GDPS Global - XRC
In this chapter, we discuss the capabilities and the prerequisites of the GDPS Global - XRC offering.
The GDPS Global - XRC offering extends the benefits of GDPS to installations that have a requirement for extended distance remote copy support. However, it is important to understand that GDPS XRC is not simply GDPS Metro with a longer distance between the sites; there are more differences, which are discussed in this chapter.
This chapter includes the following topics:
5.1 Introduction to GDPS Global - XRC
Extended Remote Copy (XRC), rebranded to IBM System Storage z/OS Global Mirror, is a combined hardware and software asynchronous remote copy solution. Consistency of the data is maintained through the Consistency Group function within the z/OS System Data Mover (SDM).
Because of the asynchronous nature of XRC, it is possible to have the secondary disk at greater distances than acceptable for Metro Mirror. Channel extender technology can be used to place the secondary disks up to thousands of kilometers away. Because XRC is asynchronous, the impact it has on response times is minimal, and is independent of the distance between the primary and secondary volumes.
GDPS XRC combines the benefits of GDPS with the extended distance capabilities of XRC. It includes automation to manage replication and automates the process of recovering the production environment with limited manual intervention, including invocation of CBU1, thus providing significant value in reducing the duration of the recovery window and requiring less operator interaction.
Whereas GDPS Metro is a high availability and disaster recovery solution for a single multisite sysplex, GDPS XRC is specifically an automated disaster recovery solution. GDPS XRC controls the remote mirroring and automates the recovery of production data and workloads in the recovery site. The systems that are running GDPS XRC are typically in the recovery site, remote from the production systems, and are not members of the sysplex at the primary site. Also, unlike GDPS Metro, GDPS XRC has no knowledge of what is happening in the production systems. The only resources GDPS XRC is aware of are the replication resources and the hardware resources in the recovery site. Following a disaster, the production systems are restored by GDPS XRC at the recovery site.
Because XRC is an asynchronous remote copy technology, it is not possible to have zero data loss when using XRC. Therefore, the recovery point objective when using XRC must be more than zero, meaning that some minimal data loss is acceptable. In a typical XRC configuration, an RPO of one minute should be achievable. With sufficient bandwidth, clients with large configurations are able to maintain an RPO of from 1 to 5 seconds.
The recovery time objective for GDPS XRC is not dissimilar to that achievable with GDPS Metro, typically between one and two hours. This is because GDPS XRC automates the entire process of recovering the XRC mirror, activating temporary backup capacity, and restarting the production systems.
5.1.1 Protecting data integrity
With Metro Mirror, you must apply some automation (for example, the GDPS Metro Freeze function) on top of the standard Metro Mirror functions to guarantee the integrity of the secondary disk across multiple subsystems. However, in GDPS XRC, the design of XRC guarantees the integrity of the secondary disk data. From a remote copy perspective, the role of GDPS is to manage the remote copy configuration and to drive the recovery process.
The following systems support time stamping of I/Os when the target volume is defined as a primary XRC volume:
Any supported release of z/OS.
Linux on IBM Z drivers support timestamping of writes and also contain changes to support device blocking.
z/VM and its guests.
CKD volumes used by any number of these systems, which we refer to as production systems, can be managed by GDPS XRC. Any number of sessions or Master sessions can be managed by GDPS XRC. The volumes managed by an SDM or multiple SDMs that are coupled under the same Master session can be managed to a single point of consistency. For more information, see “XRC data consistency” on page 28.
If you have two z/OS sysplexes running your production workload, you can choose to XRC the entire data for those sysplexes under a single Master session (that is, as a single consistency group). In this case, however, if there is an incident that forces you to recover one of these sysplexes, you will need to recover both; you cannot recover one in the recovery site and leave the other running in the application site. If you need to recover them individually, then you would use two separate Master sessions, one for the data of each sysplex. A single instance of GDPS XRC can manage these two different sessions.
It is also possible to use XRC to remote copy volumes being used by IBM Z operating systems that do not time stamp their I/Os (for example, z/VSE). However, in this case it is not possible to provide consistency across multiple LSSs. For more information, see “Understanding the Importance of Timestamped Writes” in the latest revision of the z/OS DFSMS Advanced Copy Services manual.
z/OS is the only operating system that supports running the System Data Mover function that performs the XRC replication. Therefore, in a GDPS XRC configuration, you need a minimum of two z/OS systems: one to provide the SDM function, and one dedicated GDPS controlling system. More than one SDM system might be required, depending on the amount of data to be replicated. SDM systems and the GDPS controlling system must be clustered into a Base or Parallel Sysplex to facilitate GDPS communication among the systems.
5.2 GDPS Global - XRC configuration
A GDPS XRC configuration consists of one or more production systems and sysplexes updating the primary volumes in the production site, one or more SDM systems in the recovery site, and one GDPS controlling system (K-sys), also in the recovery site. The SDM systems and the controlling system must be in the same sysplex. There is no requirement for the production system to be in a sysplex; however, all of the systems updating the primary volumes must be connected to the same Sysplex Timers or the same Server Time Protocol (STP) network. Figure 5-1 shows a simplified illustration of the physical topology of a GDPS XRC implementation.
Figure 5-1 GDPS XRC topology
As with all GDPS products, the GDPS XRC controlling system is responsible for all remote copy management functions and for managing recovery following a disaster, so its availability is critical. However, unlike a GDPS Metro configuration, there is no requirement to isolate the controlling system disks from the other systems in the GDPS sysplex (the SDM systems). The SDM systems and the controlling system can share infrastructure disks, such as system residency volumes, the master catalog, and the IBM RACF database, except in the case of an MzGM 4-site configuration. In an MzGM 4-site configuration GDPS Metro and GDPS XRC run on the same controlling system, and must be isolated from each other.
All critical data resides on storage subsystems in Site1 (the primary copy of data) and is mirrored to the storage subsystems in Site2 (the secondary copy of data) through XRC asynchronous remote copy. The systems in Site2 must have channel connectivity to the primary disk. Most clients use channel extension technology to provide this connectivity; there is no requirement for dark fiber between the sites.
In a more complex configuration, where you have more primary volumes, you might use the Coupled SDM and Multi-SDM support, both of which allow you to have a single point of consistency across multiple SDMs. GDPS XRC supports both Coupled SDM and Multi-SDM.
In an even more complex configuration, GDPS XRC can manage multiple master sessions, so you potentially can have two separate production sites, both using XRC to remote copy to a single recovery site, and have a single GDPS XRC manage that recovery site and all associated XRC sessions.
5.2.1 GDPS XRC in a 3-site configuration
GDPS XRC can be combined with GDPS Metro (or GDPS HM) in a 3-site configuration, where GDPS Metro (or GDPS HM) is used across two sites within metropolitan distances (or even within a single site) to provide continuous availability through Parallel Sysplex use and GDPS HyperSwap, and GDPS XRC is used to provide disaster recovery in a remote site.
We call this combination GDPS Metro Global - XRC (GDPS MzGM). In this configuration, GDPS Metro and GDPS XRC provide some extra automation capabilities.
5.3 Managing the GDPS environment
GDPS XRC monitors only the systems that comprise the GDPS sysplex: The SDM systems and the controlling system. This is shown in Figure 5-2. If all systems in the production site were to go down, GDPS XRC has no automatic knowledge of this event. However, GDPS XRC is able to monitor the recovery site server hardware, and it provides capabilities to manage these resources to automate restart of production in the recovery site.
Figure 5-2 GDPS XRC span of control
5.3.1 NetView interface
The NetView interface for GDPS actually consists of two parts. The first, and potentially the most important, is NetView’s Status Display Facility (SDF). Any time there is a configuration change, or something in GDPS that requires manual intervention, GDPS will send an alert to SDF. SDF provides a dynamically-updated color-coded panel that provides the status of the systems and highlights any problems in the remote copy configuration. At all times, the operators should have an SDF panel within view so they will immediately become aware of anything requiring intervention or action.
The other aspect of the NetView interface consists of the panels that are provided by GDPS to help you manage and inspect the environment. The main GDPS panel is shown in Figure 5-3.
Figure 5-3 Main GDPS XRC panel, VPCPPNLY
From this panel, you can perform the following tasks:
Query and control the remote copy configuration
Initiate standard actions provided by GDPS against LPARs managed by GDPS (such as IPL and LPAR Deactivate)
Start GDPS scripts that you create
Manage coupling facilities and couple data sets relating to the SDM sysplex
Manage the GDPS Health Checks
Change or refresh the remote copy configuration definitions
Run GDPS monitors
Remote copy panels
Although z/OS Global Mirror (XRC) provides a powerful replication capability, the operator interface is not as user-friendly as the DASD Remote Copy panels. To more easily check and manage the remote copy environment, use the DASD remote copy panels provided by GDPS.
For GDPS to manage the remote copy environment, you must first define the configuration (primary and secondary device numbers, FlashCopy devices, and information about the sessions and SDMs) to GDPS in a file called the GEOXPARM file.
After the configuration is known to GDPS, you can use the panels to check that the current configuration matches the one you want. You can start, stop, suspend, and resynch mirroring at the volume or LSS level, you can initiate a FlashCopy of the secondary volumes, perform coupled SDM operations, move SDMs to different LPARs, and so on. These actions can be done at the device or LSS level, or both.
Figure 5-4 shows the mirroring panel for GDPS XRC. In this example you see that GDPS is managing four SDM sessions, two of which, SDM02 and SDM04, are stand-alone sessions. The remainder are coupled under a single Master named MSDM.
Figure 5-4 GDPS XRC DASD Mirroring Session Status panel VPCPX00L: Main view
If you are familiar with the TSO interface to XRC, you will appreciate how user-friendly this panel is.
Remember that these panels provided by GDPS are not intended to be a remote copy monitoring tool. Because of the overhead involved in gathering the information from all devices across all SDMs to populate the NetView panels, GDPS gathers this information only on a timed basis, or on demand following an operator instruction. The normal interface for finding out about remote copy problems is through SDF.
Standard Actions
Most IBM Z outages are planned outages. Even though GDPS XRC manages only the SDM systems in the recovery site, it is still important that those systems are available and are correctly managed. GDPS provides facilities to help manage any outages affecting these systems. There are two reasons to use the GDPS facilities:
They are well-tested and based on IBM preferred procedures.
Using the GDPS interface lets GDPS know that the changes it is seeing (CDSs being deallocated or systems going out of the sysplex, for example) are planned changes, and therefore it is not to react to these events.
Standard Actions are single steps and are intended to impact only one resource. Examples include performing a graceful shutdown of one of the systems in the GDPS sysplex, IPLing a system, maintaining the IPL address and the Loadparms that can be used for each system, selecting the IPL address and Loadparm to be used the next time a system is IPLed, and activating or deactivating or resetting an LPAR.
If you want to stop a system, change its IPL address and then IPL it again, you start three separate Standard Actions, one after the other. GDPS scripting, as described in section 5.3.2, “GDPS scripts” on page 157, is a facility that is suited to multi-step, multi-system actions.
The GDPS XRC Standard Actions panel is shown in Figure 5-5. It displays all the LPARs being managed by GDPS XRC, and for each one, it shows the current status and various IPL information. It also shows (across the top) the actions that can be done on each system, including Stop, re-IPL (stop followed by IPL), Activate, and Deactivate. You will also see that there are some systems with status MANUAL. These are not systems in the GDPS sysplex. They are the “recovery systems,” which are the systems that GDPS can restart in the recovery site using recovered XRC disks or FlashCopy disks. Therefore, it is possible to perform hardware actions (activate/deactivate the partition, load, reset, and so on) against such foreign systems also.
Figure 5-5 Standard Actions panel VPCPSTD1 for GDPS XRC
GDPS provides support for taking a stand-alone dump using the GDPS Standard Actions panel. The stand-alone dump can be used against any IBM Z operating system defined to GDPS, either a GDPS system (SDM and controlling systems) or foreign system (production recovery system), running native in an LPAR. Clients using GDPS facilities to perform HMC actions no longer need to use the HMC for taking stand-alone dumps.
Sysplex resource management
There are certain resources that are vital to the health and availability of the sysplex. Although GDPS in a GDPS XRC environment does not manage your production systems or their sysplex resources, it does manage your SDM sysplex. To ensure the timeliness and consistency of your remote copies, it is important that the SDM systems have similarly high levels of availability.
The GDPS XRC Sysplex Resource Management panel, as shown in Figure 5-6 on page 157, provides you with the ability to manage the SDM sysplex resources. For example, if you switch to a new Primary sysplex CDS by using the SETXCF PSWITCH command, you end up with a new Primary CDS but no alternative, which introduces a single point of failure.
However, if you use the GDPS Sysplex Resource Management functions, part of the function includes adding a new alternate after the switch of the primary had completed successfully, thereby ensuring that you do not have a single point of failure in the CDS configuration.
Figure 5-6 GDPS XRC Sysplex Resource Management panel
Although it might not receive as much attention as recovering from a disaster, the capability of GDPS to perform Planned Actions is used far more frequently. It also provides tremendous value in terms of faster turnaround and mistake avoidance.
5.3.2 GDPS scripts
Nearly all of the functions that can be initiated through the panels are also accessible from GDPS scripts. Additional facilities, not available on the panels, are also available using scripts. A script is a “program” or a workflow consisting of one or more GDPS functions. Scripts can be initiated manually through the GDPS panels (planned actions), and certain scripts can be initiated automatically by GDPS in response to an event (referred to as an unplanned action), or through a batch interface.
Scripts are written by you to automate the handling of certain situations, both planned changes and also error situations. This is an extremely important aspect of GDPS.
Scripts are powerful because they can access the full capability of GDPS. The ability to invoke all the GDPS functions through a script provides the following benefits:
The script will execute the requested actions as quickly as possible. Unlike a human, it does not need to search for the latest procedures or the commands manual. Results of each command in the script are also analyzed and interpreted quickly. Result checking for such compound/complex actions by a human would require more in-depth skills in a variety of disciplines.
If you were to look into most computer rooms immediately following a system outage, what might you see? Mayhem! Operators frantically scrambling for the latest system programmer instructions. All the phones ringing. Every manager within reach asking when the service will be restored. And every systems programmer with access vying for control of the keyboards. All this results in errors, because humans naturally make mistakes when under pressure. But with automation, your well-tested procedures can execute in exactly the same way, time after time.
Thoroughly tested procedures
Because scripts behave in a consistent manner, you can test your procedures over and over until you are sure they do everything that you want, in exactly the manner that you want. Also, because you need to code everything and cannot assume a level of knowledge (as you might with instructions intended for a human), you are forced to thoroughly think out every aspect of the action the script is intended to undertake. And because of the repeatability and ease of use of the scripts, they lend themselves more easily to frequent testing than manual procedures.
Planned Actions
Planned Actions are GDPS scripts that are started from the GDPS panels (option 6 on the main GDPS panel, as shown in Figure 5-3 on page 154). These scripts are also known as control scripts.
A control script that is running can be stopped if necessary. Control scripts that are stopped or failed can be restarted at any step of the script. These capabilities provide a powerful and flexible workflow management framework.
A control script might consist of several tasks. For example, you can have a script that stops an LPAR, change its IPL address to the alternative SYSRES, and then restart it, all from a single script.
A more complex example of a Planned Action is shown in Figure 5-7. In this example, a single action in GDPS results in a tertiary copy of the secondary disks being taken, followed by IPLing the “production” systems in LPARs in the recovery site. This allows you to test your recovery procedure in the recovery site while live production continues to run in the application site and live production data continues to be protected by XRC to maintain up-to-date disaster readiness.
Figure 5-7 GDPS XRC Planned Action
Specifically, the following actions are done by GDPS in this script:
Zero Suspend FlashCopy is initiated:
 – This prevents the SDMs from writing new consistency groups to the secondary disks for a few seconds.
 – A FlashCopy is taken of all XRC secondary devices and the XRC infrastructure devices (the devices housing the XRC state, control, and journal data sets).
 – Zero Suspend FlashCopy completes and SDM processing resumes writing new consistency groups to the secondary disks.
An XRC recover on the tertiary devices is performed.
Temporary CBU capacity on CPCD is activated.
Any test systems whose LPARs will be used for a recovery system in case of a disaster are deactivated.
The CF LPARs and the LPARs that will house the recovered production systems are activated.
The production recovery systems are started.
As a result of a single action that you performed (initiating the Planned Action), you have stopped discretionary work in the recovery site, created a copy of your production data and systems, and increased capacity, all while live production continued to run and maintain disaster readiness.
The use of a scripting capability removes the reliance on paper procedures which are invariably apt to go out of date. It also ensures that the process is done the same way every time, with no vital steps accidentally overlooked.
Two other examples of complex planned actions are switching production to the recovery region and returning production back to the application region (following a planned, or unplanned, switch to the recovery region). These actions are described in the following sections.
Region Switch
GDPS defines a process for performing a planned Site Switch (also referred to as a Region Switch) between the two sites that act as the application and recovery sites. This process can be used for a planned Region Switch, and to return home to the original application region after an unplanned recovery (failover) to the recovery region.
The GDPS XRC product provides capabilities that assist with and simplify various procedural aspects of a Region Switch or Return Home operation.
It is most likely that you will perform regular, planned region switches if your two regions are symmetrically configured, although this is not strictly mandatory. A symmetrically configured environment provides the same capabilities and allows you to use nearly identical procedures, no matter which region hosts the production systems and which region is the recovery site (hosting the GDPS XRC environment). A symmetric configuration where a tertiary FlashCopy capacity is available in both regions is referred to as a 2+2 configuration. A 1+1 configuration is also symmetrical but does not provide the benefits associated with tertiary FlashCopy capacity no matter which region is hosting production and which is the recovery region.
Typically you run production in Region A, and Region B is the recovery site where you are likely to also have tertiary disks (FlashCopy capacity). If you do not have FlashCopy capacity in Region A but do in Region B, this is what we call a 1+2 configuration which is not symmetrical. If you switch production to run in Region B, your recovery site in Region A is not equipped with tertiary disk and does not provide equivalent protection and ability to test, compared to running production in Region A and using Region B for recovery. Some of your operational procedures associated with GDPS will be different when running production in Region B versus when running in Region A.
The procedural steps for switching regions for a 1+1, 1+2, and for a 2+2 configuration will have similarities, but there will also be differences because of the differences in these configurations. The key difference is that the 2+2 configuration Region Switch will benefit from having the FlashCopy capacity in both sites, which will facilitate a faster switch with the least possible downtime to production systems when performing the switch.
At a high level, the sequence for moving production services from one region to the other includes these steps:
1. Assume that your production is running in Region-A and GDPS (controlling system and SDM systems) is running in Region-B.
2. Quiesce the production systems in Region-A and wait for the last updates to drain to Region-B.
3. Start the GDPS environment in Region-A.
4. Reverse replication from Region-B to Region-A and stop the SDM systems in Region-B.
5. Reversing replication does not require any data to copy because the source and target disks have identical content.
6. Start production systems in Region-B using GDPS facilities.
This procedure results in having production running in Region-B, GDPS running in Region-A, and achieving continuous DR protection.
Return Home after an unplanned failover to the recovery region
You might have to recover your production operations in the recovery region as a result of a catastrophic failure in the original application region. After running production in the recovery region for some time, if you want to return operations back to the original application region when it is restored, you can use a modified version of the region switch procedure. The key difference is that return home requires all data to be copied back to the original application region. After all data is copied back, then the operation to return is effectively a region switch as described in “Region Switch” on page 160.
Unplanned Actions
Unplanned Actions are GDPS scripts (also known as Takeover scripts), just like Planned Actions. However, they are used in a different way. Planned Actions are initiated from the GDPS panels. Unplanned Actions are initiated by GDPS in response to a failure event.
Remember that in a GDPS XRC environment, GDPS has knowledge only about what is happening in the GDPS sysplex in the recovery site. GDPS does not monitor and therefore cannot detect failures in the application site. The script to recover XRC and restart production in the recovery site would be defined as a Planned Action. You could view this as a pre-planned, unplanned action.
In GDPS XRC, Unplanned Actions are used only to react to failure of an SDM system or the GDPS controlling system (remember that the GDPS code runs in every system, so if the controlling system fails, GDPS in one of the SDM systems will detect that and react with an Unplanned Action script). The intent of such a script would be to re-IPL the failed system. Such scripts are not run automatically. GDPS will detect the failure and propose running the appropriate script. The operator would then have the choice of accepting to run the script in which case GDPS would initiate it, or to do nothing.
Batch scripts
Because the full range of GDPS functions is available to you, you can have scripts that will do normal operational processes for you. This is especially suited to processes that are run regularly, and have some interaction with the GDPS environment.
One of the challenges faced by any medium to large client with high availability requirements is creating a set of consistent tape backups. Backing up tens of terabytes to tape involves stopping the applications for many minutes, which is time that is not available in most installations. However, using a combination of GDPS batch scripts and FlashCopy, you can achieve this.
Just as you can have a Planned Action to create a set of tertiary volumes for a DR test, you can have a similar script that creates the tertiary volumes for the purposes of backing up the data to tape. You can then create a REXX program that starts this GDPS script to capture the copy on the tertiary volumes and then starts another program to take tape backups of those volumes. The net effect is basically the same as though you stopped all work in your primary site for the duration of the backup, but without affecting your applications. A script such as this can be started from a batch job; such scripts are referred to as batch scripts.
5.3.3 Application programming interfaces
GDPS provides two primary programming interfaces to allow other programs that are written by clients, Independent Software Vendors (ISVs), and other IBM product areas to communicate with GDPS. These APIs allow clients, ISVs, and other IBM product areas to complement GDPS automation with their own automation code. The following sections describe the APIs that are provided by GDPS.
Query Services
GDPS maintains configuration information and status information in NetView variables for the various elements of the configuration that it manages. GDPS Query Services is a facility that allows user-written REXX programs that are running under NetView to query and obtain the value of various GDPS variables. This ability allows you to augment GDPS automation with your own automation REXX code for various purposes, such as monitoring or problem determination.
Query Services allows clients to complement GDPS automation with their own automation code. In addition to the Query Services function (which is part of the base GDPS product), GDPS provides several samples in the GDPS SAMPLIB library to demonstrate how Query Services can be used in client-written code.
As described in “Query Services”, GDPS maintains configuration information and status information about the various elements of the configuration that it manages. Query Services can be used by REXX programs to query this information.
The GDPS RESTful API also provides the ability for programs to query this information. Because it is a RESTful API, it can be used by programs that are written in various programming languages, including REXX, that are running on various server platforms.
In addition to querying information about the GDPS environment, the GDPS RESTful API allows programs that are written by clients, ISVs, and other IBM product areas to run actions against various elements of the GDPS environment. Examples of these actions include starting and stopping planned action scripts, managing the System Data Mover sysplex, managing health checks, and starting GDPS monitor processing. These capabilities enable clients, ISVs, and other IBM product areas to provide an even richer set of functions to complement the GDPS functions.
GDPS provides samples in the GDPS SAMPLIB library to demonstrate how the GDPS RESTful API can be used in programs.
5.3.4 Additional system management information
Most of the GDPS Standard Actions and several script commands require GDPS to communicate with the HMC. The interface GDPS uses to communicate with the HMC is called the BCP Internal Interface (BCPii). This interface allows GDPS to automate many of the HMC actions, such as LOAD, DUMP, RESET, and ACTIVATE/DEACTIVATE an LPAR, or ACTIVATE/UNDO CBU or OOCoD.
The GDPS LOAD and RESET Standard Actions (available through the panel or scripts) allow specification of a CLEAR or NOCLEAR operand. This provides operational flexibility to accommodate your procedures.
Furthermore, when you LOAD a system using GDPS (panels or scripts), GDPS can listen for operator prompts from the system being loaded and reply to such prompts. GDPS provides support for optionally replying to IPL time prompts automatically, removing reliance on operator skills and eliminating operator error for any messages that require replies.
5.4 GDPS XRC monitoring and alerting
The GDPS SDF panel, which is described in 5.3.1, “NetView interface” on page 153, is where GDPS dynamically displays alerts that are color-coded, based on severity, if and when a non-normal status or situation is detected.
Alerts can be posted as a result of an unsolicited error situation that GDPS listens for. For example, if there is a problem with any of the XRC sessions and the session suspends outside of GDPS control, GDPS will be aware of this because the SDM responsible for the given session will post an error. GDPS listens for this error and will, in turn, raise an alert on the SDF panel notifying the operator of the suspension event. It is important for the operator to initiate action to investigate and fix the reported problem as soon as possible because a suspended session directly translates to eroding RPO.
Alerts can also be posted as a result of GDPS periodically monitoring key resources and indicators that relate to the GDPS XRC environment. If any of these monitored resources are found to be in a state deemed to be not normal by GDPS, an alert is posted on SDF.
For example, GDPS uses the BCP Internal Interface to perform hardware actions to reconfigure the recovery site, either for disaster testing or in a real recovery scenario. To ensure that a recovery operation will not be affected, GDPS monitors the BCP internal interface connection to all CPCs in the recovery site on which the GDPS can perform hardware operations, such as CBU or LPAR activation.
Messages appear in the SYSLOG of the system generating the alert, and the alerts are forwarded to the GDPS Controlling systems. This allows a single system (normally the GDPS Master Controlling system) to be used as a single focal management and monitoring point.
If an alert is posted, the operator needs to investigate it (or escalate, as appropriate) and a corrective action must be taken for the reported problem as soon as possible. After the problem is corrected, this is detected during the next monitoring cycle and the alert is cleared by GDPS automatically.
The GDPS XRC monitoring and alerting capability is intended to ensure that operators are notified and can take corrective action for any problems in the environment that can affect the ability of GDPS XRC to perform recovery operations. This maximizes the installation’s chance of achieving RPO and RTO commitments.
GDPS XRC integrated XRC performance monitoring
Traditionally, clients have used the XRC Performance Monitor (XPM) product to monitor XRC performance. You can capture some of the messages issued by XPM to drive some automation. For example, customers typically capture messages issued by an XPM function known as the Batch Exception Monitor to suspend an XRC session that is experiencing excessive delays and appears to be in trouble. This proactive suspending of an XRC session is done to eliminate any risk of this problematic XRC session affecting production workloads and is referred to as the “Big Red Switch.”
Such add-on automation is not integrated with GDPS automation even though it is often not desirable to affect GDPS managed resources outside of GDPS control.
In addition to the capabilities offered by XPM, a GDPS XRC Performance Monitoring Toolkit is supplied with GDPS. The toolkit provides functions that are complementary to the capabilities provided by XPM.
In an effort to reduce the various products and tools that are required for XRC performance monitoring, eliminate the requirement for add-on automation, and to provide tighter integration with GDPS automation, GDPS provides performance monitoring capability as part of GDPS. The intent of this feature is to provide autonomic “self-protection” capabilities that equal or exceed the previous XPM Batch Exception Monitor function.
The integrated performance monitoring allows you to create a policy to define certain thresholds that you consider are indicative of an XRC session being in trouble. For example, the exposure time, the percentage of cache used by an XRC session, or an increase in the amount of residual data in the primary storage controller’s side file can be indications of an XRC session in trouble.
You can define the thresholds, and when these thresholds are exceeded, GDPS will raise SDF alerts for you to review the situation and take corrective action if required. Also, you can choose whether or not GDPS should automatically suspend a session that exceeds its exposure time threshold (that is, whether GDPS should throw the Big Red Switch on the session).
5.4.1 GDPS XRC health checks
In addition to the GDPS XRC monitoring, GDPS provides health checks. These health checks are provided as a plug-in to the z/OS Health Checker infrastructure to check that certain settings related to GDPS adhere to GDPS preferred practices recommendations.
The z/OS Health Checker infrastructure is intended to check a variety of settings to see whether these settings adhere to z/OS preferred practices values. For settings that are found to be not in line with preferred practices, exceptions are raised in Spool Display and Search Facility (SDSF). Many products, including GDPS, provide health checks as a plug-in to the z/OS Health Checker. There are various parameter settings related to GDPS, such as z/OS PARMLIB settings or NetView settings, and we document the recommendations and preferred practices for these settings in the GDPS publications. If these settings do not adhere to recommendations, this can hamper the ability of GDPS to perform critical functions in a timely manner.
Although GDPS monitoring will detect that GDPS was not able to perform a particular task and raise an alert, the monitor alert might be too late, at least for that particular instance of an incident. Often, if there are changes in the client environment, this can necessitate adjustment of various parameter settings associated with z/OS, GDPS, and other products. It is possible that you can miss making these adjustments, which might result in affecting GDPS. The GDPS health checks are intended to detect such situations and avoid incidents where GDPS is unable to perform its job because of a setting that is perhaps less than ideal.
For example, several address spaces are associated with GDPS XRC, and preferred practices recommendations are documented for these. GDPS code itself runs in the NetView address space and there are DFSMS System Data Mover (SDM) address spaces that GDPS interfaces with to perform XRC copy services operations. GDPS recommends that these address spaces are assigned specific WLM service classes to ensure that they are dispatched in a timely manner and do not lock each other out. One of the GDPS XRC health checks, for example, checks that these address spaces are set up and running with the GDPS recommended characteristics.
Similar to z/OS and other products that provide health checks, GDPS health checks are optional. Several preferred practices values that are checked and the frequency of the checks can be customized to cater to unique client environments and requirements.
GDPS also provides a useful interface for managing the health checks by using the GDPS panels. You can perform actions, such as activate, deactivate, ignore exceptions from, or run any selected health check, print the output of the check, and view the customer overrides in effect for any preferred practices values.
Figure 5-8 shows a sample of the GDPS Health Check management panel. In this example, you see that all the health checks are enabled. The status of the last run is also shown, which indicates whether the last run was successful or resulted in an exception. Any exceptions can also be viewed by using other options on the panel.
Figure 5-8 GDPS XRC Health Check management panel, VPC8PHC0
5.5 Other GDPS-related facilities
In this section, we describe miscellaneous facilities provided by GDPS XRC that might assist in various different ways, such as reducing the window of when DR capability is not available.
5.5.1 GDPS XRC FlashCopy locking
GDPS FlashCopy support provides critical protection for the FlashCopy target devices. GDPS logic ensures that when a FlashCopy is taken, it is taken only if the FlashCopy source devices represent a valid recovery point. This eliminates exposures that can result from accidentally overwriting a valid consistent FlashCopy with an invalid one.
There is also support to allow users to “lock out” FlashCopy target devices, effectively not allowing GDPS to take a FlashCopy, even when the FlashCopy source devices do represent a valid recovery point. This facility is useful for clients that are using the FlashCopy target devices for a specific activity (such as testing or dumping to tape), and do not want them to be overwritten until this activity has completed. The lock can then be released after the specific activity is complete.
5.5.2 GDPS XRC Configuration checking
The SDMs, the LPARs where the SDMs can run, the devices that each SDM will manage, primary and secondary devices, and FlashCopy target devices are all defined in the GDPS GEOXPARM file.
When you introduce the configuration to GDPS and subsequently make changes, GDPS performs thorough checking of the specifications in the GEOXPARM file. In large configurations with multiple SDMs, with each SDM managing many devices, it is possible to make errors. One of the more common errors is specifying the same physical device to be used for multiple purposes. The same physical device could have been specified in the configuration as a secondary device for one SDM and as a FlashCopy target for another SDM. If such a configuration error went undetected it could cause issues with recovery, and the error might go undetected until it is too late to fix.
GDPS performs several checks when it is processing the GEOXPARM configuration file, including a check to ensure that each Primary, Secondary, XRC Infrastructure, and FlashCopy target device is a unique physical device.
5.5.3 Vary-After-Clip automation
GEOXPARM information is introduced to GDPS via GDPS configuration processing, GDPS queries the devices to determine the volume serial numbers to correctly reflect them on the DASD management panels and in messages.
When an XRC primary device is relabeled on a production system, this causes the volume serial information in the SDM system control blocks and the GDPS internal information to be incorrect. SDM and GDPS still have the old volume serial information. This can lead to discrepancies between what is displayed for a VOLSER by SDM and that displayed by GDPS.
GDPS provides a function called Vary After Clip (VAC) automation. When a primary device is relabeled, the SDM captures this event and issues a message. GDPS captures this message to drive automation that performs the necessary actions to refresh both the SDM and the GDPS volume serial information for the relabeled device.
5.5.4 Offline primary volume support
Functionality that is provided by GDPS and SDM optionally allows the XRC primary volumes to be kept offline to the SDM systems permanently. Many clients prefer to keep the application volumes (which are the XRC primary volumes) offline to the SDM systems for various reasons.
For example, allowing the application volumes to be online to the SDM systems increases the risk of accidental access and update to these volumes from the SDM systems. Keeping the primary volumes offline also allows for the management of primary disk configurations with duplicate VOLSERs.
GDPS also regularly monitors the status of the primary volumes in the SDM systems. If the preference to keep the XRC primary volumes offline is requested, GDPS alerts the operator if any primary volumes are found to be online in the SDM systems.
5.5.5 Easy Tier Heat Map Transfer
IBM DS8000 Easy Tier optimizes data placement (placement of logical volumes) across the various physical tiers of storage within a disk subsystem to optimize application performance. The placement decisions are based on learning the data access patterns, and can be changed dynamically and transparently using this data.
XRC mirrors the data from the primary to the secondary disk subsystem. However, the Easy Tier learning information is not included in the XRC scope. The secondary disk subsystems are optimized according to the workload on these subsystems, which is different than the activity on the primary (there is only write workload on the secondary whereas there is read/write activity on the primary). And there is little activity on the tertiary disk (FlashCopy target disk), so it will be optimized differently than the primary disk or the secondary disk.
As a result of these differences, during a recovery, the disks that you recover on (secondary or tertiary) are likely to display different performance characteristics compared to the former primary.
Easy Tier Heat Map Transfer is the DS8000 capability to transfer the Easy Tier learning from a XRC primary disk to a target set of disks. With GDPS XRC, the Easy Tier learning can be transferred to either the secondary disk or the tertiary disk so that the disk that you recover on can also be optimized based on this learning, and will have similar performance characteristics to the former primary.
GDPS integrates support for Heat Map Transfer. The appropriate Heat Map Transfer actions (such as start/stop of the processing and reversing transfer direction) are incorporated into the GDPS managed processes. For example, if XRC is temporarily suspended for a planned or unplanned secondary disk outage, Heat Map Transfer is also suspended.
5.6 Flexible testing
Configuring point-in-time copy (FlashCopy) capacity in your XRC environment provides two main benefits:
You can conduct regular DR drills or other tests using a copy of production data while production continues to run.
You can save a consistent, “golden” copy of the XRC data which can be used if the primary disk or site is lost during an XRC resynchronization operation.
For more information about FlashCopy and the various options that related to FlashCopy, see 2.6, “FlashCopy” on page 38. GDPS XRC supports taking a FlashCopy of either the current primary or the current secondary disks. The COPY, NOCOPY, NOCOPY2COPY and INCREMENTAL options are supported. Zero Suspend FlashCopy is supported in conjunction with COPY, NOCOPY, and INCREMENTAL FlashCopy.
FlashCopy can also be used, for example, to back up data without the need for extended outages to production systems, to provide data for data mining applications, and for batch reporting and so on.
Use of space-efficient FlashCopy
As discussed in “Space-efficient FlashCopy (FlashCopy SE)” on page 40, by using space-efficient (SE) FlashCopy volumes, you might be able to lower the amount of physical storage needed, and thereby reduce the cost associated with providing a tertiary copy of the data. GDPS provides support allowing space-efficient FlashCopy volumes to be used as FlashCopy target disk volumes.
Whether a target device is space-efficient or not is transparent to GDPS; if any of the FlashCopy target devices defined to GDPS are space-efficient volumes, GDPS will simply use them. All GDPS FlashCopy operations with the NOCOPY option, whether through GDPS scripts, panels, or FlashCopies automatically taken by GDPS, can use space-efficient targets.
Understand the characteristics of space-efficient FlashCopy to determine whether this method of creating a point-in-time copy will satisfy your business requirements. For example, will it be acceptable to your business if, because of some unexpected workload condition, the repository on the disk subsystem for the space-efficient devices gets full and your FlashCopy is invalidated so that you are unable to use it? If your business requirements dictate that the copy must always be guaranteed to be usable, space-efficient might not be the best option and you can consider using standard FlashCopy instead.
5.7 GDPS tools for GDPS XRC
GDPS provides tools that offer function that is complementary to GDPS function. The tools represent the kind of function that many clients are likely to develop themselves to complement GDPS. Using the tools provided by GDPS might eliminate the necessity for you to develop similar function yourself. The tools are provided in source code format, which means that if the tool does not completely meet your requirements, you can modify the code to tailor it to your needs.
The GDPS XRC Performance Toolkit is included with GDPS XRC. This suite of programs complements the XRC Performance Monitor product (XPM). The tools help with implementation, monitoring, and maintenance of z/OS Global Mirror (XRC) systems. These programs are intended for use by GDPS administrators, storage administrators, and capacity planning staff.
5.8 Services component
As you have seen, GDPS touches on much more than simply remote copy. It also includes sysplex, automation, database management and recovery, testing processes, and disaster recovery processes, to name just some of the areas it touches on.
Most installations do not have all these skills readily available. And it is extremely rare to find a team that had this range of skills across many implementations. However, the GDPS XRC offering includes just that: access to a global team of specialists in all the disciplines you need to ensure a successful GDPS XRC implementation.
Specifically, the Services component includes some or all of the following items:
Planning to determine availability requirements, configuration recommendations, implementation and testing plans. Planning session topics include hardware and software requirements and prerequisites, configuration and implementation considerations, cross-site connectivity planning and potentially bandwidth sizing, and operation and control.
Assistance in defining Recovery Point and Recovery Time objectives.
Installation and necessary customization of NetView and System Automation.
Remote copy implementation.
GDPS XRC automation code installation and policy customization.
Education and training on GDPS XRC setup and operations.
Onsite implementation assistance.
Project management and support throughout the engagement.
The sizing of the Services component of each project is tailored for that project, based on many things including what automation is already in place, whether remote copy is already in place, and so on. This means that the skills provided are tailored to the specific needs of each specific implementation.
5.9 GDPS XRC prerequisites
For more information about the latest GDPS XRC prerequisites, see this GDPS website.
5.10 Comparison of GDPS XRC versus other GDPS offerings
So many features and functions are available in the various members of the GDPS family that recalling them all and remembering which offerings support them is sometimes difficult. To position the offerings, Table 5-1 lists the key features and functions and indicates which ones are delivered by the various GDPS offerings.
Table 5-1 Supported features matrix
GDPS Metro
GDPS Virtual Appliance
Continuous availability
Disaster recovery
CA/DR protection against multiple failures
Continuous Availability for foreign z/OS systems
Yes with z/OS proxy
Supported distance
200 km
300 km (BRS configuration)
200 km
300 km (BRS configuration)
200 km
300 km (BRS configuration)
Virtually unlimited
Virtually unlimited
Zero Suspend FlashCopy support
Yes, using CONSISTENT for secondary only
Yes, using Zero Suspend FlashCopy
Yes, using CGPause
Reduced impact initial copy/resync
Not applicable
Not applicable
Tape replication support
Production sysplex automation
Not applicable
Span of control
Both sites
Both sites
(disk only)
Both sites
Recovery site
Disk at both sites; recovery site (CBU or LPARs)
GDPS scripting
Monitoring, alerting and health checks
Yes (except health checks)
Query Services
MSS support for added scalability
Yes (RS2 in MSS1, RS3 in MSS2)
Yes (secondary in MSS1)
Yes (GM FC and Primary for MGM in MSS1)
MGM 3-site and 4-site
Yes (all configurations)
Yes (3-site only and non-IR only)
Not applicable
Yes (all configurations)
Yes (Site1 XRC primary (XRC Swap in MSS1))
Not applicable
Fixed Block disk
z/OS equivalent function for Linux on IBM Z
Yes (Linux on IBM Z Systems running as a z/VM guest only)
Yes (Linux on IBM Z Systems running as a z/VM guest only)
5.11 Summary
GDPS XRC is a powerful offering that provides an industry leading, long distance, disaster recovery capability. It is based on the XRC technology, which is highly scalable (there are clients with close to 20,000 volumes being remote copied by XRC). XRC is industry-proven, having been available for well over a decade. XRC also has interoperability advantages: it is possible to have different disk subsystem types, and even different vendors, for the primary and secondary devices.
Building on the base of XRC, GDPS adds the powerful script capability that allows you to perfect the actions to be taken, either for planned or unplanned changes, eliminating the risk of human error. Combining its support of FlashCopy with the scripting capabilities significantly reduces the time and complexity to set up a disaster recovery test. And anyone who has been involved in DR planning will confirm that one of the most important factors in a successful disaster recovery process is frequent and realistic testing that is tied into your change management system. Having the ability to test your DR capability any time a significant change is implemented ensures that all aspects of application management are addressed.
In addition to its disaster recovery capability, GDPS XRC also provides a much more user-friendly interface for monitoring and managing the remote copy configuration. This includes the initialization and monitoring of the XRC volume pairs based upon policy and performing routine operations on installed storage subsystems.

1 Where available.
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