
This book is the result of a long thinking process, sparked in 2007 during a conference session in Nancy, France (see The story behind this book). It would not exist without the help, contributions and critique of the people mentioned below, who are listed in random order.

My reviewers

Sally Bean, Paula Thornton, Katharina Weber, Eva Pika, and Philip Hellyer

My partners at eda.c

Benjamin Falke and Dennis Middeke

The team at MK

especially Robyn Day, Andrea Dierna, Lawrence Shanmugaraj, Mohanambal Natarajan, and Steve Elliot. Also the editors that helped me through the process of making a book proposal: Mary James, Rachel Roumeliotis, Jenifer Niles, and David Bevans

The subject of Intersection was also the theme of my master’s thesis at the Institut Supérieur du Commerce in Paris, so I would like to thank everyone who supported this work: Gilles Enguehard, Stephan Schillerwein, Jean-René Ruault, Matthew West, Bryan Minihan, and Bob Goodman.

I also would like to thank everyone contributing to the 9 case studies: S. Kirsten Gay, Melissa Visintin, Marian Gunkel and Dirk Dobiéy from SAP, Jens Schiefele, Thorsten Wiesemann and Cindy Dorfmann from Jeppesen, Michael Zirlewagen from °visualcosmos, Ignacio Villoch from BBVA, Dirk Fehrecke and Bernhard Hoestermann from VdA, Stéphane Vincent and Romain Thévenet from La 27ème Région, and Cecilia Emanuelson and Susanne Rolf from IKEA.

Thanks for many inspiring conversations

Sally Bean, Paula Thornton, Katharina Weber, Sylvie Daumal, Peter Bogaards, Louis Rosenfeld, Sylvain Cottong, James Kalbach, Nigel Green, Paul Teeuwen, Andrea Resmini, Luca Rosati, Roger Evernden, Tom Graves, Nick Gall, Jason Hobbs, Julian Masuhr, Jan Jursa, Mark McElhaw, Hervé Mischler, Alec Sharp, Ansgar Sporkmann, Chris Potts, Paul Miller, Arnaud Bonhomme, Fadi Dayoub, Melissa Visintin, Johann Sarmiento, Marian Gunkel, Tom Hirt, Olivier Ageron, Christina Wodtke, Christina Eddiks, Mark Morell, Benoît Drouillat, Markus Weber, Thomas Immich, Thomas Küber, James Robertson, John Zachman, Janna DeVylder, Wieslaw Kotecki, Hubert Anyzewski, Mike Atherton, Philipp Teufel, Victor Malsy, Gene Leganza, John Götze, Joe Lamantia, Frank Rausch, Timm Kekeritz, Giuseppe Attoma Pepe, Paul Kahn, Louise Kennedy, Soren Muus, Stephan Schillerwein, Nick Marsh, Nathan Shedroff, Brigitte Borja de Mozota, Marty Neumeier, Marc Stickdorn, Jakob Schneider, Clement Mok, Peter Bogaards, Claudia Alsdorf, Enno Lüthje, Cennydd Bowles, Silvia Calvet, Lee Clemmer, Hervé Mischler, Florence Gailledreau, Natacha Hennocq, William Hudson, Stefan Krüger, Joe Lamantia, Petra Meyer, Tim Ostler, Stephan Schmotz, Pauline Thomas, Martin Janssen, and Mike Clark. My apologies for everyone I have forgotten to mention here.

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