
  • absolute value
  • acceleration condition
  • acceleration equation
  • acceleration resistance
  • acceleration response
  • acceleration slip regulation
  • accuracy
  • active brake
  • active control
  • active driveline
  • active four-wheel steering
  • active front wheel steering
  • active integrated control
  • active steering
  • active suspension
  • active zone
  • actual distance
  • actuator
  • adaptive capability
  • adaptive capacity
  • adaptive control
  • adaptive cruise control
  • adaptive fuzzy logic
  • adaptive mechanism
  • adaptive PID control
  • additional yaw moment
  • adhesion friction
  • adjustment strategy
  • aerodynamic drag coefficient
  • aerodynamic drag force
  • agility
  • air drag force
  • air lifting force
  • airbag
  • aligning ability
  • aligning control algorithm
  • aligning performance
  • aligning torque
  • amplitude
  • amplitude-frequency characteristics
  • amplitude-frequency response
  • analytical mechanics
  • angle sensor
  • angular acceleration
  • angular deceleration
  • angular velocity
  • anti-lock braking
  • antisymmetric matrix
  • approaching mode
  • arithmetic logic
  • artificial intelligence
  • artificial neural network
  • assembly
  • assist torque
  • assisting-current
  • assisting-motor angle
  • assisting-motor torque
  • asymptotic stability
  • asymptotically stable
  • autonomous navigation
  • axle load
  • axle roll stiffness
  • back propagation
  • back-propagation algorithm
  • backward
  • balanced truncation
  • bicycle model
  • binary code
  • bipolar function
  • bisectional road
  • block diagram
  • body stiffness
  • body vibration
  • boosting ratio
  • boundary layer
  • boundary limitation
  • bounded model
  • brake adjuster
  • brake cylinder
  • brake disc
  • brake distance
  • brake drum
  • brake fluid
  • brake master cylinder
  • brake model
  • brake pipe line
  • brake pressure holding stage
  • brake pressure increase stage
  • brake pressure reduction stage
  • brake pressure regulating device
  • brake shoe
  • brake swerve
  • brake warning light
  • braking distance
  • braking efficiency factor
  • braking in turn
  • braking performance
  • braking pressure control mode
  • bulldozing resistance
  • bump height
  • bump length
  • bump road
  • calculation precision
  • camber angle
  • CAN bus
  • canonical system
  • Cartesian coordinate
  • center
  • center of gravity
  • center of mass
  • central controller
  • centralized control
  • centralized theory
  • centrifugal force
  • centroid
  • characteristic equation
  • chassis control system
  • Chassis control
  • chassis system
  • chattering phenomenon
  • chromosome string
  • client computer
  • clockwise direction
  • closed loop
    • control
    • system
  • clutch
  • collision avoidance system
  • column vector
  • combustion
  • compensator
  • compression resistance
  • connection weighting parameter
  • constraints
    • condition
    • equations
  • control channel
  • control command
  • control criterion
  • control effect
  • control engineering
  • control layer
  • control mechanism
  • control precision
  • control quality
  • control region
  • control strategy
  • control target
  • control valve assembly
  • control variable
  • control width
  • controllability
  • controllable damping force
  • controller design
  • convergence condition
  • convergence speed
  • coordinate transformation
  • coordinated control
  • coordinating layer
  • cornering force
  • cornering stiffness
  • correction current
  • corrective yaw moment
  • co-simulation
  • coulomb damping
  • couple
  • coupled integrated system
  • coupled system
  • coupling effect
  • coupling mechanism
  • critical damping
  • current correction factor
  • curvature
  • curve steering
  • damper
  • damping characteristics
  • damping coefficient
  • damping matrix
  • damping ratio
  • data communicator
  • data processing
  • data test
  • deceleration
  • decentralized control
  • decentralized control architecture
  • decision matrix
  • decision-making controller
  • defuzzify
  • degrees of freedom
  • delay
    • characteristics
  • denominator
  • derivative terms
  • desired value
  • desired yaw rate
  • detection channel
  • diameter
  • different braking forces
  • differential braking control
  • differential equation
  • direct contact region
  • direct yaw moment control
  • directional control
  • discrete state equation
  • distribution coefficient
  • disturbance channel
  • disturbance drag
  • dividing density
  • double lane change
  • drain water depth
  • driveline
  • driver identity recognition system
  • driver interactive system
  • driver’s intention
  • driving assistance system
  • driving by wire
  • driving direction
  • driving resistance
  • driving wheel radius
  • drum brake
  • dual planetary gear set
  • dynamic boundary
  • dynamic characteristics
  • dynamic evaluation
  • dynamic load distribution
  • dynamic load
  • dynamic stiffness
  • dynamic virtual path
  • ECU
  • efficiency
  • eigenvalue
  • elastic hysteresis resistance
  • electric power steering system
  • electric pump assembly
  • electrical power steering
  • electromagnetic coupling
  • electronic control unit
  • electronic stability program
  • emergency brake
  • emergency braking
  • emergency steering
  • emission
  • end time
  • engine output torque
  • engine power
  • engine torque
  • envelope line
  • environment disturbance
  • environmental factor
  • equilibrium
  • equivalent damping
  • error increment
  • error space
  • estimation algorithm
  • Euler parameter
  • evaluation index
  • execution module
  • execution subsystem
  • expected yaw rate
  • experimental configuration
  • experimental research
  • experimental result
  • experimentation
  • expert knowledge
  • external disturbance
  • external environment
  • extraction
  • fatigue
  • fault accommodation
  • fault diagnosis
  • fault tolerance
  • fault-tolerant control
  • fault-tolerant processing module
  • feasible region
  • feed forward control
  • feed forward structure
  • feedback control
    • feedback combined control
  • filtering white noise
  • finite time
  • first order
  • first-order delay
  • first-order linear system
  • fitness function
  • fitting coefficient
  • flexibility
  • flexible body
  • flexible multibody dynamics
  • flexible multibody systems
  • flywheel
  • force generator
  • four-channel vibration rig
  • four-wheel steering
  • free-body
  • frequency band
  • frequency domain
  • frequency range
  • frequency response characteristics
  • frequency-domain performance
  • friction coefficient
  • friction ellipse
  • friction resistance
  • friction torque
  • frictional resistance
  • fuel supply
  • full-order controller
  • function allocation
  • function distribution coefficient
  • function distribution
  • function integration
  • functional overlapping
  • fuzzy boundary
  • fuzzy control
  • fuzzy preview control
  • game matrix
  • game theory
  • Gaussian distribution
  • Gaussian smoothing filter
  • Gaussian white noise
  • gear ratio
  • gear
  • generalized controlled target
  • generalized coordinates
  • generalized force
  • generalized minimum variance regulation law
  • genetic algorithm
  • global optimal design
  • global optimal parameters
  • global optimum performance
  • grade B road
  • gradient resistance
  • gradient
  • gravitational acceleration
  • gravitational force
  • gravity
  • gyroscope
  • half-vehicle model
  • hand feel
  • handling limit
  • handling stability
  • Hankel singular value
  • hardware integration
  • hardware redundancy methods
  • hardware
  • hardware-in-loop
  • harmonics superposition
  • harshness
  • H2 control
  • H control
  • hierarchical control
  • hierarchy structure
  • high order controller
  • high-order unmodeled
  • holonomic constraint
  • horizon control
  • horizontal axis
  • horizontal direction
  • horizontal distance
  • host and slave computer control
  • host computer
  • Hough detection
  • human body-sensitive frequency region
  • human sensitivity frequency range
  • human-seat system
  • hybrid control strategy
  • hybrid control system
  • hybrid control
  • hydraulic pressure control unit
  • hydraulic pressure
  • hydraulic system
  • hydraulic transmission lag
  • hydroelectric velocity
  • hyper plane
  • ideal state
  • ignition
  • image acquisition card
  • implicit function theorem
  • implicit layer
  • inclination angle
  • increment
  • index function
  • indicators interface
  • induced drag
  • inequality
  • inertia
  • inertia moment
  • inertial force
  • inertial moment
  • inertial resistance
  • information integration
  • inner boundary
  • input layer
  • input signal
  • input variables
  • instability mechanism
  • instability
  • integral type
  • integrated chassis control system
  • integrated control,
    • method
    • strategy
  • integrated manner
  • integrated optimization design
  • integrated vehicle control system
  • intelligent vehicle
  • interaction
  • interactor algorithm
  • interconnected stability
  • interdisciplinary subject
  • internal bus
  • internal circulation drag
  • internal coupling
  • internal friction
  • international standards organization
  • inverse
  • inverse Fast Fourier Transform
  • inverse system
  • irrelevant measured noise
  • ISO 2631–1
  • Jacobian matrix
  • Kalman filter
  • Kalman filtering principle
  • kinematic
  • kinematic analysis
  • kinematics model
  • kingpin caster
  • kingpin offset
  • L2 control
  • Labview software
  • Lagrange multiplier array
  • Lagrangian equation
  • Lagrangian
  • lane departure warning system
  • lane detection
  • lane edge detection
  • lane keeping system
  • lane recognition
  • laplace inverse transform
  • laplace transform
  • laplace variable
  • lateral acceleration
  • lateral deviation
  • lateral direction
  • lateral friction coefficient
  • lateral mechanical property
  • lateral shift
  • lateral wind
  • layered control system
  • learning ability
  • learning algorithm
  • learning sample
  • Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm
  • lift force
  • limit state
  • linear matrix inequality
  • linear quadratic gauss
  • linear region
  • linear time invariant system
  • liquid reservoir
  • load transfer
  • local coordinates
  • local optimum performance
  • logic threshold control
  • log-log coordinates
  • long wheelbase
  • longitudinal direction
  • longitudinal distance
  • longitudinal friction coefficient
  • longitudinal stiffness
  • longitudinal vehicle dynamics
  • look-up table
  • low cut-off frequency
  • lower controller
  • lower cut-off angular frequency
  • lower limit value
  • LQG control
  • Lyapunov function
  • Lyapunov stability
  • Lyapunov stability theorem
  • MacPherson front (rear) suspension
  • magic formula
  • magnetic coil
  • magnetic field
  • magneto rheological fluid
  • magneto-rheological damper
  • man-machine function sharing
  • master cylinder
  • material hysteresis
  • material
  • mathematical fitting
  • mathematical model
  • Matlab
  • matrix inequality
  • maximal singular value
  • measured error
  • measured value
  • measurement module
  • measurement noise
  • mechanical offset
  • membership function
  • method of control
  • methodology
  • MIMO
  • minimal realization model
  • minimum variance regulation law
  • modal truncation
  • monitoring systems
  • multibody dynamics
  • multilayer control
  • multilayer coordinating control
  • multilayer integrated control
  • multi-objective optimization
  • multiple performance indices
  • multi-rigid body
  • multi-sensor information fusion
  • multivariable system
  • natural frequency
  • network weight
  • neural network control
  • neuron
  • neutral steering
  • Newton- Euler method
  • Newtonian mechanics
  • Nonlinear Bingham model
  • nonlinear characteristics
  • nonlinear control
  • nonlinear coupled relationship
  • nonlinear coupling
  • Nonlinear Dugoff tyre model
  • nonlinear interaction
  • nonlinear predictive control
  • nonlinearly coupled dynamical model
  • non-rolling dynamic stiffness
  • non-sprung mass
  • normal braking stage
  • normal force
  • numerator
  • NVH
  • objective optimization
  • observer
  • observer output
  • offset distance
  • offset
  • onboard network
  • online learning correction
  • open loop
  • operator
  • optimal control
    • strategy
  • optimal estimator
  • Optimal Hankel-norm Reduction
  • optimization objective
  • optimum control
  • optimum value
  • order reduction
  • orientation
  • origin position
  • origin
  • oscillation
  • outer boundary
  • output feedback controller
  • output gain
  • overall performance
  • overlap function
  • overshoot
  • oversteer
  • Pacejka nonlinear tyre model
  • parallel vehicle control architecture
  • parameter optimization
  • parameter perturbation
  • parameter uncertainty
  • parameter variation
  • pareto-optimal
  • passive fault-tolerant control
  • passive integrated control
  • passive suspension
  • path planning
  • path tracking
  • pattern recognition
  • peak response
  • peak value
  • pedal force
  • performance conflict
  • performance criterion
  • performance evaluation
  • performance factor
  • performance index
  • perspective
  • phase plane
  • phase variation
  • phase-frequency characteristics
  • PID control
  • pillar joint
  • pinion
  • pitch angle
  • pitch motion
  • pitch rate
  • plastic road
  • pneumatic tyre offset
  • pneumatic tyre
  • pole assignment
  • pole placement control law
  • polynomial function
  • position coordinate
  • positive definite matrix
  • positive direction
  • potential energy
  • power management module
  • power source
  • power spectrum,
    • density
  • power-assisted control
  • power-assisted curve
  • prediction error
  • predictive width
  • pressure drag
  • pressure resistance
  • pressure sensor
  • preview control
  • preview distance
  • preview following theory
  • preview point
  • property
  • protection circuit
  • pseudolinear system
  • pulse signal amplitude
  • pulse signal excitation
  • pump motor
  • pure lag
  • PWM pulse
  • PXI
  • quadratic form
  • quadratic performance index
  • quality
  • quantitative analysis
  • quantity
  • Raccati equation
  • rack
  • radial deformation curve
  • radial deformation
  • rake lever ratio
  • ramp resistance
  • random sequence generation
  • random sub-optimal control
  • random vibration theory
  • rational fraction
  • reality
  • real-time collision early-warning
  • real-time response
  • recursive least square estimation
  • recursive parameter estimation
  • reduced-order controller
  • reduction method
  • reduction model
  • redundancy
  • reference current
  • reference region
  • reference slip ratio
  • reference trajectory
  • reference yaw rate
  • relative degree
  • relative distance
  • relative factor
  • relative position
  • residual steering wheel angle
  • resonance
  • resonant frequency region
  • resource-sharing
  • response characteristics
  • response lag
  • Riccati equation
  • Riccatic algebra equation
  • rigid body
  • rigid motion
  • road adhesion coefficient
  • road curvature
  • road disturbance
  • road estimation algorithm
  • road feel
  • road friction
  • road image collection
  • road plastic deformation
  • road roughness
  • road surface
  • road unevenness
  • road’s surface
  • robust control
  • robustness
  • roll axis
  • roll camber coefficient
  • roll damping
  • roll input
  • roll motion
  • roll rate
  • roll steering coefficient
  • roll stiffness
  • roll torque
  • rolling dynamic stiffness
  • rolling moment
  • rolling motion
  • rolling radius
  • rolling resistance moment
  • rollover
  • root
  • root-mean-square values
  • rotary inertia
  • rotating mass
  • rotational motion
  • rotational movement
  • rough road surface
  • running direction
  • running resistance
  • sampling time
  • sampling value
  • saturation
  • scale factor
  • scaling
  • scream
  • seat belt
  • secondary development
  • security algorithm
  • security technology
  • security
  • self-adaptive control
  • self-adaptive integrated control
  • self-adjusting
  • self-aligning torque
  • self-healing
  • self-learning
  • self-tuning
  • semi-active suspension
  • sensor measure channel
  • sensor signals input module
  • separation principle
  • separation theorem
  • servo-valve
  • settling time
  • shape drag
  • shear resistance
  • shock absorber
  • shock
  • side slip resistance
  • signal bandwidth
  • signal reconstruction
  • SIMO
  • simulation environment
  • simulation investigation
  • simulation results
  • sine wave
  • single lane change
  • sinusoidal input
  • SISO
  • slave computer
  • sliding hyper plane
  • sliding mode surface
  • sliding mode variable structure control
  • sliding surface
  • slippery road
  • slope angle
  • smith pre-evaluation compensation method
  • snaking test
  • solenoid coil
  • solenoid valve
  • spatial domain
  • spatial frequency
  • speed impact factor
  • speed sensor
  • spherical rotation joint
  • spin
  • split type
  • spring return force
  • spring stiffness
  • spring
  • stability factor
  • stability limit
  • stability region
  • state equation
  • state estimator
  • state feedback
  • state observer
  • state space
  • state trajectory
  • state variable
  • state vector
  • static boundary
  • static load
  • static state evaluation
  • static stiffness
  • steady state
    • error
    • gain
    • response
    • yaw rate
  • steer by wire
  • steering ability
  • steering agility
  • steering aligning performance
  • steering column
  • steering gradient
  • steering peak angle
  • steering pinion
  • steering portability
  • steering sensitivity
  • steering shaft
  • steering template
  • steering wheel angle pulse input
  • steering wheel angle step input
  • step function
  • step steering input
  • stiffness
  • stochastic disturbance
  • stochastic excitation
  • stochastic fluctuation
  • stochastic white noise signal
  • straight driving
  • structure model
  • structure parameter
  • sub-model
  • suboptimal performance
  • sudden cornering
  • suitable region
  • super intelligent
  • supervision function
  • suppress the input disturbance
  • suspension dynamic deflection
  • suspension dynamic travel
  • suspension stiffness
  • switch plane
  • switching gain
  • switching surface
  • symbol function
  • synthetic diagnosis
  • target layer
  • test data
  • theoretical analysis
  • threshold
    • value
  • throttle
    • characteristics
  • tie rod
  • time domain
  • time-lag
  • time-varying
  • time-varying sliding mode
  • toolbox
  • toolkit
  • topology
  • torque sensor
  • torque/angle integrating sensor
  • torsion stiffness coefficient
  • track keeping
  • track width
  • tracking error
  • tracking point
  • tracking target
  • tracking trajectory
  • traction control system
  • trailing arm
  • training function
  • transfer function matrix
  • transfer function
  • transformation
  • transient process
  • transient state
  • transient steering characteristics
  • transition zone
  • translation mass
  • translational mass
  • translational movement
  • transmission output torque
  • transmission ratio
  • transverse axle
  • trapezoidal function
  • traveling trajectory
  • travelling direction
  • trial-and-error
  • triangle matrix
  • trigonometric function
  • turbulence resistance
  • twist
  • tyre cornering stiffness
  • tyre damping
  • tyre deformation
  • tyre dynamic displacement
  • tyre dynamic load
  • tyre force
  • tyre inflation pressure
  • tyre lateral force margin
  • tyre pressure
  • tyre skidding
  • tyre slip angle
  • tyre stiffness
  • tyre vertical load
  • uncertain disturbance
  • uncertainty
  • undamped natural frequency
  • understeer
  • uneven road
  • uniform speed
  • unmodeled dynamics
  • unsprung mass
  • upper bound function
  • upper layer controller
  • upper limit
  • upper motion controller
  • vanishing point search
  • variable slope sliding surface
  • variable structure control
  • vectors
  • vehicle attitude
  • vehicle centroid height
  • vehicle dynamics
  • vehicle dynamics equation
  • vehicle engineering
  • vehicle frame
  • vehicle reference model
  • vehicle stability control
  • vehicle stability factor
  • vehicle state collection
  • vehicle state
  • vehicle system dynamics
  • vehicle vertical acceleration
  • vehicle vibration energy
  • vertical direction
  • vertical distance
  • vertical load
  • vertical stiffness
  • vibration analysis
  • vibration frequency
  • virtual displacement equations
  • virtual path
  • virtual prototyping software
  • viscous damping
  • visual navigation
  • wading area
  • water film district
  • weighted mean method
  • weighted polynomial matrix
  • weighting coefficient matrix
  • weighting factor
  • weighting function
  • weighting function matrix
  • weighting matrix
  • weighting parameter
  • wet pavement
  • wheel cylinder piston diameter
  • wheel cylinder pressure
  • wheel radius
  • wheel system equivalent model
  • wheel vertical load
  • wheelbase
  • white noise
  • wind disturbance
  • wind resistance
  • work domain
  • working mode
  • working radius
  • working zone
  • yaw angle
  • yaw control
  • yaw moment
  • yaw motion
  • yaw rate
  • yaw stability
  • zero emissions
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