

AART Architects 154157

active solar-powered dwellings 150161

electricity production 151

energy harvesting systems 150

energy storage systems 150

site orientation 151

Adams Fleming House 228231

adaptable houses 55, 5667

access to rooms 57

division of spaces 58

doors, positioning 57, 58

flexible layout, designing for 5657, 62, 64

high cost of housing 56, 59, 64

joists, wide-spanning 5657, 58, 71, 95

multipurpose spaces, use of 5657

wet functions, positioning 56, 65, 71

adaptation, building for later 2225, 29, 55

ageing in place 9, 2229, 31

appliances, specialized 24, 25, 29

disability, designing for 23, 24

independence, maintaining 22

non-slip flooring 24, 29

obstacle-free spaces, designing 22, 24, 29

outdoors, access to 2425

air-conditioning systems

active 162

passive 162, 164

size of 165

air tightness, of building envelope 81, 118, 130, 145, 162, 167, 176

Alchemy Architects 112115

Andrew Maynard Architects 6063


energy efficient 131, 240

water efficient 136, 182, 184185, 192, 240

Arado Weehouse 112115

Archipelontwerpers II 124127


Butler House 6063

Trial Bay House 146149


Sunlighthouse 138141


Ban, Takaharu and Yui 44

Bates Masi + Architects 170173

bathroom fixtures, water efficient 182184

bi-family dwellings 3132

Big Dig House 178181

Big Dig initiative 178

Butler House 6063



Adams Fleming House 228231

Arado Weehouse 112115

L41 Home 4649

Ravine House 3841

carbon-neutral see net-zero

central heating 162163

chimney effect 140, 142, 144, 162, 164

Cindy Rendely Architexture 3841


black zinc 214215

composite wood 177

corrugated steel 112

fibre cement 176

oriented strand board (OSB) 87, 167, 176

recycled 20, 176177

vinyl 177

wood 135, 225

Cloud9/Enric Ruiz-Gell 202205

communal living see multigenerational living

Cook + Fox Architects 6467

Crone, Janet 4649


DAAD Architecten 7679

David Vandervort Architects 120123

demographic and social trends 853

aging population 9, 2229, 31

birthrate, declining 22, 30

economic shifts, effects on housing design 13, 55, 59, 71, 82, 95

family structure, changes in 9, 30

home workspaces 1021, 6467

life expectancy 22, 30, 32

multigenerational living 3041, 64

non-traditional households 9, 42, 45, 55, 56, 59, 82

small households 9

Denmark, Home for Life/Activehouse 154157

design and production methods 54127

economic shifts, effects on housing 13, 55, 59, 71, 82, 95

non-traditional households 9, 42, 45, 55, 56, 59, 82

inexpensive housing 55

designing with nature 208219

damage, prevention of 209210

drainage 208, 210

environment, preserving 207, 208209, 217

site orientation 210

tree mapping 209

wind, for ventilation and reduction of 208211, 213

Dick van Gameren Architect 187189

disability, designing for 23, 24

ductwork, leaks in 165


edible landscaping 220231

choice of plants 222

layout 220, 221, 222

soil amendment 223, 233, 235

vertical farming 220, 222, 223

water distribution systems 221, 223

zoning 222

energy and resource efficiency 128205

energy, reducing consumption of 129, 130141

natural resources, depletion of 129, 174, 182

power, generating 129

recycled materials, building with 129,174181,

solar energy, harnessing 129

water efficiency 129

energy harvesting and storage 150

energy production 151

environmental impact (of building homes) see

energy and resource efficiency

expandable dwellings see growing homes

Feldman Architecture 198201

Flexible time management 13

FRPO Rodriguez & Oriol Architecture Landscape 212215


furniture, adjustable 24, 25

built-in 45, 87, 106

mobile 65

modular 48, 58, 65

multifunctional 43, 106



Jones House 3437

geothermal cooling 162

Grasshopper AB 7275

GRAYmatter Architecture190–193

grey water, use of 183, 185, 187, 192, 234, 240

Grosfeld van der Velde Architects 1417

Grow Home, The 71

growing homes 55, 56, 6879

circulation, internal 70

designing 6871

flexible wall materials 71

methods for implementation 6869

prefabricated units 70, 7275, 7679

utilities, locating 71, 72


healthy indoor environments 116127

definition 116

indoor air quality (IAQ) and ventilation 116, 118119

materials selection 117, 119, 122

thermal comfort 116, 117118

visual comfort 116, 118, 124

heat production systems

geothermal 65, 131, 162, 166, 171

solar hot water vacuum tubes 131, 133

heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems 162173

air-conditioning systems 165

choosing a system 162164

duct leakage 165

filters, choosing 165

size of 162163

Hein-Troy Architects 138141

Hiroaki Ohtani 100103

Home for Life/Activehouse 154157

House Ocho 198201

House S 1417

House to Catch the Forest 5053

Hruska, Russell and Rame 1821


indoor air quality (IAQ) 116, 118119

innovative landscaping 206245

conserving resources 207

environmental preservation 207

gardens, uses of 207, 220, 234


cellulose 140, 177

in prefabricated panels 8182

insulated concrete forms (ICFs) 174175

made from recycled materials 177, 239

net-zero dwellings, use in 130, 132, 134, 135

structural insulated panels (SIPs) 176

Intexure Architects 1821

Intexure Live-Work Studio 1821


Narrow House 9699


Jacobson Residence 242243

James Jones/HBV Architects 146149

Japan, House to Catch the Forest 5053

Layer House 100103

Johnsen Schmaling Architects 166169

joists, wide-spanning 5657, 58, 71, 95

Jones House 3437


Kanner Architects 158159

Katz, Michael 4649

kitchen fixtures, water efficient 184185


L41 Home 4649

landscape, building with relation to 146149, 198201, 212215, 216219

landscaping, innovative 206245

Layer House 100103

LED lighting 48

LEED certification 20, 65, 166, 169, 190, 224225

Levitt Goodman Architects 228231

Lighthouse 134137

Live Work Home 6467

Loftcube 108111

louvres 60, 62


Malibu 5 158159

Markus Wespi Jerome de Meuron Architects


material pollutant emissions 117, 119, 122

Michael Rantilla 216217

modular dwellings

MOMO – Modern Modular 7275

plug and play homes 104115

Prefab Lighthouses 7679

MOMO – Modern Modular 7275

movable cabinets 58, 59

multigenerational living 3041, 64

key design issues 30

prefabricated garden suite 32, 33

primary design types 3132

separation of households 3031, 34


narrow houses 55, 92103

definition of 92

interior arrangement 9395, 100

row houses 9293

site orientation 92

stairs in 95, 100

native plant species, use of 192, 193, 201, 233, 235

natural light,

in narrow houses 93, 94

in small homes 43, 44

in workspaces 1213


House S 1417

Prefab Lighthouses 7679

Steel Study House II 124127


Ohad Yehieli 9699

orientation of buildings, for energy efficiency 131, 133, 143, 151, 210

OS House, Racine, 166169

OS House, Loredo, 212215



demountable 13, 59, 71, 95

prefabricated 65

sliding 42, 44, 62, 94, 106

storage units as 43, 58, 94

transparent 44, 94, 106

passive solar design 20, 60, 90, 142149

cooling 142, 160, 162

gain 92, 132, 133, 142149, 172

heating 142143, 164, 198

interior arrangement for 143

shading 143144

site orientation 143

Passivhaus 154

Paul de Ruiter, Architectural Office 2629

photovoltaic panels 20, 133, 150151, 154

plug and play designs 104115

definition 104

expanding 106107

installation times 110, 112

interior design 105106

multifunctional appliances 110

smart technology 106

stairs 106

transportation 104105, 108

pocket doors 41, 42, 170

polycrystalline panels 151

Portland cement 174175, 177

Prefab Lighthouses 7679

prefabricated dwellings 33, 55, 8091, 172

advantages 80

methods of prefabrication 8083

prefabrication, panel systems 8083, 8889

open-sheathed panels (OSP) 8083

structural sandwich panels (SSP) 8083

unsheathed structural (USP) 8083

Pryor House 170173


radiant heating systems 122, 188, 189, 214, 230

rainwater collection systems 148, 185, 192, 221, 223, 244

Rana Creek 198201

Rantilla Residence 216219

Ravine House 3841

recycled materials, building with 174181

aggregate174, 179, 181

cladding 176177

fly ash 174, 177

insulated concrete forms (ICFs) 174175

insulation 177, 239

interior finishes 175

roofing 177

structural framing 175176

Reinhardt Jung 3437

Residence for a Briard 238241

Richard Wittschiebe Hand 224227


green 130, 133, 194205

recycled 177

rooftops, building on 7679, 104115

Ross Street House 224227

Ruiter, Paul de 2629


salvaged building materials, using 178181

Sander Architects 238241

senior citizens, designing homes for 9, 2229, 3032, 42

services, access to,

pre-cut 81

horizontal 81

electrical feeder pipes 5859

service shafts 58


from other structures 143, 151

natural, trees 118, 131, 143144 162, 188, 207

overhanging roofs 122, 133, 142, 143, 167

window coverings 142, 144

Sheppard Robson 134137

shipping containers, refurbishing 107

sick building syndrome 116

skylights 50, 60, 94, 96, 118, 119, 140141, 230

Slagstar 138

small homes 4253

advantages of 42

design strategies 4243

interior arrangement 44

location of stairs in 4445

space perception, improving 4344

storage 45, 46


programmable 117

smart 131, 133

societal needs, responding to 853

solar energy,

harvesting methods 150, 145

heating 48

hot water 133, 141, 152153, 188

panels 65, 122, 150, 151, 192

roof pond systems 145

storage systems 150

trombe walls 145

water-based solar heating systems 145

solar tracking,

devices 151

passive 153


Villa Bio 202205

OS House 212215

Ssd 178181

stack effect 122, 123, 141, 160

stackable housing units 48, 7679, 104115

stairs, positioning of 20, 35, 44, 58, 9495, 106

Steel Study House II 124127


flexible 24

in adaptable houses 58

in small homes 43, 45

structural insulated panels (SIPs) 176

Studio Aisslinger 108111

Sunlighthouse 138141

sun-paths 143, 221, 234

diagrams 133, 151, 153


MOMO – Modern Modular 7275

swimming pool 2629


House in Caviano 8487

Zufferey House 8891


Tezuka Architects 5053

thermal collectors active air-based 151

active water-based 152153, 158, 160

evacuated tube 151153

flat-plate collectors 152153

glazed-panel system 152

solar 140141, 148, 150151, 153, 154155

thermal reservoirs 133

thermal comfort 116

thermochemical glass 162

thermosiphon 143, 145

transportable dwellings 31, 104115


as windbreaks 211

for shading 118, 131, 143144 162, 188, 207

protecting 217

relocating 209, 210

Trial Bay House 146149

Trombe walls 143, 145



Lighthouse 134137


7ten 190193

Big Dig House 178181

Intexture Live-Work Studio 1821

Live Work Home 6467

Loftcube 108111

Malibu 5 158159

NEXThouse 120123

OS House 166169

Pryor House 170173

House Ocho 198201

Rantilla Residence 216219

Ross Street House 224227

Residence for a Briard 238241

Jacobson Residence 242243



central duct 162

cross 65, 148, 160, 172, 188

ductless convection 162

filter selection 162, 165

grille selection 162, 164165

heat recovery ventilation 48, 65, 119, 131, 162, 163164, 225

natural 130, 132133, 158, 164, 208209

passive 140, 142, 162

ridge-and-soffit system 162, 164

under-floor displacement 162, 165

wind 208209

vertical farming 220, 222, 223

Villa 4.0 187189

Villa Bio 202205

Villa Deys 2629

visual comfort 116, 118

volatile organic compounds (VOCs) 122, 123



heat recovery 130, 132

recycling 182

water-efficient dwellings 182193

grey water harvesting183, 185, 187, 192

rainwater collection 187, 192

water pressure, reduction 185

water sources, alternative 185

water-efficient appliances and fixtures 182, 183185

water pressure, reduction methods 185

water sources, alternative 185

wet functions,

positioning 56, 71

manoeuvrable 110

Wick Architecture and Design 242243


blocking 210211

coastal breezes 160, 167, 168

for ventilation 208

patterns 210

wind turbines 131, 133


clerestory 122, 171

electrochromic 132, 144

in energy efficient housing 130, 132

krypton gas-filled 132

low-e 132, 145, 160

proportion of 135, 145, 157

thermochromic 132, 144145

triple-glazed 135

Wood House in Caviano 8487

workspaces in the home 1021

natural light 12

designing 1011

below-ground 10, 1417

separation of workspace 10, 14

entrances to 13, 15, 16


xeriscaping 207, 232245

choice of plants 233, 235, 238, 243

irrigation 236237

mulch and aeration 235

soil amendment 233, 235

topography 234

turf 232, 234, 235236

water-use zones 232234


Zufferey House 8891

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