The <fill> Element

As we've seen, you can use the fill attribute to set fill colors. The <fill> element works like the fill attribute, except that it's an element you enclose in VML shape elements. I'll take a look at this element here, including some of its more advanced capabilities. Here is the attribute list for the <fill> element:

<!attlist fill
id id #implied -- document-wide unique id --
type cdata #implied
on cdata #implied
color cdata #implied
color2 cdata #implied
opacity cdata #implied
src cdata #implied
size cdata #implied
origin cdata #implied
position cdata #implied
alignshape cdata #implied
colors cdata #implied
angle cdata #implied
focus cdata #implied
focussize cdata #implied
focusposition cdata #implied
method cdata #implied

You can find these attributes explained in Table 19.4.

Table 19.4. Attributes of the <fill> Element
NamespaceAttributeTypeDefault ValueDescription
VMLalignshapeBooleantrueAligns the image with the shape if true; otherwise, aligns the image with the window.
VMLanglenumber"0"Specifies the angle along which the gradient is directed.
VMLaspectstring"ignore"Set this to "ignore" to ignore aspect issues, to "atleast" to specify that the image is at least as big as imageSize, or to "atmost"to specify that the image is no bigger than imageSize.
VMLcolorcolor"white"Sets the fill color.
VMLcolor2color"white"Sets the secondary fill color for patterns.
VMLcolorsstringnullSets intermediate colors in the gradient and their relative positions along the gradient—for example: "20% red, 60% blue, 80% green".
VMLfocusnumber"0"Sets the focus point for linear gradient fill; possible values range from –100 to 100.
VMLfocuspositionVector2D0,0For radial gradients, sets the position of the innermost rectangle.
VMLfocussizeVector2D0,0For radial gradients, sets the size of the innermost rectangle.
VMLidstringnullGives a unique identifier for the shape.
VMLmethodstring"sigma"Sets the fill method; set this to "none", "linear", "sigma" or "any".
VMLonBooleantrueTurns fill display on or off.
VMLopacitynumber1.0Sets the opacity of the fill.
VMLoriginVector2D"auto"Sets the origin, relative to the upper left of the image. By default, sets to the center of the image.
VMLpositionVector2D"auto"Is a point in the reference rectangle of the shape used to position the origin of the image. Specified as a fraction of the image size.
VMLsizeVector2D"auto"Gives the size of the image.
VMLsrcstringnullGives the URI of an image to load for image and pattern fills.
VMLtypestring"solid"Sets the fill type. May be "solid", "gradient", "gradientradial", "tile", "pattern", or "frame".

This is the XML template for this element, showing the default values for its attributes:


You can create all kinds of fills, such as gradient fills, pattern fills, and picture fills.

Creating Gradient Fills

To draw a gradient-filled shape, you can set the type property attribute of the <fill> subelement to "gradient" or "gradientradial", and then specify other property attributes of the <fill> subelement, such as method, color2, focus, and angle. Here's an example; in this case, I'm creating a shaded egg shape with a standard gradient fill:

<HTML xmlns:v="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml">

            Using Vector Markup Language

        v:* {behavior: url(#default#VML);}

                VML Gradient Fills
            <v:oval style='width:200pt;height:100pt'
                fillcolor="blue" strokecolor="white">
                <v:fill method="linear sigma" angle="45"
                 type="gradient" />

You can see the results of this VML in Figure 19.19.

Figure 19.19. A gradient fill.

Another option is the gradientradial fill type, where the fill gradient is directed radially. Here's an example, this time with a rectangle:

<HTML xmlns:v="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml">

            Using Vector Markup Language

        v:* {behavior: url(#default#VML);}

                VML Gradient Radial Fills
            <v:rect style='width:200pt;height:100pt'
                fillcolor="blue" strokecolor="white">
                <v:fill method="linear sigma" angle="45"
                    type="gradientradial" />

You can see the results of this VML in Figure 19.20.

Figure 19.20. A gradient radial fill.

You can also set the origin of gradient radial fills, as in this case, where I'm setting the gradient origin to the center of the rectangle for an intriguing effect:

<HTML xmlns:v="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml">

            Using Vector Markup Language

        v:* {behavior: url(#default#VML);}

                VML Gradient Radial Fills
            <v:rect style='width:200pt;height:100pt' fillcolor="blue" strokecolor="white">
                <v:fill method="linear sigma" angle="45"
                    focus="100%" focusposition=".5,.5" focussize="0,0"
                    type="gradientradial" />

You can see the results of this VML in Figure 19.21.

Figure 19.21. A gradient radial fill with origin at the center.

Creating Pattern Fills

To draw a pattern-filled shape, you can set the type property attribute of the <fill> element to "pattern", and then set the src property to the URI of an image file. For example, here's how I use the image bubbles.bmp, which comes with Windows, as a fill pattern (after converting bubbles.bmp to a GIF file so that Internet Explorer can handle it):

<HTML xmlns:v="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml">

            Using Vector Markup Language

        v:* {behavior: url(#default#VML);}

                VML Fill Patterns
            <v:rect style='width:200pt;height:100pt'
                <v:fill type="pattern" src="bubbles.gif"/>

Note that you can also specify the color of the fill you want, as in this case, where I'm making it blue (the original image is black and white). You can see the results of this VML in Figure 19.22, where the bubbles pattern is repeatedly tiled inside a rectangle.

Figure 19.22. A pattern fill.

Creating Picture Fills

To draw a picture-filled shape, you can set the type property attribute of the <fill> element to "frame", and then set the src property to the URI of the image you want to use. Here's an example; in this case, I'll display the image fill.jpg:

<HTML xmlns:v="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml">

            Using Vector Markup Language

        v:* {behavior: url(#default#VML);}

                VML Picture Fills
            <v:rect style='width:673px;height:89px'>
                <v:fill type="frame" src="fill.jpg"/>

You can see the results of this VML in Figure 19.23.

Figure 19.23. A picture fill.

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