
In our static infrastructure test environment, we can validate the configuration of blackbox_exporter by connecting to the target01 instance as shown here:

cd ./chapter06/

vagrant ssh target01

Then checking the configuration of the provided systemd unit file as shown in the following command:

vagrant@target01:~$ systemctl cat blackbox-exporter
The configuration can be reloaded in runtime by sending an HTTP POST to the /-/reload endpoint or a SIGHUP to the blackbox_exporter process. If there are configuration errors, it will not be applied.

We can see all the required arguments for the blackbox_exporter service in the following snippet from the unit file, including the path to the configuration file:

ExecStart=/usr/bin/blackbox_exporter --config.file=/etc/blackbox_exporter/blackbox.yml

The configuration we tailored for our example can be found in the following snippet:

prober: http
preferred_ip_protocol: ip4

prober: icmp
preferred_ip_protocol: ip4
Notice preferred_ip_protocol: ip4 is used, as blackbox_exporter prefers ipv6, but we're forcing ipv4 in our probes.

On the Prometheus instance, we added the following jobs:

- job_name: 'blackbox-http'
metrics_path: /probe
module: [http_2xx]
- targets: [ '', '' ]
- job_name: 'blackbox-icmp'
metrics_path: /probe
module: [icmp]
- targets:
- prometheus

Using the Prometheus web interface, available at, we can validate whether the scrapes are successful (independently of the return status of the probes):

Figure 6.12: Prometheus /targets endpoint showing the blackbox_exporter targets

As mentioned before, the /targets page doesn't tell you whether a probe was successful or not. This needs to be validated in the expression browser by querying the probe_success metric:

Figure 6.13: Prometheus expression browser showing the probe_success query results

Some interesting metrics that can be collected from blackbox_exporter (both about the exporter itself and from probes) are:

  • blackbox_exporter_config_last_reload_successful, which exposes if the exporter's configuration file was reloaded successfully after a SIGHUP
  • probe_http_status_code, which allows you to understand what HTTP status code is being returned when using the HTTP prober module
  • probe_ssl_earliest_cert_expiry, which returns the timestamp for when the certificate chain from a SSL probe becomes invalid due to one of the certificates in the chain expiring
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