
About the author

Estelle Scifo possesses over 7 years' experience as a data scientist, having received her PhD from the Laboratoire de l'Accélérateur Linéaire, Orsay (affiliated to CERN in Geneva). As a Neo4j-certified professional, she uses graph databases on a daily basis and takes full advantage of its features to build efficient machine learning models from this data. In addition, she is also a data science mentor to newcomers to the field. Her domain expertise and deep insights into the perspective of the needs of beginners make her an excellent teacher.

About the reviewers

Aaron Ploetz has been a professional software developer since 1997, and has several years of experience as a technical lead for both start-ups and Fortune 500 enterprises. He has previously worked as an author on distributed database titles such as Mastering Apache Cassandra 3.x and Seven NoSQL Databases in a Week. Aaron earned a B.Sc. in management/computer systems from the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, an M.Sc. in software engineering (focusing on database technology) from Regis University, and has been named a DataStax MVP for Apache Cassandra on three occasions.




Sonal Raj is a Pythonista, engineer, and writer who has carved his niche in the financial technology domain. He currently heads the data analytics and research division of a high-frequency trading firm. He is a Goldman Sachs and D. E. Shaw alumnus, with expertise in electronic trading algorithms. He holds dual masters degrees in IT and business management and is a former research fellow at the Indian Institute of Science, where he worked on real-time graph processing with Neo4j. He has authored the books Neo4j High Performance and The Pythonic Way. His published works focus on image processing, SDLC models, and mobile communications. When not engrossed in fiction books or symphonies on the piano, he spends far too much time watching rockets lift off!








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