12. Document Object Model (DOM): Objects and Collections

Though leaves are many, the root is one.

—William Butler Yeats

Most of us become parents long before we have stopped being children.

—Mignon McLaughlin

Sibling rivalry is inevitable. The only sure way to avoid it is to have one child.

—Nancy Samalin


In this chapter you will:

• Use JavaScript and the W3C Document Object Model to create dynamic web pages.

• Learn the concept of DOM nodes and DOM trees.

• Traverse, edit and modify elements in an HTML5 document.

• Change CSS styles dynamically.

• Create JavaScript animations.


12.1 Introduction

12.2 Modeling a Document: DOM Nodes and Trees

12.3 Traversing and Modifying a DOM Tree

12.4 DOM Collections

12.5 Dynamic Styles

12.6 Using a Timer and Dynamic Styles to Create Animated Effects

Summary | Self-Review Exercises | Answers to Self-Review Exercises | Exercises

12.1. Introduction

In this chapter we introduce the Document Object Model (DOM). The DOM gives you scripting access to all the elements on a web page. Inside the browser, the whole web page—paragraphs, forms, tables, etc.—is represented in an object hierarchy. Using JavaScript, you can dynamically create, modify and remove elements in the page.

We introduce the concepts of DOM nodes and DOM trees. We discuss properties and methods of DOM nodes and cover additional methods of the document object. We show how to dynamically change style properties, which enables you to create effects, such as user-defined background colors and animations.

Image Software Engineering Observation 12.1

With the DOM, HTML5 elements can be treated as objects, and many attributes of HTML5 elements can be treated as properties of those objects. Then objects can be scripted with JavaScript to achieve dynamic effects.

12.2. Modeling a Document: DOM Nodes and Trees

As we saw in previous chapters, the document’s getElementById method is the simplest way to access a specific element in a page. The method returns objects called DOM nodes. Every piece of an HTML5 page (elements, attributes, text, etc.) is modeled in the web browser by a DOM node. All the nodes in a document make up the page’s DOM tree, which describes the relationships among elements. Nodes are related to each other through child-parent relationships. An HTML5 element inside another element is said to be its child—the containing element is known as the parent. A node can have multiple children but only one parent. Nodes with the same parent node are referred to as siblings.

Today’s desktop browsers provide developer tools that can display a visual representation of a document’s DOM tree. Figure 12.1 shows how to access the developer tools for each of the desktop browsers we use for testing web apps in this book. For the most part, the developer tools are similar across the browsers. [Note: For Firefox, you must first install the DOM Inspector add-on from https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/dom-inspector-6622/. Other developer tools are available in the Firefox menu’s Web Developer menu item, and more Firefox web-developer add-ons are available from https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/collections/mozilla/webdeveloper/.]


Fig. 12.1. Commands for displaying developer tools in desktop browsers.

Viewing a Document’s DOM

Figure 12.2 shows an HTML5 document in the Chrome web browser. At the bottom of the window, the document’s DOM tree is displayed in the Elements tab of the Chrome developer tools. The HTML5 document contains a few simple elements. A node can be expanded and collapsed using the Image and Image arrows next to a given node. Figure 12.2 shows all the nodes in the document fully expanded. The html node at the top of the tree is called the root node, because it has no parent. Below the html node, the head node is indented to signify that the head node is a child of the html node. The html node represents the html element (lines 5–21).

 1   <!DOCTYPE html>
 3   <!-- Fig. 12.2: domtree.html -->
 4   <!-- Demonstration of a document's DOM tree. -->
 5   <html>
 6      <head>
 7         <meta charset = "utf-8">
 8         <title>DOM Tree Demonstration</title>
 9      </head>
10      <body>
11         <h1>An HTML5 Page</h1>
12         <p>This page contains some basic HTML5 elements. The DOM tree
13            for the document contains a DOM node for every element</p>
14         <p>Here's an unordered list:</p>
15         <ul>
16            <li>One</li>
17            <li>Two</li>
18            <li>Three</li>
19         </ul>
20      </body>
21   </html>


Fig. 12.2. Demonstration of a document’s DOM tree.

The head and body nodes are siblings, since they’re both children of the html node. The head contains the meta and title nodes. The body node contains nodes representing each of the elements in the document’s body element. The li nodes are children of the ul node, since they’re nested inside it.

When you select a node in the left side of the developer tools Elements tab, the node’s details are displayed in the right side. In Fig. 12.2, we selected the p node just before the unordered list. In the Properties section, you can see values for that node’s many properties, including the innerHTML property that we’ve used in many examples.

In addition to viewing a document’s DOM structure, the developer tools in each browser typically enable you to view and modify styles, view and debug JavaScripts used in the document, view the resources (such as images) used by the document, and more. See each browser’s developer tools documentation online for more detailed information.

12.3. Traversing and Modifying a DOM Tree

The DOM enables you to programmatically access a document’s elements, allowing you to modify its contents dynamically using JavaScript. This section introduces some of the DOM-node properties and methods for traversing the DOM tree, modifying nodes and creating or deleting content dynamically.

The example in Figs. 12.312.5 demonstrates several DOM node features and two additional document-object methods. It allows you to highlight, modify, insert and remove elements.


Figure 12.3 contains the CSS for the example. The CSS class highlighted (line 14) is applied dynamically to elements in the document as we add, remove and select elements using the form in Fig. 12.4.

 1   /* Fig. 12.3: style.css */
 2   /* CSS for dom.html. */
 3   h1, h3       { text-align: center;
 4                  font-family: tahoma, geneva, sans-serif; }
 5   p            { margin-left: 5%;
 6                  margin-right: 5%;
 7                  font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif; }
 8   ul           { margin-left: 10%; }
 9   a            { text-decoration: none; }
10   a:hover      { text-decoration: underline; }
11   .nav         { width: 100%;
12                  border-top: 3px dashed blue;
13                  padding-top: 10px; }
14   .highlighted { background-color: yellow; }
15   input        { width: 150px; }
16   form > p     { margin: 0px; }

Fig. 12.3. CSS for basic DOM functionality example.

HTML5 Document

Figure 12.4 contains the HTML5 document that we’ll manipulate dynamically by modifying its DOM. Each element in this example has an id attribute, which we also display at the beginning of the element in square brackets. For example, the id of the h1 element in lines 13–14 is set to bigheading, and the heading text begins with [bigheading]. This allows you to see the id of each element in the page. The body also contains an h3 heading, several p elements, and an unordered list. A div element (lines 29–48) contains the remainder of the document. Line 30 begins a form. Lines 32–46 contain the controls for modifying and manipulating the elements on the page. The click event handlers (registered in Fig. 12.5) for the six buttons call corresponding functions to perform the actions described by the buttons’ values.


The JavaScript code (Fig. 12.5) begins by declaring two variables. Variable currentNode (line 3) keeps track of the currently highlighted node—the functionality of each button depends on which node is currently selected. Function start (lines 7–24) registers the evvent handlers for the document’s buttons, then initializes currentNode to the h1 element with id bigheading. This function is set up to be called when the window’s load event (line 27) occurs. Variable idcount (line 4) is used to assign a unique id to any new elements that are created. The remainder of the JavaScript code contains event-handling functions for the buttons and two helper functions that are called by the event handlers. We now discuss each button and its corresponding event handler in detail.

 1   <!DOCTYPE html>
 3   <!-- Fig. 12.4: dom.html -->
 4   <!-- Basic DOM functionality. -->
 5   <html>
 6      <head>
 7         <meta charset = "utf-8">
 8         <title>Basic DOM Functionality</title>
 9         <link rel = "stylesheet" type = "text/css" href = "style.css">
10         <script src = "dom.js"></script>
11      </head>
12      <body>
13         <h1 id = "bigheading" class = "highlighted">
14            [bigheading] DHTML Object Model</h1>
15         <h3 id = "smallheading">[smallheading] Element Functionality</h3>
16         <p id = "para1">[para1] The Document Object Model (DOM) allows for
17            quick, dynamic access to all elements in an HTML5 document for
18            manipulation with JavaScript.</p>
19         <p id = "para2">[para2] For more information, check out the
20            "JavaScript and the DOM" section of Deitel's
21            <a id = "link" href = "http://www.deitel.com/javascript">
22               [link] JavaScript Resource Center.</a></p>
23         <p id = "para3">[para3] The buttons below demonstrate:(list)</p>
24         <ul id = "list">
25            <li id = "item1">[item1] getElementById and parentNode</li>
26            <li id = "item2">[item2] insertBefore and appendChild</li>
27            <li id = "item3">[item3] replaceChild and removeChild</li>
28         </ul>
29         <div id = "nav" class = "nav">
30            <form onsubmit = "return false" action = "#">
31               <p><input type = "text" id = "gbi" value = "bigheading">
32                  <input type = "button" value = "Get By id"
33                     id = "byIdButton"></p>
34               <p><input type = "text" id = "ins">
35                  <input type = "button" value = "Insert Before"
36                     id = "insertButton"></p>
37               <p><input type = "text" id = "append">
38                  <input type = "button" value = "Append Child"
39                     id = "appendButton"></p>
40               <p><input type = "text" id = "replace">
41                  <input type = "button" value = "Replace Current"
42                     id = "replaceButton()"></p>
43               <p><input type = "button" value = "Remove Current"
44                     id = "removeButton"></p>
45               <p><input type = "button" value = "Get Parent"
46                     id = "parentButton"></p>
47            </form>
48         </div>
49      </body>
50   </html>


Fig. 12.4. HTML5 document that’s used to demonstrate DOM functionality for dynamically adding, removing and selecting elements.

 1   // Fig. 12.5: dom.js
 2   // Script to demonstrate basic DOM functionality.
 3   var currentNode; // stores the currently highlighted node
 4   var idcount = 0; // used to assign a unique id to new elements
 6   // register event handlers and initialize currentNode
 7   function start()
 8   {
 9      document.getElementById( "byIdButton" ).addEventListener(
10         "click", byId, false );
11      document.getElementById( "insertButton" ).addEventListener(
12         "click", insert, false );
13      document.getElementById( "appendButton" ).addEventListener(
14         "click", appendNode, false );
15      document.getElementById( "replaceButton" ).addEventListener(
16         "click", replaceCurrent, false );
17      document.getElementById( "removeButton" ).addEventListener(
18         "click", remove, false );
19      document.getElementById( "parentButton" ).addEventListener(
20         "click", parent, false );
22      // initialize currentNode
23      currentNode = document.getElementById( "bigheading" );
24   } // end function start
26   // call start after the window loads
27   window.addEventListener( "load", start, false );
29   // get and highlight an element by its id attribute
30   function byId()
31   {
32      var id = document.getElementById( "gbi" ).value;
33      var target = document.getElementById( id );     
35      if ( target )
36         switchTo( target );
37   } // end function byId
39   // insert a paragraph element before the current element
40   // using the insertBefore method
41   function insert()
42   {
43      var newNode = createNewNode(                                 
44         document.getElementById( "ins" ).value );                 
45      currentNode.parentNode.insertBefore( newNode, currentNode );
46      switchTo( newNode );
47   } // end function insert
49   // append a paragraph node as the child of the current node
50   function appendNode()
51   {
52      var newNode = createNewNode(
53         document.getElementById( "append" ).value );
54      currentNode.appendChild( newNode );
55      switchTo( newNode );
56   } // end function appendNode
58   // replace the currently selected node with a paragraph node
59   function replaceCurrent()
60   {
61      var newNode = createNewNode(
62         document.getElementById( "replace" ).value );
63      currentNode.parentNode.replaceChild( newNode, currentNode );
64      switchTo( newNode );
65   } // end function replaceCurrent
67   // remove the current node
68   function remove()
69   {
70      if ( currentNode.parentNode == document.body )
71         alert( "Can't remove a top-level element." );
72      else
73      {
74         var oldNode = currentNode;
75         switchTo( oldNode.parentNode );
76         currentNode.removeChild( oldNode );
77      }
78   } // end function remove
80   // get and highlight the parent of the current node
81   function parent()
82   {
83      var target = currentNode.parentNode;
85      if ( target != document.body )
86         switchTo( target );
87      else
88         alert( "No parent." );
89   } // end function parent
91   // helper function that returns a new paragraph node containing
92   // a unique id and the given text
93   function createNewNode( text )
94   {
95      var newNode = document.createElement( "p" );
96      nodeId = "new" + idcount;
97      ++idcount;
98      newNode.setAttribute( "id", nodeId ); // set newNode's id
99      text = "[" + nodeId + "] " + text;
100     newNode.appendChild( document.createTextNode( text ) );
101     return newNode;
102  } // end function createNewNode
104  // helper function that switches to a new currentNode
105  function switchTo( newNode )
106  {
107     currentNode.setAttribute( "class", "" ); // remove old highlighting
108     currentNode = newNode;
109     currentNode.setAttribute( "class", "highlighted" ); // highlight
110     document.getElementById( "gbi" ).value =                        
111        currentNode.getAttribute( "id" );                            
112  } // end function switchTo

Fig. 12.5. Script to demonstrate basic DOM functionality.

Finding and Highlighting an Element Using getElementById, setAttribute and getAttribute

The first row of the form (Fig. 12.4, lines 31–33) allows the user to enter the id of an element into the text field and click the Get By Id button to find and highlight the element, as shown in Fig. 12.6. The button’s click event calls function byId.


Fig. 12.6. The document of Figure 12.4 after using the Get By id button to select item1.

The byId function (Fig. 12.5, lines 30–37) uses getElementById to assign the contents of the text field to variable id. Line 33 uses getElementById to find the element whose id attribute matches variable id and assign it to variable target. If an element is found with the given id, an object is returned; otherwise, null is returned. Line 35 checks whether target is an object—any object used as a boolean expression is true, while null is false. If target evaluates to true, line 36 calls the switchTo function with target as its argument.

The switchTo function (lines 105–112) is used throughout the script to highlight an element in the page. The current element is given a yellow background using the style class highlighted, defined in the CSS styles. This function introduces the DOM element methods setAttribute and getAttribute, which allow you to modify an attribute value and get an attribute value, respectively. Line 107 uses setAttribute to set the current node’s class attribute to the empty string. This clears the class attribute to remove the highlighted class from the currentNode before we highlight the new one.

Line 108 assigns the newNode object (passed into the function as a parameter) to variable currentNode. Line 109 uses setAttribute to set the new node’s class attribute to the CSS class highlighted.

Finally, lines 110–111 use getAttribute to get the currentNode’s id and assign it to the input field’s value property. While this isn’t necessary when switchTo is called by byId, we’ll see shortly that other functions call switchTo. This line ensures that the text field’s value contains the currently selected node’s id. Notice that we did not use setAttribute to change the value of the input field. Methods setAttribute and getAttribute do not work for user-modifiable content, such as the value displayed in an input field.

Creating and Inserting Elements Using insertBefore and appendChild

The second and third rows in the form (Fig. 12.4, lines 34–39) allow the user to create a new element and insert it before or as a child of the current node, respectively. If the user enters text in the second text field and clicks Insert Before, the text is placed in a new paragraph element, which is inserted into the document before the currently selected element, as in Fig. 12.7. The button’s click event calls function insert (Fig. 12.5, lines 41–47).

Lines 43–44 call the function createNewNode, passing it the value of the "ins" input field as an argument. Function createNewNode, defined in lines 93–102, creates a paragraph node containing the text passed to it. Line 95 creates a p element using the document object’s createElement method, which creates a new DOM node, taking the tag name as an argument. Though createElement creates an element, it does not insert the element on the page.

Line 96 creates a unique id for the new element by concatenating "new" and the value of idcount before incrementing idcount. Line 98 uses setAttribute to set the id of the new element. Line 99 concatenates the element’s id in square brackets to the beginning of text (the parameter containing the paragraph’s text).

Line 100 introduces two new methods. The document’s createTextNode method creates a node that contains only text. Given a string argument, createTextNode inserts the string into the text node. We create a new text node containing the contents of variable text. This new node is then used as the argument to the appendChild method, which is called on the new paragraph’s node. Method appendChild inserts a child node (passed as an argument) after any existing children of the node on which it’s called.


Fig. 12.7. The document of Figure 12.4 after selecting para3 with the Get By id button, then using the Insert Before button to insert a new paragraph before para3.

After the p element is created, line 101 returns the node to the calling function insert, where it’s assigned to newNode (line 43). Line 45 inserts the new node before the currently selected one. Property parentNode contains the node’s parent. In line 45, we use this property to get currentNode’s parent. Then we call the insertBefore method (line 45) on the parent with newNode and currentNode as its arguments. This inserts newNode as a child of the parent directly before currentNode. Line 46 uses our switchTo function to update the currentNode to the newly inserted node and highlight it in the document.

The input field and button in the third table row allow the user to append a new paragraph node as a child of the current element (Fig. 12.8). This feature uses a procedure similar to the insert function. Lines 52–53 in function appendNode create a new node, line 54 inserts it as a child of the current node, and line 55 uses switchTo to update currentNode and highlight the new node.


Fig. 12.8. The document of Figure 12.4 after using the Append Child button to append a child to the new paragraph in Figure 12.7.

Replacing and Removing Elements Using replaceChild and removeChild

The next two table rows (Fig. 12.4, lines 40–44) allow the user to replace the current element with a new p element or simply remove the current element. When the user clicks Replace Current (Fig. 12.9), function replaceCurrent (Fig. 12.5, lines 59–65) is called.


Fig. 12.9. The document of Figure 12.4 after using the Replace Current button to replace the paragraph created in Figure 12.8.

In function replaceCurrent, lines 61–62 call createNewNode, in the same way as in insert and appendNode, getting the text from the correct input field. Line 63 gets the parent of currentNode, then calls the replaceChild method on the parent. The replaceChild method receives as its first argument the new node to insert and as its second argument the node to replace.

Clicking the Remove Current button (Fig. 12.10) calls the remove function (Fig. 12.5, lines 68–77) to remove the current element entirely and highlights the parent. If the node’s parent is the body element, line 71 displays an error message—the program does not allow the entire body element to be selected. Otherwise, lines 74–76 remove the current element. Line 74 stores the old currentNode in variable oldNode. We do this to maintain a reference to the node to be removed after we’ve changed the value of currentNode. Line 75 calls switchTo to highlight the parent node. Line 76 uses the removeChild method to remove the oldNode (a child of the new currentNode) from its place in the HTML5 document. In general,

parent.removeChild( child );

looks in parent’s list of children for child and removes it.

The form’s Get Parent button selects and highlights the parent element of the currently highlighted element (Fig. 12.11) by calling the parent function (Fig. 12.5, lines 81–89). The function simply gets the parent node (line 83), makes sure it’s not the body element and calls switchTo to highlight the parent; otherwise, we display an error if the parent node is the body element.


Fig. 12.10. The document of Figure 12.4 after using the Remove Current button to remove the paragraph highlighted in Figure 12.9.


Fig. 12.11. The document of Figure 12.4 after using the Get By id button to item2, then using the Get Parent button to select item2’s parent—the unordered list.

12.4. DOM Collections

The Document Object Model contains several collections, which are groups of related objects on a page. DOM collections are accessed as properties of DOM objects such as the document object or a DOM node. The document object has properties containing the

images collection

links collection

forms collection

anchors collection

These collections contain all the elements of the corresponding type on the page. The example of Figs. 12.1212.14 uses the links collection to extract all the links on a page and display them at the bottom of the page.


Figure 12.12 contains the CSS for the example.

 1   /* Fig. 12.12: style.css */
 2   /* CSS for collections.html. */
 3   body           { font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif }
 4   h1             { font-family: tahoma, geneva, sans-serif;
 5                    text-align: center }
 6   p a            { color: DarkRed }
 7   ul             { font-size: .9em; }
 8   li             { display: inline;
 9                    list-style-type: none;
10                    border-right: 1px solid gray;
11                    padding-left: 5px; padding-right: 5px; }
12   li:first-child { padding-left: 0px; }
13   li:last-child  { border-right: none; }
14   a              { text-decoration: none; }
15   a:hover        { text-decoration: underline; }

Fig. 12.12. CSS for collections.html.

HTML5 Document

Figure 12.13 presents the example’s HTML5 document. The body contains two paragraphs (lines 14–28) with links at various places in the text and an empty div (line 29) with the id "links".

 1   <!DOCTYPE html>
 3   <!-- Fig. 12.13: collections.html -->
 4   <!-- Using the links collection. -->
 5   <html>
 6      <head>
 7         <meta charset="utf-8">
 8         <title>Using Links Collection</title>
 9         <link rel = "stylesheet" type = "text/css" href = "style.css">
10         <script src = "collections.js"></script>
11      </head>
12      <body>
13         <h1>Deitel Resource Centers</h1>
14         <p><a href = "http://www.deitel.com/">Deitel's website</a>
15            contains a growing
16            <a href = "http://www.deitel.com/ResourceCenters.html">list
17            of Resource Centers</a> on a wide range of topics. Many
18            Resource centers related to topics covered in this book,
19            <a href = "http://www.deitel.com/books/iw3htp5">Internet &
20            World Wide Web How to Program, 5th Edition</a>. We have
21            Resource Centers on
22            <a href = "http://www.deitel.com/Web2.0">Web 2.0</a>,
23            <a href = "http://www.deitel.com/Firefox">Firefox</a> and
24            <a href = "http://www.deitel.com/IE9">Internet Explorer 9</a>,
25            <a href = "http://www.deitel.com/HTML5">HTML5</a>, and
26            <a href = "http://www.deitel.com/JavaScript">JavaScript</a>.
27            Watch for related new Resource Centers.</p>
28         <p>Links in this page:</p>
29         <div id = "links"></div>
30      </body>
31   </html>


Fig. 12.13. Using the links collection.


Function processlinks (Fig. 12.14) is called when the window’s load event occurs (as specified in line 20). The function declares variable linksList (line 5) to store the document’s links collection, which is accessed with the links property of the document object. Line 6 creates the string (contents) that will contain all the document’s links as an unordered list, to be inserted into the "links" div later. Lines 9–14 iterate through the links collection. The collection’s length property specifies the number of items in the collection.

Line 11 stores the current link. You access the elements of the collection using indices in square brackets, just as we did with arrays. DOM collection objects have one property and two methods—the length property, the item method and the namedItem method. The item method—an alternative to the square bracketed indices—receives an an integer argument and returns the corresponding item in the collection. The namedItem method receives an element id as an argument and finds the element with that id in the collection.

 1   // Fig. 12.14: collections.js
 2   // Script to demonstrate using the links collection.
 3   function processLinks()
 4   {
 5      var linksList = document.links; // get the document's links
 6      var contents = "<ul>";
 8      // concatenate each link to contents
 9      for ( var i = 0; i < linksList.length; ++i )
10      {
11         var currentLink = linksList[ i ];
12         contents += "<li><a href='" + currentLink.href + "'>" +
13            currentLink.innerHTML + "</li>";
14      } // end for
16      contents += "</ul>";
17      document.getElementById( "links" ).innerHTML = contents;
18   } // end function processLinks
20   window.addEventListener( "load", processLinks, false );

Fig. 12.14. Script to demonstrate using the links collection.

Lines 12–13 add to the contents string an li element containing the current link. Variable currentLink (a DOM node representing an a element) has an href property representing the link’s href attribute. Line 17 inserts the contents into the empty div with id "links" to show all the links on the page in one location.

Collections allow easy access to all elements of a single type in a page. This is useful for gathering elements into one place and for applying changes to those elements across an entire page. For example, the forms collection could be used to disable all form inputs after a submit button has been pressed to avoid multiple submissions while the next page loads.

12.5. Dynamic Styles

An element’s style can be changed dynamically. Often such a change is made in response to user events, which we discuss in Chapter 13. Style changes can create mouse-hover effects, interactive menus and animations. The example in Figs. 12.1512.16 changes the document body’s background-color style property in response to user input. The document (Fig. 12.15) contains just a paragraph of text.

 1   <!DOCTYPE html>
 3   <!-- Fig. 12.15: dynamicstyle.html -->
 4   <!-- Dynamic styles. -->
 5   <html>
 6      <head>
 7         <meta charset="utf-8">
 8         <title>Dynamic Styles</title>
 9         <script src = "dynamicstyle.js"></script>
10      </head>
11      <body>
12         <p>Welcome to our website!</p>
13      </body>
14   </html>


Fig. 12.15. Dynamic styles.

Function start (Fig. 12.16) is called when the window’s load event occurs (as specified in line 11). The function prompts the user to enter a color name, then sets the body element’s background color to that value. [Note: An error occurs if the value entered is not a valid color. See Appendix B, HTML Colors, for a list of color names.] The document object’s body property refers to the body element. We then use the setAttribute method to set the style attribute with the user-specified color for the background-color CSS property. If you have predefined CSS style classes defined for your document, you can also use the setAttribute method to set the class attribute. So, if you had a class named .red you could set the class attribute’s value to "red" to apply the style class.

 1   // Fig. 12.16: dynamicstyle.js
 2   // Script to demonstrate dynamic styles.
 3   function start()
 4   {
 5      var inputColor = prompt( "Enter a color name for the " +
 6         "background of this page", "" );
 7      document.body.setAttribute( "style",   
 8         "background-color: " + inputColor );
 9   } // end function start
11   window.addEventListener( "load", start, false );

Fig. 12.16. Script to demonstrate dynamic styles.

12.6. Using a Timer and Dynamic Styles to Create Animated Effects

The example of Figs. 12.1712.19 introduces the window object’s setInterval and clearInterval methods, combining them with dynamic styles to create animated effects. This example is a basic image viewer that allows you to select a book cover and view it in a larger size. When the user clicks a thumbnail image, the larger version grows from the top-left corner of the main image area.


Figure 12.17 contains the CSS styles used in the example.

 1   /* Fig. 12.17: style.css */
 2   /* CSS for coverviewer.html. */
 3   #thumbs   { width: 192px;
 4               height: 370px;
 5               padding: 5px;
 6               float: left }
 7   #mainimg  { width: 289px;
 8               padding: 5px;
 9               float: left }
10   #imgCover { height: 373px }
11   img       { border: 1px solid black }

Fig. 12.17. CSS for coverviewer.html.

HTML5 Document

The HTML5 document (Fig. 12.18) contains two div elements, both floated left using styles defined in Fig. 12.17 to present them side by side. The left div contains the full-size image jhtp.jpg, which appears when the page loads. The right div contains six thumbnail images. Each responds to its click event by calling the display function (as registered in Fig. 12.19) and passing it the filename of the corresponding full-size image.

 1   <!DOCTYPE html>
 3   <!-- Fig. 12.18: coverviewer.html -->
 4   <!-- Dynamic styles used for animation. -->
 5   <html>
 6      <head>
 7         <meta charset = "utf-8">
 8         <title>Deitel Book Cover Viewer</title>
 9         <link rel = "stylesheet" type = "text/css" href = "style.css">
10         <script src = "coverviewer.js"></script>
11      </head>
12      <body>
13         <div id = "mainimg">
14            <img id = "imgCover" src = "fullsize/jhtp.jpg"
15               alt = "Full cover image">
16         </div>
17         <div id = "thumbs" >
18            <img src = "thumbs/jhtp.jpg" id = "jhtp"
19               alt = "Java How to Program cover">
20            <img src = "thumbs/iw3htp.jpg" id = "iw3htp"
21               alt = "Internet & World Wide Web How to Program cover">
22            <img src = "thumbs/cpphtp.jpg" id = "cpphtp"
23               alt = "C++ How to Program cover">
24            <img src = "thumbs/jhtplov.jpg" id = "jhtplov"
25               alt = "Java How to Program LOV cover">
26            <img src = "thumbs/cpphtplov.jpg" id = "cpphtplov"
27               alt = "C++ How to Program LOV cover">
28            <img src = "thumbs/vcsharphtp.jpg" id = "vcsharphtp"
29               alt = "Visual C# How to Program cover">
30         </div>
31      </body>
32   </html>


Fig. 12.18. Dynamic styles used for animation.


Figure 12.19 contains the JavaScript code that creates the animation effect. The same effects can be achieved by declaring animations and transitions in CSS3, as we demonstrated in Sections 5.125.13.

 1   // Fig. 12.19: coverviewer.js
 2   // Script to demonstrate dynamic styles used for animation.
 3   var interval = null; // keeps track of the interval
 4   var speed = 6; // determines the speed of the animation
 5   var count = 0; // size of the image during the animation
 7   // called repeatedly to animate the book cover
 8   function run()
 9   {
10      count += speed;
12      // stop the animation when the image is large enough
13      if ( count >= 375 )
14      {
15         window.clearInterval( interval );
16         interval = null;                 
17      } // end if
19      var bigImage = document.getElementById( "imgCover" );
20      bigImage.setAttribute( "style", "width: " + (0.7656 * count + "px;") +
21         "height: " + (count + "px;") );
22   } // end function run
24   // inserts the proper image into the main image area and
25   // begins the animation
26   function display( imgfile )
27   {
28      if ( interval )
29         return;
31      var bigImage = document.getElementById( "imgCover" );
32      bigImage.setAttribute( "style", "width: 0px; height: 0px;" );
33      bigImage.setAttribute( "src", "fullsize/" + imgfile );
34      bigImage.setAttribute( "alt", "Large version of " + imgfile );
35      count = 0; // start the image at size 0
36      interval = window.setInterval( "run()", 10 ); // animate
37   } // end function display
39   // register event handlers
40   function start()
41   {
42      document.getElementById( "jhtp" ).addEventListener(
43         "click", function() { display( "jhtp.jpg" ); }, false );
44      document.getElementById( "iw3htp" ).addEventListener(
45         "click", function() { display( "iw3htp.jpg" ); }, false );
46      document.getElementById( "cpphtp" ).addEventListener(
47         "click", function() { display( "cpphtp.jpg" ); }, false );
48      document.getElementById( "jhtplov" ).addEventListener(
49         "click", function() { display( "jhtplov.jpg" ); }, false );
50      document.getElementById( "cpphtplov" ).addEventListener(
51         "click", function() { display( "cpphtplov.jpg" ); }, false );
52      document.getElementById( "vcsharphtp" ).addEventListener(
53         "click", function() { display( "vcsharphtp.jpg" ); }, false );
54   } // end function start
56   window.addEventListener( "load", start, false );

Fig. 12.19. Script to demonstrate dynamic styles used for animation.

The display function (lines 26–36) dynamically updates the image in the left div to the one the user clicked. Lines 28–29 prevent the rest of the function from executing if interval is defined (i.e., an animation is in progress.) Line 31 gets the left div by its id, imgCover. Line 32 sets the image’s style attribute, using 0px for the width and height—the initial size of the image before the animation begins. Next, line 33 sets the image’s src attribute to the specified image file in the fullsize directory, and line 34 sets its required alt attribute. Line 35 sets count, the variable that controls the animation, to 0.

Line 36 introduces the window object’s setInterval method, which creates a timer that controls our animation. This method takes two parameters—a statement to execute repeatedly, and an integer specifying how often to execute it, in milliseconds. We use setInterval to call function run (lines 8–22) every 10 milliseconds. The setInterval method returns a unique identifier to keep track of that particular interval timer—we assign this identifier to the variable interval. This identifier can be used later to stop the timer (and thus, the animation) when the image has finished growing.

The run function increases the height of the image by the value of speed and updates its width accordingly to keep the aspect ratio consistent. The run function is called every 10 milliseconds, so the image grows dynamically. Line 10 adds the value of speed (declared and initialized to 6 in line 4) to count, which keeps track of the animation’s progress and determines the current size of the image. If the image has grown to its full height (375), line 15 uses the window’s clearInterval method to terminate the timer, which prevents function run from being called again until the user clicks another thumbnail image. We pass to clearInterval the interval-timer identifier (stored in interval) that setInterval created in line 36. Since each interval timer has its own unique identifier, scripts can keep track of multiple interval timers and choose which one to stop when calling clearInterval.

Line 19 gets the imgCover element, and lines 20–21 set its width and height CSS properties. Note that line 20 multiplies count by a scaling factor of 0.7656—this is the aspect ratio of the width to the height for the images used in this example. Run the code example and click on a thumbnail image to see the full animation effect.

Function start—Using Anonymous functions

Function start (lines 40–54) registers the click event handlers for the img elements in the HTML5 document. In each case, we define an anonymous function to handle the event. An anonymous function is defined with no name—it’s created in nearly the same way as any other function, but with no identifier after the keyword function. This notation is useful when creating a function for the sole purpose of assigning it to an event handler. It’s also useful when you must provide arguments to the function, since you cannot provide a function call as the second argument to addEventListener—if you did, the JavaScript interpreter would call the function, then pass the result of the function call to addEventListener. In line 43, the code

function() { display( "jhtp.jpg" ); }

defines an anonymous function that calls function display with the name of the image file to display.


Section 12.1 Introduction

• The Document Object Model (p. 396) gives you access to all the elements on a web page. Using JavaScript, you can dynamically create, modify and remove elements in the page.

Section 12.2 Modeling a Document: DOM Nodes and Trees

• The getElementById method returns objects called DOM nodes (p. 396). Every element in an HTML5 page is modeled in the web browser by a DOM node.

• All the nodes in a document make up the page’s DOM tree (p. 396), which describes the relationships among elements.

• Nodes are related to each other through child-parent relationships. An HTML5 element inside another element is said to be its child (p. 396)—the containing element is known as the parent (p. 396). A node can have multiple children but only one parent. Nodes with the same parent node are referred to as siblings (p. 396).

• The document node in a DOM tree is called the root node (p. 397), because it has no parent.

Section 12.3 Traversing and Modifying a DOM Tree

• DOM element methods setAttribute and getAttribute (p. 404) allow you to modify an attribute value and get an attribute value of an element, respectively.

• The document object’s createElement method (p. 405) creates a new DOM node, taking the tag name as an argument. Note that while createElement creates an element, it does not insert the element on the page.

• The document’s createTextNode method (p. 405) creates a DOM node that can contain only text. Given a string argument, createTextNode inserts the string into the text node.

• Method appendChild (p. 406) is called on a parent node to insert a child node (passed as an argument) after any existing children.

• The parentNode property (p. 406) of any DOM node contains the node’s parent.

• The insertBefore method (p. 406) is called on a parent having a new child and an existing child as arguments. The new child is inserted as a child of the parent directly before the existing child.

• The replaceChild method (p. 407) is called on a parent, taking a new child and an existing child as arguments. The method inserts the new child into its list of children in place of the existing child.

• The removeChild method (p. 407) is called on a parent with a child to be removed as an argument.

Section 12.4 DOM Collections

• The DOM contains several collections (p. 409), which are groups of related objects on a page. DOM collections are accessed as properties of DOM objects such as the document object (p. 409) or a DOM node.

• The document object has properties containing the images collection (p. 409), links collection (p. 409), forms collection and anchors collection (p. 409). These collections contain all the elements of the corresponding type on the page.

• To find the number of elements in the collection, use the collection’s length property (p. 410).

• To access items in a collection, use square brackets just as you would with an array, or use the item method. The item method (p. 411) of a DOM collection is used to access specific elements in a collection, taking an index as an argument. The namedItem method (p. 411) takes a name as a parameter and finds the element in the collection, if any, whose id attribute or name attribute matches it.

• The href property of a DOM link node refers to the link’s href attribute (p. 411).

Section 12.5 Dynamic Styles

• An element’s style can be changed dynamically. Often such a change is made in response to user events. Such style changes can create many effects, including mouse-hover effects, interactive menus, and animations.

• A document object’s body property refers to the body element (p. 412) in the HTML5 page.

• The setInterval method (p. 417) of the window object repeatedly executes a statement on a certain interval. It takes two parameters—a statement to execute repeatedly, and an integer specifying how often to execute it, in milliseconds. The setInterval method returns a unique identifier to keep track of that particular interval.

• The window object’s clearInterval method (p. 418) stops the repetitive calls of object’s setInterval method. We pass to clearInterval the interval identifier that setInterval returned.

Self-Review Exercises

12.1 State whether each of the following is true or false. If false, explain why.

a. Every HTML5 element in a page is represented by a DOM tree.

b. A text node cannot have child nodes.

c. The document node in a DOM tree cannot have child nodes.

d. You can change an element’s style class dynamically by setting the style attribute.

e. The createElement method creates a new node and inserts it into the document.

f. The setInterval method calls a function repeatedly at a set time interval.

g. The insertBefore method is called on the document object, taking a new node and an existing one to insert the new one before.

h. The most recently started interval is stopped when the clearInterval method is called.

i. The collection links contains all the links in a document with specified id attribute.

12.2 Fill in the blanks for each of the following statements.

a. The ________ property refers to the text inside an element, including HTML5 tags.

b. A document’s DOM ________ represents all the nodes in a document, as well as their relationships to each other.

c. The ________ property contains the number of elements in a collection.

d. The ________ method allows access to an individual element in a collection.

e. The ________ collection contains all the img elements on a page.

Answers to Self-Review Exercises


a. False. Every element is represented by a DOM node. Each node is a member of the document’s DOM tree.

b. True.

c. False. The document is the root node, therefore has no parent node.

d. False. The style class is changed by setting the class attribute.

e. False. The createElement method creates a node but does not insert it into the DOM tree.

f. True.

g. False. insertBefore is called on the parent.

h. False. clearInterval takes an interval identifier as an argument to determine which interval to end.

i. False. The links collection contains all links in a document.


a. innerHTML.

b. tree.

c. length.

d. item.

e. images.


12.3 Modify Fig. 12.13 to use a background color to highlight all the links in the page instead of displaying them in a box at the bottom.

12.4 Use a browser’s developer tools to view the DOM tree of the document in Fig. 12.4. Look at the document tree of your favorite website. Explore the information these tools give you in the right panel(s) about an element when you click it.

12.5 Write a script that contains a button and a counter in a div. The button’s event handler should increment the counter each time it’s clicked.

12.6 Create a web page in which the user is allowed to select the page’s background color and whether the page uses serif or sans serif fonts. Then change the body element’s style attribute accordingly.

12.7 (15 Puzzle) Write a web page that enables the user to play the game of 15. There’s a 4-by-4 board (implemented as an HTML5 table) for a total of 16 slots. One of the slots is empty. The other slots are occupied by 15 tiles, randomly numbered from 1 through 15. Any tile next to the currently empty slot can be moved into the currently empty slot by clicking on the tile. Your program should create the board with the tiles out of order. The user’s goal is to arrange the tiles in sequential order row by row. Using the DOM and the click event, write a script that allows the user to swap the positions of the open position and an adjacent tile. [Hint: The click event should be specified for each table cell.]

12.8 Modify your solution to Exercise 12.7 to determine when the game is over, then prompt the user to determine whether to play again. If so, scramble the numbers using the Math.random method.

12.9 Modify your solution to Exercise 12.8 to use an image that’s split into 16 pieces of equal size. Discard one of the pieces and randomly place the other 15 pieces in the HTML5 table.

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