Automated deployment walkthrough

This method will abstract all the deployment and configuration details, allowing you to have a fully running test environment with only a couple of commands. You'll still be able to connect to each of the guest instances and change configurations.

The steps to spin up the environment are as follows:

  1. Clone this book's repository:
git clone
  1. Step into the newly created directory and chapter number:
cd Hands-On-Infrastructure-Monitoring-with-Prometheus/chapter03
  1. Spin up this chapter's test environment:
vagrant up
The first run will take a few minutes because the Vagrant image and some of the software dependencies will have to be downloaded. After this setup process, subsequent runs will be much faster since all those assets will be kept in the cache.
  1. Now, you can run vagrant status. You will be presented with the following output:

Current machine states:

prometheus running (virtualbox)
grafana running (virtualbox)
alertmanager running (virtualbox)

This environment represents multiple VMs. The VMs are all listed
above with their current state. For more information about a specific
VM, run `vagrant status NAME`.

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