The beginning of the twenty-first century launched a ‘perfect storm’ of societal changes that are bound to affect the way that people around the world will house themselves in the coming decades. Among the principal attributes leading these changes is the transformation of the family and the rise of the non-traditional household, whose composition is markedly different and smaller than it was just half a century ago. The current era is also marked by a rise in the numbers of elderly people in most nations. Parallel to these demographic changes, new lifestyle habits have led to an interest in new housing prototypes whose interior arrangement no longer resembles older dwellings.

The rise in construction costs has put owning dwellings beyond the reach of many. It has made it especially hard for first-time buyers to become homeowners in most of the world’s urban centres. The need to develop new and efficient design and production methods, and to replace outdated paradigms is therefore paramount. Designers and builders are now exploring expandable and adaptable units that include, for example, cost-reduction strategies.

Global and local environmental concerns have also propelled themselves to the top of the societal priority list. Climate change, depletion of natural resources and the rise in the cost of energy has affected many nations and individuals. Designing residential environments that address those issues is rapidly becoming a priority. Homes that do not rely on external sources of power, or that use the sun as their main power source, are increasingly being considered. Attention is also being paid to the relationship between dwellings and their surroundings; building with nature in mind, conserving natural habitats and incorporating private gardens in which to grow food are some of the practices being adopted.

This book discusses and illustrates recent, notable residential design trends. The book is organized into four broad areas of interest that in turn are divided into 20 chapters. Each chapter includes an essay, which lays out principles, methods and practices of the subject being discussed. It also includes contemporary projects that illustrate the approach that various architects have followed while designing unique residences. Using text, illustrations and photography, provided by a number of architectural practices, the book is not limited to ideas, but also demonstrates how they can be applied. It offers a comprehensive collection of strategies and examples that are intended to inspire a much-needed innovation in housing design.

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