals (Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money and International Review of Financial Analysis, and others) and she has contributed to research projects for various public, private, and academic institutions.

Ariunjargal Erdenetsogt is the Director of ABJYA LLC brokerage in Mongolia. Her previous professional experience includes placements with the Golomt Bank of Mongolia as treasury economist and product developer and at the Ministry of Mongolia as an analyst. She holds an MSc in finance and investment from Durham University.

Sandra Ferreruela is Lecturer at the Department of Accounting and Finance (Faculty of Economics and Business Administration) at the University of Zaragoza. Her research focuses on behavioral finance issues and market microstructure. She has published in peer-reviewed journals such as Accounting and Finance, Journal of the Operational Research Society, Quantitative Finance, and Journal of Behavioral Finance, and her research has been presented in a variety of academic conferences internationally (eg, EFMA, World Finance Conference, Behavioral Finance Working Group Conference, and Euro Working Group on Financial Modeling).

Konstantinos Gavriilidis teaches at the Stirling University Management School, United Kingdom. Before joining Stirling University, he held a position at Durham University Business School, and prior to joining academia he had an extensive work experience in the shipping industry. He has taught behavioral finance, corporate finance, and portfolio management, among other subjects, while his research area lies in behavioral finance. He holds an MSc in international money, finance, and investment and a PhD in finance, both from Durham University, United Kingdom.

Maria-Andrada Georgescu is an associate professor at the National University of Political Studies and Public Administration, Romania. She holds a PhD in finance from Babes-Bolyai University, Romania. Her main research interest is focused on European security markets, mainly bond segments. She has published several papers in this field in collaboration with Cornelia Pop, and she also the author of a number of Romanian books on financial analysis and public finance.

Yilmaz Guney is a senior lecturer and program leader for the MSc in financial management program at the Business School of the University of Hull, and was a lecturer at the School of Management of the University of Surrey. His main research area spans corporate finance, corporate governance, and behavioral finance. His work has been published in international journals, including the Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, European Financial Management, International Review of Financial Analysis, Journal of Multinational Financial Management, and Pacific-Basin Finance Journal. Dr Guney holds a first degree in economics and MSc and PhD degrees in finance, and is the European editor of the International Journal of Behavioural Accounting and Finance.

Majd Iskandrani holds a BA (honours) in Finance, MBA in Finance and PhD in Management studies. She has taught Accounting and Finance at the University of Liverpool and the University of Jordan at undergraduate level and has participated in training courses at institute of banking studies. Her research interests include: asset pricing, market liquidity, market microstructure, capital structure and trading mechanisms, etc. She is currently working as an Assistant to the Director of International Relations at the University of Jordan.

Dimos S. Kambouroudis is a lecturer in finance at the University of Stirling in Scotland. He previously held positions at the University of Edinburgh and Durham University. His research interests are mainly in the area of empirical finance, modeling, and forecasting the volatility of stock markets with applications to risk management and socially responsible investing.

Epameinondas Katsikas is lecturer in accounting at Kent University Business School, United Kingdom. His research interests are in financial and management accounting, the effect of change in management accounting systems, performance measurement, accounting innovations, public sector management, institutional change, benchmarking, stock markets, and investment banking. He has published his work in international peer-reviewed journals and presented parts of his work at international conferences.

Lechedzani M. Kgari works in the finance department of the Bank of Botswana. She holds an MSc in financial forecasting and investment from Glasgow University, United Kingdom.

Gabriel Komba is a PhD candidate at the University of Hull Business School. For the past 15 years, he has been a lecturer in accounting and finance at the School of Business, Mzumbe University, Tanzania. He holds an advanced diploma in certified accountancy (ADCA) from the Institute of Development Management (IDM) in Tanzania, and an MSc in international banking and finance from Salford University (United Kingdom). He also holds a certified public accountant (CPA) professional qualification.

Mohammad K. Newaz is a Lecturer in Finance at Coventry Business School, Coventry University. His research interest includes international finance, corporate finance and behavioural finance especially in the areas of frontier and emerging markets. Mohammad is a frequent contributor to a wide range of local and international conferences.

Cornelia Pop is a full professor at Babes-Bolyai University, Romania. She received her PhD in finance in 1997 from the same university. The core of her research focuses on the Romanian security market, considering aspects related to its status as a frontier market, the internal growth potential of the equity market, and the development of its bond market segment. On these topics she published numerous papers in English and Romanian. She also has a collateral research interest in the hospitality industry and is coauthor of an international book, Romania as a Tourist Destination and the Romanian Hotel Industry, published in 2007 by Cambridge Scholars Publishing, United Kingdom.

Timothy Rodgers is a principal lecturer in economics and finance at Coventry University in the United Kingdom. He is currently academic course director of the MSc Investment Management program and also supervises a number of PhD students in the finance area. His personal research interests include financial contagion, portfolio theory, corporate capital structure, and Islamic finance, as well as, in the area of education, quality, ethnicity, and student performance in higher education.

Susan Maina Wangeci is an MSc financial risk management graduate from Adam Smith Business School at the University of Glasgow. Economics is a field that intrigues her, especially in the African context.

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