Chapter 9

HDR Video on Small Screen Devices

M. Melo*; M. Bessa*,,; K. Debattista; A. Chalmers    * INESC TEC, Porto, Portugal
Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Vila Real, Portugal
University of Warwick, Coventry, United Kingdom


Mobile devices are now widespread and multimedia consumption on these devices has increased significantly in recent years. More and more high dynamic range (HDR) content is being produced and its imminent adoption by the broadcast community means that there will soon be a demand to visualize HDR content on mobile devices. Mobile devices, however, have certain differences compared to traditional viewing devices. In particular, they are usually used “on-the-go,” making the context variables such as ambient lighting levels, or reflections important variables that need to be considered. Furthermore, despite their evolution so far, mobile devices usually have additional hardware limitations such as power supply, display features, or local storage availability. This chapter provides an overview of the work that has been conducted so far in addressing HDR video for mobile devices in order to ensure an optimal experience.


HDR video; Mobile devices; Video delivery; Tone mapping; Video streaming; Context aware


This work was supported by the project “TEC4Growth – Pervasive Intelligence, Enhancers and Proofs of Concept with Industrial Impact/NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000020” is financed by the North Portugal Regional Operational Programme (NORTE 2020), under the PORTUGAL 2020 Partnership Agreement, and through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).

1 Introduction

Nowadays there is a trend toward the widespread use of mobile devices and their evolution allows people to use them for other purposes, rather than simply to communicate. As there is a huge variety of mobile devices, it is important to clarify that in this chapter we refer to mobile devices as all the small screen devices that have both a high level of portability and the capability of reproducing multimedia content. Such devices include smartphones and tablets. Their usage has been increasing at a fast pace and currently it is estimated that there are almost as many mobile-cellular subscriptions in the world as people [1]. According to the last [1] report, by the end of 2015, there will be more than 7 billion mobile cellular subscriptions, corresponding to a penetration rate of 97% globally.

Mobile devices’ features promote the consumption of multimedia content, while their high penetration rate is making them a leading platform for the consumption of such content. A recent study by OOYALA [2] gathered data from the online video metrics of an audience of over 200 million unique viewers over 130 countries from 2012 to 2015. This showed that in the last 3 years, the requests of online video made by mobile devices has increased considerably. While in the first quarter of 2012 the total online video requests made by mobile devices was approximately 5% of all online videos, in the first quarter of 2015, it had grown to around 42% of all online videos (Fig. 1). This corresponds to an increase of over 840% in 3 years and suggests that by the end of 2015, more than half of all online video requests will be made by mobile devices.

Fig. 1 Mobile devices trend for video consumption. Adapted from OOYALA, Global Video Index Q1, OOYALA, USA, 2015.

In light of such a growing demand, it is expected that the enhanced viewing experience of high dynamic range (HDR) video will be increasingly desired on mobile devices. Although several studies have addressed HDR video visualization, mobile devices are peculiar and present a number of additional challenges when delivering such content on these devices.

2 HDR Video Tone-Mapping

As there are no HDR displays available on mobile devices yet, it is necessary to reduce the dynamic range of the HDR contents to match the limited dynamic range of the mobile devices’ displays. This is achieved through the application of algorithms known as tone-mapping operators (TMOs). So far, only one TMO, the display adaptive TMO [3], has been shown to be successful in a number of evaluations that considered TMOs on mobile devices. In addition, a number of other TMOs have performed well in psychophysical evaluations on mobile devices, including the time-dependent visual adaptation TMO [4], the perceptually based tone mapping of HDR image streams method [5], and the temporal coherence TMO [6].

Display adaptive TMO [3]: Although not specifically designed for mobile, this TMO is able to adapt the tone-mapping process to the display features and usage scenarios through a set of configuration parameters. These include environmental luminance levels, peak luminance, and reflectivity of the display. After proper configuration of the TMO for the specific display, the TMO compares the virtual response of the original HDR frame with the generated frame, using a human vision system (HVS) model and computes additional TMO parameters in order to minimize the visual perceivable differences between the HDR frame and the final low dynamic range (LDR) frame. The configuration flexibility that this method offers is important for mobile devices because their display specifications vary significantly. The method has been seen within a variety of scenarios, ranging from a dark room to outdoors on a sunny day, and the results showed that through the compensation of contrast, it is possible to compensate for any loss that may occur in certain ambient lighting conditions.

Time-dependent visual adaptation TMO [4]: This TMO is inspired by the fact that the HVS does not adapt instantly to big changes in luminance intensities. Thus, in order to deliver a tone-mapped image that is the closest to the real world scene stimulus, this TMO takes into account the appearance change of the scene to match a viewer’s visual responses. This is achieved in three steps. The first consists of converting the chromatic values of the image into luminance values for cones and rods in order to determine their retinal response. The second step models the time dependency by using exponential filters to calculate the dynamic response that simulates the process of depletion and regeneration rates. The last step applies a visual appearance model in order to compute the luminance and color appearance models to achieve a match for the viewing conditions.

Perceptually based tone mapping [5]: This TMO is inspired by the tone-mapping approach of Larson et al. [7] and the adaptation over time work of Pattanaik et al. [4]. The method of Larson et al. [7] is used to reproduce visibility of a scene as one would see it in the real scene, while maintaining the overall brightness contrast, and color in the image. One adaptation to this method replaced the original TVI (XXX) model by a new TVIA (threshold vs. intensity and adaptation) model based on the Naka and Rushton work [8]. For the time-adaptation, the TMO uses the approach of Pattanaik et al. [4], but with a different response curve. Small differentials are used along the curves to derive thresholds for the histogram adjustment process, instead of using these directly to compute appearance.

Temporal coherence [6]: This is a postprocessing method that is used in conjunction with a predetermined TMO. Designed specifically of HDR video where temporal coherence needs to be considered, the algorithm comprises two steps: video analysis and postprocessing. Initially the whole video is analyzed to gather information about the global properties from the HDR luminance values of the video. In the second postprocessing step, these data are used to ensure temporal coherence by preserving the relative levels of brightness of the tone mapped video.

2.1 Delivering HDR Video to Mobile Devices

If HDR video is to be successfully delivered to mobile devices, there are a number of unique challenges that need to be overcome. These challenges can be broadly divided into two main groups: hardware related and context related.

2.1.1 Hardware

Hardware plays a key role in HDR video, as it is a demanding technology. Mobile device hardware limitations can compromise the viewing experience. There is a wide spectrum of mobile devices and their features can vary significantly from one model to another. Mobile devices have evolved rapidly in the last few years, and they now possess the computational power equivalent to a conventional PC. However, a number of features that can have direct impact on HDR visualization, such as display features, local storage availability, and power supply [9] remain a problem.

Display Features

The quality of the display varies widely from model to model. This huge variety causes problems when attempting to retarget content for the best viewing experience [10]. Here challenges relate to small size, the available resolution, color gamut, and peak luminance [11].

The first research that investigated the impact of display size on TMO performance was by Urbano et al. [12]. This work only considered static HDR images and compared tone mapping across three different displays: two 17″ displays (one TFT LCD and one CRT) and one 2.8″ display of a smartphone. The experiments considered seven TMOs that were evaluated by a total of 114 participants divided into six groups, randomly assigned by the displays and the scenes. A pairwise comparisons were carried out. The main conclusion of this study was that the participants’ preference regarding the tone-mapping performance changes across displays, and that for smaller displays, participants preferred stronger detail reproduction, more saturated colors, and overall brighter image appearance.

Inspired by this work, Melo et al. [13] conducted a series of experiments designed to study the impact of the HDR video tone mapping. This study consisted of a series of psychophysical experiments that were undertaken by a total of 60 participants. Each participant had to rank seven different HDR videos tone mapped by six TMOs. The experiments considered a conventional-sized display of 37″ and a 9.7″ mobile device. The comparisons were made by having the original HDR video displayed on an HDR display as reference. The experiments were divided into two scenarios, one that evaluated the 37″ LDR display, and the other that evaluated the 9.7″ display (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2 Experimental setup where (A) represents the scenario where the conventional-sized display was used for the evaluations and (B) the scenario where the mobile device was used. Adapted from M. Melo, M. Bessa, K. Debattista, A. Chalmers, Evaluation of HDR video tone mapping for mobile devices, Signal Process. Image Commun. 29 (2) (2014) 247–256.

The author had expected to corroborate the findings of Urbano et al. [12]; that is, that the tone-mapping performance is different across conventional-sized displays and mobile devices. However, interestingly, this study did not corroborate such findings as the HDR video evaluation showed that participants’ preference regarding HDR video tone-mapping performance did not change across displays. The authors explain this result because, with video the differences between displays are not as obvious, as participants did not have much time to focus on the spatial details of the moving images of the video as they could when observing still images.

Local Storage Availability

Mobile devices typically have much less local storage available than conventional PCs. The consumer magazine, Which? measured the storage available of eight state-of-the-art smartphones and reached the conclusion that brands announce a certain memory size, but the real memory size available is always considerably lower [14]. For example, in one device for which the manufacturer had announced a memory size of 16 GB, on average, there was only about 11 GB available. This is simply insufficient when one considers that each frame of an uncompressed HDR video sequence at full HD resolution requires 24 MB, and a minute at 30 fps is 42 GB [15]. Although efficient HDR video codecs can help, it is simply not possible to store a collection of HDR videos on a mobile device, as one does with LDR videos.

Power Supply

Portability is a key feature of mobile devices, but the “downside” of this is battery life. When processing high-quality multimedia content on mobile devices, there is a higher battery consumption [16]. Mobile devices’ computational power has reached near Moore’s law with an almost exponential evolution of technology, but unfortunately this cannot be said for batteries, in which technology has been developing at a much slower pace.

The wide spectrum of mobile devices gives a large range of battery life as shown in Expert Reviews [17] that evaluated the battery life of 60 state-of-the-art mobile devices. The evaluation consisted of playing the Spider-Man 2 movie continuously with the sound output by a set of headphones. The average battery life for the iOS-based smartphones tested was of 13 hours and 25 minutes, followed by the Android-based smartphones with an average battery life of 11 hours and 40 minutes, and Windows-based with an average battery life of 10 hours.

As the average length of a feature film is 1 hour and 30 minutes, the evaluation results show that it is possible to watch a movie without a concern about battery life. There are, however, two facts that one must account for: (1) users do not want to have their battery totally drained by multimedia consumption and compromise the use of the mobile device for communications or something similar and (2) that HDR video has more impact on battery drain than LDR video. Regarding (1) besides the average battery drain caused by the playing the video, users are unaware of power-saving settings on smartphones [18]. Furthermore, they do not respect the charging cycles leading to a significant reduction of battery life [19]. This can be problematic because the multimedia consumption can drain most of the battery, leaving the mobile device unusable for other purposes such as communications. With (2), HDR can aggravate the problem by up to 30% [20], as it requires significant resources due to constant heavy processing. More recent mobile devices are overcoming this possible limitation with more powerful graphics processing units that aim to relieve the CPU load, leading to a more efficient processing and power consumption [16].

2.1.2 Context-Related

Due to their portability, the usage paradigm on mobile devices is different than conventional devices, such as desktop computers or televisions because these are stationary and the environment does not change significantly during usage. The most drastic changes with these stationary displays is when one turns the lights on or off, but even in such events, the environment is controlled and the viewing experience is not compromised for long. With mobile devices, this is different as they are often used “on-the-go” and under varying environments. This can have a negative impact on the viewing experience due to sudden and constant ambient lighting changes or reflections on screen.

Ambient Illuminance

Studies such as Rempel et al. [21] and Melo et al. [22] were conducted to evaluate the impact of the ambient lighting levels on the HDR video visualization. The first study focused on HDR video visualization under different lighting levels, and proved that the ambient lighting levels does have a significant impact on the viewing experience [21] studied the video viewing preferences for HDR displays under varying ambient illumination. Their results show that there are significant differences in preferred display settings under different ambient lighting conditions. This study consisted of two psychophysical experiments that analyzed the potential for visual fatigue and the viewing preferences on next-generation HDR displays. The first was performed by 10 subjects who had to watch 5 movies of approximately 90 minutes each. Five different ambient lighting levels (0.01, 0.75, 8.5, 28, and 74 lux) were evaluated that ranged from a dark ambient lighting that only has the HDR display as the light source, to a poorly lit environment. To avoid subject fatigue due to the length of the video content, the visualization was undertaken in five different sessions. A total of 17 participants did the study. Each subject watched three television episodes of 22 minutes in a single session. Three different ambient lighting (0.01, 70, and 700 lux) were used that ranged from a dark room to a normal indoors environment.

For both studies, participants were distributed randomly across the lighting levels and the video content and placed at a distance of approximately 1.5 m from the display. Participants were encouraged to adjust the brightness and contrast of the display at the start of each session. They were also informed that the brightness and contrast could change spontaneously during the session, in which case they should adjust brightness and contrast to their desired levels. These data were retrieved from a time-stamped log of all brightness and contrast changes made during a session, using a visual fatigue questionnaire, and a more general questionnaire. For this first psychophysical experiment, the relatively small variations in ambient lighting levels did not have an impact on the preferences for brightness or contrast. With regard to visual fatigue, the results showed that participants experienced remarkably little visual fatigue throughout the 90 minutes sessions, as half of participants reported a value of 0 out of 10 and the average level of visual fatigue reported was 1.18 out of 10. The results were uniform across the tested lighting levels. This second study showed that there is a preference toward maximizing the available display contrast. Furthermore, there is a direct relationship between the preferred display brightness and the level of ambient illumination. Participants tended to prefer more brightness for brighter environments.

The Rempel et al. study [21] focused on HDR displays and does not consider tone mapping needed for visualizing HDR content on conventional displays. As HDR displays are not yet widespread, it is also important to understand the impact of the ambient lighting level of HDR video tone mapping. Such a study was conducted by Melo et al. [22]. This considered both conventional-sized displays and small screen devices typical of mobile devices. This work extends the previous study on HDR TMO performance across different sized displays [22]. Three distinct ambient lighting environments were considered: dark, medium, and bright. The dark ambient lighting had a measured lighting levels of about 15 cd/m2, which corresponds essentially to a dark room. The only light was the luminance emitted by the displays used in the experiments. The medium ambient lighting level was about 55 cd/m2. This roughly corresponds to the average lighting levels of a living room. The bright ambient light scenario had a luminance level of about 1450 cd/m2, which is similar to indoors on an average cloudy day. Six state-of-the-art TMOs were applied to seven different video sequences. A total of 180 participants were randomly distributed across the different ambient luminance scenarios. They ranked the HDR tone-mapped content on a 37″ LDR display, or on a 9.7″ mobile device display using an HDR display as reference. Fig. 2 shows the experimental setup.

This study corroborated the findings of Melo et al. [22]. One interesting contribution of this work is that results showed that while the TMOs were equally ranked on dark and medium ambient lighting environments, the TMO preference is significantly different when compared within the bright lighting environments. This proves that bright ambient lighting levels have a clear impact on the viewing experience and thus, need to be taken into account. This is also in line with the findings by Rempel et al. [21] that verified differences within the participants’ preferred configuration parameters of the display under different ambient lighting levels. Melo et al. also noted that under dark and medium lighting levels, the tone-mapping process should focus more on color and details, while under environments with bright lighting levels, the tone-mapping process should prioritize contrast and naturalness.

One limitation of this study is that the 9.7″ mobile device display is not representative of the wide spectrum of display sizes and features of mobile devices. Smaller display sizes also need to be investigated to see if there is any additional impact on the HDR video tone mapping, as well as to identify any differences between the upper and lower scale of small screen devices as, for example, a tablet and a smartphone.


Due to their portability, mobile devices can be easily subject to screen reflections. It is thus important to understand the possible impact of such reflections on the viewing experience. Melo [20] conducted the first study that investigated tone-mapping performance in situations where a mobile device display is under direct reflections. In total, three experimental scenarios were tested: having the display fully under reflections, only half of the display under reflections, and as a benchmark, without reflections on the display (Fig. 3). As reflections are typical of outdoors scenarios, the authors ensured all the experimental scenarios had a measured ambient lighting level of about 1450 cd/m2; approximately the same lighting level as a cloudy day.

Fig. 3 Experimental setup of the three scenarios studied. Adapted from M. Melo, HDR Video for Mobile Devices, PhD, Universidade sde Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, 2015.

The experiments considered two state-of-the-art TMOs, as well as a hybrid approach of both in order to understand if such a hybrid could deal with reflections better. A total of 90 participants ranked 6 videos that were all tone mapped with the chosen TMOs. The comparison was made using a reference shown on an HDR display. The results showed that the greater the area exposed to reflections, the larger the negative impact on a TMO’s perceptual accuracy. Results also showed that a hybrid approach for tone mapping does not outperform the standard TMOs.

2.2 Available Solutions

The first HDR video player for mobile devices was described by Meira et al. [23]. This targeted two major mobile operating systems: Android and iOS. This player is able to decode HDR videos that were encoded using the goHDR encoder [24]. The player is composed essentially of five modules: Storage, Decoder, HDR Model, Render, Screen (Fig. 4).

Fig. 4 HDR video player for mobile devices architecture. Adapted from C. Meira, M. Melo, M. Bessa, L. Barbosa, A. Chalmers, Performance of HDR video in mobile devices, in: HDRi2013—First International Conference and SME Workshop on HDR Imaging, 2013, pp. 17–21.

The module “Storage” is responsible for loading the HDR video content from memory and making it available to the “Decoder.” The “Decoder” decodes the files and makes available all the information needed for playing the content. The HDR model is the main module. The module processes all the information that is passed by the decoder, and it applies at the GPU level a specific shader that was specially designed for the purpose.

In order to validate the proposed HDR video player, a performance evaluation was conducted with regard to fps, battery usage, average CPU load, and average RAM usage. The results showed that it is possible to reproduce HDR video on state-of-the-art devices and achieve the desired number of fps and with a satisfactory battery consumption. However, older devices can struggle to keep a satisfactory fps rate.

Melo [20] extended the work of Meira et al. [23] and proposed a solution that supports both state-of-the-art mobile devices and legacy devices. This approach also takes into account the visualization of both offline and online HDR video. The visualization context is exploited to optimize the tone-mapping process and, consequently, the viewing experience. This HDR video delivery system is composed of an HDR video player and an HDR video streaming server (Fig. 5).

Fig. 5 Architecture of the HDR video delivery system for mobile devices. Adapted from M. Melo, M. Bessa, K. Debattista, A. Chalmers, Evaluation of tone-mapping operators for HDR video under different ambient luminance levels, Comput. Graph. Forum, 2015.

State-of-the-art devices are capable of decoding HDR video locally, while legacy devices are unable to do so. The first thing the architecture does, thus is determine the capability of the device by means of the module “HDR Mode Tester.” If the mobile device is capable of decoding HDR locally and the video is stored on the device, the “Media Handler” module loads the video from the storage. If the HDR video is located at the HDR video streaming servers, “Media Handler” will communicate with the remote servers in order to request an HDR video stream.

The HDR video or HDR video stream is forwarded to the “HDR Decoder” module which decodes the HDR frames and all the associated information. This is passed to the “TMO Handler” module that gathers context information through the “Environment Context Reader.” The frames are then rendered, using all this information. The rendered frames are then forwarded to the “Displayer” for drawing the frames on the display at the encoded frame rate.

When the mobile device does not support HDR video decoding locally, the “Media Handler” will be responsible for uploading the HDR video to the HDR video streaming servers. It also uploads the context information gathered by the “Environment Context Reader” module in order to have the server’s transcoding and provide a proper tone-mapped version of the HDR video. It is also possible to browse a list of online HDR videos that is provided by the “Media Handler” and request the proper LDR stream.

The HDR video streaming server is essentially responsible for managing the requests made by the HDR video player and providing it with a proper video stream. There are two possible scenarios: provide an HDR stream or provide a tone-mapped LDR stream. In the first case the process is simple, the “Request Manager” forwards the request to the “Media Broker,” that will load the HDR video from the server’s storage and make it available to the “Video Streaming” module. This will, in turn, provide an HDR stream to the HDR Video Player. If the request is made by a mobile device that does not support HDR video decoding and the video is located at the device, the “Request Manager” is responsible for processing the HDR video upload and storing it into temporary storage. The “Media Broker” is the module responsible for loading the HDR content from the respective storage and forwarding it to the “LDR Encoder,” along with the context data sent by the client application. The “LDR Encoder” module transcodes the HDR video into a proper LDR stream, taking into account the context data that is posteriorly forwarded to the “Video Streaming” module. This will handle the data and provide a proper stream to the HDR Video Application.

This novel HDR video delivery architecture for mobile devices was implemented and evaluated. The evaluation tested a total of six mobile devices (three Android devices and three iOS devices) under the four possible scenarios: local HDR decoding, HDR video streaming, local tone-mapped LDR video decoding, and tone-mapped LDR video streaming. Note that the tone-mapped LDR video could be compared to a conventional video. Two different TMOs were tested. One was best suited for low and medium ambient lighting scenarios, and one that is optimal for bright ambient lighting levels. A total of three videos were tested and each condition was 90 minutes; the average length of a feature film.

The evaluation measured the performance of the HDR video delivery system, as well the impact of the HDR video visualization against the tone-mapped LDR video. The average fps number, the battery drain and the average CPU load were recorded. Overall, it was found that HDR video impact is not much different than LDR video, except for battery consumption. For the tested scenarios, an impact was reported that can reach up to 30% when compared to the reproduction of LDR videos. The paper showed that interactive tone mapping is possible and if the environmental context changes, the HDR video streaming server can adjust the tone-mapping parameters and deliver the appropriate stream to the HDR video player. This should help ensure an optimal visualization experience. Furthermore, the proposed solution supports both state-of-the-art as well as legacy mobile devices. Although the real-time goHDR encoder was used [25], the system is designed to include other HDR video codecs in a seamless manner.

2.3 Future Trends

Moore’s law is an observation that is still valid today and that can be applied to mobile devices and their evolution: the power of a device doubles every 2 years. Due to this, associated with the huge demand for mobile devices, it is expected that mobile device features will continue to develop at a rapid pace. This continual development is likely to mean that HDR video can be played on future mobile devices without any of the current hardware constraints. What is not clear is when HDR displays are likely to appear on mobile devices. Such displays have significant power and heating challenges. Until this happens, tone mappers will be required that are best able to deliver an enhanced viewing experience no matter where, or when, the HDR video content is being viewed. These will need to be dynamic and adapt as the context changes. Furthermore, new sensors may appear, such as sensors able to detect reflections. These can be exploited by the TMOs; possibly even using different TMOs, or parameters when tone mapping those parts of the image under the reflection and those which are not.

In addition to the devices themselves, connectivity and network access will continue to improve. This will allow the live streaming of HDR content without constraints, providing a step change in imaging for a wide range of applications, such as surveillance, entertainment, medical imaging, etc.


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