C# .NET-based ComplexNumberCS UDA, Deploying the UDT Using T-SQL
career phases of T-SQL programmers, Cursors
CASE expressions, Implicit Conversions
case-sensitive filters, Case-Sensitive Filters
certificate authentication for endpoints, Windows Authentication
character-related problems, Generating a Series of Dates, Pattern Matching, Pattern Matching, Pattern Matching, Pattern Matching, Pattern Matching, Case-Sensitive Filters
case-sensitive filters, Case-Sensitive Filters
CHECK constraints in pattern matching, Pattern Matching
IP patterns, Pattern Matching
LIKE predicate in pattern matching, Pattern Matching
overview, Generating a Series of Dates
parsing character strings in pattern matching, Pattern Matching
pattern matching overview, Pattern Matching
CHECK constraints, Pattern Matching, DEFAULT Constraints
pattern matching, Pattern Matching
scalar UDFs, DEFAULT Constraints
checkpoint process in transactions, Transactions
CLR routines, CLR Scalar UDFs, CLR Scalar UDFs, Companion to CLR Routines, Create the CLRUtilities Database: SQL Server, Create the CLRUtilities Database: SQL Server, Create the CLRUtilities Database: SQL Server, Create Project, Create Project, Create Project, Deploy and Build Solution, Test Solution, Test Solution, Test Solution
benefits, CLR Scalar UDFs
CLRUtilities database, Create the CLRUtilities Database: SQL Server
creating projects, Create the CLRUtilities Database: SQL Server
deploying, Create Project
deployment overview, Create Project
developing code, Create Project
developing solutions in Visual Studio, Create the CLRUtilities Database: SQL Server
overview, Companion to CLR Routines
risks, CLR Scalar UDFs
testing using C# code, Deploy and Build Solution
testing using C# code without CREATE statements, Test Solution
testing using Visual Basic code, Test Solution
testing using Visual Basic code without CREATE statements, Test Solution
CLR scalar UDFs, PRIMARY KEY and UNIQUE Constraints, CLR Scalar UDFs, Regular Expressions, Regular Expressions
CLR routines, CLR Scalar UDFs
explicit vs. implicit conversions, Regular Expressions
overview, PRIMARY KEY and UNIQUE Constraints
regular expressions, Regular Expressions
CLR split UDFs, T-SQL Split UDF, CLR Split UDF, CLR Split UDF, CLR Split UDF, CLR Split UDF, Compare Performance of T-SQL and CLR Split
C# definition, T-SQL Split UDF
compared to T-SQL performance, Compare Performance of T-SQL and CLR Split
creating Arrays table, CLR Split UDF
registering C# version, CLR Split UDF
registering Visual Basic version, CLR Split UDF
Visual Basic version, CLR Split UDF
CLR SQL Signature UDFs, T-SQL SQL Signature UDF, CLR SQL Signature UDF, CLR SQL Signature UDF
C#, CLR SQL Signature UDF
compared to T-SQL performance, CLR SQL Signature UDF
Visual Basic, T-SQL SQL Signature UDF
CLR stored procedures, Dynamic Pivot, Dynamic Pivot, CLR Stored Procedures
example 1, Dynamic Pivot
example 2, CLR Stored Procedures
overview, Dynamic Pivot
CLR triggers, Server-Level Triggers, Server-Level Triggers, CLR Triggers, CLR Triggers, CLR Triggers, CLR Triggers
example, Server-Level Triggers
example C# code, CLR Triggers
example output, CLR Triggers
example registering and attaching, CLR Triggers
overview, Server-Level Triggers
Visual Basic code, CLR Triggers
CLR user-defined types (UDTs), Filter Expressions, Theoretical Introduction to UDTs, Theoretical Introduction to UDTs, Domains and Relations, Relations and Classes, Relations and Classes, Why Do We Need Complex Classes?, Why Do We Need Complex Classes?, Language for Creating UDTs, Language for Creating UDTs, Creating a UDT, Creating a UDT, Creating a UDT, Deploying the UDT Using T-SQL, Deploying the UDT Using T-SQL, Deploying the UDT Using T-SQL, Deploying the UDT Using T-SQL, Deploying the UDT Using T-SQL, Deploying the UDT Using T-SQL, Deploying the UDT Using T-SQL, Deploying the UDT Using T-SQL, Deploying the UDT Using T-SQL, Deploying the UDT Using T-SQL, Deploying the UDT Using T-SQL, Output Parameters
arithmetic operations, Deploying the UDT Using T-SQL
background, Theoretical Introduction to UDTs
C# .NET-based ComplexNumberCS UDA, Deploying the UDT Using T-SQL
complex classes, Why Do We Need Complex Classes?
complex domains, Relations and Classes
CREATE ASSEMBLY command, Deploying the UDT Using T-SQL
CREATE TABLE command, Deploying the UDT Using T-SQL
CREATE TYPE command, Deploying the UDT Using T-SQL
creating, Creating a UDT
deploying using T-SQL overview, Creating a UDT
domains and classes, Relations and Classes
domains and relations, Theoretical Introduction to UDTs
enabling CLR, Creating a UDT
language for creating, Why Do We Need Complex Classes?
NULL number, Deploying the UDT Using T-SQL
output of stored procedures, Output Parameters
overview, Filter Expressions
programming overview, Language for Creating UDTs
relations and classes, Domains and Relations
requirements, Language for Creating UDTs
SELECT statement, Deploying the UDT Using T-SQL
ToString method, Deploying the UDT Using T-SQL
Visual Basic .NET-based ComplexNumberVB UDT, Deploying the UDT Using T-SQL
Visual Basic .NET-based ComplexNumberVB_SUM UDA, Deploying the UDT Using T-SQL
Write method, Deploying the UDT Using T-SQL
CLRUtilities database, Create the CLRUtilities Database: SQL Server
code samples, downloading, Installing Sample Databases, Datatype-Related Problems, XML, and CLR UDTs
COLUMNS_UPDATED function, Nesting and Recursion
common language runtime (CLR), Deploying the UDT Using T-SQL, CLR Scalar UDFs, CLR Scalar UDFs, CLR SQL Signature UDF, T-SQL Split UDF, Dynamic Pivot, Server-Level Triggers
routines, CLR Scalar UDFs (see )
scalar UDFs, CLR Scalar UDFs (see )
split UDFs, T-SQL Split UDF (see )
SQL Signature UDFs, CLR SQL Signature UDF (see )
stored procedures, Dynamic Pivot (see )
triggers, Server-Level Triggers (see )
user-defined types, Deploying the UDT Using T-SQL (see )
compatibility of locks, Locks
concurrency in transactions, Transactions
concurrency model, Locks
conflict detection in snapshot isolation level, Snapshot
contracts in dialog conversations, Messages
conversations, Service Broker, Dialog Conversations, Dialog Conversations, Dialog Conversations, Conversations, Conversations, In Order, Asynchronous, Messages, Contracts, Contracts, Services, Services, Conversation Endpoints, Conversation Groups, Sending and Receiving, Sample Dialog, Sample Dialog, Poison Messages, Dialog Security, Asymmetric Key Authentication, Asymmetric Key Authentication, Routing and Distribution, Windows Authentication
asymmetric key authentication, Dialog Security, Asymmetric Key Authentication
beginning and ending dialogs, Services
configuring dialog security, Asymmetric Key Authentication
contracts, Messages
DEFAULT message type, Contracts
definition, Dialog Conversations
dialog asynchronous delivery, In Order
dialog order, Conversations
dialog overview, Service Broker
dialog reliability, Conversations
dialog security overview, Poison Messages
dialog vs. monolog, Dialog Conversations
endpoints, Windows Authentication (see )
groups, Conversation Endpoints
messages, Asynchronous
monolog vs. dialog, Dialog Conversations
poison messages, Sample Dialog
queues, Contracts
receiving messages, Sending and Receiving
routing, Routing and Distribution (see )
sample, Sample Dialog
sending messages, Conversation Groups
services, Services
CREATE ASSEMBLY command, Deploying the UDT Using T-SQL
CREATE TABLE command, Deploying the UDT Using T-SQL
CREATE TYPE command, Deploying the UDT Using T-SQL
cursors, Cursors, Cursors, Cursors, Cursors, Using Cursors, Using Cursors, Cursor Overhead, Dealing with Each Row Individually, Dealing with Each Row Individually, Dealing with Each Row Individually, Custom Aggregates, Running Aggregations, Running Aggregations, Maximum Concurrent Sessions, Maximum Concurrent Sessions, Maximum Concurrent Sessions, Maximum Concurrent Sessions, Maximum Concurrent Sessions, Matching Problems, Matching Problems, Matching Problems, Matching Problems
background knowledge, Cursors
compared to set-based querying solutions, Cursors
compared to set-based solution for dealing with individual rows, Cursor Overhead, Dealing with Each Row Individually
compared to set-based solution for scanning data, Using Cursors
compared to set-based solution overhead, Using Cursors
complexity of problems, Maximum Concurrent Sessions
custom aggregates, Dealing with Each Row Individually
matching problem algorithm (guaranteed solution), Matching Problems
matching problem algorithm (nonguaranteed solution), Matching Problems
matching problem code (guaranteed solution), Matching Problems
matching problem code (nonguaranteed solution), Matching Problems
matching problem Events and Rooms tables, Maximum Concurrent Sessions
matching problem overview, Maximum Concurrent Sessions
maximum concurrent sessions benchmark code, Maximum Concurrent Sessions
maximum concurrent sessions overview, Running Aggregations
maximum concurrent sessions Sessions table, Running Aggregations
maximum concurrent sessions solution, Maximum Concurrent Sessions
order-based access overview, Dealing with Each Row Individually
overview, Cursors
reasons to avoid using, Cursors
running aggregations, Custom Aggregates
custom aggregates in cursor solutions, Dealing with Each Row Individually
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