
In the days before the 802.11 standard, wireless data existed for specialized applications. The lack of standards in these early products created an environment filled with slow, proprietary protocols and expensive devices that were not compatible with each other.

A popular example of pre-802.11 wireless use was for remote cash register applications. Management at theme parks (and some large retailers) discovered that they could increase sales by accepting credit cards at mobile kiosks and vendor carts. Wirelessly processing the credit cards streamlined the billing and accounting process. Further, the real-time nature of the transaction helped to reduce credit card fraud and increased collectibles. Other examples of custom and proprietary wireless solutions included inventory applications and manufacturing (shop floor) operations.

Security for these systems was typically an afterthought. The lack of a known protocol made wireless exploitation extremely difficult. Therefore, most companies relied on security by obscurity and closely guarded engineering details to keep their networks secure.

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