Abu Ghraib prison (Iraq), 64

abuse of power, xix, 74, 159


    day-to-day, 174

    dearth of, 162

    how do we make it work?, 158–59

    major principles for leader, 167–68

    personal, 160–62

    spouses role in, 165–66

    task vs. personal, 160

    what is it?, 157–58

Acton (Lord), 59, 62, 70, 74

addiction to the superficial, 7

altruism, 54, 69

ambition, 56

American’s Favorite Places to Work list, xix

ancient proverbs, 1, 21, 37, 73, 87, 155


    anecdote to, 78–80

    Anthony Weiner and, 46

    Bob Nardelli and, 76–77

    compromised core and, 18

    core is weakened by power and, 151

    David Petraeus and, 52, 75

    Derailed (book), 56

    Esther (reality TV show), 80–81

    Greek tragedy and, 74

    high cost of, 74–77

    impending doom and, 57

    leaders are, 56

    Martha Coakley, 74–75

    as mother of all derailers, 78, 85

    nonverbal signals of, 77

    overconfidence and, 77

    position of influence and, 115, 141

    self-serving actions and, 173

    self-serving focus and, 63

    unchecked power, 64

    vulnerability to, 82

    “Wizard of Oz syndrome” and, 76

aspirations, 6–7, 52, 54, 56–57, 60–61, 148, 172

athletes, 13, 149

attitudes, 13, 23, 33, 65, 91

authenticity, 4, 22, 39–40, 91, 115


background influences, 27, 29–30

Barchans, Hal (Chairman), 181–82

Battle of Gettysburg, 3

beer truck, 30

behavior, errant, 106, 177

beliefs, 41. See also core; misbeliefs

    about artistic value, 170–171

    about bugs as objects of fear, 87–88

    about consumer products, politics, and social attitudes, 91

    about people and role as leaders, 128

    about people guides behavior toward them, 104

    acting inconsistently with, 166

    adopting political or religious, 153

    are a major governing factor in behavior, 14

    are downright false, many, 91

    are errant, 15, 91, 97, 105–6, 111, 117

    are kept in a “belief file,” 89, 91, 95

    are rational and well-founded, 92

    are simply not true, 74, 91

    are sound and true, 15

    are true and grounded in reality, 91

    are vulnerable to a host of lies, distortions, misbeliefs, and rationalizations, 170

    background factors influence, 143

    be careful what you believe, 88–89

    in “belief file” of leaders, 150

    can be influenced, 94–96

    core, 171

    of David Petraeus, 148

    determine actions and emotions, 96

    determine how we act as leaders, 88–89

    determine how we lead, 133

    determine our behavior, 88, 170, 174

    determine what kind of leader we become, 124, 128

    determine whether we live or die, 95

    determine whether we succeed, 130

    detonate false, 138–39, 174

    do not determine whether we will live or die, 95

    early-warning system and, 142, 175

    errant, 91–92, 94, 105–6, 111, 117

    false, 112–13, 115, 137, 142, 170, 172, 175, 177

    foundational, 128, 133, 171–72, 174–76

    govern our behavior, 91, 124

    half-truths and, 137, 139, 141

    heard in our own inner dialogue, 139

    include dismissiveness, arrogance, impatience, and diminishment of others, 141

    informed Chamberlain’s words, 122–123

    listening to self-talk will ascertain our, 138

    little to no conscious awareness of our, 92

    make us effective as a leader, 95

    marketing experts shape our, 91

    misleading, 137

    monitoring and managing of our, 149

    must be intentional, 14

    must be interrogated and put on trial for their life, 96

    must be vetted, 95, 124

    narcissism makes us more prone to find our, 112

    need to be reconsidered or jettisoned, 91

    need to challenge their authenticity, 91

    nested in the depths of our core, 97, 133

    our core holds, 170

    our core vets, 15

    power of the visual narrative to impact our, 153

    questions to identify misbeliefs, 143–44

    re-engineering our, 112

    responsibility and power gives fuller expression to, 141

    re-vetting our exiting, 150

    self-examination of, 97, 174

    self-induced wake-up call about, 149

    self-talk feeds our, 102

    self-talk reveals our, 102, 175

    social media holds immense power to influence, 91

    that followers are fundamentally lazy, 88

    that followers are self-motivated, generally conscientious, 89

    that followers make good decisions and require only broad oversight, 89

    theoretical, 96

    think deeply about your, 172

    true, 150, 175

    TV entertainment shapes our, 152

    unconscious adoption of beliefs of prominent figures we admire, 92

    unregulated power influences our, 74

    we say to ourselves feeds our, 102

    we skillfully engineer our, 139

Bligh, Captain, 124

blind area, 43

blind spots, 41–42, 45, 75

board of advisors, 161–62

board of directors, personal, 172–73

body language, 77, 83

Bond, James, 153

Breaking Bad, 106

Brown, Scott, 73–74

bureaucratic bungling, 1

Burke, Edmund, 54

Burns, Robert (Scottish poet), 42


carbon emissions, 60

careless word, 75

Cash, Johnny, 145

censor, be your own, 177–78

Chamberlain, Joshua Lawrence (Colonel), 2–4, 7, 15–16, 122–23, 183

chaplains of federal prison, 145

character, 9, 13, 68–69, 125, 163, 173

character failures, 159

chief repository of our beliefs, 14

Clint Eastwood movies, 79

Clinton (President), 113

Coakley, Martha (Democratic Senate candidate), 73–74

coercion, 89

cognitive dissonance, 101, 105

comments, regrettable, 22

commitment of followers, 122–24

commitment to others, 128

competence, xv, 13, 17–19, 67

competitive advantage, xix, 38

compromising position, 110

Confederate Army, 123

confidence, 10, 53, 57, 74, 78

conscience, 13

considerations, 13

core (person inside us). See also beliefs

    about, 13–20, 23, 26

    anecdotes for insulating, 174

    arrogance erodes, 75

    “belief file” resides in, 89, 91–92, 97, 177

    beliefs, 96

    beliefs about people reside in, 133

    breaches to the protective walls of, 173

    cognitive dissonance and, 105

    competing thoughts within, 90

    compromise to, 64

    containment structure of, 68

    containment walls of, 111

    disciplines to protect, 117, 156, 167, 170

    disciplines to strengthen our, 179–80

    early-warning system and, 142

    false beliefs and, 112, 137, 172, 176–77

    flaws in, 44

    guard, 32, 38, 78, 91

    hard to see cracks in, 18–19

    hidden aspects of, 45

    humility wraps around, 79

    leader’s, 10, 13–15

    leadership starts with a strong, 17–18

    learning to go deeper into, 174

    listen to, 102–3, 107

    listen to your, 102–3

    media power and, 178

    as a metaphor for the person inside us, 13

    motivations at risk, 62

    “operating protocols” to protect, 70

    power acts forcefully on, 94

    power and arrogance erodes, 151

    power exerts an insidious effect on, 63

    power weakens, 111

    protecting, 45, 85, 170

    protective membrane and, 153

    re-engineering of our beliefs in, 112

    self-awareness protects, 49

    self-talk and, 100, 102, 175

    speaking to, 104–5, 142, 149

    steel plate guarding, 75

    strengthening, 57

    telling yourself the truth and, 139

    three “faces” to a leader’s behavior and, 10–11


    behavior, 156

    leader, 12, 54, 68, 157

    standards, 63

Cosmopolitan magazine article, 45–46

Costanza, George, 135

courage, 4, 20, 29, 46, 49, 54, 69, 81, 92, 95, 122, 145–46, 172–74

credibility, 18, 157

credibility loss, 146

Crimson Tide (movie), 125–26

cultural influences, 152


daily rat race, 7

day-to-day actions, 12

deception, 38, 80

denial, 55

Dennison, Doug (Charigan Holding’s CEO), xvii–xix

Derailed (Irwin), 57

desires, 13–14

determination, brazen, 6

diligence, 19

diminishment of others, 141

DISC Profile System, 35

disregard of other’s opinions, 56

dreaming, 149

dreams, 7, 61, 129, 149


early-warning signals, 57, 142–43, 167, 176

Edwards, John (Senator), 142

1812 Overture, 109

engagement of hearts and minds, 129

Enola Gay (nuclear bomber), 59

Entertainment Tonight, 102

errant behavior, 106, 177

errant beliefs, 91–92, 94, 105–6, 111, 117

Ester (reality TV show), 80–81


“faces” to leader’s behavior, 10–11

false beliefs, 112–13, 115, 137, 142, 170, 172, 175, 177

family-owned businesses, 67

fear of bugs, 87–88

feedback, 43–44, 47–49, 57, 66–67, 78, 84

feedback, 360-degree, 177

feelings, 13, 16, 23, 26, 30, 33, 37

Fifteenth Alabama Infantry, 2

forethought, 146–47

foundational beliefs, 128, 133, 174–76

friends, lifetime, 161

Fukushima nuclear power plant, 59


Game Change (Heilemann and Halperin), 111

Gandhi (movie), 12

Gandhi, Mahatma, 11–12

Gates, Bill (Microsoft), 140

Gettysburg (film), 2, 122

greed, 52

Greek tragedy, 74


habits, enduring, 28

half-truths, 137, 139, 141

Heinlein, Robert, 109

helplessness, learned, 146

heroic effort, 3, 44

high commitment, 5

high road, 51–52, 57

high school biology, 150–53

higher purpose, 7

higher sense of calling, 4

Hillenbrand, Laura, 95

Homeland Security official, 136

hubris, 74

human heart, deceitful, 55

humility, 4, 77–82, 84–85, 106, 141, 173–74, 182

humor, 21–22, 80

Hunter, Commander, 125–26


impulse control, 68

Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, 96

influences, background, 27, 29–30

influential leaders, 5–6, 11, 46

inner conversation, 29

inner dialogue, 101. See also self-talk

insecure, 18, 149

inspiration, 3–7, 12, 16, 22, 95, 126, 180

insurmountable odds, 3

integrity, 45, 52, 79, 117, 157, 159, 163, 171

“integrity of the hull,” 79

intentions, good, 19, 62

introjection, 128–29

introspection, 24, 46, 115, 153, 174–75

Introverts, 32


Jobs, Steve (Apple CEO), 5–6, 11

journal, 33

Jung, Carl (psychoanalyst), 55


Kennedy, Ted (Senator), 73–74

killers, ruthless, 153

King, Jr., Martin Luther, 61

Kozlowski, Dennis, 52, 93–94, 111


lack of

    authenticity, 40, 115

    clarity, 167

    competence, 13, 19

    courage, 29

    employee acceptance, 127

    knowledge or expertise, 77

    respect, 74

    self-awareness, 57, 77

    self-regulation, 148

Larry the Cable Guy, 91

Lay, Kenneth (Enron), 52, 116–17

leaders (leader’s)

    actions of a, 12

    advice for young, 166–67

    behavior, “faces” to a, 10–11

    “belief file” of, 150

    beliefs determine how we act as, 88–89

    beliefs determine the kind of, 124, 128

    conduct, 10, 12–13

    core, 10, 13–15

    corporate, 12, 54, 68, 157

    great, 7–8, 12, 54, 78, 115–16, 129, 158, 169

    influential, 5–6, 11, 46

    principles of leader accountability, 167–68

    self-aware, 56

    style, 10–12


    crisis, 53

    effective, 4–5, 17, 53–54, 126, 170

    great, 13, 16, 19, 25, 39, 129

    is personal, 15

    philosophy, 124–25

    principles of good, 12

    starts with a strong core, 17–18

    three faces of, 17

    time-tested equation, 126–28

leading from inside, 15–17

legacy, 7–8, 39, 54–55, 87, 102, 107, 116, 144, 148, 153, 157

Lewis, C. S., 78–79

Liar Liar (movie), 56

lies that leaders love, 113–14, 117–19

Lincoln, Abraham, 69

Little Round Top, 2–3


Macbeth (Shakespeare), 56

Madoff, Bernie, 61

“making an impact,” 7

management is positional, 15

management technique, 4–5, 123

manslaughter, 146

marketing experts, 91

marshmallow study, 147, 153

McNamara, Francis, 95


    need for, 5–6

    in people’s lives, 16

    purpose and, 7, 89

    of work, 129

meaningful difference, 7

mental rehearsal, 176

metaphysical core, 14

micromanager, 142

misbeliefs, 93, 137, 139, 141–43, 148, 170–72. See also beliefs

monk, hapless, 152

moral conviction, 143

motto of U. S. Navy, 121

Mutiny on the Bounty (movie), 124

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, 35


Nardelli, Bob (CEO of Home Depot), 76, 125

National Leadership Index (Harvard), 53

near-death experience, 155

negative motives, 93

New York Times article, 165

noble aspirations, 7

non-negotiables, 170–72

nonverbal communication, 77

notebook, 178–79

nuclear power, 60

nurturing, 7


Obadiah (Hebrew prophet), 74

obsession with perfection, 55

operating protocols, 60, 70

organizational psychologist, 6–7, 9, 138, 156, 191

our shadow, 54–57, 77

overconfidence, 74, 77–78. See also confidence


passion for excellence, 6

Paterno, Joe (coach), 53–64

Patton (movie), 11

Patton, George (U.S. General), 11

people, influential, 63

people, what do we believe about them?, 125–26

People magazine, 102

perfectionism, 142–43

performance accountability, 156

“person” inside of us, 14


    behavior, 156–57, 160, 163, 168, 176

    board of directors, 172–73

    boundaries, 67

    commitment, 124

    containment systems, 62

    feedback, 43

    Gallup survey, 176–77

    insights, 41

    meaning, 123

    narrative, 40–41

    performance, 163

    redline, 163

    values, 92

Petraeus, David (general and CIA head), 17, 52, 63, 75, 115, 148, 165, 176

Phillips, Russell Allen, 95

Pickett’s Charge, 3

pontification, 23

positive difference, 6–7, 70

positive influence, 22


    acquisition of, 94

    be careful with, 173–74

    can be highly addictive, 63–64

    can be self-righteous, 64

    corrupts, 62–63, 74

    dark influence of, 67

    failures, 159

    negative influences of, 174

    purpose of, 3–4, 6, 66

    responsible use of, 66–68

    sources, 60–62

    symbols of, 83

    used well, 80–82

principles of good leadership, 12

principles of leader accountability, 167–68


    clear and compelling, 4

    power of, 3–4, 6, 66

    of war, 123


Ramsey, Captain, 125–26

rational lie, 176

rationalization, 15, 57, 164–67, 170

reason to act, 89–92

Reinemund, Steve (PepsiCo CEO), 156–57, 160–67, 172–173, 176

résumé of performance, 13

role model, 7, 88, 94, 151

Rothfuss, Patrick (author), 102


Schwarzkopf, Norman (General), 9

score cards, balanced, 160

Second Maine Infantry Regiment, 1

self-absorption, 31, 85


    about, 23, 26, 28, 30, 38–39, 47

    about power abuse, 67

    arrogance as obstacle to, 75

    belief change and, 112

    core protection and, 49

    curtain blocking our, 43

    determination and, 28

    as early-warning system, 63

    growing out, 39–41

    humility and, 174

    inappropriate relationship and, 148

    intentional introspection and, 153

    journal writing and, 179

    lack of, 57, 77

    moment, 30, 148

    self-examination and, 23, 26, 69, 115

    self-regulation and, 66

    strong core depends on, 15

Self-Awareness Survey, 33–35

self-deception, 48, 105–7, 110–15, 117, 137, 140, 143, 148

self-deprecating, 21, 80

self-deprecation, 80

self-discipline, 4

self-disclosure, 32, 40–41

self-discovery, 32

self-evaluation, 49

self-examination, 23–26, 28, 30–32, 35, 38–39, 45, 47, 69, 115

self-examination of beliefs, 97, 174

self-focus, 62–63, 74

self-importance, 63

self-induced wake-up call, 149

self-knowledge, 32

self-limiting liability, 25

self-motivated, 89, 131

self-perception, 42, 48

self-reflection, 27, 31–33

self-regulation, 23, 25, 35, 39, 47, 66, 115, 147–50, 153, 179


    Bernie Madoff and, 61

    compromised core and, 18

    decisions guided by, 75

    narcissism and, 112

    power puts core at risk, 62–63, 70, 94, 173

    purposes, 94

    shadow side and, 55

    sign of impending doom, 57


    changing beliefs and, 112

    effective leaders and, 141

    feeds our beliefs, 102

    as haphazard flow of thoughts, ideas, and feelings, 100

    how does it work?, 103–4

    intrapersonal communication, 101

    lecturing ourselves, 101

    listening and talking back to, 175

    narrative revealed in our, 175

    negative, 137

    Psalm 16 and, 101

    record what you’re hearing, 107

    re-engineered, 138

    resembles the voice of a parent or grandparent, 101

    restraint and, 149

    reveals our beliefs, 102, 175

    “should I do this or not,” 101

    of someone who is dismissive, arrogant, impatient, and diminishes of others, 141

    speaking to our core, 104–5

    three aspects of, 102

    voice of our core, 15

    what beliefs does it reveal?, 139

    what does it tell us?, 102, 138

self-trickery, 111

sex abuse scandal, 53

sexual misconduct, 111

Shawshank Redemption, 99

shower curtain, 93–94

sizing up people, 5

social attitudes, 91

social media, 91, 167

Socrates, 169

sounding board, 32, 161–62

speech pattern, 91–92

spouses, 43

Springsteen, Bruce, 51

Stanford Prison Experiment, 65–66

Stewart, Martha, 52

stress tests, 59–60, 68–69

subordinates, 94, 177


team engagement, 130

thinking about how you think, 137–38

thoughts, 13, 23, 26, 32–33

Tohoku earthquake, 60

Tower of Pisa, 17

tracking systems, 160

transparency, 22

trust, 40

trust account, CEO’s, 146

trust violated, 38

trusted advisors, 34, 44, 46, 162, 173, 176, 180

trustworthy, 5, 17–18, 52, 63

truths about subordinates, 130–32

Twentieth Maine regiment, 1–3

Tyco International, 93–94


ultimate test, 68–69

United Air 232 flight, 44–45

Unthinkable (movie), 114–15

unthinking action, 75

U.S. military guards, 64


victim of circumstances, 28

video conferencing, 76

vigilance, 140

volition, 13, 63

Volkema, Mike (Herman Miller chairman), 77


wake-up call, 149

Wall Street Journal, xix

website:, 180

Weiner, Anthony (congressman), 45–46, 52

Wizard of Oz syndrome, 76

Woods, Tiger, 112, 115

working for money, 7


Zamperini, Louis, 95

Zimbardo, Philip, 65

Zuckerberg, Mark (Facebook CEO), 10

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