Style sheets are becoming increasingly important in HTML because, in HTML 4, many built-in style features such as the <CENTER> element have become deprecated (declared obsolete) in favor of style sheets. However, most HTML programming ignores style sheets entirely.

The story is different in XML because you create your own elements in XML. Thus, if you want a browser to display them, you have to tell it how. This is both good and bad: It's good because it enables you to use the powerful CSS and XSL specifications to customize the appearance of your XML elements far beyond what's possible with standard HTML. It's bad because it can demand a lot of additional work. (One way of getting around the necessity of designing your own style sheets is to use an established XML language that has its own style sheets.)

All this is to say that XML defines the structure and semantics of the document, not its format; if you want to display XML directly, you can either use the default presentation in Internet Explorer, or use a style sheet to set up the presentation yourself.

You have two main ways to specify a style sheet for an XML document: with CSS and with XSL, both of which I'll dig into in this book. CSS is popular with those creating HTML documents and is widely supported. Using CSS, you can specify the formatting of individual elements, create style classes, set up fonts, use colors, and even specify placement of elements in the page.

XSL, on the other hand, is ultimately a better choice to work with XML documents because it's more powerful (in fact, XSL style sheets themselves are well-formed XML documents). XSL documents are made up of rules that are applied to XML documents. When a pattern that you've specified in the XSL document is recognized in the XML document, the rules transform the matched XML into something entirely new. You can even transform XML into HTML in this way.

Although CSS can set only the format and placement of elements, XSL can reorder elements in a document, change them entirely, display some but hide others, select styles based not just on elements but also on element attributes (XML elements can have attributes just as HTML elements can, and I'll introduce them in the next chapter), select styles based on element location, and much more. There are two ways to approach XSL: with XSL transformations and with XSL formatting objects. We'll take a look at both in this book.

Here are some good online resources for style sheets that provide a good reference:

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