List of Contributors

Chapter 1

James Andreoni,     University of California, San Diego, CA

A.Abigail Payne,     McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

Chapter 2

Timothy Besley,     London School of Economics, London, WC

Torsten Persson,     Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden

Chapter 3

Raj Chetty,     Harvard University, Cambridge, MA

Amy Finkelstein,     MIT, Cambridge, MA

Chapter 4

Edward L. Glaeser,     Harvard University, Cambridge, MA

Chapter 5

Michael Keen,     International Monetary Fund, Washington, DC

Kai A. Konrad,     Max Plank Institute of Tax Law and Public Finance, Munich, Germany

Chapter 6

Wojciech Kopczuk,     Columbia University, New York, NY

Chapter 7

Thomas Piketty,     Paris School of Economics, Paris, France

Emmanuel Saez,     University of California, Berkeley, CA

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