
I would like to acknowledge and thank the many contributions of the teachers throughout my life, especially Sharon and Kevin Lightner, and the many wonderful professors at San Diego State University. Thank you Andy Barnett, Bob Capettini, Martha Doran, George Easton, Carol Houston, Nathan Oestreich, Rick Samuelson, Will Snyder, Howard Toole, Carol Venable, Gretchen Vik and Gene Whittenburg for many inspirations.

     “The medicore teacher tells. The good teacher explains.
   The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.”

—William Arthur Ward (1921-1994)

I would also like to acknowledge and thank the many friends who have provided unending encouragement. These are the friends who root for you in the bottom of the 9th when you're down, but not out, and who cheer for you when you hit the ball. Thank you to the Bates Family (Jesse, Christa, Cathleen and Amir), Blair Bautista, Carly and Joe Behan, Andras Bellak, Arthur Bergmann, Eric Bermel, Jerry Bregg, Lee Buby, Miriam and Dave Chiappetta, Trina Clark, Christa Coleman, The Curtis Family (Roswitha, John, Stephanie, Katherine, Christina and Shannon May), Marco De La Torre, Roger Delgado, John and Lynda Eder, Mark and Peggy Edmead, Alejandro Espinosa, John Faulkner, The Flank Family (Eric, Linda, Ronit, Josh and Miriam), Michael Fortin, Ken Gerstel, Jack and Sara Guidi, Chris Ham, Christian Henry, Dustin Hinds, Brad Hughes, David Hulton, Jean Kim, Alan Koebrick, Lawrence Kwok, Son Le, Howard and Sara Levinson, Patrick Marsh, Kyle Marston, Rita McLean, Gail Naughton, Chris & Jodi Queen, Daniel Rubio, Ann and Mike Shafer, Thad Sparrow, Tom Sullivan, Toby Tilford, Irwan Tjan, Scott Watkinson, Don Wiersma, Eric Willis, Jason Xie and many others whose names may not be listed here, but to whom I am deeply grateful. Your support and thoughtfulness mean more then you know.

“Without friends no one would choose to live, though he had all other goods.”

—Aristotle (384 BC-322 BC)

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